Example #1
class Stores(me.Document):
    created_at = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now())
    name = me.StringField(required=True)
    phone = me.StringField(require=True)
    type_ = me.StringField(required=True)
    sub_type = me.StringField(required=True)
    is_active = me.BooleanField(default=True)
    location = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentListField(Locations))
    owner_id = me.StringField()
    products = me.EmbeddedDocumentListField(Product)
    web_info = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentListField(Web))
    schedule = me.StringField()
    meta = {'db_alias': 'core', 'collection': 'stores'}
Example #2
class User(document.Document):
    meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
    _hidden = ['password', 'completion_token']
    type = orm.StringField()

    name = orm.StringField(required=True)
    image = orm.URLField()
    email = orm.EmailField(required=True, unique=True)
    password = orm.StringField()

    gender = orm.StringField()
    phone = orm.StringField()

    complete = orm.BooleanField(default=True)
    completion_token = orm.StringField()

    # Different based on context of user - whether events attended, mentored, or organized
    checkins = orm.ListField(orm.ReferenceField(events.Event))
    events = orm.ListField(orm.ReferenceField(events.Event))

    shirt_type = orm.StringField()
    shirt_size = orm.StringField()

    dietary = orm.StringField()
    notes = orm.MapField(orm.StringField())

    stripe_id = orm.StringField()
class BaseConfig(me.EmbeddedDocument):
    meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
    player_opts_class = BasePlayerOpts
    game_type = me.StringField(required=True, choices=[])
    gameid = me.StringField(required=True)  # TODO get rid of this
    players = me.ListField(me.ReferenceField('User'))
    player_opts = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(BasePlayerOpts))
Example #4
class Owner(me.Document):

    id = me.StringField(primary_key=True,
                        default=lambda: uuid4().hex)

    activation_date = me.FloatField()  # TODO: Use datetime object
    # this exists for preventing conflicting rule id's
    rule_counter = me.IntField(default=0)
    total_machine_count = me.IntField()

    rules = me.MapField(field=me.ReferenceField(Rule))
    alerts_email = me.ListField(me.StringField(), default=[])

    avatar = me.StringField(default='')

    last_active = me.DateTimeField()

    meta = {
        'allow_inheritance': True,
        'ordering': ['-activation_date'],
        'strict': False,

    def count_mon_machines(self):
        from mist.api.clouds.models import Cloud
        from mist.api.machines.models import Machine
        clouds = Cloud.objects(owner=self, deleted=None)
        return Machine.objects(cloud__in=clouds,

    def get_id(self):
        # TODO: This must be deprecated
        if not self.id:
            self.id = lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex
        return self.id

    def get_external_id(self, service):
        import mist.api.helpers
        return mist.api.helpers.encrypt(self.id, key_salt=service, no_iv=True)

    def as_dict(self):
        # FIXME: Now, this is just silly
        return json.loads(self.to_json())

    def clean(self):
        # TODO: check if these are valid email addresses,
        # to avoid possible spam
        if self.alerts_email:
            if isinstance(self.alerts_email, basestring):
                emails = []
                for email in self.alerts_email.split(','):
                    if re.match("[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email):
                        emails.append(email.replace(' ', ''))
                self.emails = emails
        super(Owner, self).clean()
Example #5
class Snapshot(me.Document):
    id = me.SequenceField(primary_key=True)
    created_at = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now(), required=True)
    trained_at = me.DateTimeField()
    types = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Type), required=True)
    semaphore = me.IntField(default=0)

    meta = {'indexes': ['semaphore']}

    def from_string(version_string):
        if 'CURRENT' in version_string:
            return Snapshot.current()
        return Snapshot.objects.get(id=int(version_string[1:]))

    def current():
        return Snapshot.objects.get(id=CURRENT_ID)

    def __str__(self):
        return f'v{"CURRENT" if self.id == CURRENT_ID else self.id}'

    def training_lock(self, un_train: bool = False):
        if Snapshot.objects(id=self.id,
                            semaphore=0).update_one(dec__semaphore=1) == 1:
                yield self
                if Snapshot.objects(id=self.id, semaphore=-1).update_one(
                        trained_at=None if un_train else datetime.now()) == 1:
                    raise TrainingLockFreeError
            raise TrainingLockAcquireError

    def loading_lock(self):
        if Snapshot.objects(
                semaphore__gte=0).update_one(inc__semaphore=1) == 1:
                yield self
                if Snapshot.objects(
                        semaphore__gt=0).update_one(dec__semaphore=1) == 1:
                    raise LoadingLockFreeError
            raise LoadingLockAcquireError
Example #6
class Lecture(mongo.Document):
    syjc = mongo.BooleanField()
    subject = mongo.StringField()
    division = mongo.StringField()
    lecturer = mongo.StringField()
    date = mongo.DateTimeField()
    start_time = mongo.IntField()
    end_time = mongo.IntField()
    num_students = mongo.IntField()
    present = mongo.MapField(mongo.BooleanField())

    meta = {'collection': 'lectures'}
Example #7
class Editor(mongoengine.Document):
    An Editor of a publication.

