Example #1
def plasticity_test(model, syncomp=None, syn_pop=None, stimtimes=None):
    syntype = model.CaPlasticityParams.Plas_syn.Name
    if stimtimes is None:
        stimtimes = [.1, .12]
    if syncomp is None:
        path = model.neurons[list(model.neurons)[0]].path
        syncomp = moose.wildcardFind(path + '/##/' + syntype +
    plast = {}
    stimtab = {}
    if model.calYN and model.plasYN:
        neu = moose.Neutral('/input')
        for neurtype in util.neurontypes(model.param_cond):
            stimtab[neurtype] = moose.TimeTable('%s/TimTab%s' %
                                                (neu.path, neurtype))
            stimtab[neurtype].vector = stimtimes

            print('**** plasticity test ********', syntype, neurtype, syncomp)
            synchan = moose.element(syncomp.path + '/' + syntype)
            sh = synchan.children[0]
            log.info('Synapse added to {.path}', synchan)
            connect.synconn(sh, 0, stimtab[neurtype], model.param_syn)

            ###Synaptic Plasticity
            plast[neurtype] = plasticity.plasticity2(
                synchan, model.CaPlasticityParams.Plas_syn)
    return plast, stimtab
Example #2
def HookUpDend(model,dendrite,container):
    if model.Stimulation.StimLoc.spine_density>0:
        print('HookUpDend, syn:', synchans,num_spines)
    if getattr(model.Stimulation.StimLoc,'weight',None):
    time_tables = MakeTimeTables(model.Stimulation,num_spines)
    print('HookUpDend, tt:', time_tables)
    stimtab = {}
    stim_syn = {}
    for spine in time_tables:
        stimtab[spine] = moose.TimeTable('%s_%s_%s' % (tt_root_name,str(spine),str(int(freq))))
        stimtab[spine].vector = np.array(time_tables[spine])
        print('HUD,stimtab {} '.format(stimtab),'tick',stimtab[spine].tick)

        for synchan in synchans[spine]:
            synapse = moose.element(synchan+'/SH')
            print('**** ready to connect',synapse.path,stimtab[spine].vector,model.Stimulation.Paradigm.name,model.Stimulation.StimLoc.stim_dendrites,'weight=',weight)
    return stimtab,synchans,stim_syn
Example #3
 def connectORNs(self):
     self.spiketable = moose.TimeTable(self.path + '/tt')
     #### SynChan's synapse MsgDest takes time as its argument. Thus spiketable should contain a list of spike times.
     self.spiketable.connect("event", self._ExcORNSyn, "synapse")
     self.spiketable.connect("event", self._InhORNSyn, "synapse")
         0, 1)  # 0th element in synaptic array set to weight 1
     self._InhORNSyn.setDelay(0, 7.6337e-3)  # seconds
         0, 1)  # 0th element in synaptic array set to weight 1
Example #4
def timetable_file(filename='timetable.txt'):
    """Create a TimeTable and populate it from file specified by
    `filename`. If `filename` does not exist, a file of the same name is
    created and a random series of spike times is saved in it"""
    if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
        times = generate_poisson_times(rate=10, simtime=simtime, seed=1)
        np.savetxt(filename, times)
    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    tt = moose.TimeTable('%s/tt_file' % (model.path))
    tt.filename = filename
    return tt, np.loadtxt(filename),
Example #5
def timetable_nparray():
    """Create a time table and populate it with numpy array. The `vec`
    field in a Table can be directly assigned a sequence to fill the
    table entries.

    times = generate_poisson_times(rate=20, simtime=simtime, seed=1)
    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    tt = moose.TimeTable('%s/tt_array' % (model.path))
    tt.vector = times
    return tt, times,
Example #6
def HookUpDend(model, dendrite, container):

    #for dend in model.Stimulation.StimParams.which_dendrites:
    my_spines = list(
    spine_no = len(my_spines)

    if not spine_no:

    synapses = {}
    for spine in my_spines:
        spine_no = int(''.join(c for c in spine.name if c.isdigit()))
        synapses[spine_no] = []
        heads = moose.element(spine).neighbors['handleAxial']
        for head in heads:
            moose_head = moose.element(head)
            for child in moose_head.children:
                moose_child = moose.element(child)
                if moose_child.className == 'SynChan' or moose_child.className == 'NMDAChan':

    time_tables = MakeTimeTables(model.Stimulation, spine_no)
    stimtab = {}

    stim_synapses = {}

    for spine in time_tables:
        stimtab[spine] = moose.TimeTable(
            '%s/TimTab%s_%s' % (container.path, dendrite.name, str(spine)))
        stimtab[spine].vector = np.array(time_tables[spine])

