Example #1
    def score_anomalies(self, prior_idx):
        Calculate anomaly scores based on max distance from epsilon
        for each anomalous sequence.

            prior_idx (int): starting index of window within full set of test
                values for channel

        groups = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(self.i_anom)]

        for e_seq in groups:

            score_dict = {
                "start_idx": e_seq[0] + prior_idx,
                "end_idx": e_seq[-1] + prior_idx,
                "score": 0

            score = max([
                abs(self.e_s[i] - self.epsilon) / (self.mean_e_s + self.sd_e_s)
                for i in range(e_seq[0], e_seq[-1] + 1)
            inv_score = max([
                abs(self.e_s_inv[i] - self.epsilon_inv) /
                (self.mean_e_s + self.sd_e_s)
                for i in range(e_seq[0], e_seq[-1] + 1)

            # the max score indicates whether anomaly was from regular
            # or inverted errors
            score_dict['score'] = max([score, inv_score])
def seizure_event(label_test, label):
    test_index = []
    for index, i in enumerate(label_test):
        if i == 1:

    seizure_segment = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(test_index)]  # seizure found
    ss_length = len(seizure_segment)

    ## calculate if the seizure segment has successfully being predicted.
    ## During the seizure segment, if one of the seizure is predicted, we concluded that we detected the seizure segment
    seizure_count = 0  # seizure predicted
    seconds_list = []
    for y in seizure_segment:
        events = [label[i] for i in y]
        if 1 in events:
            seizure_count += 1

            # calculate how many seconds passed when they successfully detected the first seizure label
            res = next(x for x, value in enumerate(events) if value == 1)
            seconds_list.append(res + 1)

    # get the average predicted seconds
    average_seconds = sum(seconds_list) / len(seconds_list)
    return ss_length, seizure_count, seizure_count / ss_length, average_seconds
Example #3
    def compare_to_epsilon(self, errors_all, inverse=False):
        Compare smoothed error values to epsilon (error threshold) and group
        consecutive errors together into sequences.

            errors_all (obj): Errors class object containing list of all
            previously identified anomalies in test set

        e_s = self.e_s if not inverse else self.e_s_inv
        epsilon = self.epsilon if not inverse else self.epsilon_inv

        # Check: scale of errors compared to values too small?
        if not (self.sd_e_s > (.05 * self.sd_values) or max(self.e_s) >
                (.05 * self.inter_range)) or not max(self.e_s) > 0.05:

        i_anom = np.argwhere((e_s >= epsilon)
                             & (e_s > 0.05 * self.inter_range)).reshape(-1, )

        if len(i_anom) == 0:
        buffer = np.arange(1, self._error_buffer + 1)
        i_anom = np.sort(
                (i_anom, np.array([i + buffer for i in i_anom]).flatten(),
                 np.array([i - buffer for i in i_anom]).flatten())))
        i_anom = i_anom[(i_anom < len(e_s)) & (i_anom >= 0)]

        # if it is first window, ignore initial errors (need some history)
        if self.window_num == 0:
            i_anom = i_anom[i_anom >= self.num_to_ignore]
            i_anom = i_anom[i_anom >= len(e_s) - self._batch_size]

        i_anom = np.sort(np.unique(i_anom))

        # capture max of non-anomalous values below the threshold
        # (used in filtering process)
        batch_position = self.window_num * self._batch_size
        window_indices = np.arange(0, len(e_s)) + batch_position
        adj_i_anom = i_anom + batch_position
        window_indices = np.setdiff1d(window_indices,
                                      np.append(errors_all.i_anom, adj_i_anom))
        candidate_indices = np.unique(window_indices - batch_position)
        non_anom_max = np.max(np.take(e_s, candidate_indices))

        # group anomalous indices into continuous sequences
        groups = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(i_anom)]
        E_seq = [(g[0], g[-1]) for g in groups if not g[0] == g[-1]]

        if inverse:
            self.i_anom_inv = i_anom
            self.E_seq_inv = E_seq
            self.non_anom_max_inv = non_anom_max
            self.i_anom = i_anom
            self.E_seq = E_seq
            self.non_anom_max = non_anom_max
Example #4
def label_sequential_regions(inlist):
    """Input a list of labeled tuples and return a dictionary of sequentially labeled regions.

        inlist (list): A list of tuples with the first number representing the index and the second the index label.

        dict: Dictionary of labeled regions.


