Example #1
    def get_aut_P8(c_lst):
        The double Segre surface S is isomorphic to P^1xP^1.
        The pair (A,B) of 2x2 matrices denotes an automorphism 
        of P^1xP^1. We compute the representation of this 
        automorphism in P^8 by using the parametrization as 
        provided by ".get_pmz_lst". Since we consider the 
        2x2 matrices up to multiplication by a constant, 
        it follows that the automorphism group is 6-dimensional.        
        Formally, this method computes Sym^2(A)@Sym^2(B) 
        where @ denotes the tensor product (otimes in tex).        
        c_lst: list<MARing.FF>
            A list of length 8 with elements c0,...,c7 in "MARing.FF". 
            We assume that the pair of matrices 
                ( [ c0 c1 ]   [ c4 c5 ] ) = (A,B) 
                ( [ c2 c3 ] , [ c6 c7 ] )                                                                                                                                                         
            represent an automorphism of P^1xP^1.
            A 9x9 matrix defined over "MARing.FF", which represents a 
            (parametrized) automorphism of P^8 that preserves the 
            double Segre surface S.                                                 
        # obtain parametrization in order to compute Sym^2(?)@Sym^2(?)
        pmz_lst = DSegre.get_pmz_lst()

        # compute automorphisms double Segre surface
        c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 = c_lst
        x0, x1, y0, y1 = ring('x0,x1,y0,y1')
        s, t, u, w = ring('s,t,u,w')  # coordinates of P^1xP^1
        dct1 = {}
        dct1.update({s: c0 * x0 + c1 * x1})
        dct1.update({t: c2 * x0 + c3 * x1})
        dct1.update({u: c4 * y0 + c5 * y1})
        dct1.update({w: c6 * y0 + c7 * y1})
        dct2 = {x0: s, x1: t, y0: u, y1: w}
        spmz_lst = [pmz.subs(dct1).subs(dct2) for pmz in pmz_lst]

        # compute matrix from reparametrization "spmz_lst"
        # this is a representation of element in Aut(P^1xP^1)
        mat = []
        for spmz in spmz_lst:
            row = []
            for pmz in pmz_lst:
                row += [spmz.coefficient(pmz)]
            mat += [row]
        mat = sage_matrix(MARing.FF, mat)

        MATools.p('c_lst =', c_lst)
        MATools.p('mat =\n' + str(mat))

        return mat
 def test__diff_mat__a00b(self):
     mat = ring('matrix([(a,0),(0,1/a)])')
     a = ring('a')
     dmat = MARing.diff_mat(mat, a)
     assert dmat == sage_matrix(MARing.FF, [(1, 0), (0, -1 / a**2)])
    def get_aut_P5(c_lst):
        c_lst : list   
            A list of length 9 with elements c0,...,c8 in "MARing.FF". 
            The matrix                             
                [ c0 c1 c2 ]
            M = [ c3 c4 c5 ]
                [ c6 c7 c8 ]
            represents an automorphism of P^2.
            This method returns a 6x6 matrix defined over "MARing.FF",
            which represents a (parametrized) automorphism of P^5
            that preserves the Veronese surface V. 
        The Veronese surface V is isomorphic to P^2.
        The automorphism M of P^2 is via the parametrization 
        ".get_pmz_lst" represented as an automorphism of P^5. 
        Algebraically this is the symmetric tensor Sym^2(M).
        # obtain parametrization in order to compute Sym^2(M)
        pmz_lst = Veronese.get_pmz_lst()

        # compute automorphisms double Segre surface
        c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 = c_lst
        x0, x1, x2 = ring('x0,x1,x2')
        s, t, u = ring('s,t,u')  # coordinates of P^2
        dct1 = {}
        dct1.update({s: c0 * x0 + c1 * x1 + c2 * x2})
        dct1.update({t: c3 * x0 + c4 * x1 + c5 * x2})
        dct1.update({u: c6 * x0 + c7 * x1 + c8 * x2})
        dct2 = {x0: s, x1: t, x2: u}
        spmz_lst = [pmz.subs(dct1).subs(dct2) for pmz in pmz_lst]