        for synapse in synapses[spine]:
            synchan = moose.element(synapse)
            print(synapse.path, time_tables[spine])
            connect.plain_synconn(synchan, stimtab[spine], 0)
            synname = util.syn_name(synchan.path, spines.NAME_HEAD)

            if model.desenYN and model.DesensitizationParams[synchan.name]:
                dep, weight = plasticity.desensitization(
                    synchan, model.DesensitizationParams[synchan.name])

                stim_synapses[synname] = {}
                stim_synapses[synname]['plas'] = dep
                stim_synapses[synname]['cum'] = weight
                stim_synapses[synname]['syn'] = synchan
                synchan.Gbar = synchan.Gbar / 2

    return stim_synapses
Example #7
def createTimeTables(inputList,
    from moose_nerp.prototypes import connect
    num = len(inputList)
    for i, input in enumerate(inputList):
        sh = moose.element(input.path + '/SH')
        tt = moose.TimeTable(input.path + '/tt')
        tt.vector = [
            start_time + i * 1. / freq + j * num * 1. / freq
            for j in range(n_per_syn)
        connect.synconn(sh.path, False, tt, model.param_syn, mindel=0)
Example #8
 def create(self):
     path = "/input"
     if not moose.exists('/input'):
     spike_file = np.load(self.filename + '.npz', encoding='latin1')
     spike_times = spike_file['spikeTime']
     self.numtt = len(spike_times)
     print('creating', self, self.tablename, self.filename,
           'AVAILABLE trains: ', self.numtt)
     self.stimtab = []
     for ii, stimtimes in enumerate(spike_times):
                 path, self.tablename, ii)), self.syn_per_tt
         self.stimtab[ii][0].vector = stimtimes
def plasticity_test(model, syncomp, syn_pop, stimtimes):
    plast = {}
    stimtab = {}
    if model.calYN and model.plasYN:
        neu = moose.Neutral('/input')
        for neurtype in model.neurontypes():
            stimtab[neurtype] = moose.TimeTable('%s/TimTab%s' %
                                                (neu.path, neurtype))
            stimtab[neurtype].vector = stimtimes

            syntype = model.CaPlasticityParams.Plas_syn.Name
            print(syntype, neurtype, syncomp)
            synchan = moose.element(syn_pop[neurtype][syntype][syncomp])
            log.info('Synapse added to {.path}', synchan)
            connect.synconn(synchan, 0, stimtab[neurtype], model.param_syn)

            ###Synaptic Plasticity
            plast[neurtype] = plasticity.plasticity(
                synchan, model.CaPlasticityParams.Plas_syn)
    return plast, stimtab
Example #10
def attachORNs(cell, ORNCellSynapse, numORNSyns):
    ##### Inhibitory Synapse NOT added as I am not sure if it is due to PG inhibition - Perhaps Cleland and Sethupathy also did not model it       
    ##### Excitatory + Inhibitory(not added) Synapse combo taken from the paper Djurisic etal 2008 JNeurosci.
    ##### Actually it's only an excitatory synapse, but they have used the inhibitory one to model the later time course.
    ##### Though this might be needed to account for PG cell inhibition?
    ##### Gbar-s have been set to ensure 16mV EPSP at the glom tuft as done in the paper.
    ##### Paper's defaults give only 8mV EPSP peak at glom tuft. So here multiplied by two. Cannot use supplemental table values as no cytoplasmic resistivity Ri in this model. Only axial resistance from glom to prim which doesn't matter much [maybe it does - loading rather than input resistance?]. Makes sense only if dendritic tree with many compartments.
    ##### Also no idea of how much to change the inhibitory part without Ri, so multiplied that also by 2

