Example #1
class Point(Document):
    meta = {'collection': 'point'}
    name = StringField()
    latitude = StringField()
    longitud = StringField()
    phone = StringField()
    due = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
Example #2
class MarketModel(DynamicDocument):
    blockchain = StringField()
    host = StringField()
    date = DateTimeField()
    base = FloatField()
    quote = FloatField()
    basecurr = StringField()
    quotecurr = StringField()
    cost = FloatField()
    is1min = BooleanField()
    is5min = BooleanField()
    is15min = BooleanField()
    is30min = BooleanField()
    is60min = BooleanField()
    is4hour = BooleanField()
    is1day = BooleanField()
    is1week = BooleanField()

    meta = {
        'ordering': ['-date'],
        'indexes': [
            'blockchain', 'host', 'date', 'is1min', 'is5min', 'is15min',
            'is30min', 'is60min', 'is4hour', 'is1day', 'is1week'
Example #3
class User(Document):
    meta = {"collection": "users"}
    username = StringField()
    email = StringField()
    posts = ListField(ReferenceField('Post'))
    friends = ListField(ReferenceField('User'))
    datetime_created = DateTimeField()
Example #4
class QueryOntology(Document):
    """ Ontology of queries to generate the navigation tree
    name = StringField(required=True, unique=True)
    status = IntField(default=0, required=True)  # 0: Uploaded; 1: Active; 2: Blank; -1: Deleted
    last_modif = DateTimeField(required=False)
    content = StringField(required=True)
Example #5
class Guy(DynamicDocument):
    meta = {'collection': 'guys'}

    ref_id = StringField()
    ref_name = StringField()

    name = StringField()
    email = EmailField()
    pages_today = IntField(default=0)
    pages_total = IntField(default=0)
    shares_today = IntField(default=0)
    updated = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now())
    earnings = FloatField()
    level = IntField()

    ref = ReferenceField('Guy')
    refs = ListField(ReferenceField('Guy'))

    def next_ref_name(self, n):
        return '{}_{}'.format(self.ref_name, n)

    def next_email(self, n):
        name, domain = self.email.split('@')
        return '@'.join(['{}+{}'.format(name, n), domain])

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Guy({})'.format(str(self.to_json()))
class MediaFile(Document):
    # 文件id
    fileId = StringField()
    # 文件名称
    fileName = StringField()
    # 文件原始名称
    fileOriginalName = StringField()
    # 文件路径
    filePath = StringField()
    # 文件url
    fileUrl = StringField()
    # 文件类型
    fileType = StringField()
    # mimetype
    mimeType = StringField()
    # 文件大小
    fileSize = StringField()
    # 文件状态
    fileStatus = StringField()
    # 上传时间
    uploadTime = DateTimeField()
    # 处理状态
    processStatus = StringField()
    # tag标签用于查询
    tag = StringField()
    # hls处理
    mediaFileProcess_m3u8 = ReferenceField(MediaFileProcess_m3u8)

    # 根据file_id获取MediaFile
    def find_by_id(cls, file_id):
        return cls.objects.filter(fileId=file_id).first()
Example #7
class Submission(Document):
    group_name = StringField(required=True)
    student_id = IntField(required=True)
    module_name = StringField(required=True)
    submission_date = DateTimeField(required=True)
    submission_files = EmbeddedDocumentListField(SubmissionFile)
    submission_score = FloatField(required=True)

    def load(self, filepath, results):
        """ Initiate a new Submission entry from a filepath and a results dict

        :filepath: A fileparth ending in
            e.g. data/cohort1/14/pre2-programming/20180724_152918/
        :results: A dictionary populated by the contents of results.json in filepath
        # Populated from filepath
        group, student, module, time = filepath.split("/")[-4:]
        self.group_name = group
        self.student_id = int(student)
        self.module_name = module
        self.submission_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            time, config.INPUT_DATE_FORMAT)
        # Populated from json (results.json)
        self.submission_score = results["overall_score"]
        for filestats in results["data"]:
        return self
Example #8
class EmailJob(EmbeddedDocument):
    job_id = ObjectIdField()
    subject = StringField()
    emails = EmbeddedDocumentListField(Email)
    type = StringField(choices=["Manual", "Scheduled"])
    initiated_at = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)
    included_feedback = BooleanField()
Example #9
class Review(Document):
    meta = {"collection": "review"}

    date = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
    rating = DecimalField()
    organization = ReferenceField(Organization)
    user = ReferenceField(UserAccount)
Example #10
class Category(Document):
    uuid = UUIDField(default=uuid4, unique=True)
    name = StringField(max_length=120, unique=True, required=True)
    created_at = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)

    def to_dict(self):
        return {'uuid': str(self.uuid), 'name': self.name}
Example #11
class SpecChange(EmbeddedDocument):
    date = DateTimeField()
    changes = StringField()

    def json_data(self):
        return {"date": self.date.isoformat(), "changes": self.changes}
Example #12
class MntCostSnap(Document):

