def test_get_target_config_no_cfg(): """ Test get target config if config does not exist """ path = Path("/foo/bar") setattr(path.__class__, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) result = get_target_config(path) assert result == []
def test_get_target_cfg_empty_cfg(): """ Test get target config if config is empty """ with patch("molior.molior.core.Configuration") as mock: cfg = MagicMock() cfg.config.return_value = {} mock.return_value = cfg path = Path("/foo/bar") setattr(path.__class__, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) result = get_target_config(path) assert result == []
def test_get_target_config(): """ Test get target config """ with patch("molior.molior.core.Configuration") as mock: cfg = MagicMock() cfg.config.return_value = {"targets": {"testproject": ["1", "next"]}} mock.return_value = cfg path = Path("/foo/bar") setattr(path.__class__, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) result = get_target_config(path) assert set(result).issubset([("testproject", "1"), ("testproject", "next")])
async def GetBuildInfo(repo_path, git_ref): class BuildInfo: pass info = BuildInfo() info.version = await get_changelog_attr("Version", repo_path) info.sourcename = await get_changelog_attr("Source", repo_path) gitinfo = None async def outh(line): nonlocal gitinfo gitinfo = line.strip() process = Launchy(shlex.split("git show -s --format='%H %cI %ae %an'"), outh, outh, cwd=str(repo_path)) await process.launch() await process.wait() gitinfos = gitinfo.split(" ", 3) if len(gitinfos) != 4: logger.error("Error parsing git info '%s'", gitinfos) return None info.commit_hash = gitinfos[0] d = gitinfos[1] info.author_email = gitinfos[2] info.author_name = gitinfos[3] ts = d[0:19] + d[19:25].replace(":", "") tag_dt = datetime.strptime(ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") info.tag_stamp = tag_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T%z") info.tag_dt = tag_dt try: info.firstname, info.lastname, = await get_maintainer( repo_path) except MaintainerParseError as exc: logger.warning("could not get maintainer: %s" % str(exc)) return None info.plain_targets = get_target_config(repo_path) return info