Example #1
 def test_check_anagrad_diag_prec(self):
     x_init = np.zeros(2, float)
     prec_fun = DiagonalPreconditioner(fun, 20, 1e-2)
     prec_fun.scales = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 2)
     check_anagrad(prec_fun, x_init, 1e-5, 1e-4)
     dxs = random_unit((100, len(x_init))) * 1e-4
     check_delta(prec_fun, x_init, dxs)
    def test_superpose(self):
        # create a few test sets with random data points, including degenerate
        # situations. (e.g. one point, two points, linear points)
        references = [  # a list of 2-tuples: (points, degenerate)
            (numpy.random.normal(0, 5, (n, 3)), False) for n in xrange(4, 40)
        ] + [
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,1]], float), True),
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,1]], float), True),
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,2]], float), True),
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,2],[0,0,4]], float), True),
            #(numpy.random.normal(0, 5, (3, 3)), True)

        # Do a random transformation on the points
        randomized = []
        for points, degenerate in references:
            #points[:] -= points.mean(axis=0)
            axis = random_unit(3)
            angle = numpy.random.uniform(0, numpy.pi * 2)
            transformation = Complete()
            transformation.set_rotation_properties(angle, axis, False)
            transformation.t[:] = numpy.random.normal(0, 5, 3)
                              for p in points]), transformation))

        for (ref_points, degenerate), (tr_points,
                                       transf) in zip(references, randomized):
            check_transf = superpose(ref_points, tr_points)
            # check whether the rotation matrix is orthogonal
                numpy.dot(check_transf.r, check_transf.r.transpose()),
                numpy.identity(3, float), 1e-5)
            # first check whether check_transf brings the tr_points back to the ref_points
            check_points = numpy.dot(
                tr_points, check_transf.r.transpose()) + check_transf.t
            if not degenerate:
                # if the set of points is not degenerate, check whether transf and check_transf
                # are each other inverses
                tmp = Complete()
                    numpy.dot(transf.r, check_transf.r),
                    numpy.identity(3, float), 1e-5)
                self.assertArrayAlmostZero(tmp.t, 1e-5)

        # Add some distortion to the transformed points
        randomized = []
        for tr_points, transf in randomized:
            tr_points[:] += numpy.random.normal(0, 1.0, len(tr_points))

        # Do a blind test
        for (ref_points, degenerate), (tr_points,
                                       transf) in zip(references, randomized):
            superpose(ref_points, tr_points)
Example #3
 def test_radius_ranges(self):
     for i in xrange(20):
         uc = self.get_random_uc()
         radius = numpy.random.uniform(1,5)
         ranges = uc.get_radius_ranges(radius)
         for j in xrange(100):
             c0 = uc.to_cartesian(numpy.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, 3))
             c1 = c0 + radius*random_unit()
             f1 = uc.to_fractional(c1)
             self.assert_((abs(f1) <= ranges+0.5).all(), "f1=%s  ranges=%s" % (f1, ranges))
Example #4
 def test_check_anagrad_full_prec(self):
     raise SkipTest
     x_init = np.zeros(2, float)
     prec_fun = FullPreconditioner(fun, 20, 1e-2)
     A = np.random.normal(0, 1, (2, 2))
     A = 0.5 * (A + A.transpose())
     evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(A)
     prec_fun.scales = abs(evals) + 1.0
     prec_fun.rotation = evecs
     check_anagrad(prec_fun, x_init, 1e-5, 1e-4)
     dxs = random_unit((100, len(x_init))) * 1e-4
     check_delta(prec_fun, x_init, dxs)
    def test_superpose(self):
        # create a few test sets with random data points, including degenerate
        # situations. (e.g. one point, two points, linear points)
        references = [ # a list of 2-tuples: (points, degenerate)
            (numpy.random.normal(0, 5, (n, 3)), False) for n in xrange(4, 40)
        ] + [
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,1]], float), True),
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,1]], float), True),
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,2]], float), True),
            #(numpy.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,2],[0,0,4]], float), True),
            #(numpy.random.normal(0, 5, (3, 3)), True)

