Example #1
class Image(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    :param string uri: URI of the image
    :param int width: Optional width of image or :class:`None`
    :param int height: Optional height of image or :class:`None`

    #: The image URI. Read-only.
    uri = fields.URI()

    #: Optional width of the image or :class:`None`. Read-only.
    width = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: Optional height of the image or :class:`None`. Read-only.
    height = fields.Integer(min=0)
Example #2
class Playlist(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    :param uri: playlist URI
    :type uri: string
    :param name: playlist name
    :type name: string
    :param tracks: playlist's tracks
    :type tracks: list of :class:`Track` elements
    :param last_modified:
        playlist's modification time in milliseconds since Unix epoch
    :type last_modified: int

    #: The playlist URI. Read-only.
    uri = fields.URI()

    #: The playlist name. Read-only.
    name = fields.String()

    #: The playlist's tracks. Read-only.
    tracks = fields.Collection(type=Track, container=tuple)

    #: The playlist modification time in milliseconds since Unix epoch.
    #: Read-only.
    #: Integer, or :class:`None` if unknown.
    last_modified = fields.Integer(min=0)

    # TODO: def insert(self, pos, track): ... ?

    def length(self):
        """The number of tracks in the playlist. Read-only."""
        return len(self.tracks)
Example #3
class Album(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    :param uri: album URI
    :type uri: string
    :param name: album name
    :type name: string
    :param artists: album artists
    :type artists: list of :class:`Artist`
    :param num_tracks: number of tracks in album
    :type num_tracks: integer or :class:`None` if unknown
    :param num_discs: number of discs in album
    :type num_discs: integer or :class:`None` if unknown
    :param date: album release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)
    :type date: string
    :param musicbrainz_id: MusicBrainz ID
    :type musicbrainz_id: string
    :param images: album image URIs
    :type images: list of strings

    #: The album URI. Read-only.
    uri = fields.URI()

    #: The album name. Read-only.
    name = fields.String()

    #: A set of album artists. Read-only.
    artists = fields.Collection(type=Artist, container=frozenset)

    #: The number of tracks in the album. Read-only.
    num_tracks = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: The number of discs in the album. Read-only.
    num_discs = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: The album release date. Read-only.
    date = fields.Date()

    #: The MusicBrainz ID of the album. Read-only.
    musicbrainz_id = fields.Identifier()

    #: The album image URIs. Read-only.
    images = fields.Collection(type=basestring, container=frozenset)
Example #4
class PlaybackState(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    State of the playback controller.
    Internally used for save/load state.

    :param tlid: current track tlid
    :type tlid: int
    :param time_position: play position
    :type time_position: int
    :param state: playback state
    :type state: :class:`validation.PLAYBACK_STATES`

    # The tlid of current playing track. Read-only.
    tlid = fields.Integer(min=1)

    # The playback position. Read-only.
    time_position = fields.Integer(min=0)

    # The playback state. Read-only.
    state = fields.Field(choices=validation.PLAYBACK_STATES)
Example #5
class HistoryTrack(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    A history track. Wraps a :class:`Ref` and its timestamp.

    :param timestamp: the timestamp
    :type timestamp: int
    :param track: the track reference
    :type track: :class:`Ref`

    # The timestamp. Read-only.
    timestamp = fields.Integer()

    # The track reference. Read-only.
    track = fields.Field(type=Ref)
Example #6
class MixerState(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    State of the mixer controller.
    Internally used for save/load state.

    :param volume: the volume
    :type volume: int
    :param mute: the mute state
    :type mute: int

    # The volume. Read-only.
    volume = fields.Integer(min=0, max=100)

    # The mute state. Read-only.
    mute = fields.Boolean(default=False)
Example #7
class TracklistState(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    State of the tracklist controller.
    Internally used for save/load state.