    synapse_list = []
    for compartment in cell.getChildren(cell.id): # compartments
        for child in moose.Neutral(compartment).getChildren(compartment): # channels and synapses
            if moose.Neutral(child).name in [ORNCellSynapse]:
    spikeTableList = []
    for i in range(numORNSyns):
        synapse = synapse_list[int(uniform(0,len(synapse_list)))] # Bad practice - This should be part of NetworkML - no random numbers in simulations, only in generators.
        print "Connecting ", synapse.path
        spiketable = moose.TimeTable(synapse.path+'/tt_'+str(i))
        #### SynChan's synapse MsgDest takes time as its argument. Thus spiketable should contain a list of spike times.
        spiketable.connect("event", synapse,"synapse")
        synapse.setWeight(0, 1) # 0th element in synaptic array set to weight 1
    return spikeTableList
Example #11
    def connect(self, syn_name, pre_path, post_path, weight, threshold, delay):
        postcomp = moose.Compartment(post_path)
        ## We usually try to reuse an existing SynChan & SynHandler -
        ## event based SynHandlers have an array of weights and delays and can represent multiple synapses,
        ## so a new element of the weights and delays array is created
        ## every time a 'synapse' message connects to the SynHandler (from 'event' of spikegen)
        ## BUT for a graded synapse with a lookup table output connected to 'activation' message,
        ## not to 'synapse' message, we make a new synapse everytime
        ## ALSO for a saturating synapse i.e. KinSynChan, we always make a new synapse
        ## as KinSynChan is not meant to represent multiple synapses
        libsyn = moose.SynChan('/library/' + syn_name)
        gradedchild = utils.get_child_Mstring(libsyn, 'graded')
        if libsyn.className == 'KinSynChan' or gradedchild.value == 'True':  # create a new synapse
            syn_name_full = syn_name + '_' + utils.underscorize(pre_path)
            make_new_synapse(syn_name, postcomp, syn_name_full,
            ## if syn doesn't exist in this compartment, create it
            syn_name_full = syn_name
            if not moose.exists(post_path + '/' + syn_name_full):
                make_new_synapse(syn_name, postcomp, syn_name_full,
        ## moose.element is a function that checks if path exists,
        ## and returns the correct object, here SynChan
        syn = moose.element(
            post_path + '/' +
            syn_name_full)  # wrap the SynChan in this compartment
        synhandler = moose.element(post_path + '/' + syn_name_full +
                                   '/handler')  # wrap the SynHandler
        gradedchild = utils.get_child_Mstring(syn, 'graded')
        #### weights are set at the end according to whether the synapse is graded or event-based

