Example #1
def calc_dates(thisfile, info):
    # Given a type of MOS and its run date and run time, calculate the
    # dates (and associated filenames) needed to produce a complete graphic.
    # Returns two lists:
    #    prevruns, a list of datetime objects (including the current run)
    #    prevfiles, a list of filenames to access for a single station (including the current file)
    # 'thisfile' is the filename of the file for which to calculate previous dates.
    # 'info' is a dictionary returned by find_info.
    mostype = info['MOSTYPE']
    thisrun = thisrun_as_dt(info)
    # start the list of previous runs/files with the first run/file to make looping easier later
    prevruns = [thisrun]
    # DO NOT initialize 'prevfiles' with 'thisfile', otherwise the first file will end up
    # listed twice because of the looping operation below
    prevfiles = []
    if 'ECMX' in mostype:
        # 00z runs for the previous 7 days (7 cycles)
        numhrs = [24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168]
    elif 'ECM' in mostype:
        # 00z runs for the previous 2 days (2 cycles)
        numhrs = [24, 48]
    elif 'NAM' in mostype:
        # 12z and 00z runs going back 2-ish days (5 cycles)
        numhrs = [12, 24, 36, 48, 60]
    elif 'GFSX' in mostype:
        # 12z and 00z runs going back 7-ish days (15 cycles)
        numhrs = [12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 168, 180]
    elif 'GFS' in mostype:
        # 12z, 18z, 00z, 06z runs going back 2-ish days (12 cycles)
        numhrs = [6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72]
    for hr in numhrs:
        wayback = dt.timedelta(hours = hr)
        prevruns.append(thisrun - wayback)
    dictParms = mosHelper.transformFilename(thisfile)
    for item in prevruns:
        #Note: change the line below if the file naming convention changes
        #prevfiles.append(thisfile[0:9] + item.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H'))
        # Use functions from mosHelper for consistency in case of filename convention changes.
        appendme = mosHelper.makeFilenames(dictParms['mostype'], dictParms['staname'], item.strftime('%Y'), item.strftime('%m'), item.strftime('%d'), item.strftime('%H'))['proc']
    return prevruns, prevfiles
Example #2
def cleanHouse():
    # Grab a reference to the existing logger.
    # This only works if the script calling this function has
    # already called mosHelper.setUpTheLogger().
    module_logger = logging.getLogger('mosgraphics.cleanHouse')

    dictDirNames = mosHelper.getDirNames()

    # Can probably rewrite mosplots.calc_dates based on the work here. Perhaps
    # in the ample free time with which all forecasters are blessed. Maybe use
    # xrange instead, also?
    # Alright, here's the deal. The UTC date may be in the future compared to the
    # local date at times, so we'll toss in some negative numbers just to be sure the
    # early day runs (00z, 06z) won't get accidentally deleted.
    # Next, grab the current YYYY-MM-DD (local time) and use that as a starting point
    # from which to calculate which files to keep. Some of the filenames may not exist
    # yet, but that's OK. The important thing is that they won't be deleted. Yeah, that
    # makes total sense...
    hrsToKeep = {}
    hrsToKeep['MEX'] = [-24, -12, 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 168, 180, 192, 204, 216]
    hrsToKeep['MAV'] = [-24, -18, -12, -6, 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72]
    hrsToKeep['MET'] = [-36, -24, -12, 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84]
    #hrsToKeep['ECE'] = [-24, 0, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168, 192, 216]
    #hrsToKeep['ECS'] = [-24, 0, 24, 48, 72, 96]

    # Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening now.
    # What happened to then?
    # We passed then.
    # When?
    # Just now. We're at now now.     
    rightnow = dt.datetime.now()

    # But not anymore! Choose 0 o'clock as a baseline. It makes the math easier.
    nowish = dt.datetime(year = rightnow.year, month = rightnow.month, day = rightnow.day, hour = 0)

    keyIter = hrsToKeep.iterkeys()

    # Loop over time to create filenames to keep
    for key in keyIter:
        keepfiles = []
        for hr in hrsToKeep[key]:
            mostype = key.lower()
            goback = dt.timedelta(hours = hr)
            prev = nowish - goback
            Y = prev.strftime('%Y')
            M = prev.strftime('%m')
            D = prev.strftime('%d')
            H = prev.strftime('%H')
            appendme = mosHelper.makeFilenames(mostype, 'ABCD', Y, M, D, H)['raw']
        keepfiles = set(keepfiles)
        # get the contents of the raw files directory for this mostype
        rawfiles = set(mosHelper.listRawFiles(mostype))
        # Suppose set1 = ([f1, f2, f3, etc.]) contains the filenames to keep, and
        # set2 = ([f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6]) has the names of all raw files.
        # Then set2.difference(set1) is the set of files to delete.
        delme = rawfiles.difference(keepfiles)

        module_logger.info('%s are marked for deletion from %s', delme, mostype.upper())

        for fn in delme:
            fullname = os.path.join(dictDirNames['raw'], fn)
Example #3
    def check_primary(self):
        # MDL's FTP site is the primary source. Attempt to access it.

