Example #1
def process(config, obs):
    Returns a numpy array of obs for use in mosx_predictors. The first dimension is date; all other dimensions are

    :param config:
    :param obs: dict: dictionary of processed obs data
    if config['verbose']:
        print('obs.process: processing array for obs data...')

    # Surface observations
    sfc = obs['SFC']
    num_days = len(sfc.keys())
    variables = sorted(sfc[sfc.keys()[0]].keys())
    sfc_array = get_array(sfc)
    sfc_array_r = np.reshape(sfc_array, (num_days, -1))

    # Sounding observations
    if config['Obs']['use_soundings']:
        sndg_array = get_array(obs['SNDG'])
        # num_days should be the same first dimension
        sndg_array_r = np.reshape(sndg_array, (num_days, -1))
        return np.hstack((sfc_array_r, sndg_array_r))
        return sfc_array_r
Example #2
def process(config, verif_list):
    Returns a numpy array of verification data for use in mosx_predictors. The first dimension is date, the second is
    :param config:
    :param verif: dict: dictionary of processed verification data; may be None
    :return: ndarray: array of processed verification targets
    verif_arrays = []
    if verif_list is not None:
        for i in range(len(verif_list)):
            verif = verif_list[i]
            print('verification.process: processing array for verification data')
            num_days = len(verif.keys())
            variables = ['Tmax', 'Tmin', 'Wind', 'Rain']
            day_verif_array = np.full((num_days, len(variables)), np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
            for d in range(len(verif.keys())):
                date = list(verif.keys())[d]
                for v in range(len(variables)):
                    var = variables[v]
                    day_verif_array[d, v] = verif[date][var]
            if config['Model']['predict_timeseries']:
                hour_verif = OrderedDict(verif)
                for date in hour_verif.keys():
                    for variable in variables:
                        hour_verif[date].pop(variable, None)
                hour_verif_array = get_array(hour_verif)
                hour_verif_array = np.reshape(hour_verif_array, (num_days, -1))
                verif_array = np.concatenate((day_verif_array, hour_verif_array), axis=1)
                verif_array = day_verif_array
        return verif_arrays
        return None
Example #3
def process(config, bufr, advection_diagnostic=True):
    Imports the data contained in a bufr dictionary and returns a time-by-x numpy array for use in mosx_predictors. The
    first dimension is date; all other dimensions are first extracted using get_array and then one-dimensionalized.

    :param config:
    :param bufr: dict: dictionary of processed BUFR data
    :param advection_diagnostic: bool: if True, add temperature advection diagnostic to the data
    :return: ndarray: array of formatted BUFR predictor values
    if config['verbose']:
        print('bufr.process: processing array for BUFR data...')
    # PROF part of the BUFR data
    bufr_prof = get_array(bufr['PROF'])
    bufr_dims = list(range(len(bufr_prof.shape)))
    bufr_dims[0] = 1
    bufr_dims[1] = 0
    bufr_prof = bufr_prof.transpose(bufr_dims)
    bufr_shape = bufr_prof.shape
    bufr_reshape = [bufr_shape[0]] + [np.cumprod(bufr_shape[1:])[-1]]
    bufr_prof = bufr_prof.reshape(tuple(bufr_reshape))
    # SFC part of the BUFR data
    bufr_sfc = get_array(bufr['SFC'])
    bufr_dims = list(range(len(bufr_sfc.shape)))
    bufr_dims[0] = 1
    bufr_dims[1] = 0
    bufr_sfc = bufr_sfc.transpose(bufr_dims)
    bufr_shape = bufr_sfc.shape
    bufr_reshape = [bufr_shape[0]] + [np.cumprod(bufr_shape[1:])[-1]]
    bufr_sfc = bufr_sfc.reshape(tuple(bufr_reshape))
    # DAY part of the BUFR data
    bufr_day = get_array(bufr['DAY'])
    bufr_dims = list(range(len(bufr_day.shape)))
    bufr_dims[0] = 1
    bufr_dims[1] = 0
    bufr_day = bufr_day.transpose(bufr_dims)
    bufr_shape = bufr_day.shape
    bufr_reshape = [bufr_shape[0]] + [np.cumprod(bufr_shape[1:])[-1]]
    bufr_day = bufr_day.reshape(tuple(bufr_reshape))
    bufr_out = np.concatenate((bufr_prof, bufr_sfc, bufr_day), axis=1)
    # Fix missing values
    bufr_out[bufr_out < -1000.] = np.nan
    if advection_diagnostic:
        advection_array = temp_advection(bufr)
        bufr_out = np.concatenate((bufr_out, advection_array), axis=1)
    return bufr_out
Example #4
def process(config, obs_list):
    Returns a numpy array of obs for use in mosx_predictors. The first dimension is date; all other dimensions are
    :param config:
    :param obs_list: list of dictionaries of processed obs data for the different stations
    # Surface observations
    if config['verbose']:
        print('obs.process: processing array for obs data...')

    for i in range(len(obs_list)):
        obs = obs_list[i]
            sfc = obs['SFC']
        except KeyError:
            sfc = obs[b'SFC']
        num_days = len(sfc.keys())
        variables = sorted(sfc[list(sfc.keys())[0]].keys())
        sfc_array = get_array(sfc)
        sfc_array_r = np.reshape(sfc_array, (num_days, -1))

        # Sounding observations
        if config['Obs']['use_soundings']:
                sndg_array = get_array(obs['SNDG'])
            except KeyError:
                sndg_array = get_array(obs[b'SNDG'])
            # num_days should be the same first dimension
            sndg_array_r = np.reshape(sndg_array, (num_days, -1))
            obs_one_array = np.hstack((sfc_array_r, sndg_array_r))
            if i == 0:  #first station
                obs_array = obs_one_array
                obs_array = np.hstack((obs_array, obs_one_array))
            if i == 0:  #first station
                obs_array = sfc_array_r
                obs_array = np.hstack((obs_array, sfc_array_r))
    return obs_array