        #### If graded, connect pre-comp Vm to the table which is connected to SynChan's activation
        #### If event-based, connect spikegen/timetable's spikeOut to Simple/STDP SynHandler's addSpike
        ## I rely on second term below not being evaluated if first term is None;
        ## otherwise None.value gives error.
        if gradedchild is not None and gradedchild.value == 'True':  # graded synapse
            interpol = moose.element(syn.path + "/graded_table")
            #### always connect source to input - else 'cannot create message' error.
            precomp = moose.Compartment(pre_path)
            moose.connect(precomp, "VmOut", interpol, "input")
                tau_table = moose.element(syn.path + '/tau_table')
                tau_table_present = True
            except ValueError:
                tau_table_present = False
            # if tau_table is not found, don't connect it
            if tau_table_present:
                moose.connect(precomp, 'VmOut', tau_table, 'input')
            ## since there is no weight field for a graded synapse
            ## (no 'synapse' message connected),
            ## I set the Gbar to weight*Gbar
            syn.Gbar = weight * syn.Gbar
        else:  # Event based synapse
            ## synapse could be connected to either spikegen at pre-compartment OR to a file!
            if 'file' not in pre_path:
                ## element() can return either Compartment() or IzhikevichNrn(),
                ## since it queries and wraps the actual object
                precomp = moose.element(pre_path)
                ## if spikegen for this synapse doesn't exist in this compartment, create it
                ## spikegens for different synapse_types can have different thresholds
                ## but an integrate and fire spikegen supercedes all other spikegens
                if 'IF' in precomp.className:  # intfire LIF
                    spikegen = precomp  # LIF has a spikeOut message
                    if not moose.exists(pre_path + '/' + syn_name +
                        ## create new spikegen
                        spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(pre_path + '/' + syn_name +
                        ## connect the compartment Vm to the spikegen
                        moose.connect(precomp, "VmOut", spikegen, "Vm")
                        ## spikegens for different synapse_types can have different thresholds
                        spikegen.threshold = threshold
                        spikegen.edgeTriggered = 1  # This ensures that spike is generated only on leading edge.
                        ## usually events are raised at every time step that Vm > Threshold,
                        ## can set either edgeTriggered as above or refractT
                        #spikegen.refractT = 0.25e-3
                    ## wrap the existing or newly created spikegen in this compartment
                    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(pre_path + '/' + syn_name +
                ## connect the spikegen to the SynHandler
                ## note that you need to use Synapse (auto-created) under SynHandler
                ## to get/set weights , addSpike-s etc.
                ## wrap Synapse element by moose.Synapse(synhandler.path+'/synapse') or synhandler.synapse
                ## Synpase is an array element, first add to it, to addSpike-s, get/set weights, etc.
                synhandler.numSynapses += 1
                ## see Demos/snippets/synapse.py for an example of
                ## how to connect multiple SpikeGens to the same SynChan
                m = moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', synhandler.synapse[-1],
                                  'addSpike', 'Single')
                ## if connected to a file, create a timetable,
                ## put in a field specifying the connected filenumbers to this segment,
                ## and leave it for simulation-time connection
                ## pre_path is 'file[+<glomnum>]_<filenum1>[_<filenum2>...]' i.e. glomnum could be present
                ## hack for my (Aditya's) OB model to use files in NeuroML, should not affect others
                filesplit = pre_path.split('+')
                if len(filesplit) == 2:
                    glomsplit = filesplit[1].split('_', 1)
                    glomstr = '_' + glomsplit[0]
                    filenums = glomsplit[1]
                    glomstr = ''
                    filenums = pre_path.split('_', 1)[1]
                tt_path = postcomp.path + '/' + syn_name_full + glomstr + '_tt'
                if not moose.exists(tt_path):
                    ## if timetable for this synapse doesn't exist in this compartment, create it,
                    ## and add the field 'fileNumbers'
                    tt = moose.TimeTable(tt_path)
                    tt_filenums = moose.Mstring(tt_path + '/fileNumbers')
                    tt_filenums.value = filenums
                    ## Be careful to connect the timetable only once while creating it as below:
                    ## note that you need to use Synapse (auto-created) under SynChan
                    ## to get/set weights , addSpike-s etc.
                    ## wrap Synapse element by moose.Synapse(synhandler.path+'/synapse') or synhandler.synapse
                    ## Synpase is an array element, first add to it, to addSpike-s, get/set weights, etc.
                    synhandler.numSynapses += 1
                    m = moose.connect(tt, "eventOut", synhandler.synapse[-1],
                                      "addSpike", "Single")
                    ## if it exists, append file number to the field 'fileNumbers'
                    ## append filenumbers from 'file[+<glomnum>]_<filenumber1>[_<filenumber2>...]'
                    tt_filenums = moose.Mstring(tt_path + '/fileNumbers')
                    tt_filenums.value += '_' + filenums
            #### syn.Gbar remains the same, but we play with the weight which is a factor to Gbar
            #### The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event generator.
            #### delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can be connected to a single synapse
            ## first argument below is the array index, we connect to the latest synapse created above
            ## But KinSynChan ignores weight of the synapse, so set the Gbar for it
            if libsyn.className == 'KinSynChan':
                syn.Gbar = weight * syn.Gbar
                ## note that you need to use Synapse (auto-created) under SynHandler
                ## to get/set weights , addSpike-s etc.
                ## wrap Synpase element by moose.Synapse(synhandler.path+'/synapse') or synhandler.synapse
                synhandler.synapse[-1].weight = weight
            synhandler.synapse[-1].delay = delay  # seconds
Example #12
    def connectUsingSynChan(self, synName, prePath, post_path, weight,
                            threshold, delay):
        Connect two compartments using SynChan

        postcomp = moose.Compartment(post_path)

        # We usually try to reuse an existing SynChan - event based SynChans
        # have an array of weights and delays and can represent multiple
        # synapses i.e.  a new element of the weights and delays array is
        # created every time a 'synapse' message connects to the SynChan (from
        # 'event' of spikegen) BUT for a graded synapse with a lookup table
        # output connected to 'activation' message, not to 'synapse' message, we
        # make a new synapse everytime ALSO for a saturating synapse i.e.
        # KinSynChan, we always make a new synapse as KinSynChan is not meant to
        # represent multiple synapses
        libsyn = moose.SynChan(self.libraryPath + '/' + synName)
        gradedchild = utils.get_child_Mstring(libsyn, 'graded')

        # create a new synapse
        if libsyn.className == 'KinSynChan' or gradedchild.value == 'True':
            synNameFull = moose_methods.moosePath(synName,
            synObj = self.makeNewSynapse(synName, postcomp, synNameFull)
            # See debug/bugs for more details.
            # NOTE: Change the debug/bugs to enable/disable this bug.
            if bugs.BUG_NetworkML_500:
                           "See the code. There might be a bug here",
                synNameFull = moose_methods.moosePath(
                    synName, utils.underscorize(prePath))
                synObj = self.makeNewSynapse(synName, postcomp, synNameFull)

            else:  # If the above bug is fixed.
                synNameFull = synName
                if not moose.exists(post_path + '/' + synNameFull):
                    synObj = self.makeNewSynapse(synName, postcomp,

