Muzika backend server generates a random message and give it to user who wants to sign in. The user signs the message by the user's wallet and send it back to the server. It checks validation of the signing message and if validated give a JWT token to the user. """ import hashlib import jwt from sqlalchemy import text from config import AppConfig from modules import database as db from modules.secret import load_secret_json jwt_json = load_secret_json('jwt') s3_policy = load_secret_json('aws')['s3'] JWT_SECRET_KEY = jwt_json['jwt_secret_key'] PLATFORM_TYPES = ['electron', 'app', 'web'] def generate_jwt_token(connection, web3, address, signature, protocol='eth', **kwargs): """ Validate the user signature and if authenticated, generate a new JWT token for the user.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.engine import RowProxy, ResultProxy from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL from modules.db_orm.statement import Statement from modules.db_orm.table import Table, BOARD_TYPE_LIST from modules.secret import load_secret_json __all__ = [ 'engine_rdonly', 'engine_rdwr', 'to_relation_model', 'to_relation_model_list', 'statement', 'table' ] db_secret = load_secret_json('database') try: rdonly_db_url = URL(**db_secret['db_rdonly']) if db_secret else None except KeyError: rdonly_db_url = URL(**db_secret['db_rdwr']) if db_secret else None rdwr_db_url = URL(**db_secret['db_rdwr']) if db_secret else None # define db engines engine_rdonly = create_engine(rdonly_db_url, encoding='utf-8', pool_recycle=290) engine_rdwr = create_engine(rdwr_db_url, encoding='utf-8', pool_recycle=290) def to_relation_model(row): """ Returns a dict that represents a row in database. Since a row can be related with other table, it can be
from flask import Blueprint, request from sqlalchemy import text from modules import database as db from import MuzikaS3Bucket from modules.login import jwt_check from modules.response import helper from modules.response.error import ERR from modules.secret import load_secret_json blueprint = Blueprint('file', __name__, url_prefix='/api') # load S3 policy. s3_policy = load_secret_json('aws.json')['s3'] @blueprint.route('/file', methods=['POST']) @jwt_check def _upload_file(): """ uploads a file. (Only one file is allowed at once) """ user_id = request.user['user_id'] file_type = request.values.get('type') # if the number of files uploaded is not one if len(request.files) != 1: return helper.response_err(ERR.COMMON.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY) # if not support file type if file_type not in s3_policy:
the "secret" directory, it uses the configuration in it (credential object in json file), and if not, use aws credentials file. If aws credentials file used, the profile name should be "muzika". For creating aws credentials file, install AWS CLI and use the command like below. > aws configure --profile muzika > ... """ import boto3 from sqlalchemy import text from modules import database as db from modules.secret import load_secret_json aws_config = load_secret_json('aws') _credential = aws_config.get('credential') # if credential is not configured in secret json file if _credential is None: # load credentials from credentials profile session = boto3.Session() else: # else, configure from secret json file session = boto3.Session(**_credential) class MuzikaS3Bucket(object): """ This class loads configuration from secret file and helps to put or to get objects from S3 bucket. """
Muzika backend server generates a random message and give it to user who wants to sign in. The user signs the message by the user's wallet and send it back to the server. It checks validation of the signing message and if validated give a JWT token to the user. """ import hashlib import jwt from sqlalchemy import text from config import WebServerConfig from modules import database as db from modules.secret import load_secret_json jwt_json = load_secret_json('jwt') JWT_SECRET_KEY = jwt_json['jwt_secret_key'] PLATFORM_TYPES = ['electron', 'app'] def generate_jwt_token(connection, web3, address, signature, **kwargs): """ Validate the user signature and if authenticated, generate a new JWT token for the user. :param connection: database connection. :param web3: web3(ethereum) instance. :param address: the wallet address of the user. :param signature_version: signature creation type (Trezur, Metamask signature creation type)