def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs): if 'session_key' in args[0].session: session_key = args[0].session['session_key'] table = Table("SessionStore") response = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'session_key': session_key, }, ).values() if response['Count'] == 0: return function(*args, **kwargs) isDoctor0 = response['Items'][0]['isDoctor'] isVerified = response['Items'][0]['isVerified'] timestamp = response['Items'][0]['timestamp'] email = response['Items'][0]['email'] if (isVerified == 0): return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/verifyotp/') if (datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + timedelta(days=7) < return function(*args, **kwargs) if (isDoctor0 == 0): return HttpResponse("<H1> Patient HomePage </H1>") return HttpResponse("<H1> Doctor HomePage </H1>") return function(*args, **kwargs)
def index(request): appointment_id = print(request.GET.get('app_id')) if request.method == "POST": table = Table('pres_table') notes = request.POST['dis_notes'] symptoms = request.POST['pres_symp'] medicine = request.POST['pres_med'] name = request.POST['name'] age = request.POST['age'] sex = request.POST['sex'] print(name,age,sex) symptoms = listToString(symptoms) table.insertValues(values=[ { 'name' : name, 'age' : age, 'sex':sex, 'app_id' : appoint_id, 'symptoms' : symptoms, 'notes' : notes, 'tabs' : medicine, }] ) print('put done') return render(request,'appointments/dashboard.html') return render(request,'prescription/mainpage.html')
def sendOtp(to, val1): otp_gen = random.randint(100000, 999999) otp = hashlib.sha256((str(otp_gen) + SECRET_KEY).encode()).hexdigest() subject = 'Your otp for DOCA registration is ' + str(otp_gen) message = ' it means a world to us thanks for choosing us \n your otp is : ' + str( otp_gen) email_from = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER recipient_list = [ to, ] message = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject=subject, body=message, from_email=email_from, to=recipient_list) htmlTemplate = render_to_string('accounts/email_template/sign_up.html', {'otp': otp_gen}) message.attach_alternative(htmlTemplate, 'text/html') response = message.send() if response == 1: table = Table('otp') table.insertValues( values=[{ 'otp': otp, 'email': to, 'isRegister': val1, 'timestamp': str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) }]) return response
def logoutD(request): if 'session_key' in request.session: table = Table('SessionStore') table.delete( FilterExpression={'session_key': request.session['session_key']}) del request.session['session_key'] return HttpResponse("LOGED OUT")
def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs): print(args) if 'session_key' in args[0].session: session_key = args[0].session['session_key'] table = Table("SessionStore") response = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'session_key': session_key, }, ).values() if response['Count'] == 0: print(session_key) return HttpResponseRedirect("/accounts/login/") isVerified = response['Items'][0]['isVerified'] timestamp = response['Items'][0]['timestamp'] email = response['Items'][0]['email'] if (datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + timedelta(days=7) < table.delete(FilterExpression={ 'session_key': args[0].session['session_key'] }) del args[0].session['session_key'] return HttpResponseRedirect("/accounts/login/") if isVerified == 0: print("isVerfied") return function(*args, **kwargs) print("not Found") return HttpResponseRedirect("/accounts/login/")
def getEmail(session_key): table = Table("SessionStore") response = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'session_key': session_key, }, Projection=['email']).values() return response['Items'][0]['email']
def Appointemets(request): uid=getEmail(request.session['session_key']) table = Table('appointments') appointments = table.scan(FilterExpression={'user_id':uid}).values() rdict={} if appointments['Count']!=0: rdict={'appointements':appointments['Items']} return render(request,'book_appointement/pat_Appointement.html',rdict)
def dropdown_med(request): if request.method == "POST": send_list = [] word = request.POST['word'] table = Table('med') res = table.scan({}) for dude in res.values()['Items']: if word in dude['med']: send_list.append(dude['med']) return render(None,'prescription/dropdown_med.html',{'items' : send_list})
