def handle_courses(moodle: MoodleClient) -> None: # Get core user information info = moodle.server(ServerFunctions.SITE_INFO) userid = info["userid"] # Get enrolled courses information courses = moodle.server(ServerFunctions.USER_COURSES, userid=userid) for course in courses: course_name = course["fullname"] star = " " if course["isfavourite"]: star = "*" print(f" {star} {course_name}")
def handle_urls(args: Namespace, moodle: MoodleClient) -> None: course_ids = resolvers.get_courses_by_id(moodle, args) # Get a list of available urls urls = moodle.server(ServerFunctions.URLS) # Iterate through all urls, and build a dictionary url_list = dict() for url in urls["urls"]: if url["course"] in course_ids: course_name = course_ids[url["course"]] if not course_name in url_list: url_list[course_name] = [] url_list[course_name].append(url) # Display all urls for course_name in if not course_name in url_list: continue no_url = True for url in url_list[course_name]: if no_url: print(course_name) no_url = False url_name = url["name"] url_detail = bs(url["intro"], "html.parser").text url_link = url["externalurl"] print(f" {url_name} - {url_detail}") print(f" Link : {url_link}") print() print()
def get_resource( args: Namespace, moodle: MoodleClient, ignore_types: List[str], res: Any, prefix: str, course: str, cache: dict, token: str, subfolder: str = "", indent: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Helper function to retrieve a file/resource from the server""" filename = res["filename"] course_dir = os.path.join(prefix, course, subfolder) fileurl = res["fileurl"] _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) extension = str.upper(extension[1:]) if extension == "": # Missing extension - guess on the basis of the mimetype extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(res["mimetype"]) filename += extension extension = extension[1:] filepath = os.path.join(course_dir, filename) short_filepath = os.path.join(course, subfolder, filename) timemodified = int(res["timemodified"]) # Only download if forced, or not already downloaded if not args.forcedownload and fileurl in cache: cache_time = int(cache[fileurl]) # Check where the latest version of the file is in cache if timemodified == cache_time: if os.path.exists(filepath): return "EXISTS", short_filepath if not args.missingdownload and not os.path.exists(filepath): return "MISSING", short_filepath # Ignore files with specified extensions if extension in ignore_types: return "IGNORE", short_filepath # Create the course folder if not already existing if not os.path.exists(course_dir): os.makedirs(course_dir) # Download the file and write to the folder print( " " * indent + "Downloading " + short_filepath, end="", flush=True, ) response = moodle.response(fileurl, token=token) with open(filepath, "wb") as download: download.write(response.content) print(" ... DONE") # Add the file url to the cache cache[fileurl] = timemodified return "DOWNLOADED", short_filepath
def main(): # Get command line options parser = setup_parser() args = parser.parse_args() action = resolvers.resolve_action_mode(args) config = resolvers.get_config() username, password = resolvers.get_credentials(config) # Select all courses from config if `ALL` keyword is used if "ALL" in map(str.upper, = resolvers.get_all_courses(config) ignore_types = resolvers.resolve_ignore_types(config, args) prefix_path = resolvers.resolve_prefix_path(config, args) # Login to WeLearn with supplied credentials moodle = MoodleClient(BASEURL) token = moodle.authenticate(username, password) if not token: print("Invalid credentials!") sys.exit(errno.EACCES) # Store cache file paths link_cache_filepath = os.path.join(prefix_path, LINK_CACHE) # Action picker if action == "whoami": handler.handle_whoami(moodle) elif action == "courses": handler.handle_courses(moodle) elif action == "assignments": handler.handle_assignments(args, config, moodle, ignore_types, prefix_path, link_cache_filepath, token) elif action == "urls": handler.handle_urls(args, moodle) elif action == "files": handler.handle_files(args, moodle, ignore_types, prefix_path, link_cache_filepath, token)