        # compute matrix from reparametrization "spmz_lst"
        # this is a representation of element in Aut(P^1xP^1)
        mat = []
        for spmz in spmz_lst:
            row = []
            for pmz in pmz_lst:
                row += [spmz.coefficient(pmz)]
            mat += [row]
        mat = sage_matrix(MARing.FF, mat)

        MATools.p('c_lst =', c_lst)
        MATools.p('mat =\n' + str(mat))

        return mat
Example #4
    def test__get_aut_P8__action_of_involution(self):
            -   We check how the action of the involution J: P^8---->P^8 acts on 
                elements "c_lst" in Aut(P^1xP^1) by conjugation. See documentation 
                "DSegre.change_basis()" and "DSegre.get_aut_P8()" for our internal 
                implementation of J and "c_lst" respectively.              
        a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = ring('a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h')

        # left-right involution
        M = DSegre.get_aut_P8([a, b, c, d] + [e, f, g, h])
        L = sage_matrix([(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)])
        assert L == ~L
        LML = ~L * M * L
        LML_chk = DSegre.get_aut_P8([d, c, b, a] + [e, f, g, h])
        assert LML_chk == LML

        # rotate
        M = DSegre.get_aut_P8([a, b, c, d] + [e, f, g, h])
        R = sage_matrix([(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)])
        assert R == ~R
        RMR = ~R * M * R
        RMR_chk = DSegre.get_aut_P8([d, c, b, a] + [h, g, f, e])
        assert RMR_chk == RMR
Example #5
    def test__get_c_lst_lst_dct(self):

        k = ring('k')
        for key in Veronese.get_c_lst_lst_dct():
            for c_lst in Veronese.get_c_lst_lst_dct()[key]:
                print('key   =', key)
                print('c_lst =', c_lst)
                print('det   =', sage_matrix(3, 3, c_lst).det())

                n_lst = []
                for c in c_lst:
                    if c in sage_QQ:
                        n_lst += [c]
                        n_lst += [c.subs({k: 0})]
                print('n_lst =', n_lst)

                if key != 'SO3(R)':
                    assert sage_matrix(3, 3, c_lst).det() == 1
                assert n_lst == [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
Example #6
    def get_qmat(exc_idx_lst=[]):
        exc_idx_lst : list<int>
            A list of integers in [0,8].      
            A symmetric 9x9 matrix with entries
            in the ring QQ[q0,...,q19] which is a subring 
            of "MARing.R". It represents the Gramm matrix 
            of a quadratic form in the ideal of the              
            double Segre surface or a projection of 
            the double Segre surface with ideal defined
            by "get_ideal_lst( exc_idx_lst )".
        We obtain generators of the ideal 
        of the (projection of) the double Segre surface
        with the method "get_ideal_lst( exc_idx_lst )".
        If the ideal is of a projection of the double Segre
        surface, then the returned matrix with parameters
        q0,...,q19 is not of full rank.                        
        x = MARing.x()
        q = MARing.q()

        g_lst = DSegre.get_ideal_lst(exc_idx_lst)
        qpol = 0
        for i in range(len(g_lst)):
            qpol += q[i] * g_lst[i]

        qmat = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form(
            qpol, x).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
        qmat = sage_matrix(MARing.R, qmat)

        return qmat
    def get_sig(pol):
        pol : MARing.R
            A quadratic form in the subring QQ[x0,...,x9] of the "MARing".
            An ordered pair of integers which denotes the signature 
            of the 9x9 Gramm matrix of the quadratic form.
            >>>> get_sig(MARing.ring('-x0^2+x1^2+x2^2+x3^2+x4^2'))==[1,4]
            The return value [1,4] means that the matrix is conjugate 
            to matrix with diagonal either (1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0) 
            or (-1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0).

        x = MARing.x()

        M = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form(
            pol, x).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
        M = sage_matrix(sage_QQ, M)
        D, V = M.eigenmatrix_right()

        # determine signature of quadric
        num_neg = len([d for d in D.diagonal() if d < 0])
        num_pos = len([d for d in D.diagonal() if d > 0])

        return sorted([num_neg, num_pos])
    def diff_mat(mat, var):
        mat : sage_MATRIX
            A matrix defined over "MARing".
        var :  MARing.R
            An indeterminate in "MARing". 
            Returns a matrix whose entries are 
            differentiated wrt. "var".              