        # wrap the synapse in this compartment
        synPath = moose_methods.moosePath(post_path, synNameFull)
        syn = moose.SynChan(synPath)

        gradedchild = utils.get_child_Mstring(syn, 'graded')

        # weights are set at the end according to whether the synapse is graded
        # or event-based

        # connect pre-comp Vm (if graded) OR spikegen/timetable (if event-based)
        # to the synapse

        # graded synapse
        if gradedchild.value == 'True':
            table = moose.Table(syn.path + "/graded_table")
            # always connect source to input - else 'cannot create message'
            # error.
            precomp = moose.Compartment(prePath)
            self.connectWrapper(precomp, "VmOut", table, "msgInput")

            # since there is no weight field for a graded synapse
            # (no 'synapse' message connected),
            # I set the Gbar to weight*Gbar
            syn.Gbar = weight * syn.Gbar

        # Event based synapse
            # synapse could be connected to spikegen at pre-compartment OR a
            # file!
            if 'file' not in prePath:
                precomp = moose.Compartment(prePath)
                if not moose.exists(prePath + '/IaF_spikegen'):
                    # if spikegen for this synapse doesn't exist in this
                    # compartment, create it spikegens for different synapse_types
                    # can have different thresholds
                    if not moose.exists(prePath + '/' + synName + '_spikegen'):
                        spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(prePath + '/' + synName +
                        # spikegens for different synapse_types can have different
                        # thresholds
                        spikegen.threshold = threshold
                        # This ensures that spike is generated only on leading edge.
                        spikegen.edgeTriggered = 1

                        # usually events are raised at every time step that Vm >
                        # Threshold, can set either edgeTriggered as above or
                        # refractT
                        #spikegen.refractT = 0.25e-3

                    # wrap the spikegen in this compartment
                    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(prePath + '/' + synName +
                    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(prePath + '/IaF_spikegen')

                # connect the spikegen to the synapse note that you need to use
                # Synapse (auto-created) under SynChan to get/set weights ,
                # addSpike-s etc.  can get the Synapse element by
                # moose.Synapse(syn.path+'/synapse') or syn.synapse Synpase is
                # an array element, first add to it, to addSpike-s, get/set
                # weights, etc.

                syn.numSynapses += 1
                m = self.connectSynapse(spikegen, syn)

                # if connected to a file, create a timetable,
                # put in a field specifying the connected filenumbers to this segment,
                # and leave it for simulation-time connection
                ## prePath is 'file[+<glomnum>]_<filenum1>[_<filenum2>...]' i.e. glomnum could be present
                filesplit = prePath.split('+')
                if len(filesplit) == 2:
                    glomsplit = filesplit[1].split('_', 1)
                    glomstr = '_' + glomsplit[0]
                    filenums = glomsplit[1]
                    glomstr = ''
                    filenums = prePath.split('_', 1)[1]
                tt_path = postcomp.path + '/' + synNameFull + glomstr + '_tt'
                if not moose.exists(tt_path):
                    # if timetable for this synapse doesn't exist in this
                    # compartment, create it, and add the field 'fileNumbers'
                    tt = moose.TimeTable(tt_path)
                    tt.setField('fileNumbers', filenums)

                    # Be careful to connect the timetable only once while
                    # creating it as below: note that you need to use Synapse
                    # (auto-created) under SynChan to get/set weights ,
                    # addSpike-s etc.  can get the Synapse element by
                    # moose.Synapse(syn.path+'/synapse') or syn.synapse Synpase
                    # is an array element, first add to it, to addSpike-s,
                    # get/set weights, etc.
                    syn.numSynapses += 1
                    m = self.connectSynapse(spikegen, syn.synapse)
                    # if it exists, append file number to the field 'fileNumbers'
                    tt = moose.TimeTable(tt_path)
                    # append filenumbers from
                    # 'file[+<glomnum>]_<filenumber1>[_<filenumber2>...]'
                    filenums = moose_methods.moosePath(
                        tt.getField('fileNumbers'), filenums)
                    tt.setField('fileNumbers', filenums)

            # syn.Gbar remains the same, but we play with the weight which is a
            # factor to Gbar The delay and weight can be set only after
            # connecting a spike event generator.  delay and weight are arrays:
            # multiple event messages can be connected to a single synapse first
            # argument below is the array index, we connect to the latest
            # synapse created above But KinSynChan ignores weight of the
            # synapse, so set the Gbar for it
            if libsyn.className == 'KinSynChan':
                syn.Gbar = weight * syn.Gbar
                # note that you need to use Synapse (auto-created) under SynChan
                # to get/set weights , addSpike-s etc.  can get the Synpase
                # element by moose.Synapse(syn.path+'/synapse') or syn.synapse
                syn.synapse[-1].weight = weight
            syn.synapse[-1].delay = delay  # seconds
Example #13
    def attachInputToMoose(self, inElemXml, factors, savePlot=True):
        This function create StimulousTable in moose

        There can be two type of stimulous: random_stim or pulse_input.