    meta = {'collection': 'test_editor'}
    id = mongoengine.StringField(primary_key=True)
    first_name = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, help_text="Editor's first name.", db_field='fname')
    last_name = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, help_text="Editor's last name.")
    metadata = mongoengine.MapField(field=mongoengine.StringField(), help_text="Arbitrary metadata.")
    company = mongoengine.LazyReferenceField(Publisher)
    avatar = mongoengine.FileField()
    seq = mongoengine.SequenceField()
Example #8
class UserIndex(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
        typeid: 类型id 同一种索引方式相同
        value: 用户索引值
        description: 用户索引描述
        extension: 扩展描述字典

    typeid = mongoengine.StringField(
        unique=not settings.AllowMultiAccountBinding, required=True)
    value = mongoengine.StringField(unique=True, required=True)
    description = mongoengine.StringField(default=str)
    extension = mongoengine.MapField(field=mongoengine.StringField())
Example #9
class Job(me.DynamicDocument):

    jobid = me.UUIDField(binary=False, required=True)
    name = me.StringField(max_length=128, default="Unknown")
    failed = me.BooleanField(default=False)
    reason = me.StringField(max_length=512)
    version = me.StringField(max_length=10, default=baleen.get_version)
    started = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, required=True)
    finished = me.DateTimeField(default=None)
    updated = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, required=True)
    errors = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())
    counts = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())
    totals = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())

    def pre_save(cls, sender, document, **kwargs):
        document.updated = datetime.now()

    meta = {
        'collection': 'jobs',

    def duration(self, humanize=False):
        Returns the timedelta of the duration.
        finished = self.finished or datetime.now()
        delta = finished - self.started

        if humanize:
            return humanizedelta(days=delta.days,
        return delta

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "{} Job {}".format(self.name, self.jobid)
Example #10
class Group(mongoengine.Document):
        name: 用户组的名称
        description: 用户组的描述信息
        permission: 用户组的权限值
        users: 用户组中包含的用户
        extensions: 扩展信息存储

    name = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, default=str)
    description = mongoengine.StringField(default=str)
    permission = mongoengine.IntField(required=True, default=int)
    users = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.ObjectIdField())
    extensions = mongoengine.MapField(field=mongoengine.StringField())
Example #11
class Job(me.DynamicDocument):

    jobid = me.UUIDField(binary=False, required=True)
    name = me.StringField(max_length=128, default="Unknown")
    failed = me.BooleanField(default=False)
    reason = me.StringField(max_length=512)
    version = me.StringField(max_length=10, default=baleen.get_version)
    started = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, required=True)
    finished = me.DateTimeField(default=None)
    updated = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, required=True)
    errors = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())
    counts = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())
    totals = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())

    def pre_save(cls, sender, document, **kwargs):
        document.updated = datetime.now()

    meta = {
        'collection': 'jobs',

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "{} Job {}".format(self.name, self.jobid)
class HistoryStep(me.EmbeddedDocument):
    log_message = me.StringField()
    public_view = me.DictField()
    public_view_delta = me.DictField()
    player_views = me.MapField(me.DictField())
    player_view_deltas = me.MapField(me.DictField())
Example #13
class ExampleCardGameModel(TurnBasedModel):
    hands = me.MapField(me.ListField(me.IntField))
    deck = me.ListField(me.IntField())
    stack = me.ListField(me.IntField())
    viewing = me.ListField(me.IntField(), required=False)

    def current_total(self):
        return sum(self.stack)

    def setup(self):
        cards_to_deal = 4 if self.config.use_special_cards else 5
        cards = list(range(1, 6)) * 5
        self.hands = {}
        self.hands[self.config.players[0].id] = cards[0:cards_to_deal]
            self.config.players[1].id] = cards[cards_to_deal:cards_to_deal * 2]
        self.deck = cards[cards_to_deal * 2:]
        if self.config.use_special_cards:
            for p in self.config.players:
        self.stack = []
        self.viewing = None
        super(ExampleCardGameModel, self).setup()

    def update_legal_actions(self):
        if self.result is not None:
            self._cached_actions = {
                p.id: [['restart']]
                for p in self.config.players
            super(ExampleCardGameModel, self).update_legal_actions()

    def get_actions_for_active_player(self):
        if self.viewing:
            yield from [['pick', n] for n in sorted(set(self.viewing))]
            yield from [['play', n]
                        for n in sorted(set(self.hands[self.active_user.id]))]
            c = Counter(self.hands[self.active_user.id])
            for v in c:
                if c[v] > 1:
                    yield ['discard_double', v]