def dashboard(request): email = getEmail(request.session['session_key']) Date = str( today = Date[8:10] + Date[5:7] + Date[0:4] table = Table('appointments') result = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'date': today, 'doc_id': email }).values() return render(request, 'appointments/dashboard.html', {'app': result['Items']})
def getSpecialization(request): if 'spec' in request.GET: table = Table('Specilizations') spec0 = request.GET['spec'] specs = table.scan().values()['Items'] res = [] for spec1 in specs: if spec0.lower() in spec1['spec'].lower(): res.append(spec1['spec'], ) return Response({ "code": 0, "results": res, }) return Response({"code": "404", "message": "invalid request"})
def getCities(request): if 'city' in request.GET: table = Table('Cities') spec0 = request.GET['city'] specs = table.scan().sort("city_id")['Items'] res = [] for spec1 in specs: if spec0.lower() in spec1['city'].lower(): res.append({"city": spec1['city'], "state": spec1['state']}) return Response({ "code": 0, "results": res, }) return Response({"code": "404", "message": "invalid request"})
def check_avail(request): if request.method == "POST": table = Table('slots') city = request.POST['city_name'] locality = request.POST['locality'] spec = request.POST['spec'] date = request.POST['date_app'] info = table.scan(FilterExpression={'spec': spec}).sort("start_time") doc_info = info['Items'] print(info) return render(request, "appointments/pat_book.html", {'doc_info': doc_info}) else: return render(request, "appointments/pat_slots.html")
def med_list(request): if is_authenticated != 0: table = Table('med') res = table.scan(FilterExpression={}).values() if request.method == "GET": for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif request.method == 'POST': med_data = if med_data['method'] == 'get_medications': res = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'med_id': med_data['med_id'] }).values() for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif med_data['method'] == 'add_medications': for id in res['Items']: # print(id, type(id)) mid = id['med_id'] mid = int(mid) + 1 table.insertValues(values=[{ 'med_id': str(mid), 'med': med_data['med'] }]) return HttpResponse("Added Medicines") elif med_data['method'] == 'delete_medcations': table.delete(FilterExpression={'med_id': med_data['med_id']}) return HttpResponse("Deleted that slot id")
def symp_list(request): if is_authenticated != 0: table = Table('symp') res = table.scan(FilterExpression={}).values() if request.method == "GET": for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif request.method == 'POST': symp_data = if symp_data['method'] == 'get_symptoms': res = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'symp_id': symp_data['symp_id'] }).values() for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif symp_data['method'] == 'add_symptoms': for id in res['Items']: # print(id, type(id)) sid = id['symp_id'] sid = int(sid) + 1 table.insertValues(values=[{ 'symp_id': str(sid), 'symp': symp_data['symp'] }]) return HttpResponse("Added Symptoms") elif symp_data['method'] == 'delete_symptoms': table.delete( FilterExpression={'symp_id': symp_data['symp_id']}) return HttpResponse("Deleted that slot id")
def cancel_appointments(request): table = Table('appointments') list = [] if request.method == 'POST': # print(request.POST) for key, val in request.POST.items(): if val == 'on': list.append(key) print(list) for id in list: table.delete(FilterExpression={'app_id': id}) response = redirect('/appointments/check_app/') return response
def del_slots(request): table = Table('slots') email = getEmail(request.session['session_key']) list = [] if request.method == 'POST': # print(request.POST) for key, val in request.POST.items(): if val == 'on': list.append(key) print(list) for id in list: table.delete(FilterExpression={'slot_id': id}) response = redirect('/appointments/') return response
def doc_home(request): table = Table('slots') email = getEmail(request.session['session_key']) response = table.scan(FilterExpression={'doc_id': email}).values() items = response['Items'] c = 1 for item in items: item['num'] = c item['start_time'] = str(item['start_time'][0:2]) + ":" + str( item['start_time'][2:4]) item['end_time'] = str(item['end_time'][0:2]) + ":" + str( item["end_time"][2:4]) item['fees'] = str(item['fees']) c += 1 return render(request, "appointments/doc_slots.html", {'items': items})