        # If /elec doesn't exists it creates /elec and returns a reference to
        # it. If it does, it just returns its reference.
        inputName = inElemXml.get('name')

        random_stim = inElemXml.find('.//{' + nmu.nml_ns + '}random_stim')
        pulse_stim = inElemXml.find('.//{' + nmu.nml_ns + '}pulse_input')

        if random_stim is not None:
            utils.dump("INFO", "Generating random stimulous")
            utils.dump("TODO", "Test this Poission spike train table")

            # Get the frequency of stimulus
            frequency = moose_methods.toFloat(
                random_stim.get('frequency', '1.0')) / factors['Tfactor']
            amplitude = random_stim.get('amplitude', 1.0)
            synpMechanism = random_stim.get('synaptic_mechanism')

            # Create random stimulus
            vec = stimulus.generateSpikeTrainPoission(frequency,
            # Stimulus table
            tablePath = os.path.join(self.elecPath, "Stimulus")
            stimPath = os.path.join(tablePath, inputName)
            stim = moose.TimeTable(stimPath)
            stim.vec = vec

            if savePlot:
                self.plotVector(vec, tablePath)

            target = inElemXml.find(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}target")
            population = target.get('population')
            for site in target.findall(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}site"):
                cell_id = site.attrib['cell_id']
                if 'segment_id' in site.attrib:
                    segment_id = site.attrib['segment_id']
                    # default segment_id is specified to be 0
                    segment_id = 0

                # To find the cell name fetch the first element of tuple.
                cell_name = self.populationDict[population][0]
                if cell_name == 'LIF':
                               "LIF cell_name. Partial implementation",

                    LIF = self.populationDict[population][1][int(cell_id)]
                    m = self.connectSynapse(stim, LIF)
                    segId = '{0}'.format(segment_id)
                    segment_path = self.populationDict[population][1]\
                           [int(cell_id)].path + '/' + \
                    compartment = moose.Compartment(segment_path)
                    synchan = moose.SynChan(
                        os.path.join(compartment.path, '/synchan'))
                    synchan.Gbar = 1e-6
                    synchan.Ek = 0.0
                    self.connectWrapper(synchan, 'channel', compartment,
                    synchan.numSynapses = 1
                    m = self.connectSynapse(
                        stim, moose.element(synchan.path + '/synapse'))

        elif pulse_stim is not None:

            Ifactor = factors['Ifactor']
            Tfactor = factors['Tfactor']
            pulseinput = inElemXml.find(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}pulse_input")
            if pulseinput is None:
                           "This type of stimulous is not supported.",

            self.pulseGenPath = self.elecPath + '/PulseGen'
            pulseGenPath = '{}/{}'.format(self.pulseGenPath, inputName)
            pulsegen = moose.PulseGen(pulseGenPath)
            icClampPath = '{}/{}'.format(self.elecPath, 'iClamp')
            iclamp = moose.DiffAmp('{}/{}'.format(icClampPath, inputName))
            iclamp.saturation = 1e6
            iclamp.gain = 1.0

            # free run
            pulsegen.trigMode = 0
            pulsegen.baseLevel = 0.0
            pulsegen.firstDelay = float(pulseinput.attrib['delay']) * Tfactor
            pulsegen.firstWidth = float(
                pulseinput.attrib['duration']) * Tfactor
            pulsegen.firstLevel = float(
                pulseinput.attrib['amplitude']) * Ifactor

            # to avoid repeat
            pulsegen.secondDelay = 1e6
            pulsegen.secondLevel = 0.0
            pulsegen.secondWidth = 0.0

            # do not set count to 1, let it be at 2 by default else it will
            # set secondDelay to 0.0 and repeat the first pulse!
            #pulsegen.count = 1
            self.connectWrapper(pulsegen, 'output', iclamp, 'plusIn')

            # Attach targets
            target = inElemXml.find(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}target")
            population = target.attrib['population']
            for site in target.findall(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}site"):
                cell_id = site.attrib['cell_id']
                if 'segment_id' in site.attrib:
                    segment_id = site.attrib['segment_id']
                    # default segment_id is specified to be 0
                    segment_id = 0

