def recognize_file_with_minibatch(self, files=None, real_labels=None): #First step : get dataset from file data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset( files, real_labels) data_rbms = [ data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4 ] #Now, get the number of frames in this dataset (in the file we have to recognize) number_of_frames = data_rbms[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] #For each frames, recognize label dataset_crbm = [] #generate a new dataset test for CRBM from RBMs for index_frame in range(number_of_frames): #propup frame on each RBMs hidden_rbms = [] for index_rbm in range(5): frame = data_rbms[index_rbm].get_value( borrow=True)[index_frame] hidden_rbms.append(self.rbms[index_rbm].predict_hidden(frame)) #concatenate hidden RBMs'layer concatenate_hidden_rbms = np.concatenate(hidden_rbms, axis=0) #append to dataset dataset_crbm.append(concatenate_hidden_rbms) #print information about % of generation for user print("CRBM dataset test generation : %d / %d " % (index_frame, number_of_frames)) shared_dataset_crbm = theano.shared( np.asarray(dataset_crbm, dtype=theano.config.floatX)) # Send dataset to logCRBM to get recognized label self.log_crbm.recognize_dataset(dataset_test=shared_dataset_crbm, seqlen=seqlen)
def recognize_files_chunk(self, file=None, real_label=None): #recognize frames using chunk and average value on chunk chunk_size = 1 #number of frames in a chunk chunk_covering = 0 #number of frames for covering #to recognize frame by frame : chunk_size=1 and chunk_covering=0 #confusion matrix : confusion_matrix = np.zeros( (self.log_crbm.n_label, self.log_crbm.n_label), theano.config.floatX) #REAL : column, #Predict : line #compute functions used to propup data into our model : Optimized process shared_input_tab = [] #shared inputs for our 5 rbms for index_rbm in range(5): input_type = np.zeros(self.rbms[index_rbm].n_visible).astype( theano.config.floatX) shared_input_tab.append( theano.shared(input_type.astype(theano.config.floatX))) #shared variable for the crbm history history_type = np.zeros(self.log_crbm.delay * self.log_crbm.n_input).astype( theano.config.floatX) shared_history = theano.shared( history_type.astype(theano.config.floatX)) #function to propup: process from RBMs to label #To optimize the execution time, prefer a use a shared varaible rather than theano symbolic variable output_rbm_sample = [] #actualize value of the shared variables for index_rbm in range(5): output_sigmoid_value = T.nnet.sigmoid([index_rbm], self.rbms[index_rbm].W) + self.rbms[index_rbm].hbias) output_rbm_sample.append(self.rbms[index_rbm].theano_rng.binomial( size=output_sigmoid_value.shape, n=1, p=output_sigmoid_value, dtype=theano.config.floatX)) concatenate_hidden_rbms = T.concatenate(output_rbm_sample, axis=0) output_crbm = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.log_crbm.crbm_layer.W) +, self.log_crbm.crbm_layer.B) + self.log_crbm.crbm_layer.hbias) output_log = T.nnet.softmax(, self.log_crbm.logLayer.W) + self.log_crbm.logLayer.b) prediction = T.argmax(output_log, axis=1)[0] prop_up_func = theano.function([], [concatenate_hidden_rbms, prediction]) #First step : get dataset from file data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset( [file], [real_label]) data_rbms = [ data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4 ] #Now, get the number of frames in this dataset (in the file we have to recognize) number_of_frames = data_rbms[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] #Check size : if this file do not have enough frames to Initialize past visibles, ignore this file nb_frames_initialization = self.log_crbm.delay * self.log_crbm.freq #number of frames required for past visibles initialization if (number_of_frames < nb_frames_initialization): return #Initialize past visible layers (memory) at Null concatenate_past_visible = np.zeros( self.log_crbm.n_input * self.log_crbm.delay, theano.config.floatX) #list of chunks : every chunks are present in these list all_chunks_predict = [] all_chunks_real = [] #get time for recognition : recognition start here start_time = timeit.default_timer() #for each frames for index_frame in range(number_of_frames): #create a new chunk each chunk_size-chunk_covering if ((index_frame - nb_frames_initialization) % (chunk_size - chunk_covering) == 0 and index_frame >= nb_frames_initialization): all_chunks_predict.append([]) all_chunks_real.append([]) #Actualize shared variable values for index_rbm in range(5): shared_input_tab[index_rbm].set_value( data_rbms[index_rbm].get_value(borrow=True)[index_frame]) shared_history.set_value(concatenate_past_visible) #call our theano function (which one uses shared variables) to get label and output