Example #1
def get_predicts( mcf ) :
    v = mc_variables()
    p = pc.predictions_to_make()
    predicts = []
    for predict in p :
        opts = v[predict]
        predicts.append( MCContribution( mcf, v[predict] ) )
    return predicts
Example #2
def get_contribs( mcf ) :
    v = mc_variables()
    c = pc.contributions_to_make()
    contribs = []
    for contrib in c :
        opts = v[contrib]
        contribs.append( MCContribution( mcf, v[contrib] ) )
    return contribs
 def init_var_indices(self):
     vars = v.mc_variables()
     # one will need indices: first   of KO's (to find the other 21); m_neutralino; ssi with whith the normal X^2 was calculated
     self.KOssi_cen50_index      = vars["KOsigma_pp^SI_cen50"].get_index(self.mcf)
     self.KOssi_unc50_14_index   = vars["KOsigma_pp^SI_unc50_14"].get_index(self.mcf)
     self.KOssi_unc50_7_index    = vars["KOsigma_pp^SI_unc50_7"].get_index(self.mcf)
     self.mneu1_index            = vars["neu1"].get_index(self.mcf)
     if self.lhood_name is not None:
         self.xenon_ssi_index = vars[self.xenon_ssi_sn].get_index(self.mcf)
     print  self.mneu1_index, self.xenon_ssi_index
Example #4
def get_plots(mcf) :
    v = mc_variables()
    plots = pc.plots_to_make()
    for plane, opts in plots.iteritems() :
        assert len(plane) == len( opts["ranges"] ) == len( opts["nbins"] ), \
            "Wrong option numbers for plots (dimensionality doesnt match ranges and/or bins"
    d = {}
    for plot_vars, options in plots.iteritems() :
        d[tuple([ v[var] for var in plot_vars])] = options

    spaces = [ MCSpace( mcf, MCV, opts ) for (MCV, opts) in d.iteritems() ]
    return spaces
def fill_n_dim_hisogram(chain,n_dim_histo_list,space_dict,mcf):
    mc_vars = variables.mc_variables() # this gets all mc-variabls
    space_vars = [  [mc_vars[sn] for sn in short_names  ] for short_names in space_dict  ]

    begin   = 0
#    end     = chain.GetEntries()
    end     = 10000 
    prog = ProgressBar(begin, end, 77, mode='fixed', char='#')
    for entry in xrange(begin,end) :
        chi2 = get_chi2(chain,mcf)
        for histo, vars  in zip(n_dim_histo_list, space_vars )  :
def calculate_entry_histograms( plots, chain ) :
    ##assert canvas is not None, "Canvas must be specified in calculate_histograms"
    # setup our 2d histos
    vars = v.mc_variables()
    # KOhack class gets initiated, because it has to be checked "if KOhack is applied"
    histos = []
    chi2histos = []
    for p in plots :
        hname = histo_name( p.short_names, entry_histo_prefix )
        cname = histo_name( p.short_names, chi2_histo_prefix )

        entryhisto = initialize_histo( p,hname,entry=True )
        chi2histo  = initialize_histo( p,cname,chi2 =True )


        if check_entry_KO_hack(p,KOhack):

    nentries = chain.GetEntries()
    prog = ProgressBar(0, nentries+1, 77, mode='fixed', char='#')
    for entry in range(0,nentries+1) :
        print prog,'\r',
        for h, c, plot in zip( histos, chi2histos, plots ) :
            vals_list = get_values_list_from_chain_and_histo(chain,plot,vars,s,KOhack,h)
            for vals in vals_list:
                nbins = plot.bins
                ibin = h.FindBin(*vals)
                max_bin = h.FindBin(*plot.max_vals)
                if ibin != 0 and ibin < max_bin :
                    chi2 = get_modified_entry_chi2(vals,chain,KOhack)
                    if chi2 < c.GetBinContent(ibin) :
                        c.SetBinContent(ibin, chi2)
                        h.SetBinContent(ibin, entry)

    return histos