def initiate_payment(request): if request.method == "POST": amount = int(request.POST['amount']) user = request.user.username made_on = datetime.datetime.utcnow() order_id = made_on.strftime('PAY2ME%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') table = Table('transaction') table.insertValues(values=[{ 'order_id': order_id, 'made_by' : user, 'amount' : amount, }]) # transaction = Transaction.objects.create(made_by=user, amount=amount) # merchant_key = settings.PAYTM_SECRET_KEY param_dict = ( ('MID', settings.PAYTM_MERCHANT_ID), ('ORDER_ID', str(table.scan().values()['Items'][-1]['order_id'])), ('CUST_ID', str(table.scan().values()['Items'][-1]['made_by'])), ('TXN_AMOUNT', str(table.scan().values()['Items'][-1]['amount'])), ('CHANNEL_ID', settings.PAYTM_CHANNEL_ID), ('WEBSITE', settings.PAYTM_WEBSITE), # ('EMAIL',, # ('MOBILE_N0', '9911223388'), ('INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID', settings.PAYTM_INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID), ('CALLBACK_URL', ''), # ('PAYMENT_MODE_ONLY', 'NO'), ) param_dict = dict(param_dict) param_dict['CHECKSUMHASH'] = paytm.generate_checksum(param_dict, merchant_key) print(param_dict) return render(request, 'payments/redirect.html', {'param_dict': param_dict}) return render(request, 'payments/pay.html')
def signup(request): if request.method == "GET": return render(request, 'accounts/signup.html') if request.method == "POST": form = SignupForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): username = form.cleaned_data['username'] password = form.cleaned_data['password'] email = form.cleaned_data['email'] table = Table('users') if (isvalidPassword(password) and isvalidUserName(username) and isValidEmail(email)): password = hashlib.sha256((password + SECRET_KEY).encode()) password = password.hexdigest() table.insertValues(values=[{ 'email': email, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'isVerified': 0, }]) table = Table('SessionStore') tkey = email + "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + SECRET_KEY tkey = str(hashlib.sha256(tkey.encode()).hexdigest()) table.insertValues(values=[ { "session_key": tkey, "email": email, "timestamp":"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), "isVerified": 0, "isDoctor": 0, } ]) request.session['session_key'] = tkey return HttpResponseRedirect("/accounts/verifyotp/") emailerr = usernameerr = passworderr = "" if (isValidEmail(email) == False): emailerr = "Invalid email address" if (isvalidPassword(password) == False): passworderr = "Invalid Password" if (isvalidUserName(username) == False): usernameerr = "Invalid UserName" print(username + "\t" + password + "\t" + email) return render( request, 'accounts/signup.html', {'err': emailerr + '\t' + passworderr + '\t' + usernameerr})
def add_slots(request): table = Table('slots') email = getEmail(request.session['session_key']) days = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'] if request.method == 'POST': st_time = request.POST['st_time'] end_time = request.POST['end_time'] fees = request.POST['fees'] dow = [] for d in days: string = 'weekday-' + d if string in request.POST.keys(): dow.append(d) data = table.scan(FilterExpression={}).values() items = data['Items'] l = len(str(email)) num = 0 for it in items: c = int(it['slot_id'][l:]) if (c > num): num = c num += 1 num = email + str(num) table.insertValues(values=[{ 'slot_id': num, 'doc_id': email, 'start_time': st_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'fees': fees, 'days': dow }]) print(table.scan(FilterExpression={'doc_id': email}).values()) response = redirect('/appointments/doc_slots/') return response
def register(request): print(request.POST) if 'username' in request.POST and 'email' in request.POST and 'password' in request.POST: username = request.POST['username'] password = request.POST['password'] email = request.POST['email'] table = Table('users') if (isvalidPassword(password) and isvalidUserName(username) and isValidEmail(email)): password = hashlib.sha256((password + SECRET_KEY).encode()) password = password.hexdigest() """table.put_item(Item={ 'email': email, 'password': password, 'username': username, 'isVerified': 0, })""" register_token = jwt.encode( { 'email': email, 'timestamp': ( + timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime("%Y%d%M%H%M%S"), }, register_secret_key, algorithm='HS256') return Response({ "code": "0", "register_token": register_token, }) emailerr = usernameerr = passworderr = "" if (isValidEmail(email) == False): emailerr = "Invalid email address" if (isvalidPassword(password) == False): passworderr = "Invalid Password" if (isvalidUserName(username) == False): usernameerr = "Invalid UserName" return Response({ "code": "1", "err": emailerr + "\n" + passworderr + "\n" + usernameerr, }) return Response({ "code": "2", "err": "Invalid request", })
