Example #1
def edit_data(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name):
    table = "Radiotherapy"
    col_list = names.names_radiation()
    enter = review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list)
    if enter:
        data = radiation(file_number, user_name)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
Example #2
def db_dict(table, module):
    db_tables = {
        "Patient_Information_History": names.names_info(module),
        "Biopsy_Report_Data": names.names_biopsy_new(module),
        "Radiology": names.names_radio(module),
        "Neo_Adjuvant_Therapy": names.names_nact(module),
        "Surgery_Report": names.names_surgery_information(module),
        "Surgery_Block_Report_Data": names.names_surgery(module),
        "Adjuvant_ChemoTherapy": names.names_chemotherapy(module),
        "Radiotherapy": names.names_radiation(),
        "HormoneTherapy_Survival": names.names_longterm(module),
        "Follow_up_Data": names.name_follow_up()
    cols = db_tables.get(table)
    return cols
Example #3
def db_dict(table, module):
    db_tables = {
        "patient_information_history": names.names_info(module),
        "radiology": names.names_radio(module),
        'pet_reports': names.names_pet(module),
        'biopsy_path_report_data': names.names_biopsy(module),
        "neo_adjuvant_therapy": names.names_nact(module),
        "surgery_report": names.names_surgery_information(module),
        'surgery_path_report_data': names.names_surgery(module),
        "adjuvant_chemotherapy": names.names_chemotherapy(module),
        "radiotherapy": names.names_radiation(),
        "hormonetherapy_survival": names.names_longterm(module),
        "follow_up_data": names.name_follow_up(),
        'block_list': names.block_list(module)

    cols = db_tables.get(table)
    return cols
Example #4
def radiation (file_number, user_name):
    check = False
    while not check:
        radio = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Radiotherapy Recieved?")
        if not radio:
            radio = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Reason for not recieving radiotherapy", ["Not indicated", "Unable to afford",
                                                                                           "Patients reluctance",
                                                                                           "Logistic concerns"])
            radio_date,  radio_type, imrt, radio_tox, radio_delayed_tox, radio_finish, radio_location, radio_onco = ("NA", )*8
            radio = "Radiation therapy recieved"
            radio_date = input("Date of starting radiotherapy")
            radio_type = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Type of radiotherapy", ["Cobalt",
                                                                                "Linear Accelerator "
                                                                                "based treatment",
                                                                               "Not known", "Other"])
            imrt = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n_na("Did the patient opt for Intensity Modulated/3Dimensional conformal radiotherapy ("
            if imrt == "Yes":
                imrt = "patient opted for Intensity Modulated/3Dimensional conformal radiotherapy (IMRT/3DCRT)"
            if imrt == "No":
                imrt = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Reasons for not opting for IMRT/3DCRT", ["Financial", "Not advised",
                                                                                              "Not known"])
            radio_tox = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Did radiotherapy related acute toxicity occur?",
                                                     ["Yes", "No","Not known"])
            if radio_tox == "Yes":
                radio_tox = input("Type of toxicity: ")
            radio_delayed_tox = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Did radiotherapy related delayed toxicity occur?", ["Yes", "No",
                                                                                                        "Not known"])
            radio_finish = input ("Date of finishing radiotherapy: ")
            radio_location = input("Location of radiotherapy: ")
            radio_onco = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Name of Radiation Oncologist", ["Dr. Gautam Sharan", "Other"])
        last_update = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
        data_list = [radio, radio_date,  radio_type, imrt, radio_tox, radio_delayed_tox, radio_finish, radio_location,
                     radio_onco, user_name, last_update]
        col_list =names.names_radiation()
        check = review_input(file_number, col_list, data_list)
    return data_list
Example #5
path = os.path.join(folder, db_name)
conn_all = sqlite3.connect(path)
cursor_all = conn_all.cursor()
file_number = "File_number"
table = "Patient_Information_History"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
    cursor_all.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn}({nf})'\
                   .format(tn=table, nf=file_number))
    module_names = ["bio_info", "phys_act", "habits", "nut_supplements", "family_details", "med_history",
                    "cancer_history", "family_cancer", "det_by", "breast_symptoms"]
    for index in module_names:
        col_name = pccm_names.names_info(index)
        add_columns(cursor_all, table, col_name)
table = "Radiotherapy"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
    column = ", ".join(pccm_names.names_radiation())
    cols_file = "File_number, "+column
    cursor_all.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn}({nf})'.format(tn=table, nf=cols_file))

table = "Follow_up_Data"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
    column = ", ".join(pccm_names.name_follow_up())
    cols_file = "File_number, " + column
    cursor_all.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn}({nf})'.format(tn=table, nf=cols_file))

table = "HormoneTherapy_Recurrence_Survival"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
    column = "File_number"
    cursor_all.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn}({nf})'.format(tn=table, nf=column))
    module_names = ["hormone", "metastasis"]
    for index in module_names:
Example #6
def add_data(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name):
    table = "Radiotherapy"
    col_list = names.names_radiation()
    data = radiation(file_number, user_name)
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
Example #7
import pandas as pd
import modules.pccm_names as names
import os
import sqlite3

folders = 'D:/repos/pccm_db/main/DB/from_linux'
file = "PCCM_BreastCancerDB_all_data.db"
ex_file = 'Output_radiology_12062018.xlsx'
path = os.path.join(folders, file)
ex_path = os.path.join(folders, ex_file)
conn = sqlite3.connect(path)

table = "Radiotherapy"
col_list = ["File_number"] + names.names_radiation()
sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list[:-2]) + " FROM '" + table + "'")
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(ex_path, engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=table)

table = "HormoneTherapy_Recurrence_Survival"
col_list = [
] + names.names_longterm("hormone") + names.names_longterm("metastasis")
sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list[:-2]) + " FROM '" + table + "'")
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Hormone_RecurrenceSurvival")

table = "Follow_up_Data"
col_list = ["File_number"] + names.name_follow_up()
sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list[:-2]) + " FROM '" + table + "'")
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)