    def apply_action(self, user, action, log_callback):
        if not self.is_legal_action(user, action):
            return False
        if action == ['restart']:
            self.result = None
                f'New game starting. {self.active_user.nickname} plays first.')
            self.apply_action_for_active_player(action, log_callback)

    def apply_action_for_active_player(self, action, log_callback):
        move_type = action[0]
        if move_type == 'play':
                f'{self.active_user.nickname} plays a {action[1]}, making the total {self.current_total}.'
            if self.current_total == 21:
                self.result = {'winner': self.active_user.id}
                    f'{self.active_user.nickname} wins by reaching 21.')
            elif self.current_total > 21:
                self.result = {
                    (self.turn_order[1 - self.active_player_index]).id
                winner_nick = [
                    p.nickname for p in self.config.players
                    if p.id == self.result['winner']
                    f'{self.active_user.nickname} went over 21. {winner_nick} wins.'
        elif move_type == 'discard_double':
                f'{self.active_user.nickname} discards a pair of {action[1]}s.'
            self.viewing = self.deck[:5]
            self.deck = self.deck[5:]
        elif move_type == 'pick':
                f'{self.active_user.nickname} chooses a card from the top five of the deck.'
                f'{len(self.viewing)} cards are shuffled and placed on the bottom.'
            self.viewing = None

    def get_public_view(self):
        result = super(ExampleCardGameModel, self).get_public_view()
        result['current_total'] = self.current_total
        result['deck_count'] = len(self.deck)
        result['stack'] = self.stack.copy()
        result['hand_counts'] = {
            p.id: len(self.hands[p.id])
            for p in self.config.players
        return result

    def get_player_view(self, user):
        result = super(ExampleCardGameModel, self).get_player_view(user)
        result['my_hand'] = self.hands[user.id].copy()
        if self.viewing and user == self.active_user:
            result['viewing'] = self.viewing.copy()
        return result
Example #14
class Fight(warcraftlogs_base.EmbeddedDocument):

    fight_id = me.IntField(primary_key=True)

    start_time: arrow.Arrow = mongoengine_arrow.ArrowDateTimeField()

    # fight duration in milliseconds
    duration: int = me.IntField(default=0)

    # deprecated in favor of "duration".
    end_time_old: arrow.Arrow = mongoengine_arrow.ArrowDateTimeField(

    boss_id = me.IntField()
    players: typing.Dict[str, Player] = me.MapField(
    boss: Boss = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Boss)

    composition = me.DictField()
    deaths = me.IntField(default=0)
    ilvl = me.FloatField(default=0)
    damage_taken = me.IntField(default=0)

    # boss percentage at the end. (its 0.01 for kills)
    percent = me.FloatField(default=0)
    kill = me.BooleanField(default=True)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.report = None
        if self.boss:
            self.boss.fight = self
        for player in self.players.values():
            player.fight = self

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(id={self.fight_id}, players={len(self.players)})"

    def summary(self):

        raid_boss_name = self.boss and self.boss.raid_boss and self.boss.raid_boss.full_name_slug

        return {
            "report_id": self.report.report_id,
            "fight_id": self.fight_id,
            "percent": self.percent,
            "kill": self.kill,
            "duration": self.duration,
            "time": self.start_time.timestamp(),
            "boss": {
                "name": raid_boss_name

    def as_dict(self, player_ids: typing.List[int] = None) -> dict:

        # Get players
        players = list(self.players.values())
        if player_ids:
            players = [
                player for player in players if player.source_id in player_ids
        players = sorted(players,
                         key=lambda player:
                         (player.spec.role, player.spec, player.name))

        # Return
        return {
            "players": [player.as_dict() for player in players],
            "boss": self.boss.as_dict() if self.boss else {},

    # Attributes
    def end_time(self) -> arrow.Arrow:
        return self.start_time.shift(seconds=self.duration / 1000)

    def start_time_rel(self) -> int:
        """Fight start time, relative the parent report (in milliseconds)."""
        return 1000 * int(self.start_time.timestamp() -

    def end_time_rel(self) -> int:
        """fight end time, relative to the report (in milliseconds)."""
        return 1000 * int(self.end_time.timestamp() -

    def raid_boss(self) -> RaidBoss:
        return RaidBoss.get(id=self.boss_id)

    # Methods
    def get_player(self, **kwargs) -> Player:
        """Returns a single Player based on the kwargs."""
        return utils.get(self.players.values(), **kwargs)

    def get_players(self, source_ids: typing.List[int] = None):
        """Gets multiple players based on source id."""
        players = list(self.players.values())
        if source_ids:
            players = [
                player for player in players if player.source_id in source_ids

        return [player for player in players if player]

    def add_boss(self, boss_id) -> RaidBoss:
        self.boss_id = boss_id
        self.boss = Boss(boss_id=boss_id)
        self.boss.fight = self
        return self.boss