        dmat = []
        for row in mat:
            drow = []
            for col in row:
                drow += [sage_diff(col, var)]
            dmat += [drow]

        return sage_matrix(dmat)
    def get_qmat():
            A symmetric 5x5 matrix with entries in the 
            ring QQ[q0,...,q5] which is a subring 
            of "MARing.R". It represents the Gramm matrix 
            of a quadratic form in the ideal of the              
            Veronese with ideal defined by ".get_ideal_lst()".                        
        x = MARing.x()[:6]
        q = MARing.q()[:6]

        g_lst = Veronese.get_ideal_lst()
        qpol = 0
        for i in range(len(g_lst)):
            qpol += q[i] * g_lst[i]

        qmat = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form(
            qpol, x).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
        qmat = sage_matrix(MARing.R, qmat)

        return qmat
Example #10
def usecase__horn_and_spindle_cyclides():
    We consider the following cyclides with monomial
    parametrization determined by the following lattice 
        [  *  ]           [  *  ]
        [* * *]           [  *  ]
        [  *  ]           [* * *]
     spindle cyclide    horn cyclide   
     leftright          leftright  
     (2,4,3)            (2,4,3)
    and 'leftright' involution act as a modular involution
    with vertical symmetry axis. We use the following numbering 
    (see DSegre.get_ideal_lst() and DSegre.change_basis()):
        [8 3 5]
        [2 0 1]
        [6 4 7]                
    if True:
        # G-invariant quadratic forms for spindle cyclide
        # (see usecase__invariant_quadratic_forms('243ss')):
        # x0^2 - x3*x4
        # x0^2 - x1^2 - x2^2
        # We send x3 |--> a*(x4-x3)
        #         x4 |--> a*(x4+x3)
        #         where a=sqrt(1/2)
        # followed by sending: x4 |--> x0, x0 |--> x4

        a = ring('a')
        xv = x0, x1, x2, x3, x4 = ring('x0,x1,x2,x3,x4')
        y0, y1, y2, y3 = ring('y0,y1,y2,y3')
        m34 = sage_matrix(MARing.R,
                          [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                           [0, 0, 0, -a, a], [0, 0, 0, a, a]])
        m04 = sage_matrix(MARing.R,
                          [[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                           [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
        m = m34 * m04
        v = sage_vector(xv)
        g1 = ring('x0^2 - x3*x4')
        g2 = ring('x0^2 - x1^2 - x2^2')
        mat1 = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form(
            g1, xv).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
        mat2 = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form(
            g2, xv).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
        ng1 = v.row() * m.T * mat1 * m * v.column()
        ng2 = v.row() * m.T * mat2 * m * v.column()
        G1 = sage_SR(str(ng1[0])).subs({sage_SR('a'): 1 / sage_sqrt(2)})
        G2 = sage_SR(str(ng2[0])).subs({sage_SR('a'): 1 / sage_sqrt(2)})

        S = sage_PolynomialRing(sage_QQ,
        x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, y0, y1, y2, y3 = S.gens()
        G1 = sage__eval(str(G1), S.gens_dict())
        G2 = sage__eval(str(G2), S.gens_dict())
        assert G1 in S
        assert G2 in S
        smap = [y0 - (x0 - x3), y1 - x1, y2 - x2, y3 - x4]
        prj_lst = S.ideal([G1, G2] + smap).elimination_ideal(
            [x0, x1, x2, x3, x4]).gens()
        eqn = str(prj_lst[0].subs({y0: 1})).replace('y1', 'x').replace(
            'y2', 'y').replace('y3', 'z')

