B.mainScript = ''
B.html = True
B.requiresVersionMajor = '1'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '5'
B.addToMenu = [
        'path'         : 'glyphConstructionUI.py',
        'preferredName': 'Glyph Builder',
        'shortKey'     : '',

with codecs.open(licensePath, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    B.license = f.read()
B.repositoryURL = 'http://github.com/typemytype/GlyphConstruction/'
B.summary = 'A simple, human-readable, powerful language for describing how shapes are constructed.'

# ---------------
# build extension
# ---------------

print('building extension...', end=" ")
B.save(extensionPath, libPath=libPath, htmlPath=htmlPath)

print('copy module...', end=" ")
destModulePath = os.path.join(B.libPath(), "glyphConstruction.py")
if os.path.exists(destModulePath):
shutil.copy(modulePath, destModulePath)

Example #2
B.mainScript = ''
B.html = True
B.requiresVersionMajor = '1'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '5'
B.addToMenu = [
        'path'         : 'glyphConstructionUI.py',
        'preferredName': 'Glyph Builder',
        'shortKey'     : '',

with open(licensePath, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    B.license = f.read()
B.repositoryURL = 'http://github.com/typemytype/GlyphConstruction/'
B.summary = 'A simple, human-readable, powerful language for describing how shapes are constructed.'

# ---------------
# build extension
# ---------------

# copy README file into 'html' folder as 'index.md'
shutil.copyfile(readmePath, os.path.join(htmlPath, 'index.md'))

print('building extension...')
B.save(extensionPath, libPath=libPath, htmlPath=htmlPath)

print('copying module...')
destModulePath = os.path.join(B.libPath(), "glyphConstruction.py")
if os.path.exists(destModulePath):