    # Query
    def table_query_args(self) -> str:
        return f"fightIDs: {self.fight_id}, startTime: {self.start_time_rel}, endTime: {self.end_time_rel}"

    #   Summary
    def get_summary_query(self):
        """Get the Query to load the fights summary."""
        if self.players:
            return ""

        return textwrap.dedent(f"""\
                report(code: "{self.report.report_id}")
                    summary: table({self.table_query_args}, dataType: Summary)

    def process_players(self, players_data):
        if not players_data:
            logger.warning("players_data is empty")

        total_damage = players_data.get("damageDone", [])
        total_healing = players_data.get("healingDone", [])

        for composition_data in players_data.get("composition", []):

            spec_data = composition_data.get("specs", [])
            if not spec_data:
                logger.warning("Player has no spec: %s",

            spec_data = spec_data[0]
            spec_name = spec_data.get("spec")
            class_name = composition_data.get("type")

            spec = WowSpec.get(name_slug_cap=spec_name,
            if not spec:
                logger.warning("Unknown Spec: %s", spec_name)

            # Get Total Damage or Healing
            spec_role = spec_data.get("role")
            total_data = total_healing if spec_role == "healer" else total_damage
            for data in total_data:
                if data.get("id", -1) == composition_data.get("id"):
                    total = data.get("total", 0) / (self.duration / 1000)
                total = 0

            # create and return yield player object
            player = Player()
            player.fight = self
            player.spec_slug = spec.full_name_slug
            player.source_id = composition_data.get("id")
            player.name = composition_data.get("name")
            player.total = int(total)
            player.process_death_events(players_data.get("deathEvents", []))
            self.players[str(player.source_id)] = player

        # call this before filtering to always get the full comp
        self.composition = get_composition(self.players.values())

    def process_overview(self, data):
        """Process the data retured from an Overview-Query."""
        data = data.get("reportData") or data
        summary_data = utils.get_nested_value(data, "report", "summary",
                                              "data") or {}
        self.duration = self.duration or summary_data.get("totalTime", 0)

    async def load_summary(self, force=False):
        """Load this fights Summary.

            force(boolean, optional): load even if its already loaded

        if force:
            self.players = {}

        if self.players:
            return ""

        query = self.get_summary_query()
        result = await self.client.query(query)

    # alias to set the default "load"-behaviour
    process_query_result = process_overview
    get_query = get_summary_query

    #   Load Player:
    async def load_players(self, player_ids: typing.List[int] = None):

        if not self.players:
            await self.load_summary()

        # Get Players to load
        players_to_load = self.get_players(player_ids)
        players_to_load = [
            player for player in players_to_load if not player.casts

        # see if we need to load the boss
        boss = [] if (self.boss and self.boss.casts) else [self.boss]

        if not (players_to_load or boss):

        # load
        await self.load_many(players_to_load + boss)

        # re-add them to the dict, as otherwise we get some mongodb issues
        for actor in players_to_load:
            self.players[str(actor.source_id)] = actor
Example #15
class Rule(me.Document):
    """The base Rule mongoengine model.

    The Rule class defines the base schema of all rule types. All documents of
    any Rule subclass will be stored in the same mongo collection.

    All Rule subclasses MUST define a `_controller_cls` class attribute and a
    backend plugin. Controllers are used to perform actions on instances of
    Rule, such as adding or updating. Backend plugins are used to transform a
    Rule into the corresponding query to be executed against a certain data
    storage. Different types of rules, such as a rule on monitoring metrics or
    a rule on logging data, should also define and utilize their respective
    backend plugins. For instance, a rule on monitoring data, which is stored
    in a TSDB like Graphite, will have to utilize a different plugin than a
    rule on logging data, stored in Elasticsearch, in order to successfully
    query the database.

    The Rule class is mainly divided into two categories:

    1. Arbitrary rules - defined entirely by the user. This type of rules gives
    users the freedom to execute arbitrary queries on arbitrary data. The query
    may include (nested) expressions and aggregations on arbitrary fields whose
    result will be evaluated against a threshold based on a comparison operator
    (=, <, etc).

    2. Resource rules - defined by using Mist.io UUIDs and tags. This type of
    rules can be used to easily setup alerts on resources given their tags or
    UUIDs. In this case, users have to explicitly specify the target metric's
    name, aggregation function, and resources either by their UUIDs or tags.
    This type of rules allows for easier alert configuration on known resources
    in the expense of less elastic query expressions.