def appoint_list(request): if is_authenticated != 0: table = Table('appointments') res = table.scan(FilterExpression={}).values() if request.method == "GET": for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif request.method == 'POST': appoint_data = if appoint_data['method'] == 'get_appointments': res = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'doc_id': appoint_data['doc_id'] }).values() for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif appoint_data['method'] == 'add_appointments': for id in res['Items']: # print(id, type(id)) aid = id['app_id'] aid = int(aid) + 1 table.insertValues( values=[{ 'app_id': str(aid), 'doc_id': appoint_data['doc_id'], 'spec': appoint_data['spec'], 'pat_id': appoint_data['pat_id'], 'start_time': appoint_data['start_time'], 'end_time': appoint_data['end_time'], 'fees': appoint_data['fees'], 'date': appoint_data['date'] }]) return HttpResponse("Added Appointments") elif appoint_data['method'] == 'delete_appointments': table.delete( FilterExpression={'app_id': appoint_data['app_id']}) return HttpResponse("Deleted that slot id")
def pres_table_list(request): if is_authenticated != 0: table = Table('pres_table') res = table.scan(FilterExpression={}).values() if request.method == "GET": for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif request.method == 'POST': pres_table_data = if pres_table_data['method'] == 'get_prescriptions': res = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'app_id': pres_table_data['app_id'] }).values() for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif pres_table_data['method'] == 'add_prescriptions': for id in res['Items']: # print(id, type(id)) pid = id['app_id'] pid = int(pid) + 1 table.insertValues( values=[{ 'app_id': str(pid), 'doc_id': pres_table_data['doc_id'], 'pat_id': pres_table_data['pat_id'], 'symptoms': pres_table_data['symptoms'], 'notes': pres_table_data['notes'], 'tabs': pres_table_data['tabs'] }]) return HttpResponse("Added prescription") elif pres_table_data['method'] == 'delete_prescriptions': table.delete( FilterExpression={'app_id': pres_table_data['app_id']}) return HttpResponse("Deleted that slot id")
def create_doc(request): table = Table('slots') table.delete() fake = Faker() for i in range(1, 1001): doc = lat = str(fake.latitude()) lon = str(fake.longitude()) fees = random.randint(100, 1000) special = [ 'Allergists', 'Anesthesiologists', 'Cardiologists', 'Dermatologists', 'Endocrinologists', 'FamilyPhysicians', 'Gastroenterologists', 'Hematologists', 'InfectiousDiseaseSpecialists', 'Internists', 'MedicalGeneticists', 'Nephrologists', 'Neurologists', 'Obstetricians', 'Gynecologists', 'Oncologists', 'Ophthalmologists', 'Osteopaths', 'Otolaryngologists', 'Pathologists', 'Pediatricians', 'Physiatrists', 'PlasticSurgeons', 'Podiatrists', 'PreventiveMedicineSpecialists', 'Psychiatrists', 'Pulmonologists', 'Radiologists', 'Rheumatologists', 'GeneralSurgeons', 'Urologists' ] s_rand = random.randint(0, 30) spec = special[s_rand] th1 = random.randint(0, 23) th2 = (th1 + 2) % 24 t1 = str(th1) + "00" t2 = str(th2) + "00" dow = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri'] r = random.random() if r >= 0.8: dow.append('sat') if r >= 0.9: dow.append('sun') table.insertValues(values=[{ 'slot_id': str(i), 'doc_id': doc, 'spec': spec, 'start_time': t1, 'end_time': t2, 'fees': fees, # 'days': dow, 'lon': lon, 'lat': lat }]) return HttpResponse("You have generated data")
def forgot(request): if request.method == "GET": return render(request, 'accounts/forgot_password.html') if request.method == "POST": form = FindAccountForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): user = form.cleaned_data['user'] table = Table('users') if (isValidEmail(user)): response = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'email': user }).values() if response['Count'] == 1: timestamp0 ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') signature = hashlib.sha256( (user + timestamp0 + SECRET_KEY).encode()).hexdigest() table = Table('forgototpsignatures') table.insertValues(values=[{ 'signature': signature, }]) tk = jwt.encode( { 'email': user, 'timestamp': timestamp0, 'signature': signature }, SECRET_KEY, algorithm='HS256') tk = tk.decode('utf8') sendLink(user, tk) return HttpResponse( "We have sent link to your email check it") return render(request, 'accounts/forgot_password.html', {'err': 'Account not found'}) return render(request, 'accounts/forgot_password.html', {'err': 'Invalid Email Address'}) return render(request, 'accounts/forgot_password.html', {'err': 'Something went wrong'})