        MATools.p(80 * '-')
        MATools.p('SPINDLE CYCLIDE')
        MATools.p(80 * '-')
        MATools.p('We define a projective automorphism m:P^4--->P^4')
        MATools.p('\t a   = 1/sqrt(2)')
        MATools.p('\t m34 =', list(m34))
        MATools.p('\t m04 =', list(m04))
        MATools.p('\t m = m34 * m04 =', list(m))
        MATools.p('\t det(m) =', m.det())
        MATools.p('\t v |--> m*v =', v, '|-->', m * v)
            'Generators of ideal of cyclide in quadric of signature [1,4]:')
        MATools.p('\t g1 =', g1)
        MATools.p('\t g2 =', g2)
        MATools.p('Generators of ideal of cyclide in S^3 after applying m:')
        MATools.p('\t G1 =', G1)
        MATools.p('\t G2 =', G2)
        MATools.p('\t G2-2*G1 =', G2 - 2 * G1)
        MATools.p('Stereographic projection to circular quadratic cone:')
        MATools.p('\t smap    =', smap, '(stereographic projection map)')
        MATools.p('\t prj_lst =', prj_lst)
        MATools.p('\t eqn     =', eqn)
        MATools.p(80 * '-' + 2 * '\n')

    if True:
        # G-invariant quadratic forms for horn cyclides
        # (see usecase__invariant_quadratic_forms('243st')):
        # x0^2 - x3*x4
        # x4^2 - x6^2 - x7^2

        a = ring('a')
        xv = x0, x3, x4, x6, x7 = ring('x0,x3,x4,x6,x7')
        y0, y1, y2, y3 = ring('y0,y1,y2,y3')
        m = sage_matrix(MARing.R,
                        [[0, 0, a, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
                         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
        v = sage_vector(xv)
        g1 = ring('x0^2 - x3*x4')
        g2 = ring('x4^2 - x6^2 - x7^2')
        mat1 = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form(
            g1, xv).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
        mat2 = sage_invariant_theory.quadratic_form(
            g2, xv).as_QuadraticForm().matrix()
        ng1 = v.row() * m.T * mat1 * m * v.column()
        ng2 = v.row() * m.T * mat2 * m * v.column()
        G1 = sage_SR(str(ng1[0])).subs({sage_SR('a'): 1 / sage_sqrt(2)})
        G2 = sage_SR(str(ng2[0])).subs({sage_SR('a'): 1 / sage_sqrt(2)})

        S = sage_PolynomialRing(sage_QQ,
        x0, x3, x4, x6, x7, y0, y1, y2, y3 = S.gens()
        G1 = sage__eval(str(G1), S.gens_dict())
        G2 = sage__eval(str(G2), S.gens_dict())
        assert G1 in S
        assert G2 in S
        smap = [y0 - (x0 + x3), y1 - x4, y2 - x7, y3 - x6]
        prj_lst = S.ideal([G1, G2] + smap).elimination_ideal(
            [x0, x3, x4, x6, x7]).gens()
        eqn = str(prj_lst[0].subs({y0: 1})).replace('y1', 'x').replace(
            'y2', 'y').replace('y3', 'z')

        MATools.p(80 * '-')
        MATools.p('HORN CYCLIDE')
        MATools.p(80 * '-')
        MATools.p('We define a projective automorphism m:P^4--->P^4')
        MATools.p('\t a   = 1/sqrt(2)')
        MATools.p('\t m =', list(m))
        MATools.p('\t det(m) =', m.det())
        MATools.p('\t v |--> m*v =', v, '|-->', m * v)
            'Generators of ideal of cyclide in quadric of signature [1,4]:')
        MATools.p('\t g1 =', g1)
        MATools.p('\t g2 =', g2)
        MATools.p('Generators of ideal of cyclide in S^3 after applying m:')
        MATools.p('\t G1 =', G1)
        MATools.p('\t G2 =', G2)
        MATools.p('\t G2-2*G1 =', G2 - 2 * G1)
        MATools.p('Stereographic projection to circular cylinder:')
        MATools.p('\t smap    =', smap, '(stereographic projection map)')
        MATools.p('\t prj_lst =', prj_lst)
        MATools.p('\t eqn     =', eqn)
        MATools.p(80 * '-' + 2 * '\n')
Example #11
def usecase__invariant_quadratic_forms(case):
    Let G be a subgroup of Aut(P^1xP^1) determined by the case-parameter.
    We output the vectors space of real G-invariant quadratic forms in
    the ideal of a (projection of) the double Segre surface
    obtained by the method:
        "DSegre.get_ideal_lst( exc_idx_lst )"                   
    The real structure is specified in terms of an involution. See 
    for the specification of involutions.
    We also output signatures of random G-invariant quadratic forms. 

    case : str
        Three numerical characters, which characterize
        the projection of a double Segre surface in S^n.
        For example 
            #families=0, #n=7, #degree=8.
        If several examples are considered for the same
        triple then we extend with a character in [a-z].
        These are currently implemented cases:

    See the source code below for a description of each of the cases of
    projections of double Segre surfaces that we consider.                