    The Rule base class can be used to query the database and fetch documents
    created by any Rule subclass. However, in order to add new rules one must
    use one of the Rule subclasses, which represent different rule type, each
    associated with the corresponding backend plugin.


    id = me.StringField(primary_key=True, default=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)
    title = me.StringField(required=True)
    owner_id = me.StringField(required=True)

    # Specifies a list of queries to be evaluated. Results will be logically
    # ANDed together in order to decide whether an alert should be raised.
    queries = me.EmbeddedDocumentListField(QueryCondition, required=True)

    # Defines the time window and frequency of each search.
    window = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Window, required=True)
    frequency = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Frequency, required=True)

    # Associates a reminder offset, which will cause an alert to be fired if
    # and only if the threshold is exceeded for a number of trigger_after
    # intervals.
    trigger_after = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(
        TriggerOffset, default=lambda: TriggerOffset(period='minutes'))

    # Defines a list of actions to be executed once the rule is triggered.
    # Defaults to just notifying the users.
    actions = me.EmbeddedDocumentListField(
        BaseAlertAction, required=True, default=lambda: [NotificationAction()])

    # Disable the rule organization-wide.
    disabled = me.BooleanField(default=False)

    # Fields passed to celerybeat as optional arguments.
    queue = me.StringField()
    exchange = me.StringField()
    routing_key = me.StringField()
    soft_time_limit = me.IntField()

    # Fields updated by the scheduler.
    last_run_at = me.DateTimeField()
    run_immediately = me.BooleanField()
    total_run_count = me.IntField(min_value=0, default=0)
    total_check_count = me.IntField(min_value=0, default=0)

    # Field updated by celery workers. This is where celery workers keep state.
    states = me.MapField(field=me.EmbeddedDocumentField(RuleState))

    meta = {
        'indexes': [{
            'fields': ['owner_id', 'title'],
            'sparse': False,
            'unique': True,
            'cls': False,

    _controller_cls = None
    _backend_plugin = None
    _data_type_str = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Rule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self._controller_cls is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "Cannot instantiate self. %s is a base class and cannot be "
                "used to insert or update alert rules and actions. Use a "
                "subclass of self that defines a `_controller_cls` class "
                "attribute derived from `mist.api.rules.base:BaseController`, "
                "instead." % self.__class__.__name__)
        if self._backend_plugin is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Cannot instantiate self. %s does not define a backend_plugin "
                "in order to evaluate rules against the corresponding backend "
                "storage." % self.__class__.__name__)
        if self._data_type_str not in (
            raise TypeError(
                "Cannot instantiate self. %s is a base class and cannot be "
                "used to insert or update rules. Use a subclass of self that "
                "defines a `_backend_plugin` class attribute, as well as the "
                "requested data's type via the `_data_type_str` attribute, "
                "instead." % self.__class__.__name__)
        self.ctl = self._controller_cls(self)

    def add(cls, auth_context, title=None, **kwargs):
        """Add a new Rule.

        New rules should be added by invoking this class method on a Rule


            owner:  instance of mist.api.users.models.Organization
            title:  the name of the rule. This must be unique per Organization
            kwargs: additional keyword arguments that will be passed to the
                    corresponding controller in order to setup the self

            cls.objects.get(owner_id=auth_context.owner.id, title=title)
        except cls.DoesNotExist:
            rule = cls(owner_id=auth_context.owner.id, title=title)
            raise BadRequestError('Title "%s" is already in use' % title)
        return rule

    def owner(self):
        """Return the Organization (instance) owning self.

        We refrain from storing the owner as a me.ReferenceField in order to
        avoid automatic/unwanted dereferencing.

        return Organization.objects.get(id=self.owner_id)

    def plugin(self):
        """Return the instance of a backend plugin.

        Subclasses MUST define the plugin to be used, instantiated with `self`.

        return self._backend_plugin(self)

    # NOTE The following properties are required by the scheduler.

    def name(self):
        """Return the name of the celery task.

        This must be globally unique, since celerybeat-mongo uses schedule
        names as keys of the dictionary of schedules to run.

        return 'Org(%s):Rule(%s)' % (self.owner_id, self.id)

    def task(self):
        """Return the celery task to run.

        This is the most basic celery task that should be used for most rule
        evaluations. However, subclasses may provide their own property or
        class attribute based on their needs.

        return 'mist.api.rules.tasks.evaluate'

    def args(self):
        """Return the args of the celery task."""
        return (self.id, )

    def kwargs(self):
        """Return the kwargs of the celery task."""
        return {}

    def expires(self):
        """Return None to denote that self is not meant to expire."""
        return None

    def enabled(self):
        """Return True if the celery task is currently enabled.

        Subclasses MAY override or extend this property.

        return not self.disabled

    def schedule(self):
        """Return a celery schedule instance.

