Example #1
def test_toml_settings_raise_helpful_errors_for_missing_substitutions():
    # Given that I have a settings file that has an substitutions for missing env vars
    # When I load it
    # Then a RuntimeError should be raised
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:

    # And the message should be helpful
    assert str(
    ) == "'DATABASE_URL' environment variable missing for setting '$.db.database_uris.0'."
Example #2
def test_toml_settings_raise_helpful_errors_for_invalid_substitutions():
    # Given that I have a settings file that has an invalid env substitution
    # When I load it
    # Then a RuntimeError should be raised
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:

    # And the message should be helpful
    assert str(
    ) == "Invalid variable substitution syntax for value '$' in setting '$.db.database_uri'."
Example #3
def test_toml_settings_can_look_up_deeply_nested_values():
    # Given that I have a settings object
    settings = TOMLSettings.from_path("tests/contrib/fixtures/settings.toml",

    # When I call deep_get to look up a nested value that doesn't exist
    # Then I should get None back
    assert settings.deep_get("i.dont.exist") is None

    # When I call deep_get to look up a nested value
    # Then I should get that value back
    assert settings.deep_get("sessions.secret") == "supersekrit"

    # When I call deep_get with a path that leads into a string
    # Then I should get back a TypeError
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # When I call deep_get with a path that leads into a list with an invalid integer
    # Then I should get back a TypeError
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # When I call deep_get with a path that leads into a list with an invalid index
    # Then I should get back a TypeError
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # When I call deep_get with a path that leads into a list with a valid index
    # Then I should get back a value
    assert settings.deep_get("oauth_providers.0.name") == "Facebook"
Example #4
def test_toml_settings_can_look_up_required_values():
    # Given that I have a settings object
    settings = TOMLSettings.from_path("tests/contrib/fixtures/settings.toml",

    # When I call strict_get with a path that doesn't exist
    # Then a RuntimeError should be raised
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    # When I call strict_get with a valid path
    # Then I should get that value back
    assert settings.strict_get("sessions.secret")
Example #5
def test_toml_settings_can_substitute_environment_variables():
    # Given that I have a DATABASE_URL environment variable
    os.environ["DATABASE_URL"] = "postgres://[email protected]/postgres"
    # And an OAUTH_CLIENT_ID environment variable
    os.environ["OAUTH_CLIENT_ID"] = "fake-client-id"

        # When I load a settings file that references those variables
        settings = TOMLSettings.from_path(
            "tests/contrib/fixtures/settings_with_env.toml", "prod")

        # Then my settings values should be substituted
        assert settings.strict_get("db.database_uris") == [
            "postgres://[email protected]/postgres"
        assert settings.strict_get("oauth_providers") == [{
        del os.environ["DATABASE_URL"]
        del os.environ["OAUTH_CLIENT_ID"]
Example #6
import os
from molten.contrib.toml_settings import TOMLSettings
from common import path_to

ENVIRONMENT = os.getenv("ENVIRONMENT", "dev")
SETTINGS = TOMLSettings.from_path(path_to("settings.toml"), ENVIRONMENT)

def __getattr__(name):
    return getattr(SETTINGS, name)