        # Do a random transformation on the points
        randomized = []
        for points, degenerate in references:
            #points[:] -= points.mean(axis=0)
            axis = random_unit(3)
            angle = numpy.random.uniform(0, numpy.pi*2)
            transformation = Complete()
            transformation.set_rotation_properties(angle, axis, False)
            transformation.t[:] = numpy.random.normal(0, 5, 3)
                numpy.array([transformation.vector_apply(p) for p in points]),

        for (ref_points, degenerate), (tr_points, transf) in zip(references, randomized):
            check_transf = superpose(ref_points, tr_points)
            # check whether the rotation matrix is orthogonal
            self.assertArraysAlmostEqual(numpy.dot(check_transf.r, check_transf.r.transpose()), numpy.identity(3, float), 1e-5)
            # first check whether check_transf brings the tr_points back to the ref_points
            check_points = numpy.dot(tr_points, check_transf.r.transpose()) + check_transf.t
            self.assertArraysAlmostEqual(ref_points, check_points, 1e-5, doabs=True)
            if not degenerate:
                # if the set of points is not degenerate, check whether transf and check_transf
                # are each other inverses
                tmp = Complete()
                self.assertArraysAlmostEqual(numpy.dot(transf.r, check_transf.r), numpy.identity(3, float), 1e-5)
                self.assertArrayAlmostZero(tmp.t, 1e-5)

        # Add some distortion to the transformed points
        randomized = []
        for tr_points, transf in randomized:
            tr_points[:] += numpy.random.normal(0, 1.0, len(tr_points))

        # Do a blind test
        for (ref_points, degenerate), (tr_points, transf) in zip(references, randomized):
            superpose(ref_points, tr_points)
Example #6
def random_rotation():
    from molmod.vectors import random_unit, trivial_orthonormal
    result = Rotation()
    # first generate a random unit vector, the new x-axis
    result.r[:,0] = random_unit(3)
    x = result.r[:,0]
    # generate a not so random y-axis and z-axis
    y = trivial_orthonormal(x)
    z = numpy.cross(x, y)
    # rotate y,z with about the x-axis by a random angle
    angle = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2*numpy.pi)
    result.r[:,1] = numpy.cos(angle)*y - numpy.sin(angle)*z
    result.r[:,2] = numpy.sin(angle)*y + numpy.cos(angle)*z
    return result
Example #7
 def random(cls):
     """Return a random rotation"""
     axis = random_unit()
     angle = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2 * numpy.pi)
     invert = bool(numpy.random.randint(0, 2))
     return Rotation.from_properties(angle, axis, invert)
Example #8
def random_dimer(molecule0, molecule1, thresholds, shoot_max):
    """Create a random dimer.

       molecule0 and molecule1 are placed in one reference frame at random
       relative positions. Interatomic distances are above the thresholds.
       Initially a dimer is created where one interatomic distance approximates
       the threshold value. Then the molecules are given an additional
       separation in the range [0, shoot_max].

       thresholds has the following format:
       {frozenset([atom_number1, atom_number2]): distance}

    # apply a random rotation to molecule1
    center = np.zeros(3, float)
    angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
    axis = random_unit()
    rotation = Complete.about_axis(center, angle, axis)
    cor1 = np.dot(molecule1.coordinates, rotation.r)

    # select a random atom in each molecule
    atom0 = np.random.randint(len(molecule0.numbers))
    atom1 = np.random.randint(len(molecule1.numbers))

    # define a translation of molecule1 that brings both atoms in overlap
    delta = molecule0.coordinates[atom0] - cor1[atom1]
    cor1 += delta