    :param repeat: the repeat mode
    :type repeat: bool
    :param consume: the consume mode
    :type consume: bool
    :param random: the random mode
    :type random: bool
    :param single: the single mode
    :type single: bool
    :param next_tlid: the id for the next added track
    :type next_tlid: int
    :param tl_tracks: the list of tracks
    :type tl_tracks: list of :class:`TlTrack`

    # The repeat mode. Read-only.
    repeat = fields.Boolean()

    # The consume mode. Read-only.
    consume = fields.Boolean()

    # The random mode. Read-only.
    random = fields.Boolean()

    # The single mode. Read-only.
    single = fields.Boolean()

    # The id of the track to play. Read-only.
    next_tlid = fields.Integer(min=0)

    # The list of tracks. Read-only.
    tl_tracks = fields.Collection(type=TlTrack, container=tuple)
Example #8
class TlTrack(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    A tracklist track. Wraps a regular track and it's tracklist ID.

    The use of :class:`TlTrack` allows the same track to appear multiple times
    in the tracklist.

    This class also accepts it's parameters as positional arguments. Both
    arguments must be provided, and they must appear in the order they are
    listed here.

    This class also supports iteration, so your extract its values like this::

        (tlid, track) = tl_track

    :param tlid: tracklist ID
    :type tlid: int
    :param track: the track
    :type track: :class:`Track`

    #: The tracklist ID. Read-only.
    tlid = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: The track. Read-only.
    track = fields.Field(type=Track)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 2 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            kwargs['tlid'] = args[0]
            kwargs['track'] = args[1]
            args = []
        super(TlTrack, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter([self.tlid, self.track])
Example #9
class Track(ValidatedImmutableObject):
    :param uri: track URI
    :type uri: string
    :param name: track name
    :type name: string
    :param artists: track artists
    :type artists: list of :class:`Artist`
    :param album: track album
    :type album: :class:`Album`
    :param composers: track composers
    :type composers: string
    :param performers: track performers
    :type performers: string
    :param genre: track genre
    :type genre: string
    :param track_no: track number in album
    :type track_no: integer or :class:`None` if unknown
    :param disc_no: disc number in album
    :type disc_no: integer or :class:`None` if unknown
    :param date: track release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)
    :type date: string
    :param length: track length in milliseconds
    :type length: integer or :class:`None` if there is no duration
    :param bitrate: bitrate in kbit/s
    :type bitrate: integer
    :param comment: track comment
    :type comment: string
    :param musicbrainz_id: MusicBrainz ID
    :type musicbrainz_id: string
    :param last_modified: Represents last modification time
    :type last_modified: integer or :class:`None` if unknown

    #: The track URI. Read-only.
    uri = fields.URI()

    #: The track name. Read-only.
    name = fields.String()

    #: A set of track artists. Read-only.
    artists = fields.Collection(type=Artist, container=frozenset)

    #: The track :class:`Album`. Read-only.
    album = fields.Field(type=Album)

    #: A set of track composers. Read-only.
    composers = fields.Collection(type=Artist, container=frozenset)

    #: A set of track performers`. Read-only.
    performers = fields.Collection(type=Artist, container=frozenset)

    #: The track genre. Read-only.
    genre = fields.String()

    #: The track number in the album. Read-only.
    track_no = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: The disc number in the album. Read-only.
    disc_no = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: The track release date. Read-only.
    date = fields.Date()

    #: The track length in milliseconds. Read-only.
    length = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: The track's bitrate in kbit/s. Read-only.
    bitrate = fields.Integer(min=0)

    #: The track comment. Read-only.
    comment = fields.String()

    #: The MusicBrainz ID of the track. Read-only.
    musicbrainz_id = fields.Identifier()

    #: Integer representing when the track was last modified. Exact meaning
    #: depends on source of track. For local files this is the modification
    #: time in milliseconds since Unix epoch. For other backends it could be an
    #: equivalent timestamp or simply a version counter.
    last_modified = fields.Integer(min=0)
Example #10
class AudiotekaTrack(Track):
    #: The track file size in bytes. Read-only.
    file_size = fields.Integer(min=0)