        >>> label_sequential_regions([(1, 'O'), (2, 'O'), (3, 'O'), (4, 'M'), (5, 'M'), (6, 'I'), (7, 'M'), (8, 'O'), (9, 'O')])
        {'O1': [1, 2, 3], 'M1': [4, 5], 'I1': [6], 'M2': [7], 'O2': [8, 9]}

    import more_itertools as mit

    df = pd.DataFrame(inlist).set_index(0)

    labeled = {}
    for label in df[1].unique():
        iterable = df[df[1] == label].index.tolist()
            '{}{}'.format(label, i + 1): items
            for i, items in enumerate(
                [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable)])

    return labeled
Example #5
def find_objects(array):
    array = np.unique(array, axis=0)
    array = list(combinations(list(array), 2))
    angle_lst, array = calc_angle(array)
    pixels = list(range(1, 201))
    for line in array:
        left_boundary = list(range(line[0][0] - 20, line[0][0]))
        pixels = [item for item in pixels if item not in left_boundary]
        right_boundary = list(range(line[0][0], line[0][0] + 20))
        pixels = [item for item in pixels if item not in right_boundary]

    continuous = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(pixels)]
    new_continuous = []
    for sublist in continuous:
        for item in sublist:
    continuous = new_continuous
    #    print(continuous)
    ranges = []
    #    print(list(continuous))

    for k, g in groupby(enumerate(continuous), lambda x: x[0] - x[1]):
        group = (map(itemgetter(1), g))
        group = list(map(int, group))
        ranges.append((group[0], group[-1]))
#        print(ranges)
#    return angle_lst, array, ranges
    biggest = 0
    direction = 100
    #    print(ranges)
    for rangeset in ranges:
        if (rangeset[1] - rangeset[0]) > biggest:
            direction = rangeset[0] + ((rangeset[1] - rangeset[0]) / 2)

    return angle_lst, array, direction
Example #6
    def process_batches(self, channel):
        Top-level function for the Error class that loops through batches
        of values for a channel.

            channel (obj): Channel class object containing train/test data
                for X,y for a single channel


        for i in range(0, self.n_windows + 1):
            prior_idx = i * self.config.batch_size
            idx = (self.config.window_size * self.config.batch_size) \
                + (i * self.config.batch_size)
            if i == self.n_windows:
                idx = channel.y_test.shape[0]

            window = ErrorWindow(channel, self.config, prior_idx, idx, self, i)


            window.compare_to_epsilon(self, inverse=True)

            if len(window.i_anom) == 0 and len(window.i_anom_inv) == 0:


            if len(window.i_anom) == 0 and len(window.i_anom_inv) == 0:

            window.i_anom = np.sort(

            # update indices to reflect true indices in full set of values
            self.i_anom = np.append(self.i_anom, window.i_anom + prior_idx)
            self.anom_scores = self.anom_scores + window.anom_scores

        if len(self.i_anom) > 0:
            # group anomalous indices into continuous sequences
            groups = [
                list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(self.i_anom)
            self.E_seq = [(int(g[0]), int(g[-1])) for g in groups
                          if not g[0] == g[-1]]

            # additional shift is applied to indices so that they represent the
            # position in the original data array, obtained from the .npy files,
            # and not the position on y_test (See PR #27).
            self.E_seq = [(e_seq[0] + self.config.l_s,
                           e_seq[1] + self.config.l_s) for e_seq in self.E_seq]

Example #7
    def update_utxos(self, utxos_to_add: List[UtxoType],
                     utxos_to_delete: List[Tuple[int, int]]):
        if utxos_to_delete:
            row_indexes_to_remove = []
            for utxo_id in utxos_to_delete:
                utxo = self.utxo_by_id.get(utxo_id)
                if utxo:
                    utxo_index = self.utxos.index(utxo)
                    if utxo_index not in row_indexes_to_remove:
                    del self.utxo_by_id[utxo_id]

            for group in consecutive_groups(row_indexes_to_remove,
                                            ordering=lambda x: -x):
                l = list(group)
                    QModelIndex(), l[-1],
                    l[0])  # items are sorted in reversed order
                del self.utxos[l[-1]:l[0] + 1]

        if utxos_to_add:
            # in the model, the rows are sorted by the number of confirmations in the descending order, so put
            # the new ones in the right place
            utxos_to_add.sort(key=lambda x: x.block_height, reverse=True)
            row_idx = 0
            self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row_idx,
                                 row_idx + len(utxos_to_add) - 1)
                for index, utxo in enumerate(utxos_to_add):
                    self.add_utxo(utxo, index)
Example #8
def save_detected_frames(detection_path, output_path, delta = 10):
        Grab list of frames that contain touch indicators in them.
        Can adjust how many frames before and after start and end of touch indicators
        for context of interaction by adjusting delta.
    output_path.mkdir(exist_ok = True)

