def check_schedules(): print (schedulecheck.updater) db = MongoDB('heroku_mqncqpgt', 'reminders') # Get all reminders today. current_date ='%d%m%Y') query = { "date" : current_date } # Get current time current_time ="%H%M") # Loop through all reminders today to check for the time for element in db.finddb(query): # separate the date str # day = element["date"][0:2] # month = element["date"][2:4] # year = element["date"][4:8] # separate the time str hour = int(element["time"][0:2]) minute = int(element["time"][2:4]) # Convert hour and minute into datetime remindertime =, minute=minute).strftime("%H%M") # If remindertime is less than current timing, send out timing and delete the reminder from DB if remindertime <= current_time: chatid = element["chatid"] messagestr = "Reminder: {0}".format(element["description"]), messagestr) # Convert object id str into ObjectID objectid = ObjectId(str(element["_id"])) # Delete from db query = { "_id" : objectid } db.deleteonedb(query)
class ReviewReminders: def __init__(self): # Init database self.db = MongoDB('heroku_mqncqpgt', 'reminders') def showallreminders(self, update, context): # get the chat id to retrieve all reminders for that chat chatid = query = {"chatid": chatid} for element in self.db.finddb(query): # separate the date str day = element["date"][0:2] month = element["date"][2:4] year = element["date"][4:8] # separate the time str hour = element["time"][0:2] minute = element["time"][2:4] #id = str(element["_id"]) messagestr = "Description: {0}\nDate(Day/Month/Year): {1}/{2}/{3}\nTime(hh:mm): {4}:{5}\noid: {6}".format( element["description"], day, month, year, hour, minute, str(element["_id"])) # Add inlinebutton keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Delete from database", callback_data='delete') ]], messagestr, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)) def get_review_handler(self): return CommandHandler("allreminders", self.showallreminders) def reminder_button(self, update, context): # if is delete button if == "delete": callback_message = update.callback_query.message # Retrieve the objectid str from the message objectidstr = callback_message.text.split("\n")[3].split( ":")[1].strip() # Convert object id str into ObjectID objectid = ObjectId(objectidstr) # Delete from db query = {"_id": objectid} self.db.deleteonedb(query) # Delete the message, message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id) def get_callbackquery_handler(self): return CallbackQueryHandler(self.reminder_button)