        Used internally by the scheduler. Subclasses MUST NOT override this.

        return celery.schedules.schedule(self.frequency.timedelta)

    def is_arbitrary(self):
        """Return True if self is arbitrary.

        Arbitrary rules lack a list of `selectors` that refer to resources
        either by their UUIDs or by tags. Such a list makes it easy to setup
        rules referencing specific resources without the need to provide the
        raw query expression.

        return 'selectors' not in type(self)._fields

    def clean(self):
        # FIXME This is needed in order to ensure rule name convention remains
        # backwards compatible with the old monitoring stack. However, it will
        # have to change in the future due to uniqueness constrains.
        if not self.title:
            self.title = 'rule%d' % self.owner.rule_counter

    def as_dict(self):
        return {
            'id': self.id,
            'title': self.title,
            'queries': [query.as_dict() for query in self.queries],
            'window': self.window.as_dict(),
            'frequency': self.frequency.as_dict(),
            'trigger_after': self.trigger_after.as_dict(),
            'actions': [action.as_dict() for action in self.actions],
            'disabled': self.disabled,
            'data_type': self._data_type_str,

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s %s of %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.title,
class Host(common.BaseDocument):
    meta = {
        'ordering': ['-updated'],
        'queryset_class': common.SerializableQuerySet,
        'indexes': ['created', 'updated', 'hostname']
    hostname = mongoengine.StringField(required=True)
    pid = mongoengine.IntField(required=True)
    mac_address = mongoengine.StringField()
    job_slots = mongoengine.MapField(field=mongoengine.IntField(), default={})
    job_imports = mongoengine.ListField(field=mongoengine.StringField(),
    platform = mongoengine.DictField()
    boot_time = mongoengine.DateTimeField()
    python_version = mongoengine.StringField()
    python_packages = mongoengine.ListField(field=mongoengine.StringField())

    def history(self, offset=0, limit=30, step=0):
        step_filter = {}
        if step and step > 1:
            step_filter = {'index__mod': (step, 0)}
        statuses = HostStatus.objects(
            host=self, **step_filter).order_by('-created')[offset:limit]
        return [s.to_safe_dict(with_host=False) for s in statuses]

    def alive(self):
        recent_count = HostStatus.objects(host=self,
                                          created__gte=datetime.utcnow() -
        return recent_count > 0

    def last_seen_alive(self):
        last_status = HostStatus.objects(
        if not last_status or not last_status.created:
            return None
        return last_status.created

    def to_safe_dict(self,
        r = super(Host, self).to_safe_dict()
        if alive:
            r['alive'] = self.alive()
            r['last_seen_alive'] = self.last_seen_alive()
        if with_history:
            r['history'] = self.history(offset=offset, limit=limit, step=step)
        return r

    def update_status(self):
        partitions = []
            for f in psutil.disk_partitions():
                usage = psutil.disk_usage(path=f.mountpoint)
                p = {
                    'type': f.fstype,
                    'device': f.device,
                    'mountpoint': f.mountpoint,
                    'total': usage.total,
                    'used': usage.used,
                    'percent': usage.percent,
        except Exception as e:

        self_process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        processes = [{
            'ppid': self_process.ppid(),
            'pid': self_process.pid,
            'cmd': ' '.join(self_process.cmdline())
        for c in self_process.children():
                    'ppid': c.ppid(),
                    'pid': c.pid,
                    'cmd': ' '.join(c.cmdline())
            except psutil.Error:

        self.host_status_index += 1

        status = HostStatus()
        status.index = self.host_status_index
        status.host = self
        status.current_jobs = [{
            'uuid': j.uuid,
            'type': j._cls
        } for j in self.client_service.current_jobs]

        virtual_memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
        swap_memory = psutil.swap_memory()

        status.system_status = {
            'processes': processes,
            'cpu': {
                'percent': psutil.cpu_percent(),
                'percents': psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)
            'memory': {
                'virtual': {
                    'total': virtual_memory.total,
                    'used': virtual_memory.used,
                    'percent': virtual_memory.percent,
                'swap': {
                    'total': swap_memory.total,
                    'used': swap_memory.used,
                    'percent': swap_memory.percent,
            'disk': partitions,
            #'disk_io': safe_dict(psutil.disk_io_counters, perdisk=False)

    def localhost(cls):
        hostname = socket.gethostname()
        hosts = Host.objects(hostname=hostname)
        if not hosts:
            logging.info('Host unknown. Initializing it in the database...')
            host = Host()
            host.hostname = hostname
            host.mac_address = tbx.network.get_mac_address()
            host.platform = tbx.code.safe_dict(platform.uname)
            host.host_status_index = 1
                "Now, configure Host '%s' through API or Web UI to be able to use it."
                % hostname)
            host = hosts[0]
            last_status = HostStatus.objects(
            if not last_status:
                host.host_status_index = 1
                host.host_status_index = last_status.index
            logging.info("Host '%s' already found in database." % hostname)

