Example #1
 def __init__(
     keys: KeysCollection,
     spatial_dims: int = 2,
     sigma: Union[Sequence[float], float, Sequence[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = 0.0,
     prob_threshold: float = 0.5,
     box_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 48,
     allow_missing_keys: bool = False,
 ) -> None:
     super().__init__(keys, allow_missing_keys)
     self.prob_nms = ProbNMS(
         spatial_dims=spatial_dims, sigma=sigma, prob_threshold=prob_threshold, box_size=box_size
Example #2
 def __call__(self,
              probs_map: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
              resolution_level: int = 0):
     probs_map: the input probabilities map, it must have shape (H[, W, ...]).
     resolution_level: the level at which the probabilities map is made.
     resolution = pow(2, resolution_level)
     org_outputs = ProbNMS.__call__(self, probs_map)
     outputs = []
     for org_output in org_outputs:
         prob = org_output[0]
         coord = np.asarray(org_output[1:])
         coord_wsi = ((coord + 0.5) * resolution).astype(int)
         outputs.append([prob] + list(coord_wsi))
     return outputs
Example #3
 def test_output(self, class_args, probs_map, expected):
     nms = ProbNMS(**class_args)
     output = nms(probs_map)
     assert_allclose(output, expected)