    # obtain 1-parameter subgroups whose tangent vectors at the
    # identity generates the Lie algebra sl(2)
    t, q, s, r, e, T = DSegre.get_gens_sl2()

    # "involution" is in { 'identity', 'leftright', 'rotate', 'diagonal' }
    # "c_lst_lst" represents a subgroup G of Aut(P^1xP^1) as a list of
    # 1-parameter subgroups that generate G.
    if case == '087':
        descr = '''
                This example shows that there exists a 
                quadric of signature (4,5) that is invariant
                under the full automorphism group of S.
        infoG = 'SL(2) x SL(2):  [t + e, q + e, s + e, e + t, e + q, e + s ]'
        exc_idx_lst = []
        c_lst_lst = [t + e, q + e, s + e, e + t, e + q, e + s]
        involution = 'identity'

    elif case == '287':
        descr = '''
                This example shows quadrics of signatures (1,8), 
                (1,6) and (1,4) in the ideal of the double Segre
                surface, that are invariant under a 2-dimensional 
                group of toric Moebius automorphisms.         
        infoG = 'SO(2) x SO(2): [ s + e, e + s ]'
        exc_idx_lst = []
        c_lst_lst = [s + e, e + s]
        involution = 'rotate'

    elif case == '365':
        descr = '''
                This example shows that there exists a smooth sextic Del Pezzo 
                surface in S^5 that is invariant under a 2-dimensional group 
                of toric Moebius automorphisms.
        infoG = 'SO(2) x SO(2): [ s + e, e + s ]'
        exc_idx_lst = [5, 6]
        c_lst_lst = [s + e, e + s]
        involution = 'rotate'

    elif case == '265s':
        descr = ''' 
                This example shows that there exists a singular sextic 
                Del Pezzo surface in S^5 that is invariant under a 1-dimensional 
                group of toric Moebius automorphisms. Random signatures of type 
                [1,n+1] with n>=3 found so far are: [1,4], [1,6].

                If we extend the group with [e+s] then we obtain a quadric of 
                signature [1,4]; this is the horn cyclide case with 
                generators: x0^2 - x3*x4,  x0^2 - x1^2 - x2^2,  
                If we extend the group with [e+t] then we obtain a quadric of 
                signature [1,4]; this is the spindle cyclide case with 
                generators: x0^2 - x3*x4,  x4^2 - x6^2 - x7^2.                                  
        infoG = 'SO(2): [ s + e ]'
        exc_idx_lst = [5, 8]
        c_lst_lst = [s + e]
        involution = 'leftright'

    elif case == '265t':
        descr = ''' 
                This example indicates that there does not exists a singular 
                sextic Del Pezzo surface in S^5 that is invariant under a 
                1-dimensional group of Moebius translations. Random signatures 
                of type [1,n+1] with n>=3 found so far are: [1,4].                                
        infoG = 'SE(1): [ e + t ]'
        exc_idx_lst = [5, 8]
        c_lst_lst = [e + t]
        involution = 'leftright'

    elif case == '443':
        descr = '''
                This example shows that the ring cyclide in S^3 admits a 
                2-dimensional family of toric Moebius automorphisms. 
        infoG = 'SO(2) x SO(2): [ s + e, e + s ]'
        exc_idx_lst = [5, 6, 7, 8]
        c_lst_lst = [s + e, e + s]
        involution = 'rotate'

    elif case == '243ss':
        descr = ''' 
                This example shows that the spindle cyclide in S^3 admits a 
                2-dimensional family of Moebius automorphisms.
        infoG = 'SO(2) x SX(1): [ s + e, e + s ]'
        exc_idx_lst = [5, 6, 7, 8]
        c_lst_lst = [s + e, e + s]
        involution = 'leftright'

    elif case == '243st':
        descr = ''' 
                This example shows that the horn cyclide in S^3 admits a 
                2-dimensional family of Moebius automorphisms.
        infoG = 'SO(2) x SE(1): [ s + e, e + t ]'
        exc_idx_lst = [1, 2, 5, 8]
        c_lst_lst = [s + e, e + t]
        involution = 'leftright'

        raise ValueError('Unknown case: ', case)