        host.boot_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time())
        host.pid = os.getpid()
        host.python_version = sys.version.split(' ')[0]
        host.python_packages = sorted([
            "%s (%s)" % (i.key, i.version) for i in pkg_resources.working_set
        logging.info("Host '%s' config updated in database." % hostname)
        return host

    def update_slots(self, job_slots=None):
        from jobmanager.common.job import Job, JobTask
        job_classes = tbx.code.get_subclasses(Job)
        job_tasks = tbx.code.get_subclasses(JobTask)
        if not job_slots:
                'Job Slots not set in env or command line args. Setting to default job defined amount.'
            job_slots = {
                k.__name__: k.default_slot_amount()
                for k in job_classes
        available_class_names = {c.__name__ for c in job_classes}
        previous_class_names = set(self.job_slots.keys())
        all_class_names = previous_class_names | available_class_names
        for class_name in all_class_names:
            if class_name not in job_slots.keys():
                self.job_slots[class_name] = 0
                self.job_slots[class_name] = job_slots[class_name]
            logging.info(" - Job type found : %s (%d slots)" %
                         (class_name, self.job_slots[class_name]))
        logging.info("Also found following job tasks : %s" %
                     ', '.join([k.__name__ for k in job_tasks]))
        return self.save()

    def check_capacity(self):
        if self.job_slots:
            #logging.info("Jobs types allowed : %s" % (', '.join(self.job_slots.keys())))
            logging.info("Jobs capacity :")
            total_capacity = 0
            for c in self.job_slots:
                logging.info(" - %s\t: %d" % (c, self.job_slots[c]))
                total_capacity += self.job_slots[c]

            if total_capacity == 0:
                    "No job capacities setup. Configure host to add slots to some job types."
                raise common.ConfigurationException(
                    "No job capacities setup. Configure host to add slots to some job types (see --add-slot option)."
                "No job class found to be run. Configure host to import packages that contain job subclasses."
            raise common.ConfigurationException(
                "No Job sub-class found in imports. Please configure host (see --import option)."

    def do_import(self, imports):
        return common.safely_import_from_name(imports)

    def get_all_alive(cls):
        raise NotImplementedError()
Example #17
class Job(me.DynamicDocument):

    jobid = me.UUIDField(binary=False, required=True)
    name = me.StringField(max_length=128, default="Unknown")
    failed = me.BooleanField(default=False)
    reason = me.StringField(max_length=512)
    version = me.StringField(max_length=10, default=baleen.get_version)
    started = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, required=True)
    finished = me.DateTimeField(default=None)
    updated = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now, required=True)
    errors = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())
    counts = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())
    totals = me.MapField(field=me.IntField())

    def pre_save(cls, sender, document, **kwargs):
        document.updated = datetime.now()

    meta = {
        'collection': 'jobs',

    def duration(self, humanize=False):
        Returns the timedelta of the duration.
        finished = self.finished or datetime.now()
        delta = finished - self.started

        if humanize:
            return humanizedelta(days=delta.days,
        return delta

    def bootstrap_class(self):
        Uses the duration to determine the colorization of the job.
        if self.finished and self.failed:
            return "danger"

        if self.finished and not self.failed:
            if self.duration() > timedelta(minutes=30):
                return "warning"
            return "success"

        if not self.finished:

            if self.duration() < timedelta(minutes=30):
                return "success"

            elif timedelta(minutes=30) < self.duration() < timedelta(hours=2):
                return "warning"

                return "danger"

        return ""

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "{} Job {}".format(self.name, self.jobid)
Example #18
 class Doc(me.Document):
     id = me.IntField(primary_key=True, default=1)
     map = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(MappedDoc))
     str = me.MapField(me.StringField())
Example #19
class Report(warcraftlogs_base.EmbeddedDocument):
    """Defines a Report read from WarcraftLogs.com and stores in our DB."""

    # 16 digit unique id/code as used on warcraftlogs
    report_id: str = me.StringField(primary_key=True)

    # time the report (!) has started. The first fight might start later
    start_time: arrow.Arrow = mongoengine_arrow.ArrowDateTimeField(default=lambda: arrow.get(0))

    # title of the report
    title: str = me.StringField()

    zone_id: int = me.IntField(default=0)

    # The guild that the report belongs to. None if it was a logged as a personal report
    guild: str = me.StringField(default="")

    # The user that uploaded the report.
    owner: str = me.StringField(default="")

    # fights in this report keyed by fight_id. (they may or may not be loaded)
    fights: typing.Dict[str, Fight] = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Fight), default={})

    # players in this report.
    #   Note: not every player might participate in every fight.
    players: typing.Dict[str, Player] = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Player), default={})

