Example #1
    def __init__(self, database, collection, spec_or_id=None, fields=None, snapshot=False,
        tailable=False, max_scan=None, is_command=False, explain=False, hint=None,
        skip=0, limit=0, sort=None, connection=None,
        read_preference=None, timeout=True, slave_okay=True, **kw):

        if spec_or_id is not None and not isinstance(spec_or_id, dict):
            spec_or_id = {"_id": spec_or_id}

        self._spec = spec_or_id or {}

        if fields is not None:
            if not fields:
                fields = {"_id": 1}
            if not isinstance(fields, dict):
                fields = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)

        self._fields = fields
        self._snapshot = snapshot
        self._tailable = tailable
        self._max_scan = max_scan
        self._hint = hint
        self._database = database
        self._collection = collection
        self._collection_name = database.get_collection_name(collection)
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._is_command = is_command
        self._explain = explain
        self._slave_okay = slave_okay
        self._read_preference = read_preference
        self._connection = connection
        self._ordering = sort
        self._skip = skip
        self._limit = limit
Example #2
    def __init__(self, database, collection, spec_or_id=None, fields=None, snapshot=False,
        tailable=False, max_scan=None, is_command=False, explain=False, hint=None,
        skip=0, limit=0, sort=None, connection=None,
        read_preference=None, timeout=True, slave_okay=True, **kw):

        if spec_or_id is not None and not isinstance(spec_or_id, dict):
            spec_or_id = {"_id": spec_or_id}

        self._spec = spec_or_id or {}

        if fields is not None:
            if not fields:
                fields = {"_id": 1}
            if not isinstance(fields, dict):
                fields = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)

        self._fields = fields
        self._snapshot = snapshot
        self._tailable = tailable
        self._max_scan = max_scan
        self._hint = hint
        self._database = database
        self._collection = collection
        self._collection_name = database.get_collection_name(collection)
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._is_command = is_command
        self._explain = explain
        self._slave_okay = slave_okay
        self._read_preference = read_preference
        self._connection = connection
        self._ordering = sort
        self._skip = skip
        self._limit = limit
Example #3
    def group(self,
        """Perform a query similar to an SQL *group by* operation.

        Returns an array of grouped items.

        The `key` parameter can be:

          - ``None`` to use the entire document as a key.
          - A :class:`list` of keys (each a :class:`basestring`
            (:class:`str` in python 3)) to group by.
          - A :class:`basestring` (:class:`str` in python 3), or
            :class:`~bson.code.Code` instance containing a JavaScript
            function to be applied to each document, returning the key
            to group by.

          - `key`: fields to group by (see above description)
          - `condition`: specification of rows to be
            considered (as a :meth:`find` query specification)
          - `initial`: initial value of the aggregation counter object
          - `reduce`: aggregation function as a JavaScript string
          - `finalize`: function to be called on each object in output list.


        group = {}
        if isinstance(key, basestring):
            group["$keyf"] = Code(key)
        elif key is not None:
            group = {"key": helpers._fields_list_to_dict(key)}

        group["ns"] = self._collection
        group["$reduce"] = Code(reduce)
        group["cond"] = condition
        group["initial"] = initial
        if finalize is not None:
            group["finalize"] = Code(finalize)

        response, error = yield gen.Task(self._database.command,

Example #4
    def group(self, key, condition, initial, reduce, finalize=None,
              read_preference=None, callback=None):
        """Perform a query similar to an SQL *group by* operation.

        Returns an array of grouped items.

        The `key` parameter can be:

          - ``None`` to use the entire document as a key.
          - A :class:`list` of keys (each a :class:`basestring`
            (:class:`str` in python 3)) to group by.
          - A :class:`basestring` (:class:`str` in python 3), or
            :class:`~bson.code.Code` instance containing a JavaScript
            function to be applied to each document, returning the key
            to group by.

          - `key`: fields to group by (see above description)
          - `condition`: specification of rows to be
            considered (as a :meth:`find` query specification)
          - `initial`: initial value of the aggregation counter object
          - `reduce`: aggregation function as a JavaScript string
          - `finalize`: function to be called on each object in output list.


        group = {}
        if isinstance(key, basestring):
            group["$keyf"] = Code(key)
        elif key is not None:
            group = {"key": helpers._fields_list_to_dict(key)}

        group["ns"] = self._collection
        group["$reduce"] = Code(reduce)
        group["cond"] = condition
        group["initial"] = initial
        if finalize is not None:
            group["finalize"] = Code(finalize)

        response, error = yield gen.Task(self._database.command, "group",