    # compute vector space of invariant quadratic forms
    iq_lst = DSegre.get_invariant_qf(c_lst_lst, exc_idx_lst)
    iq_lst = DSegre.change_basis(iq_lst, involution)
    iq_lst = MARing.replace_conj_pairs(iq_lst)

    # computes signatures of random quadrics in
    # the vector space of invariant quadratic forms.
    sig_lst = MARing.get_rand_sigs(iq_lst, 10)

    # output results
    while descr != descr.replace('  ', ' '):
        descr = descr.replace('  ', ' ')
    mat_str = str(sage_matrix([[8, 3, 5], [2, 0, 1], [6, 4, 7]]))
    new_mat_str = mat_str
    for ei in exc_idx_lst:
        new_mat_str = new_mat_str.replace(str(ei), ' ')
    for ei in range(0, 9):
        new_mat_str = new_mat_str.replace(str(ei), '*')

    MATools.p('\n' + 80 * '-')
    MATools.p('case        :', case)
    MATools.p('description :\n', descr + '\n' + mat_str + '\n\n' + new_mat_str)
    MATools.p('G           :', infoG)
    MATools.p('exc_idx_lst :', exc_idx_lst)
    MATools.p('involution  :', involution)
    MATools.p('G-invariant quadratic forms:')
    for iq in iq_lst:
        MATools.p('\t', iq)
    MATools.p('random signatures:')
    MATools.p('\t', sig_lst)
    for sig in sig_lst:
        if 1 in sig:
            MATools.p('\t', sig)
    MATools.p('\n' + 80 * '-')
Example #12
    def test__get_aut_P8__rotation_matrix(self):
            - We verify that for the 1-parameter subgroup of rotations 
              with matrix
                  [ cos(k) -sin(k) ]
                  [ sin(k)  cos(k) ]
              it is for our Lie algebra methods sufficient to consider 
              1-parameter subgroups that have the same tangent vector
              at the identity. Note that for k=0 we need to get the identity
              and the determinant should be 1.   
        k = ring('k')
        I = ring('I')
        a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = ring('a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h')
        x = MARing.x()
        q = MARing.q()
        r = MARing.r()

        # We consider the representation of the
        # following matrix into P^8
        #   (  [ 1 -k ] ,  [ 1 0 ] )
        #   (  [ k  1 ]    [ 0 1 ] )
        # We define A to be the tangent vector at the
        # identity of this representation
        N = DSegre.get_aut_P8([1, -k, k, 1] + [1, 0, 0, 1])
        A = MARing.diff_mat(N, k).subs({k: 0})

        # We consider the representation of the
        # following matrix into P^8
        #   (  [ cos(k) -sin(k) ] ,  [ 1 0 ] )
        #   (  [ sin(k)  cos(k) ]    [ 0 1 ] )
        # We define B to be the tangent vector at the
        # identity of this representation
        M = DSegre.get_aut_P8([a, b, c, d] + [e, f, g, h])

        a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = sage_var('a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h')
        k = sage_var('k')
        M = sage__eval(str(list(M)), {
            'a': a,
            'b': b,
            'c': c,
            'd': d,
            'e': e,
            'f': f,
            'g': g,
            'h': h,
            'k': k
        M = sage_matrix(M)
        M = M.subs({
            a: sage_cos(k),
            b: -sage_sin(k),
            c: sage_sin(k),
            d: sage_cos(k),
            e: 1,
            f: 0,
            g: 0,
            h: 1

        # differentiate the entries of M wrt. k
        dmat = []
        for row in M:
            drow = []
            for col in row:
                drow += [sage_diff(col, k)]
            dmat += [drow]
        M = sage_matrix(dmat)
        B = M.subs({k: 0})

        assert str(A) == str(B)