                # population is populationName,
                # self.populationDict[population][0] is cellname
                cell_name = self.populationDict[population][0]
                if cell_name == 'LIF':
                                     "Rewrite this section",
                    LIF = self.populationDict[population][1][int(cell_id)]
                    self.connectWrapper(iclamp, 'output', LIF, 'injectMsg')
                    segment_path = self.populationDict[population][1]\
                    compartment = moose.Compartment(segment_path)

                    self.connectWrapper(iclamp, 'output', compartment,
Example #14
def addinput(cells, netparams, postype, NumSyn):
    #connect post-synaptic synapses to time tables
    #used for single neuron models, since populations are connected in connect_neurons
    log.debug('CONNECT set: {} {} {}', postype, cells[postype],netparams.connect_dict[postype])
    for postcell in cells[postype]:
        for syntype in post_connections.keys():
            log.info('SYN TABLE for {} {} has {} compartments and {} synapses', postsoma, syntype, len(syncomps),totalsyn)
            for pretype in post_connections[syntype].keys():
                if pretype=='timetable' or pretype=='extern':
        #all synpases in synlist must in same compartment (e.g. both on spines or both on dendrites)
    log.info('cells {} {} syn/Comp {}', len(cells), cells, SynPerComp)
    #create table of synapse compartments for each neuron
    delay=0   #no need for delay for time table inputs

    for kk in range(len(synchans[synlist[0]])):
        p = synchans[synlist[0]][kk].path.split('/')
        compname = '/' + p[model.compNameNum]
        log.debug('{} {}', kk, SynPerComp[kk])
        if param_sim.spineYesNo:
            comps.append(compname + '/' + p[model.SpineParams.spineNameNum])
            for qq in range(SynPerComp[kk]):
        log.debug('comps: {}', comps)
    remainingcomps=[len(comps) for ii in range(len(cells))]
    log.info('Remaing comps to connect {} {}', remainingcomps, np.shape(allcomps))
    #loop through duplicates and connect them to a compartment in each neuron
    for train in range(len(Duptt)):
        for cell in range(len(cells)):
            log.debug('CONNECT: {} {} {} {} {}',
                      branch, tt.path, cells[cell].path, remainingcomps, synpath)
            for chan in synlist:
    #loop through unique trains and connect them to one comp in one neuron
    for train in range(startt,len(Uniqtt)):
        if sum(remainingcomps)>0:
            cumcomps=np.array([int(sum(remainingcomps[0:x])) for x in np.arange(1,len(remainingcomps)+1)])
            if cell > 0:
            log.debug('{}'*7, br, sum(remainingcomps), cumcomps, np.where(cumcomps>br), cell, branch,allcomps[cell][branch])
            log.debug('CONNECT: {} {} {} {} {} {}',
                      br, branch, cumcomps, remainingcomps, tt.path, synpath)
            for chan in synlist:
            #print "out of synpases"
            #don't do anything. I don't think this break is exiting the loop
    return len(Uniqtt)
Example #15
    def connect(self, syn_name, pre_path, post_path, weight, threshold, delay):
        postcomp = moose.Compartment(post_path)
        # We usually try to reuse an existing SynChan -
        # event based SynChans have an array of weights and delays and can represent multiple synapses i.e.
        # a new element of the weights and delays array is created
        # every time a 'synapse' message connects to the SynChan (from 'event' of spikegen)
        # BUT for a graded synapse with a lookup table output connected to 'activation' message,
        # not to 'synapse' message, we make a new synapse everytime
        # ALSO for a saturating synapse i.e. KinSynChan, we always make a new synapse
        # as KinSynChan is not meant to represent multiple synapses
        libsyn = moose.SynChan('/library/' + syn_name)
        if libsyn.className == 'KinSynChan' or libsyn.getField(
                'graded') == 'True':  # create a new synapse
            syn_name_full = syn_name + '_' + underscorize(pre_path)
            self.make_new_synapse(syn_name, postcomp, syn_name_full)
            syn_name_full = syn_name
            ## if syn doesn't exist in this compartment, create it
            if not self.context.exists(post_path + '/' + syn_name_full):
                self.make_new_synapse(syn_name, postcomp, syn_name_full)
        syn = moose.SynChan(
            post_path + '/' +
            syn_name_full)  # wrap the synapse in this compartment
        #### weights are set at the end according to whether the synapse is graded or event-based