    rpt_date = DateTimeField(verbose_name='报表快照日期', required=True)
    shop_id = IntField(verbose_name="店铺ID", required=True)
    campaign_id = IntField(verbose_name="推广计划ID", primary_key=True)
    cost = IntField(verbose_name="总花费", default=0)
    category = StringField(
        verbose_name="业务类型")  # 对应 customer表中的 current_highest_version 字段
    consult_id = IntField(verbose_name='当前顾问ID')
    xfgroup_id = IntField(verbose_name='当前销服组ID')

    meta = {
        'collection': 'timer_mntcostsnap',
        'indexes': ['rpt_date', 'xfgroup_id'],
        "shard_key": ('shop_id', )

    def bulk_update_db(cls, update_list):
        total_updated_num = 0
        for temp_list in genr_sublist(update_list, 1000):  # bulk一次最多1000个
            bulk = cls._get_collection().initialize_unordered_bulk_op()
            for update_tuple in temp_list:
                result = bulk.execute()
                total_updated_num += result['nModified']
            except BulkWriteError, e:
                log.error('bulk_update_kw2db, detail=%s' % e.details)
                total_updated_num += e.details['nModified']
        return total_updated_num
Example #13
class ObjectLog(Document):
    meta = {
        "collection": "noc.objectlog",
        "strict": False,
        "auto_create_index": False,
        "indexes": ["object"]

    # Inventory object reference
    object = ObjectIdField()
    # Timestamp
    ts = DateTimeField()
    # Username
    user = StringField()
    # NOC subsystem
    system = StringField()
    # Managed object name
    managed_object = StringField()
    # Operation
    # * CREATE - Object created
    # * CHANGE - Object changed
    # * CONNECT - Object connected
    # * DISCONNECT - Object disconnected
    # * INSERT - Object moved into container
    # * REMOVE - Object removed from container
    op = StringField()
    # Message
    message = StringField()
Example #14
class EmbeddedArticle(EmbeddedDocument):

    meta = {'collection': 'test_embedded_article'}
    headline = StringField(required=True)
    pub_date = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
    editor = ReferenceField(Editor)
    reporter = ReferenceField('Reporter')
Example #15
class BlogPost(DynamicDocument):
    # pass
    title = StringField()
    content = StringField()
    # Reference field to a user
    # If we have not defimed User schema (line 36-69) that would not work
    author = ReferenceField(User)
    date_created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)

    meta = {
        "indexes": ["title"],
        # ordering in descending fashion
        "ordering": ["-date_created"]

    # Querying the database
    # http://docs.mongoengine.org/guide/querying.html

    # Return everything from the user collection
    # Pylint warning - ignore
    # https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine/issues/858
    users = User.objects()

    for user in users:
        print(user.username, user.email, user.bio)
Example #16
class PyRule(Document):
    meta = {
        "collection": "pyrules",
        "strict": False,
        "auto_create_index": False
    # Relative modules name
    # i.e. test.mod1 for noc.pyrules.test.mod1
    name = StringField(
    description = StringField()
    # Source code
    source = StringField()
    last_changed = DateTimeField()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

    def full_name(self):
        return "noc.pyrules.%s" % self.name

    def clean(self):
        # Check source code
            compile(str(self.source), "<string>", "exec")
        except SyntaxError as e:
            raise ValidationError("Cannot compile pyRule: %s" % e)
        # Update last_changed
        self.last_changed = datetime.datetime.now()
Example #17
class ObjectFile(Document):
    Inventory object
    meta = {
        "collection": "noc.objectfiles",
        "allow_inheritance": False,
        "indexes": ["object"]

    object = ObjectIdField()
    name = StringField()
    file = FileField()
    ts = DateTimeField()
    description = StringField()
    size = IntField()
    mime_type = StringField()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(self.name or self.id)

    def delete_file(self):
        if self.file:

    def delete_files(cls, sender, document, target=None):
        for o in ObjectFile.objects.filter(object=document.id):

    def on_delete(cls, sender, document, target=None):
Example #18
class User(Custom_Document):
    nickname = StringField(required=True, unique=True, max_length=20)
    email = EmailField(required=True, unique=True, max_length=50)
    password_hash = StringField(max_length=200, required=True)
    about_me = StringField(max_length=200)
    skills = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Skill))
    last_seen = DateTimeField(required=True)

    def password(self):
        raise AttributeError('password is not a readable')

    def password(self, password):
        self.password_hash = yield self._executor.submit(
            bcrypt.hashpw, password, bcrypt.gensalt())

    def verify_password(self, password):
        password_hash = yield self._executor.submit(
            bcrypt.hashpw, password, self.password_hash)
        return password_hash == self.password_hash

    def avatar(self, size):
        return avatar(self.email, size)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<User %r>' % (self.nickname)
Example #19
class Contest(Document):
    post_id = StringField(required=True, unique=True)
    text = StringField(required=True)
    date = DateTimeField(required=True)
    city = ListField(IntField())
    category = ListField(StringField())
    is_tagged = BooleanField(required=True, default=False)