def slots_Available(request): if 'doc_id' in request.GET and 'date' in request.GET: docTable = Table('doctor') result = docTable.scan(FilterExpression={'doc_id':request.GET['doc_id']}).values()['Items'][0] doc = { 'doc_id': result['doc_id'], 'name': "Dr."+result['first_name']+" "+result['last_name'], 'address': result['address']+","+result['city'], 'spec': result['spec'], "slotAvailabe":slots_Available, 'experience':'9+ year Experience', 'rating':96, 'fee':300, } appointement_helper = Table('appointement_helper') result2 = appointement_helper.scan(FilterExpression={ 'doc_id':result['doc_id'], 'date': request.GET['date'], }).values()['Items'][0]['avilableSlots'] return render(request,'book_appointement/select_slot.html',{'slots':result2,'doc':doc,'date':request.GET['date'],})
def SearchDoctor(request): if "spec" in request.GET and "city" in request.GET and 'date' in request.GET: specialization = request.GET['spec'] city = request.GET['city'] date0 = request.GET['date'] date = datetime.strptime(date0, '%Y-%m-%d') table = Table('doctor') results = table.scan(FilterExpression={"spec":specialization,'city':city}).values() data=[] for result in results['Items']: weekdays = ['mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat','sun'] slotTable = Table('slots') appointement_helper = Table('appointement_helper') slots_Available = 0 result2 = appointement_helper.scan(FilterExpression={ 'doc_id':result['doc_id'], 'date': date0, }).values() if result2['Count'] == 0: results0 = slotTable.scan(FilterExpression={ 'doc_id': result['doc_id'], }).values() scount = 0 availableSlots=[] for day in results0['Items']: print(weekdays[date.weekday()-1]) print(day) if weekdays[date.weekday()] in day['days']: availableSlots.append({ "slot_id": day['slot_id'], "start_time":day['start_time'], "end_time":day["end_time"], "fee":day['fees'] }) scount+=1; slots_Available = scount appointement_helper.insertValues(values=[{ 'id':result['doc_id']+date0, 'date':date0, 'doc_id':result['doc_id'], 'avilableSlots':availableSlots, }]) else: slots_Available = len(result2['Items'][0]['avilableSlots']) data.append({ 'doc_id': result['doc_id'], 'name': "Dr."+result['first_name']+" "+result['last_name'], 'address': result['address']+","+result['city'], 'spec': result['spec'], "slotAvailabe":slots_Available, 'experience':'9+ year Experience', 'rating':96, 'fee':300, }) print(data) return render(request,'book_appointement/doctor_list.html',{'doctors':data,'date':date0}) else: return render(request,'book_appointement/b_app_find.html')
def slots_list(request): if is_authenticated != 0: table = Table('slots') res = table.scan(FilterExpression={}).values() if request.method == "GET": for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif request.method == 'POST': slots_data = # print(slots_data) if slots_data['method'] == "get_slots": res = table.scan(FilterExpression={ 'spec': slots_data['spec'] }).values() for i in res['Items']: i['_id'] = str(i['_id']) return Response(res) elif slots_data['method'] == "add_slots": d1 = table.scan( FilterExpression={ 'doc_id': slots_data['doc_id'], 'spec': slots_data['spec'], 'lon': slots_data['lon'], 'lat': slots_data['lat'] }).values() if d1['Count'] == 0: l = slots_data['doc_id'] sid = 0 for i in res['Items']: if int(i['slot_id'][l:]) > sid: sid = i['slot_id'][l:] sid = int(sid) + 1 table.insertValues( values=[{ 'slot_id': slots_data['doc_id'] + str(sid), 'doc_id': slots_data['doc_id'], 'spec': slots_data['spec'], 'start_time': slots_data['start_time'], 'end_time': slots_data['end_time'], 'fees': slots_data['fees'], 'days': slots_data['days'], 'lon': slots_data['lon'], 'lat': slots_data['lat'] }]) return HttpResponse("Added new value") else: for item in d1['Items']: sst = int(slots_data['start_time']) snt = int(slots_data['end_time']) ist = int(item['start_time']) iet = int(item['end_time']) if ist < sst < iet: return HttpResponse( "New slot can't be created due to clashing of slot times" ) elif ist < snt < iet: return HttpResponse( "New slot can't be created due to clashing of slot times" ) elif (sst == ist) & (snt == iet): return HttpResponse( "New slot can't be created due to clashing of slot times" ) else: l = slots_data['doc_id'] sid = 0 for i in res['Items']: if int(i['slot_id'][l:]) > sid: sid = i['slot_id'][l:] sid = int(sid) + 1 table.insertValues(values=[ { 'slot_id': slots_data['doc_id'] + str(sid), 'doc_id': slots_data['doc_id'], 'spec': slots_data['spec'], 'start_time': slots_data['start_time'], 'end_time': slots_data['end_time'], 'fees': slots_data['fees'], 'days': slots_data['days'], 'lon': slots_data['lon'], 'lat': slots_data['lat'] } ]) return HttpResponse("Added new value") elif slots_data['method'] == "delete_slots": table.delete( FilterExpression={'slot_id': slots_data['slot_id']}) return HttpResponse("Deleted that slot id")