    with open(detection_path.parent/'detected_frames/detected-frames.json') as f:
        detections = json.load(f)
    frames = [d['screenId'] for d in detections]

    groups = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(frames)]
    for g in groups:
        s, e = g[0], g[-1]
        frames.extend(list(range(s - delta, s)))
        frames.extend(list(range(e + 1, e + delta + 1)))
    frames = sorted(list(set(frames)))
    frames = [f for f in frames if f >= 1]

    for i, frame in enumerate(frames):
            copyfile(detection_path.parent/f'extracted_frames/{frame:04}.jpg', output_path/f'{i:04}.jpg')
Example #9
 def find_ranges(iterable):  #     Yield range of consecutive numbers
     for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable):
         group = list(group)
         if len(group) == 1:
             yield group[0]
             yield group[0], group[-1]
Example #10
def compute_threshold(smoothed_errors, error_buffer, sd_limit=12.0):
    """Helper method for `extract_anomalies` method.
    Calculates the epsilon (threshold) for anomalies.
    mu = np.mean(smoothed_errors)
    sigma = np.std(smoothed_errors)

    max_epsilon = 0
    sd_threshold = sd_limit

    # The treshold is determined dynamically by testing multiple Zs.
    # z is drawn from an ordered set of positive values representing the
    # number of standard deviations above mean(smoothed_errors)

    # here we iterate in increments of 0.5 on the range that the NASA paper found to be good
    for z in np.arange(2.5, sd_limit, 0.5):
        epsilon = mu + (sigma * z)
        below_epsilon, below_indices, above_epsilon = [], [], []

        for i in range(len(smoothed_errors)):
            e = smoothed_errors[i]
            if e < epsilon:
                # save to compute delta mean and delta std
                # these are important for epsilon calculation

            if e > epsilon:
                # above_epsilon values are anomalies
                for j in range(0, error_buffer):
                    if (i + j) not in above_epsilon and (
                            i + j) < len(smoothed_errors):
                        above_epsilon.append(i + j)

                    if (i - j) not in above_epsilon and (i - j) >= 0:
                        above_epsilon.append(i - j)

        if len(above_epsilon) == 0:

        # generate sequences
        above_epsilon = sorted(list(set(above_epsilon)))
        groups = [
            list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(above_epsilon)
        above_sequences = [(g[0], g[-1]) for g in groups if not g[0] == g[-1]]

        mean_perc_decrease = (mu - np.mean(below_epsilon)) / mu
        sd_perc_decrease = (sigma - np.std(below_epsilon)) / sigma
        epsilon = (mean_perc_decrease + sd_perc_decrease) /\
                  (len(above_sequences)**2 + len(above_epsilon))

        # update the largest epsilon we've seen so far
        if epsilon > max_epsilon:
            sd_threshold = z
            max_epsilon = epsilon

    # sd_threshold can be multiplied by sigma to get epsilon
    return max_epsilon, sd_threshold
Example #11
def straight(nums):
    no_dups_sf = list(dict.fromkeys(nums))
    sorted_num = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(no_dups_sf)]
    for lst in sorted_num:
        if len(lst) >= 5:
            return lst[-1]
        if TypeError:
            return 0
Example #12
 def find_ranges(iterable):
     import more_itertools as mit
     for item in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable):
         group = list(item)
         if len(group) == 1:
             yield group[0] - 1, group[0]
             yield group[0] - 1, group[-1]
Example #13
def find_ranges(iterable):
    """Yield range of consecutive numbers."""
    for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable):
        group = list(group)
        if len(group) == 1:
            yield int(1000 * group[0]), int(1000 + 1000 * group[0])
            yield int(1000* group[0]), int(1000 + 1000*group[-1])
Example #14
def straight(nums):
    no_dups = list(dict.fromkeys(nums))
    sorted_num = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(no_dups)]
    for lst in sorted_num:
        if len(lst) >= 5:
            return 5
            return 0
Example #15
def continuous_insertion_deletion_indel(file2_op, line1, line3, line1_start,
                                        line3_start, empty_index_iter1,
    #file2_op = []
    o1 = line3 + " --> " + line1
    o2 = str(line3_start +
             empty_index_iter1[0]) + " --> " + str(line1_start +
    o4 = ""
    status = ""
    if "-" * len(empty_index_iter1) == line3:
              empty_index_iter1[len(empty_index_iter1) - 1] + 1)
        o4 = str(line3_start + empty_index_iter1[0]) + "," + protein_seq[
            line3_start + empty_index_iter1[0]:line3_start +
            empty_index_iter1[len(empty_index_iter1) - 1] + 1] + "," + line1
        status = "insertion"

