Example #1
 def __init__(self, span, dot_path, value):
     Construct an assignment AST node.
     :type span: Span
     :param span: the span of the assignment.
     :type dot_path: DotPath
     :param dot_path: the left hand side of the assignment.
     :type value: Component | Number | StringLit | JsonObj | DotPath | Expr
     :param value: the right hand side of the assignment.
     super(Assignment, self).__init__(span)
     if (isinstance(value, Component) or
         isinstance(value, JsonObj) or
         isinstance(value, Number) or
         isinstance(value, StringLit) or
         isinstance(value, Ident) or
         isinstance(value, DotPath) or
             isinstance(value, Expr)) and\
             isinstance(dot_path, DotPath):
         self.lhs = dot_path
         self.rhs = value
         raise exception.BananaGrammarBug('Impossible assignment found with'
                                          ' left hand side: {} and'
                                          ' right hand side: {}'.format(
                                              type(dot_path), type(value)))
Example #2
 def __init__(self, span, value, arg_name=None):
     Construct an argument for a component ctor
     :type span: Span
     :param span: Span of the argument.
     :type value: Number | StringLit | JsonObj | DotPath | Expr
     :param value: Value for the argument
     :type arg_name: Ident
     :param arg_name: Name of the argument
     super(ComponentCtorArg, self).__init__(span)
     if (isinstance(value, JsonObj) or isinstance(value, Number)
             or isinstance(value, StringLit) or isinstance(value, Ident)
             or isinstance(value, DotPath)
             or isinstance(value, Expr)) and (isinstance(arg_name, Ident)
                                              or arg_name is None):
         self.arg_name = arg_name
         self.value = value
         # This code should be unreachable.
         # The grammar as defined should prevent us from
         # seeing an arg value or a value of the incorrect type
         raise exception.BananaGrammarBug(
             'Impossible constructor argument found with'
             ' left hand side: {} and'
             ' right hand side: {}'.format(type(arg_name), type(value)))
Example #3
 def action_expr(s, l, t):
     if len(t) != 1:
         raise exception.BananaGrammarBug(
             'Bug found in the grammar for expression,'
             ' Please report this bug.')
     if isinstance(t[0], ast.Expr):
         return t[0]
     return ast.Expr(ast.make_span(s, l, t), t[0])
Example #4
 def action_parse_comp_ctor(s, l, tokens):
     comp = ast.Component(ast.make_span(s, l, tokens))
     for tok in tokens:
         if isinstance(tok, ast.Ident):
         elif isinstance(tok, ast.ComponentCtorArg):
             raise exception.BananaGrammarBug(
                 'Bug found in the grammar, Please report this bug')
     return comp
Example #5
 def compute_hi(init_loc, tokens):
     hi = init_loc
     for tok in tokens:
         if isinstance(tok, ASTNode):
             hi = max(hi, tok.span.hi)
         elif isinstance(tok, basestring):
             hi += len(tok)
         elif isinstance(tok, p.ParseResults):
             hi = max(hi, compute_hi(init_loc, tok))
             raise exception.BananaGrammarBug(
                 "Couldn't create span for: {}".format(tok))
     return hi
Example #6
 def action_root_ast(s, l, tokens):
     root = ast.BananaFile(emitter)
     for tok in tokens:
         if isinstance(tok, ast.Assignment):
             if isinstance(tok.rhs, ast.Component):
                 root.add_component_ctor(tok.lhs, tok.rhs)
                 root.add_assignment(tok.lhs, tok.rhs)
         elif isinstance(tok, ast.Connection):
             raise exception.BananaGrammarBug(
                 'Bug found in the grammar, Please report this bug.')
     return root
Example #7
 def action_unimplemented(s, l, t):
     raise exception.BananaGrammarBug("unimplemented code reached")