def appoint(request): table = Table('appointments') table2 = Table('slots') data = table.scan(FilterExpression={}).values() email = getEmail(request.session['session_key']) # print(data) # print(request.POST['slot_id']) # email = "*****@*****.**" if request.method == "POST": num = 0 items = data['Items'] for it in items: c = int(it['app_id']) if (c > num): num = c num += 1 # print(num) d = table2.scan(FilterExpression={ 'slot_id': request.POST['slot_id'] }).values() for it in d['Items']: print(it) doc_id = it['doc_id'] spec = it['spec'] start_time = it['start_time'] end_time = it['end_time'] fees = it['fees'] d1 = table.scan( FilterExpression={ 'doc_id': doc_id, 'spec': spec, 'pat_id': email, 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time }).values() if d1['Count'] == 0: table.insertValues(values=[{ 'app_id': str(num), 'doc_id': doc_id, 'spec': spec, 'pat_id': email, 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'fees': fees, 'date': '30072020' }]) # return render(request, "p/", {'app_id':str(num)}) return HttpResponse("Appointment Added") else: for item in d1['Items']: sst = int(start_time) snt = int(end_time) ist = int(item['start_time']) iet = int(item['end_time']) if ist < sst < iet: return HttpResponse( "New appointment can't be created due to clashing of appointment times" ) elif ist < snt < iet: return HttpResponse( "New appointment can't be created due to clashing of appointment times" ) elif (sst == ist) & (snt == iet): return HttpResponse( "New appointment can't be created due to clashing of appointment times" ) else: table.insertValues(values=[{ 'app_id': str(num), 'doc_id': doc_id, 'spec': spec, 'pat_id': email, 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'fees': fees, 'date': '30072020' }]) return HttpResponse("Appointment Added")
def getTokenPair(request): print(request.POST) if 'user' in request.POST and 'password' in request.POST: user = request.POST['user'] password = request.POST['password'] table = Table("users") if (isValidEmail(user) and isvalidPassword(password)): password = hashlib.sha256((password + SECRET_KEY).encode()) password = password.hexdigest() response = table.scan(FilterExpression={'email': user}).values() if response['Count'] == 0: return Response({ "code": "1", "message": "Incorrect Username/email address or password" }) password0 = response['Items'][0]['password'] if (password == password0): if response['Items'][0]['isVerified'] == 0: return Response({ "code": "2", "message": "please verify your email id first", }) isDoctor = 1 if 'isDoctor' in response['Items'][0] else 0 if isDoctor == 0: primary_token = jwt.encode( { "email": user, "timestamp": ( + timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), }, SECRET_KEY2, algorithm="HS256") refresh_token = jwt.encode( { "email": user, "timestamp": ( + timedelta(days=7)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), }, SECRET_KEY, algorithm="HS256") return Response({ "code": "0", "refresh_token": refresh_token, "primary_token": primary_token, }) elif (isvalidUserName(user) and isvalidPassword(password)): password = hashlib.sha256((password + SECRET_KEY).encode()) password = password.hexdigest() response = table.scan(FilterExpression={'username': user}).values() if response['Count'] == 0: return Response({ "code": "1", "message": "Incorrect Username/email address or password" }) user = response['Items'][0]['email'] password0 = response['Items'][0]['password'] if (password == password0): if response['Items'][0]['isVerified'] == 0: return Response({ "code": "2", "message": "please verify your email id first", }) isDoctor = 1 if 'isDoctor' in response['Items'][0] else 0 if isDoctor == 0: primary_token = jwt.encode( { "email": user, "timestamp": ( + timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), }, SECRET_KEY2, algorithm="HS256") refresh_token = jwt.encode( { "email": user, "timestamp": ( + timedelta(days=7)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), }, SECRET_KEY, algorithm="HS256") return Response({ "code": "0", "refresh_token": refresh_token, "primary_token": primary_token, }) return Response({ "code": "1", "message": "Incorrect Username/email address or password" })