    elif "-" * len(empty_index_iter1) == line1:
        o4 = str(line3_start + empty_index_iter1[0]) + "," + line3 + ",."
        status = "deletion"

        if "-" in line1:
            dash_index = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('-', line1)]
            dash_index = [
                list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(dash_index)

        elif "-" in line3:
            print(line1, line3)
            dash_index = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('-', line3)]
            remaining_index = list(set(range(len(line3))) - set(dash_index))
            remaining_index = [
                for group in mit.consecutive_groups(remaining_index)
            #dash_index = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(dash_index)]
    o3 = status
    file2_op.append([o1, o2, o4, o3])
    return file2_op
Example #16
def find_epsilon(e_s, error_buffer, sd_lim=12.0):
    '''Find the anomaly threshold that maximizes function representing tradeoff between a) number of anomalies
    and anomalous ranges and b) the reduction in mean and st dev if anomalous points are removed from errors
    (see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.04431.pdf)

        e_s (array): residuals between y_test and y_hat values (smoothes using ewma)
        error_buffer (int): if an anomaly is detected at a point, this is the number of surrounding values 
            to add the anomalous range. this promotes grouping of nearby sequences and more intuitive results
        sd_lim (float): The max number of standard deviations above the mean to calculate as part of the 
            argmax function

        sd_threshold (float): the calculated anomaly threshold in number of standard deviations above the mean
    mean = np.mean(e_s)
    sd = np.std(e_s)
    max_s = 0
    sd_threshold = sd_lim # default if no winner or too many anomalous ranges
    for z in np.arange(2.5, sd_lim, 0.5):
        epsilon = mean + (sd*z)
        pruned_e_s, pruned_i, i_anom  = [], [], []

        for i,e in enumerate(e_s):
            # pruned_e_s (less than threshold)
            if e < epsilon:
            # anomalies (more than threshold)
            if e > epsilon:
                for j in range(0, error_buffer):
                    if not i + j in i_anom and not i + j >= len(e_s):
                        i_anom.append(i + j)
                    if not i - j in i_anom and not i - j < 0:
                        i_anom.append(i - j)
        if len(i_anom) > 0:
            # preliminarily group anomalous indices into continuous sequences (# sequences needed for scoring)
            i_anom = sorted(list(set(i_anom)))
            groups = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(i_anom)]
            # remove list of one element, and return list of tuples of the min_index, and max_index
            E_seq = [(g[0], g[-1]) for g in groups if not g[0] == g[-1]]
            perc_removed = 1.0 - (float(len(pruned_e_s)) / float(len(e_s)))
            mean_perc_decrease = (mean - np.mean(pruned_e_s)) / mean
            sd_perc_decrease = (sd - np.std(pruned_e_s)) / sd
            s = (mean_perc_decrease + sd_perc_decrease) / (len(E_seq)**2 + len(i_anom))

            # sanity checks (rational cases)
            if s >= max_s and len(E_seq) <= 5 and len(i_anom) < (len(e_s)*0.5):
                sd_threshold = z
                max_s = s
    return sd_threshold #multiply by sd to get epsilon
Example #17
def find_ranges(iterable):
    """Yield range of consecutive numbers."""
    import more_itertools as mit
    for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable):
        group = list(group)
        if len(group) == 1:
            yield group[0]
            yield group[0], group[-1]
Example #18
def getContiguousBlocks(iterable):
    Given an iterable (e.g., range(10)), returns a list of 
    sublists, where each sublist is a contiguous block from the
    input iterable
    import more_itertools as mit
    blocks = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable)]
    return blocks
Example #19
def find_ranges(iterable):
    """Yield range of consecutive numbers."""
    for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable):
        group = list(group)
        if len(group) == 1:
            yield group[0], 1
            #print difference between first and last consecutive number:
            yield group[0], (group[-1] - group[0])
 def pprint_equiv_atoms(self):
     str_list = []
     for consecutive_ints in consecutive_groups(self.equivalent_atoms):
         ints = list(consecutive_ints)
         if len(ints) >= 3:
             str_list.append("..".join([str(ints[0]), str(ints[-1])]))
             str_list.append(" ".join([str(j) for j in ints]))
     return " ".join(str_list)
Example #21
def find_ranges(iterable: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[T, int]]:
    """Extracts consecutive runs from a list of items.