        # MDL changed the folder structure for MET:
        # ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/nam/prod/nam_mos.YYYYMMDD/mdl_nammet.tXXz
        # YYYYMMDD = year/month/day in UTC
        # XX = cycle (00 or 12) in UTC
        # This folder also contains files named 'mdl_nammme.tXXz'.

        # MDL also changed the folder structure for MAV and MEX:
        # MAV:
        # ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfsmos.YYYYMMDD/mdl_gfsmav.tXXz
        # MEX:
        # ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfsmos.YYYYMMDD/mdl_gfsmex.tXXz
        # YYYYMMDD = year/month/day in UTC
        # XX = cycle (00, 06, 12, or 18 for the MAV, 00 or 12 for the MEX and MET) in UTC
        dictURLs = {'MAV': 'ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/',
                    'MEX': 'ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/',
                    'MET': 'ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/nam/prod/'

        fileurls = []
        localfnames = []

        mosname = self.mostype
        url = dictURLs[mosname]

            response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            contents = response.read()

            # The FTP directories contain many folders, only 2 of which are of
            # interest: 'gfsmos.YYYYMMDD' (MAV, MEX) and 'nam_mos.YYYYMMDD' (MET),
            # where YYYMMDD is the UTC date of the MOS run.

            if mosname is 'MET':
                re_folder = r'nam_mos\.[0-9]+'
            elif mosname in ['MAV', 'MEX']:
                re_folder = r'gfsmos\.[0-9]+'
            # FutureDev: better error handling here?
            RD = re.compile(re_folder)
            folders = RD.findall(contents)

            #print 'Found these folders: %s' % (folders)

            for item in folders:
                folderurl = '{}/{}/'.format(url, item)
                response = urllib2.urlopen(folderurl)
                contents = response.read()

                # Each of these folders contains multiple files (and possibly more folders).
                # The files of interest follow these filenames:
                # ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/nam/prod/nam_mos.YYYYMMDD/mdl_nammet.tXXz
                # ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfsmos.YYYYMMDD/mdl_gfsmav.tXXz
                # ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfsmos.YYYYMMDD/mdl_gfsmex.tXXz
                # XX = cycle (00, 06, 12, or 18 for the MAV, 00 or 12 for the MEX and MET) in UTC

                if mosname is 'MET':
                    re_filename = r'mdl_nammet\.t[0-9][0-9]z'
                elif mosname is 'MAV':
                    re_filename = r'mdl_gfsmav\.t[0-9][0-9]z'
                elif mosname is 'MEX':
                    re_filename = r'mdl_gfsmex\.t[0-9][0-9]z'

                CY = re.compile(re_filename)
                mosfiles = CY.findall(contents)
                #print '%s has these files: %s' %(item, mosfiles)

                for fname in mosfiles:
                    # Construct the file URL
                    furl = '{}/{}'.format(folderurl, fname)

                    # Construct the local filename. ABCD is a placeholder value
                    # because 'staname' is undefined for raw files in
                    # mosHelper.makeFilenames.
                    base = item.split('.')[1]
                    yr = base[0:4]
                    mon = base[4:6]
                    dy = base[6:8]
                    cycle = fname.split('.')[1][1:3]
                    dictFn = mosHelper.makeFilenames(mosname, 'ABCD', yr, mon, dy, cycle)
                    localfilename = dictFn['raw']

            # After all file URLs have been found, store them as an object property.
            # Ditto on the local filenames.
            self.fileurls = fileurls
            self.localfnames = localfnames

            # There's probably a better way to do this. Let '1' stand for success.
            return 1
        except urllib2.URLError:
            # There's probably a better way to do this. Let '0' stand for failure.
            return 0
Example #4
    def check_backup(self):
        # MDL's other site is the secondary source. Attempt to access it.

        # There is also another source for MAV, MET, MEX, but the date and cycle are not present
        # in all filenames. Use mosHelper.getIssuance to determine these elements.
        # MAV:
        # http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/avnmav.txt
        # MET:
        # http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/nammet.txt
        # MEX:
        # http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/mrfmex00.txt
        # http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/mrfmex12.txt
        backupURLs = {'MAV': ['http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/avnmav.txt'],
                      'MEX': ['http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/mrfmex00.txt',
                      'MET': ['http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/nammet.txt']

        mosname = self.mostype        
        urls = backupURLs[mosname]

        bucket = []
        fileurls = []
        localfnames = []

            for u in urls:
                response = urllib2.urlopen(u)
                contents = response.readlines()

                # This seems silly. We've already downloaded the file. Why mark it
                # for downloading again?
                # FutureDev: Surely there's a better way.

            for item in bucket:
                info = mosHelper.getIssuance(item)
                yr = info['DATE'].split('/')[2]
                mon = info['DATE'].split('/')[0]
                dy = info['DATE'].split('/')[1]
                cycle = info['CYCLE']

                dictFn = mosHelper.makeFilenames(mosname, 'ABCD', yr, mon, dy, cycle)
                localfilename = dictFn['raw']

            # After all file URLs have been found, store them as an object property.
            # Ditto on the local filenames.
            self.fileurls = fileurls
            self.localfnames = localfnames
            # There's probably a better way to do this. Let '1' stand for success.
            return 1
        except urllib2.URLError:
            # There's probably a better way to do this. Let '0' stand for failure.
            return 0