def manipulateShare(self, mode):
		"""Manipulate the share value by replacing it with a random integer
		value. The manipulation algorithm varies based on the mode of 
		verification because the message format is different for different
		modes of verification. 

		When mode is NO_VERIFICATION, the share is of the form "[x, y]". The 
		manipulation converts the share into a list, replaces the y value 
		with a random integer value and converts it back to a string.

		When mode is AUX_INFO_VERIFICATION, the share is of the form 
		"[[x, s], yList, bList, cList]". The manipulation converts the share 
		into a list, replaces the s value with a random integer value and 
		converts it back to a string.

		When mode is MAC_VERIFICATION, the share is of the form "['[x, y]', tag]".
		The manipulation converts the share into a list, extracts the first 
		element '[x, y]', converts it into a list, replaces the y value with a 
		random integer value, converts it back to a string, replaces the original 
		'[x, y]' string with the new string in the list form share and converts 
		it back to a string.

		** Invoked by faulty nodes only. **

			mode: An integer value representing the mode of verification as defined
				in the module

			TypeError: Error when mode is not an integer.
			ValueError: Error when mode is not a valid value.

		if type(mode) not in [int, long]:
			raise TypeError("invalid mode: int or long expected")
			raise ValueError("invalid mode: " + modeRange + " expected")

		share = message.strToList(self.share)
		if mode == NO_VERIFICATION:
			share[1] = genRandNum(share[1])
			share[0][1] = genRandNum(share[0][1])
		elif mode == MAC_VERIFICATION:
			shareStr = share[0]
			shareList = message.strToList(shareStr)
			shareList[1] = genRandNum(shareList[1])
			shareStr = message.listToStr(shareList)
			share[0] = shareStr

		self.share = message.listToStr(share)
Example #2
    def getReconSharesNoVrfy(self, sList, k):
        """Returns a list of k shares, of the form [x, y] where x and y are 
		integers, for reconstruction of the secret.

			sList: A list of string shares of the form "[x, y]" where x and y 
				are integers.
			k: An integer representing the number of shares required for 
				reconstructing the secret message.

			A list of k shares of the form [x, y] where x and y are integers.

			TypeError: Error when sList is not a list, or when k is not an integer.
			ValueError: Error when k is greater than the number of shares.

        if type(sList) != list:
            raise TypeError("invalid sList: list expected")
        elif type(k) not in [int, long]:
            raise TypeError("invalid k: int or long expected")
        elif k > len(sList):
            raise ValueError("invalid sList: expected %d or more shares" % k)

        sharesForRecon = []

        for share in sList:

        return sharesForRecon[0:k]
Example #3
    def unpackSharesAuxMode(self, shares):
        """Unpacks a list of string shares of the form "[msg, y, b, c]"
		into 4 separate lists of msg, y, b and c values.

			shares: A list of string shares of the form "[msg, y, b, c]"
				where msg, y, b and c are lists. 

			A list containing 4 lists, one list for each of msg, y, b and c 
				values extracted from the shares.

			TypeError: Error when shares is not a list.

        if type(shares) != list:
            raise TypeError("invalid shares: list expected")

        sList = []
        yList = []
        bList = []
        cList = []

        for share in shares:
            shareList = message.strToList(share)
            yList += shareList[1]
            bList += shareList[2]
            cList += shareList[3]

        return [sList, yList, bList, cList]
Example #4
    def unpackSharesMacMode(self, shares):
        """Unpacks a list of string shares of the form "[msg, tag]"
		into a list of all msg values and a list of all tag values.

			shares: A list of string shares of the form "[msg, tag]"
				where msg and tag are strings. 

			A list containing 2 lists: a list of all msg values and a list 
				of all tag values from the list shares.

			TypeError: Error when shares is not a list.

        if type(shares) != list:
            raise TypeError("invalid shares: list expected")

        sList = []
        macList = []

        for share in shares:
            shareList = message.strToList(share)

        return [sList, macList]
	def getReconSharesNoVrfy(self, sList, k):
		"""Returns a list of k shares, of the form [x, y] where x and y are 
		integers, for reconstruction of the secret.

			sList: A list of string shares of the form "[x, y]" where x and y 
				are integers.
			k: An integer representing the number of shares required for 
				reconstructing the secret message.

			A list of k shares of the form [x, y] where x and y are integers.