    meta = {
        'indexes': [
            '#post_id', 'date', 'city', 'category', {
                'fields': ['$text'],
                'default_language': 'russian'
            }, 'is_tagged'

    def create(post_id, text, date, city, category, is_tagged=False):
        contest = Contest()
        contest.post_id = post_id
        contest.text = text
        contest.date = date
        contest.city = city
        contest.category = category
        contest.is_tagged = is_tagged
        return contest
Example #20
class User(Document):
    # http://docs.mongoengine.org/guide/defining-documents.html#fields
    username = StringField(unique=True, required=True)
    email = EmailField(unique=True)
    password = BinaryField(required=True)
    age = IntField()
    bio = StringField(max_length=100)
    # Will accepet strings
    # categoreis = ListField(StringField())
    categories = ListField()
    admin = BooleanField(default=False)
    registered = BooleanField(default=False)
    date_created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)

    def json(self):
        user_dict = {
            "username": self.username,
            "email": self.email,
            "age": self.age,
            "bio": self.bio,
            "categories": self.categories,
            "admin": self.admin,
            "registered": self.registered
        return json.dumps(user_dict)

    # Create meta information about our document
    # Check out docs for more
    meta = {
        "indexes": ["username", "email"],
        # ordering in descending fashion
        "ordering": ["-date_created"]
Example #21
class Outage(Document):
    meta = {
        "collection": "noc.fm.outages",
        "strict": False,
        "auto_create_index": False,
        "indexes": ["object", ("object", "-start")]

    object = IntField()
    start = DateTimeField()
    stop = DateTimeField()  # None for active outages

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"%d" % self.object

    def is_active(self):
        return self.stop is None

    def register_outage(cls, object, status, ts=None):
        Change current outage status
        :param cls:
        :param object: Managed Object
        :param status: True - if object is down, False - otherwise
        :param ts: Effective event timestamp. None for current time
        ts = ts or datetime.datetime.now()
        col = Outage._get_collection()
        lo = col.find_one({
            "object": object.id,
            "start": {
                "$lte": ts
        }, {
            "_id": 1,
            "stop": 1
                          sort=[("object", 1), ("start", -1)])
        if not status and lo and not lo.get("stop"):
            # Close interval
            col.update({"_id": lo["_id"]}, {"$set": {"stop": ts}})
        elif status and (not lo or lo.get("stop")):
            # New outage
            col.insert({"object": object.id, "start": ts, "stop": None})
Example #22
class Timelog(Document):

    time = DateTimeField(required=True)
    kind = StringField(required=True)

    source = StringField()

    employee = ReferenceField(Employee, dbref=False)
Example #23
class Operation(Document):
    meta = {'collection': 'operation'}
    text = StringField(required=True)
    textType = StringField(default='input')
    result = StringField()
    dateCr = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
    user = ReferenceField(User)
    operation_type = ReferenceField(OperationType)
Example #24
class Links(Document):
    meta = {'collection': 'linkedin_links'}
    url = StringField()
    last_fetch_at = DateTimeField(default=datetime.min)

    def to_crawl():
        return Links.objects(last_fetch_at__exists=False).count()
Example #25
class Message(Document):
    id = UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=lambda: uuid4())
    user = ReferenceField('User')
    room = ReferenceField('Room')
    message = StringField(max_length=500, required=True)
    timestamp = DateTimeField(required=True,
                              default=lambda: datetime.datetime.now())
    location = PointField()
class Users(Document):
    role = EnumField(Role, default=Role.USER)
    first_name = StringField(min_length=1, max_length=200)
    last_name = StringField(min_length=1, max_length=200)
    email = EmailField(allow_utf8_user=True, unique=True)
    phone_number = StringField(regex=r"\d{3,}")
    password = DynamicField(max_length=100)
    created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)
Example #27
class ObjectFact(Document):
    meta = {
        "collection": "noc.objectfacts",
        "strict": False,
        "auto_create_index": False,
        "indexes": ["object", "attrs.rule"],
    uuid = UUIDField(binary=True, primary_key=True)
    object = ForeignKeyField(ManagedObject)
    cls = StringField()
    label = StringField()
    attrs = DictField()
    introduced = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
    changed = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.object.name
Example #28
class ApiSpecification(Document):
    server_url = StringField(required=True, min_length=3)
    title = StringField(required=False)
    version = StringField(required=False)
    consumes = ListField(field=StringField(required=False), required=False)
    produces = ListField(field=StringField(required=False), required=False)
    operations = ListField(field=StringField(required=False), required=False)
    created_at = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
Example #29
class Historique(Document):
    meta = {'collection': 'historique'}

    text = StringField()
    result = StringField()
    dateCreation = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
    user = ReferenceField(User)
    operation = ReferenceField(Operation)
Example #30
class Text(EmbeddedDocument):
    title = StringField()
    content = StringField(required=True)
    type = StringField()
    dateCr = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
    emotion = IntField(default=-1)
    fakeNews = IntField(default=-1)
    operation = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Operation))
Example #31
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     kwargs.setdefault("default", datetime.datetime.now)
     DateTimeField.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)