    :param iterable: List of items.
    :return: Iterable of (first elem, length).
    for group in more_itertools.consecutive_groups(iterable):
        group = list(group)
        yield group[0], len(group)
def extract_uncertain_groups(df, bodypart='nose', uncertainty=0.95):
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import more_itertools as mit
    import os

    iterable = df[df[bodypart]['likelihood'] < uncertainty].index.values

    return [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable)]
def find_ranges(iterable):
    """Yield range of consecutive numbers."""
    for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable):
        group = list(group)
        if len(group) == 1:
            yield [group[0], group[0]]
            yield [group[0], group[-1]]
    return group
def get_longest_continuous_t(sequence_str):
    count = 0
    indices = [i for i, a in enumerate(sequence_str, 1) if a == "T"]
    signals = [list(group) for group in consecutive_groups(indices)]
    for i in signals:
        if len(i) > count:
            count = len(i)
    return count
Example #25
def check_periods_together(df, idx):

    acData = get_periods_rasterized(df, idx)

    l = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(acData)]

    nGroups = len(l)

    print(f"Clustering to {nGroups} group(s)")
Example #26
def compute_sequences(hand):
    sequences = []
    for suit in {card.suit for card in hand.cards}:
        temp = sorted([card.rank for card in hand.cards if card.suit == suit])
        for group in consecutive_groups(temp):
            sequence = [Card(rank, suit) for rank in list(group)]
            if len(sequence) >= 4:
    return sequences
Example #27
def build_unicode_range(cp_set):
    groups = []
    for group in consecutive_groups(sorted(cp_set)):
        g = list(group)
        if len(g) == 1:
    return ", ".join(groups)
Example #28
def find_insertions(x, insert_positions: list):
    """Support function for identifying contiguous insertions within a sequence"""
    ins_positions = [
        m for m in insert_positions if x[m] != '-' and x[m] != 'n'
    insertions = [
        list(insert) for insert in mit.consecutive_groups(ins_positions)
    return insertions
Example #29
def getContiguousBlocks(iterable):
    Given an iterable (e.g., range(10)), returns a list of
    sublists, where each sublist is a contiguous block from the
    input iterable
    import more_itertools as mit
    blocks = [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(iterable)]
    return blocks
 def place_ships(self, random):
     for ship in ship_lengths.keys():
         if not random:
             ship_length = ship_lengths[ship]
             available_rows, available_cols = np.where(self.board == -1)
             ship_placed = False
             while not ship_placed:
                 orientation = np.random.choice(['RIGHT', 'DOWN'])
                 if orientation == 'RIGHT':
                     row = np.random.randint(0, board_side_length)
                     available_cols_tmp = available_cols[available_rows ==
                     clumps = []
                     for clump in consecutive_groups(available_cols_tmp):
                         check = list(clump)
                         if len(check) >= ship_length:
                     if len(clumps) == 0:
                         clump = clumps[np.random.choice(len(clumps))]
                         col = clump[0] + np.random.choice(
                             range(len(clump) - ship_length + 1))
                         self.board[row, col:col + ship_length] *= -1
                         ship_placed = True
                     col = np.random.randint(0, board_side_length)
                     available_rows_tmp = available_rows[available_cols ==
                     clumps = []
                     for clump in consecutive_groups(available_rows_tmp):
                         check = list(clump)
                         if len(check) >= ship_length:
                     if len(clumps) == 0:
                         clump = clumps[np.random.choice(len(clumps))]
                         row = clump[0] + np.random.choice(
                             range(len(clump) - ship_length + 1))
                         self.board[row:row + ship_length, col] *= -1
                         ship_placed = True
Example #31
 def fix_points(self, points, eps=1e-4):
     idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(points) == 0).T.tolist()[0]
     groups = [list(g) for g in mit.consecutive_groups(idx)]
     for g in groups:
         if g[0] == 0:
         glen = len(g)
         for i, ix in enumerate(g):
             points[ix] -= (glen - i) * eps
     return points
    def slots_to_ys(slots):
        convert give slots into a set of y-value ranges
        # find all y-values
        values = list()
        for slot in slots:
            ybase = nuids.index(slot['uid']) * (cpn + gpn)
            for cslot in slot['core_map']:
                for c in cslot:
                    values.append(ybase + c)
            for gslot in slot['gpu_map']:
                for g in gslot:
                    values.append(ybase + cpn + g)

        # find continuous ranges of y-values
        return [list(group) for group in mit.consecutive_groups(values)]