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # convert list to dict for old DB entries
        # if isinstance(self.fights, list):
        #     self.fights = {fight.fight_id: fight for fight in self.fights}

        for fight in self.fights.values():
            fight.report = self

    def __str__(self):
        return f"<BaseReport({self.report_id}, num_fights={len(self.fights)})>"

    # Attributes
    def as_dict(self):
        """Return a Summary/Overview about this report."""
        info = {
            "title": self.title,
            "report_id": self.report_id,
            "date": int(self.start_time.timestamp()),
            "zone_id": self.zone_id,
            "guild": self.guild,
            "owner": self.owner,

        # for players and fights we only include essential data
        info["fights"] = {fight.fight_id: fight.summary() for fight in self.fights.values()}
        info["players"] = {player.source_id: player.summary() for player in self.players.values()}
        return info

    # Methods
    def add_fight(self, **fight_data):
        """Add a new Fight to this Report."""
        # skip trash fights
        boss_id = fight_data.get("encounterID")
        if not boss_id:

        fight = Fight()

        fight.fight_id = fight_data.get("id", "0")
        fight.report = self

        fight.percent = fight_data.get("fightPercentage")
        fight.kill = fight_data.get("kill", True)

        # Fight: Time/Duration
        start_time = fight_data.get("startTime", 0) / 1000
        end_time = fight_data.get("endTime", 0) / 1000
        fight.start_time = self.start_time.shift(seconds=start_time)
        fight.duration = (end_time - start_time) * 1000

        # Fight: Boss
        fight.boss = Boss(boss_id=boss_id)
        if fight.boss: # could be a boss unknown to Lorrgs
            fight.boss.fight = fight

        # store and return
        self.fights[str(fight.fight_id)] = fight
        return fight

    def get_fight(self, fight_id: int):
        """Get a single fight from this Report."""
        return self.fights.get(str(fight_id))

    def get_fights(self, *fight_ids: int):
        """Get a multiple fights based of their fight ids."""
        fights = [self.get_fight(fight_id) for fight_id in fight_ids]
        return [f for f in fights if f] # filter out nones

    def add_player(self, **actor_data):
        # pets
        if actor_data.get("subType") == "Unknown":

        # guess spec from the icon
        # WCL gives us an icon matching the spec, IF a player
        # played the same spec in all fights inside a report.
        # Otherwise it only includes a class-name.
        icon_name = actor_data.get("icon", "")
        spec_slug = icon_name.lower() if "-" in icon_name else ""

        # create the new player
        player = warcraftlogs_actor.Player()
        player.source_id = actor_data.get("id")
        player.name = actor_data.get("name")
        player.class_slug = actor_data.get("subType", "").lower()
        player.spec_slug = spec_slug

        # add to to the report
        self.players[str(player.source_id)] = player

    # Query
    def get_query(self):
        """Get the Query to load this Reports Overview."""
        return textwrap.dedent(f"""
            report(code: "{self.report_id}")
                zone {{name id}}

                owner {{ name }}

                guild {{
                    server {{ name }}

                    actors(type: "Player")
                        icon    # the icon includes the spec name


    def process_master_data(self, master_data: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]):
        """Create the Players from the passed Report-MasterData"""
        if not master_data:

        # clear out any old instances
        self.players = {}

        for actor_data in master_data.get("actors", []):

    def process_report_fights(self, fights_data: typing.List[typing.Dict]):
        """Update the Fights in this report."""
        # clear out any old data
        self.fights = {}

        fights_data = fights_data or []
        for fight_data in fights_data:

    def process_query_result(self, query_result: dict):

        report_data = query_result.get("report", {})

        # Update the Report itself
        self.title = report_data.get("title", "")
        self.start_time = arrow.get(report_data.get("startTime", 0))

        zone = report_data.get("zone") or {}  # might contain a "None" in the results
        self.zone_id = zone.get("id") or -1

        self.owner = report_data.get("owner", {}).get("name", "")

        guild_info: typing.Dict = report_data.get("guild") or {}
        self.guild = guild_info.get("name") or ""


    async def load_summary(self):
        await self.load()

    async def load_fight(self, fight_id: int, player_ids=typing.List[int]):
        """Load a single Fight from this Report."""
        fight = self.fights[str(fight_id)]
        if not fight:
            raise ValueError("invalid fight id")

        await fight.load_players(player_ids=player_ids)

    async def load_fights(self, fight_ids: typing.List[int], player_ids: typing.List[int]):
        await self.client.ensure_auth()

        if not self.fights:
            await self.load_summary()

        for ids in utils.chunks(fight_ids, 10):
            logger.info(f"loading fights: {ids}")
            tasks = [self.load_fight(fight_id=fight_id, player_ids=player_ids) for fight_id in ids]
            await asyncio.gather(*tasks)