        #### connect pre-comp Vm (if graded) OR spikegen/timetable (if event-based) to the synapse
        if syn.getField('graded') == 'True':  # graded synapse
            table = moose.Table(syn.path + "/graded_table")
            #### always connect source to input - else 'cannot create message' error.
            precomp = moose.Compartment(pre_path)
            precomp.connect("VmSrc", table, "msgInput")
            ## since there is no weight field for a graded synapse
            ## (no 'synapse' message connected),
            ## I set the Gbar to weight*Gbar
            syn.Gbar = weight * syn.Gbar
        else:  # Event based synapse
            ## synapse could be connected to spikegen at pre-compartment OR a file!
            if 'file' not in pre_path:
                precomp = moose.Compartment(pre_path)
                ## if spikegen for this synapse doesn't exist in this compartment, create it
                ## spikegens for different synapse_types can have different thresholds
                if not self.context.exists(pre_path + '/' + syn_name +
                    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(pre_path + '/' + syn_name +
                    # connect the compartment Vm to the spikegen
                    precomp.connect("VmSrc", spikegen, "Vm")
                    # spikegens for different synapse_types can have different thresholds
                    spikegen.threshold = threshold
                    spikegen.edgeTriggered = 1  # This ensures that spike is generated only on leading edge.
                    #spikegen.refractT = 0.25e-3 ## usually events are raised at every time step that Vm > Threshold, can set either edgeTriggered as above or refractT
                spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(
                    pre_path + '/' + syn_name +
                    '_spikegen')  # wrap the spikegen in this compartment
                # connect the spikegen to the synapse
                spikegen.connect("event", syn, "synapse")
                # if connected to a file, create a timetable,
                # put in a field specifying the connected filenumbers to this segment,
                # and leave it for simulation-time connection
                ## pre_path is 'file[+<glomnum>]_<filenum1>[_<filenum2>...]' i.e. glomnum could be present
                filesplit = pre_path.split('+')
                if len(filesplit) == 2:
                    glomsplit = filesplit[1].split('_', 1)
                    glomstr = '_' + glomsplit[0]
                    filenums = glomsplit[1]
                    glomstr = ''
                    filenums = pre_path.split('_', 1)[1]
                tt_path = postcomp.path + '/' + syn_name_full + glomstr + '_tt'
                if not self.context.exists(tt_path):
                    # if timetable for this synapse doesn't exist in this compartment, create it,
                    # and add the field 'fileNumbers'
                    tt = moose.TimeTable(tt_path)
                    tt.setField('fileNumbers', filenums)
                    # Be careful to connect the timetable only once while creating it as below:
                    tt.connect("event", syn, "synapse")
                    # if it exists, append file number to the field 'fileNumbers'
                    tt = moose.TimeTable(tt_path)
                    # append filenumbers from 'file[+<glomnum>]_<filenumber1>[_<filenumber2>...]'
                    filenums = tt.getField('fileNumbers') + '_' + filenums
                    tt.setField('fileNumbers', filenums)
            #### syn.Gbar remains the same, but we play with the weight which is a factor to Gbar
            #### The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event generator.
            #### delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can be connected to a single synapse
            ## first argument below is the array index, we connect to the latest synapse created above
            ## But KinSynChan ignores weight of the synapse, so set the Gbar for it
            if libsyn.className == 'KinSynChan':
                syn.Gbar = weight * syn.Gbar
                syn.setWeight(syn.numSynapses - 1, weight)
            syn.setDelay(syn.numSynapses - 1, delay)  # seconds
Example #16
    soma.Cm = 0.01 * 3.14159 * soma.length * soma.diameter

    synid = context.deepCopy(context.pathToId('/library/' + syn_name), soma.id,
    syn = moose.SynChan(synid)
    #### connect the soma to the synapse
    if syn.getField(
    ) == 'True':  # If NMDA synapse based on mgblock, connect to mgblock
        mgblock = moose.Mg_block(syn.path + '/mgblock')
        compartment_connection = mgblock
    else:  # if SynChan or even NMDAChan, connect normally
        compartment_connection = syn

    soma.connect("channel", compartment_connection, "channel")
    tt = moose.TimeTable('/soma/tt')
    tt.connect("event", syn, "synapse")
    syn.setWeight(syn.numSynapses - 1, 1.0)
    syn.setDelay(syn.numSynapses - 1, 0)
    fn = 'temp_spikefile.txt'
    f = open(fn, 'w')
    tt.filename = fn

    somaVm = setupTable('/soma/somaVm', soma, 'Vm')
    chanIk = setupTable('/soma/chanIk', compartment_connection, 'Ik')
    chanGk = setupTable('/soma/chanGk', compartment_connection, 'Gk')

    resetSim(context, SIMDT, PLOTDT)