def handle_files( args: Namespace, moodle: MoodleClient, ignore_types: List[str], prefix_path: str, link_cache_filepath: str, token: str, ) -> None: link_cache = read_cache(link_cache_filepath) course_ids = resolvers.get_courses_by_id(moodle, args) file_statuses = [] # Iterate through each course, and fetch all modules for courseid in course_ids: course_name = course_ids[courseid] page = moodle.server(ServerFunctions.COURSE_CONTENTS, courseid=courseid) for item in page: modules = item.get("modules", []) for module in modules: modname = module.get("modname", "") if modname == "resource": for resource in module["contents"]: file_statuses.append( get_resource( args, moodle, ignore_types, resource, prefix_path, course_name, link_cache, token, ) ) elif modname == "folder": folder_name = module.get("name", "") for resource in module["contents"]: file_statuses.append( get_resource( args, moodle, ignore_types, resource, prefix_path, course_name, link_cache, token, subfolder=folder_name, ) ) write_cache(link_cache_filepath, link_cache) show_file_statuses(file_statuses, verbose=args.verbose)
def get_courses_by_id(moodle: MoodleClient, args: Namespace): # Get a list of all courses courses = moodle.server(ServerFunctions.ALL_COURSES) # Create a dictionary of course ids versus course names course_ids = dict() for course in courses["courses"]: course_name = course["shortname"] if course_name in course_ids[course["id"]] = course_name return course_ids
def handle_assignments( args: Namespace, config: RawConfigParser, moodle: MoodleClient, ignore_types: List[str], prefix_path: str, link_cache_filepath: str, token: str, ) -> None: link_cache = read_cache(link_cache_filepath) # Get assignment data from server assignments = moodle.server(ServerFunctions.ASSIGNMENTS) file_statuses = [] # Assignments are grouped by course for course in assignments["courses"]: course_name = course["shortname"] # Ignore unspecified courses if course_name not in continue no_assignments = True for assignment in course["assignments"]: # Get the assignment name, details, due date, and relative due date assignment_id = assignment["id"] name = assignment["name"] duedate = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(assignment["duedate"])) due_str = duedate.strftime("%a %d %b, %Y, %H:%M:%S") duedelta = duedate - # Calculate whether the due date is in the future due = duedelta.total_seconds() > 0 if args.dueassignments and not due: continue no_assignments = False if not no_assignments: print(course_name) # Show assignment details duedelta_str = ( f"{abs(duedelta.days)} days, {duedelta.seconds // 3600} hours" ) detail = bs(assignment["intro"], "html.parser").text print(f" {name} - {detail}") for attachment in assignment["introattachments"]: print(f" Attachment : {attachment['filename']}") file_statuses.append( get_resource( args, moodle, ignore_types, attachment, prefix_path, course_name, link_cache, token, indent=8, ) ) if due: print(f" Due on : {due_str}") print(f" Time remaining : {duedelta_str}") else: print(f" Due on : {due_str} ({duedelta_str} ago)") # Get submission details submission = moodle.server( ServerFunctions.ASSIGNMENT_STATUS, assignid=assignment_id ) submission_made = False try: for plugin in submission["lastattempt"]["submission"]["plugins"]: if plugin["name"] == "File submissions": for filearea in plugin["fileareas"]: if filearea["area"] == "submission_files": for submitted_file in filearea["files"]: submission_made = True filename = submitted_file["filename"] submission_date = datetime.fromtimestamp( int(submitted_file["timemodified"]) ) submission_date_str = submission_date.strftime( "%a %d %b, %Y, %H:%M:%S" ) print( f" Submission : {filename} ({submission_date_str})" ) except KeyError: continue if not submission_made: print(f" Submission : NONE") # Write event to calendar if args.gcalendar and due: publish_gcal_event( config, duedate, course_name, name, assignment_id, detail ) print() write_cache(link_cache_filepath, link_cache) show_file_statuses(file_statuses, verbose=args.verbose)
def handle_whoami(moodle: MoodleClient) -> None: info = moodle.server(ServerFunctions.SITE_INFO) print(info["fullname"])