def DigestPdb(self): """ add atoms too self and 8 neighboring cubes. points except for water ### """ self.pdb_water_head = pdb.Pdb() ## used for visualizations self.pdb_water_head.AddMolecule() if self.pdb.cryst: self.cryst = self.pdb.cryst print "unit cell size: ", self.cryst else: print "Please provide the unit-cell size in self.cryst" num_atoms = self.pdb.NumOfAtoms() c = 0 self.points_periodic = vtk.vtkPoints() self.points = vtk.vtkPoints() print "Digesting the input pdb ..." for atom in self.pdb: if" ","") not in ["W","WF","ROH","H1","H2","H3"] and\ ( atom.GetMolNameGMX()[0]!="G" or" ","") not in ["C1","C2","C3"] ) : self.points.InsertNextPoint(atom.pos) for q in [-self.cryst[0], 0, self.cryst[0]]: for p in [-self.cryst[1], 0, self.cryst[1]]: for r in [-self.cryst[2], 0, self.cryst[2]]: pos_aux = atom.pos + np.array([q, p, r]) self.points_periodic.InsertNextPoint(pos_aux) self.pdb_water_head.molecules[-1].AddAtom(atom.line) c += 1 pdb.update_progress(float(c) / num_atoms) print "\n" self.polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() self.polydata.SetPoints(self.points_periodic) ### initialize pointlocator ### self.pointlocator = vtk.vtkPointLocator() self.pointlocator.SetDataSet(self.polydata) self.pointlocator.SetNumberOfPointsPerBucket(10) self.pointlocator.BuildLocator()
def __init__(self, file_in, traj_file=False, steps_input=5): self.color_series = vtk.vtkColorSeries() self.color_series.SetColorScheme( self.color_series.BREWER_SEQUENTIAL_YELLOW_ORANGE_BROWN_9 ) #set the color theme if not traj_file: self.traj_mode = False if file_in[-3:] == "pdb": self.pdb = pdb.Pdb() self.pdb.ReadFileGMX(file_in) #self.pdb.BringToPositiveCorner() self.marching_cubes = False self.univ = False elif file_in[-3:] == "gro": self.univ = MDAnalysis.Universe(file_in) else: self.traj_mode = True self.univ = MDAnalysis.Universe(file_in, traj_file) self.univ_gro = MDAnalysis.Universe( file_in ) #only load gro file to read coordinates and velocities from. not trajectory self.steps = steps_input # number of steps to consider in the analysis in the whole trajectory file. self.gauss_mean = True # in gaussian curvature case = True / in mean curvature case = False self.test = [] self.test_lines = vtk.vtkCellArray() self.test_points = vtk.vtkPoints()
import molar.pdb as p import numpy as np import random m = p.Pdb("cernp24.pdb") c1 = m.GetAtomByName("C2F") c2 = m.GetAtomByName("C6F") c3 = m.GetAtomByName("C4S") c4 = m.GetAtomByName("C8S") a1 = m.GetAtomByName("C2S") a2 = m.GetAtomByName("C3S") a3 = m.GetAtomByName("NF") a4 = m.GetAtomByName("C1F") a5 = m.GetAtomByName("C1F") a6 = m.GetAtomByName("C2F") ############### def Change(amp=10): alpha = amp * 2 * (random.random() - 0.5) beta = amp * 2 * (random.random() - 0.5) gamma = amp * 2 * (random.random() - 0.5) m.SelectBond(a2, a1) m.RotateBond(alpha)
import molar.pdb as p import numpy as np import random m = p.Pdb("cereos.pdb") m.WriteOnFile(file_name_str="test.pdb", make_TER=False, include_CONECT=True)
import molar.pdb as pdb import vtk cer = pdb.Pdb() glu = pdb.Pdb() cer.ReadFile( "/Users/alinar/Dropbox/The Project/MicroBio/molecule_pool/lip1.pdb") glu.ReadFile( "/Users/alinar/Dropbox/The Project/MicroBio/molecule_pool/glucose.pdb") c5 = glu.GetAtomsByName("C5")[0] o6 = glu.GetAtomsByName("O6")[0] c6 = cer.GetAtomsByName("C6")[0] c7 = cer.GetAtomsByName("C7")[0] o1 = cer.GetAtomsByName("O1")[0] h49 = cer.GetAtomsByName("H49")[0] v1 = o6.pos - c5.pos v2 = o1.pos - h49.pos v_pos = c7.pos - c6.pos trans = pdb.RotateToParallel(v2, v1) glu.ApplyTransform(trans) trans.Identity() trans.Translate(o1.pos - o6.pos) #trans.Translate(1.0 * v_pos) #fine_tune glu.RemoveAtom(o6) glu.ApplyTransform(trans) cer.RemoveAtom(h49) result = pdb.MergePdb([cer, glu])