			TypeError: Error when sList is not a list, or when k is not an integer.
			ValueError: Error when k is greater than the number of shares.

		if type(sList) != list:
			raise TypeError("invalid sList: list expected")
		elif type(k) not in [int, long]:
			raise TypeError("invalid k: int or long expected")
		elif k > len(sList):
			raise ValueError("invalid sList: expected %d or more shares" % k)

		sharesForRecon = []

		for share in sList:

		return sharesForRecon[0:k]
	def unpackSharesAuxMode(self, shares):
		"""Unpacks a list of string shares of the form "[msg, y, b, c]"
		into 4 separate lists of msg, y, b and c values.

			shares: A list of string shares of the form "[msg, y, b, c]"
				where msg, y, b and c are lists. 

			A list containing 4 lists, one list for each of msg, y, b and c 
				values extracted from the shares.

			TypeError: Error when shares is not a list.

		if type(shares) != list:
			raise TypeError("invalid shares: list expected")

		sList = []
		yList = []
		bList = []
		cList = []

		for share in shares:
			shareList = message.strToList(share)
			yList += shareList[1]
			bList += shareList[2]
			cList += shareList[3]
		return [sList, yList, bList, cList]
	def unpackSharesMacMode(self, shares):
		"""Unpacks a list of string shares of the form "[msg, tag]"
		into a list of all msg values and a list of all tag values.

			shares: A list of string shares of the form "[msg, tag]"
				where msg and tag are strings. 

			A list containing 2 lists: a list of all msg values and a list 
				of all tag values from the list shares.

			TypeError: Error when shares is not a list.

		if type(shares) != list:
			raise TypeError("invalid shares: list expected")

		sList = []
		macList = []

		for share in shares:
			shareList = message.strToList(share)
		return [sList, macList]
Example #8
    def getReconSharesMacMode(self, sList, honestNodes, k):
        """Returns a list of k valid shares, of the form [x, y] where x and y 
		are integers, for reconstruction of the secret. Validity of shares is 
		ascertained by the corresponding boolean value in the list honestNodes 
		such that honestNodes[i] = True iff sList[i] is a valid share.

			sList: A list of string shares of the form "[x, y]" where x and y 
				are integers.
			honestNodes: A list of booleans corresponding to each share in sList
				such that honestNodes[i] = True iff sList[i] is a valid share.
			k: An integer representing the number of shares required for 
				reconstructing the secret message.

			A list of k shares of the form [x, y] where x and y are integers.

			TypeError: Error when either sList or honestNodes is not a list, 
				or when k is not an integer.
			ValueError: Error when k is greater than the number of shares, or 
				when number of shares is not the same as the size of list 

        if type(sList) != list:
            raise TypeError("invalid sList: list expected")
        elif type(honestNodes) != list:
            raise TypeError("invalid honestNodes: list expected")
        elif type(k) not in [int, long]:
            raise TypeError("invalid k: int or long expected")
        elif k > len(sList):
            raise ValueError("invalid sList: expected %d or more shares" % k)
        elif len(sList) != len(honestNodes):
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid sList or honestNodes: list counts expected to match")

        sharesForRecon = []

        for i in range(0, len(honestNodes)):
            if honestNodes[i] == True:
                share = message.strToList(sList[i])

        return sharesForRecon[0:k]
	def getReconSharesMacMode(self, sList, honestNodes, k):
		"""Returns a list of k valid shares, of the form [x, y] where x and y 
		are integers, for reconstruction of the secret. Validity of shares is 
		ascertained by the corresponding boolean value in the list honestNodes 
		such that honestNodes[i] = True iff sList[i] is a valid share.

			sList: A list of string shares of the form "[x, y]" where x and y 
				are integers.
			honestNodes: A list of booleans corresponding to each share in sList
				such that honestNodes[i] = True iff sList[i] is a valid share.
			k: An integer representing the number of shares required for 
				reconstructing the secret message.

			A list of k shares of the form [x, y] where x and y are integers.