    # define a random direction
    direction = random_unit()
    cor1 += 1 * direction

    # move molecule1 along this direction until all intermolecular atomic
    # distances are above the threshold values
    threshold_mat = np.zeros((len(molecule0.numbers), len(molecule1.numbers)),
    distance_mat = np.zeros((len(molecule0.numbers), len(molecule1.numbers)),
    for i1, n1 in enumerate(molecule0.numbers):
        for i2, n2 in enumerate(molecule1.numbers):
            threshold = thresholds.get(frozenset([n1, n2]))
            threshold_mat[i1, i2] = threshold**2
    while True:
        cor1 += 0.1 * direction
        distance_mat[:] = 0
        for i in 0, 1, 2:
            distance_mat += np.subtract.outer(molecule0.coordinates[:, i],
                                              cor1[:, i])**2
        if (distance_mat > threshold_mat).all():

    # translate over a random distance [0, shoot] along the same direction
    # (if necessary repeat until no overlap is found)
    while True:
        cor1 += direction * np.random.uniform(0, shoot_max)
        distance_mat[:] = 0
        for i in 0, 1, 2:
            distance_mat += np.subtract.outer(molecule0.coordinates[:, i],
                                              cor1[:, i])**2
        if (distance_mat > threshold_mat).all():

    # done
    dimer = Molecule(np.concatenate([molecule0.numbers, molecule1.numbers]),
                     np.concatenate([molecule0.coordinates, cor1]))
    dimer.direction = direction
    dimer.atom0 = atom0
    dimer.atom1 = atom1
    return dimer
Example #9
def random_dimer(molecule0, molecule1, thresholds, shoot_max, max_tries=1000):
    """Create a random dimer.

    molecule0 and molecule1 are placed in one reference frame at random relative
    positions. Interatomic distances are above the thresholds. Initially a dimer
    is created where one interatomic distance approximates the threshold value.
    Then the molecules are given an additional separation in the range

    thresholds has the following format:
    {frozenset([atom_number1, atom_number2]): distance}

    # apply a random rotation to molecule1
    center = numpy.zeros(3, float)
    angle = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2*numpy.pi)
    axis = random_unit(3)
    rotation = rotation_around_center(center, angle, axis)
    cor1 = numpy.dot(molecule1.coordinates, rotation.r)

    # select a random atom in each molecule
    atom0 = numpy.random.randint(len(molecule0.numbers))
    atom1 = numpy.random.randint(len(molecule1.numbers))

    # define a translation of molecule1 that brings both atoms in overlap
    delta = molecule0.coordinates[atom0] - cor1[atom1]
    cor1 += delta

    # define a random direction
    direction = random_unit(3)
    cor1 += 1*direction

    # move molecule1 along this direction until all intermolecular atomic
    # distances are above the threshold values
    threshold_mat = numpy.zeros((len(molecule0.numbers), len(molecule1.numbers)), float)
    distance_mat = numpy.zeros((len(molecule0.numbers), len(molecule1.numbers)), float)
    for i1, n1 in enumerate(molecule0.numbers):
        for i2, n2 in enumerate(molecule1.numbers):
            threshold = thresholds.get(frozenset([n1,n2]))
            threshold_mat[i1,i2] = threshold**2
    while True:
        cor1 += 0.1*direction
        distance_mat[:] = 0
        for i in 0,1,2:
            distance_mat += numpy.subtract.outer(molecule0.coordinates[:,i], cor1[:,i])**2
        if (distance_mat > threshold_mat).all():

    # translate over a random distance [0,shoot] along the same direction
    # (if necessary repeat until no overlap is found)
    while True:
        cor1 += direction*numpy.random.uniform(0,shoot_max)
        distance_mat[:] = 0
        for i in 0,1,2:
            distance_mat += numpy.subtract.outer(molecule0.coordinates[:,i], cor1[:,i])**2
        if (distance_mat > threshold_mat).all():

    # done
    dimer = Molecule(
        numpy.concatenate([molecule0.numbers, molecule1.numbers]),
        numpy.concatenate([molecule0.coordinates, cor1])
    dimer.direction = direction
    dimer.atom0 = atom0
    dimer.atom1 = atom1
    return dimer
Example #10
 def random(cls):
     """Return a random rotation"""
     axis = random_unit()
     angle = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2 * numpy.pi)
     invert = bool(numpy.random.randint(0, 2))
     return Rotation.from_properties(angle, axis, invert)