			TypeError: Error when either sList or honestNodes is not a list, 
				or when k is not an integer.
			ValueError: Error when k is greater than the number of shares, or 
				when number of shares is not the same as the size of list 

		if type(sList) != list:
			raise TypeError("invalid sList: list expected")
		elif type(honestNodes) != list:
			raise TypeError("invalid honestNodes: list expected")
		elif type(k) not in [int, long]:
			raise TypeError("invalid k: int or long expected")
		elif k > len(sList):
			raise ValueError("invalid sList: expected %d or more shares" % k)
		elif len(sList) != len(honestNodes):
			raise ValueError("invalid sList or honestNodes: list counts expected to match")
		sharesForRecon = []

		for i in range(0, len(honestNodes)):
			if honestNodes[i] == True:
				share = message.strToList(sList[i]) 

		return sharesForRecon[0:k]
# 					Boilerplate Code						#

if __name__ == "__main__":  # code to execute if called from command-line
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true")

    args = parser.parse_args()

        fp = open("sender.txt", "r")
        dictStr =

        senderDict = message.strToList(dictStr)
        ports = senderDict["ports"]
        msg = senderDict["msg"]
        n = senderDict["n"]
        k = senderDict["k"]
        prime = senderDict["prime"]
        key = senderDict["key"]
        mode = senderDict["mode"]
        nodePorts = senderDict["nodes"]
        addr = mysocket.gethostname()
        nodes = [(addr, portNum) for portNum in nodePorts]

        s = sender(ports, key, args.debug)
        shares, genTime = s.sendShares(msg, n, k, prime, nodes, mode)

        print "Time taken to generate shares:", genTime
Example #11
#					Boilerplate Code						#

if __name__ == "__main__":  #code to execute if called from command-line
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action='store_true')

    args = parser.parse_args()

        fp = open("receiver.txt", "r")
        dictStr =

        recvrDict = message.strToList(dictStr)
        ports = recvrDict['ports']
        t = recvrDict['t']
        k = recvrDict['k']
        prime = recvrDict['prime']
        key = recvrDict['key']
        mode = recvrDict['mode']
        buf = recvrDict['buffer']
        nodePorts = recvrDict['nodes']
        addr = mysocket.gethostname()
        nodes = [(addr, portNum) for portNum in nodePorts]

        r = receiver(ports, key, args.debug)
        secret, faultyNodes, reconTime = r.reconstructSecret(
            nodes, buf, k, t, prime, mode)
        if len(faultyNodes) == 0:
Example #12
#					Boilerplate Code						#

if __name__ == "__main__":  #code to execute if called from command-line
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action='store_true')

    args = parser.parse_args()

        fp = open("sender.txt", "r")
        dictStr =

        senderDict = message.strToList(dictStr)
        ports = senderDict['ports']
        msg = senderDict['msg']
        n = senderDict['n']
        k = senderDict['k']
        prime = senderDict['prime']
        key = senderDict['key']
        mode = senderDict['mode']
        nodePorts = senderDict['nodes']
        addr = mysocket.gethostname()
        nodes = [(addr, portNum) for portNum in nodePorts]

        s = sender(ports, key, args.debug)
        shares, genTime = s.sendShares(msg, n, k, prime, nodes, mode)

        print "Time taken to generate shares:", genTime
#					Boilerplate Code						#

if __name__ == "__main__":		#code to execute if called from command-line
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
	parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action='store_true')

	args = parser.parse_args()	

		fp = open("receiver.txt", "r")
		dictStr =

		recvrDict = message.strToList(dictStr)
		ports = recvrDict['ports']
		t = recvrDict['t']
		k = recvrDict['k']
		prime = recvrDict['prime']
		key = recvrDict['key']
		mode = recvrDict['mode']
		buf = recvrDict['buffer']
		nodePorts = recvrDict['nodes']
		addr = mysocket.gethostname()
		nodes = [(addr, portNum) for portNum in nodePorts]

		r = receiver(ports, key, args.debug)
		secret, faultyNodes, reconTime = r.reconstructSecret(nodes, buf, k, t, prime, mode)
		if len(faultyNodes) == 0:
			faultyNodes = None
	parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int)
	parser.add_argument("-f", dest="faulty", action='store_true')
	parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action='store_true')
	args = parser.parse_args()
	if args.port == None:
		parser.error("Missing -p <port>")

		fp = open("nodes.txt", "r")
		dictStr =

		nodeDict = message.strToList(dictStr)
		mode = nodeDict['mode']
		buf = nodeDict['buffer']
		senderPorts = nodeDict['sender']
		receiverPorts = nodeDict['receiver']
		port = args.port

		if args.faulty != None:
			honest = not args.faulty
			honest = True

		if honest == False:
			print "**** Faulty Node ****"

		startTime = time()