rbms we use to actualize past_visible (memory) concatenate_hidden_rbms, predict_label = prop_up_func() #Actualize past visible layers (memory) #split past visibles : in our implementation, past visible is a big vector (size = delay*crbm.n_input) #in order to actualize past visibles layers, a nice way is to split this big vector, Actualize each subvectors and concatenate these subvectors past_visible = np.split(concatenate_past_visible, self.log_crbm.delay) for i in range(self.log_crbm.delay - 1, 0, -1): past_visible[i] = past_visible[i - 1] past_visible[0] = concatenate_hidden_rbms concatenate_past_visible = np.concatenate(past_visible, axis=0) #if past_visible layers have been initialized, store the predicted label if (index_frame >= nb_frames_initialization): #print predict for this frame print("Frame %d : Real label %d; label found %d" % (index_frame, labelset[index_frame], predict_label)) #add to each chunks for index_chunk in range(len(all_chunks_predict)): all_chunks_predict[index_chunk].append(int(predict_label)) all_chunks_real[index_chunk].append(labelset[index_frame]) else: print("[Frame %d : Real label %d; label found %d] : Ignored (First %d frames used to initialize past visibles)"\ %(index_frame, labelset[index_frame], predict_label,(self.log_crbm.delay*self.log_crbm.freq))) #if a chunk is full, get the average predicted label on this chunk then delete it from lists. if (len(all_chunks_predict) > 0 and len(all_chunks_predict[0]) % chunk_size == 0): predict_chunk = 0 real_chunk = 0 #get the average predict label and real label on this chunk (chunk_size frames) for label in range(1, self.log_crbm.n_label): if (all_chunks_predict[0].count(label) > all_chunks_predict[0].count(predict_chunk)): predict_chunk = label if (all_chunks_real[0].count(label) > all_chunks_real[0].count(real_chunk)): real_chunk = label print("-> Chunk : Real label %d; label found %d \n" % (real_chunk, predict_chunk)) #actualize confusion matrix confusion_matrix[predict_chunk, real_chunk] += 1 #delete this chunk from lists del all_chunks_predict[0] del all_chunks_real[0] #recognition is done, get execution time and return the confusion matrix end_time = timeit.default_timer() recognition_time = (end_time - start_time) print( 'Time for recognition : %f secondes ; Duration of file : %f secondes.' % (recognition_time, number_of_frames / 120.)) return confusion_matrix
#This main allow us to test our RBM on bvh dataset #Firstly, do you want to train a RBM or do you want to test it do_training_phase = True #To create a RBM, we have to train our model from training files #To do that, we have to define BVH files use to create datasets, i.e. a training set training_files = [ 'data/geste1i.bvh', 'data/geste2i.bvh', 'data/geste3i.bvh', 'data/geste13i.bvh', 'data/geste5i.bvh', 'data/geste14i.bvh', 'data/geste18i.bvh', 'data/geste8i.bvh', 'data/geste10i.bvh' ] training_labels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] #Here, there are two possibilities : #You're prevously chosen to train a RBM, so create it and save it if do_training_phase: trainingSet, ignored, ignored, ignored, ignored, ignored, trainingLen = generate_dataset( training_files, training_labels) rbm = create_train_rbm(dataset=trainingSet, seqlen=trainingLen)[0] #save our network with open('best_model_rbm.pkl', 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(rbm, f) #Else, you have already trained a RBM and you want to test it else: #load our Network rbm = cPickle.load(open('best_model_rbm.pkl')) #file and real label files = ['data/geste8i.bvh'] #Mocap file used to test RBM labels = [7] #Useless but must to be due to generate_dataset function #predict frame after frame : function #input RBM var
def create_train_tdbn(training_files=None, training_labels=None, validation_files=None, validation_labels=None, test_files=None, test_labels=None, rbm_training_epoch=10000, rbm_learning_rate=1e-3, rbm_n_hidden=30, batch_size=1000, crbm_training_epoch=10000, crbm_learning_rate=1e-3, crbm_n_hidden=300, crbm_n_delay=6, crbm_freq=10, finetune_epoch=10000, finetune_learning_rate=0.1, log_n_label=9, plot_filename=None): #Train or load? User have choice in case where *.pkl (pretrain models saves) exist """Do you want to retrain all rbms? crbm? regenerate crbm dataset? This step must be done in case of a new dataset""" retrain_rbms = True regenerate_crbm_dataset = True retrain_crbm = True #First step : generate dataset from files data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset( training_files, training_labels) data_rbms = [ data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4 ] #In order to have an idea of cost evolution during training phase (convergence, oscilation, etc.) we save their prints in a plot. #So, we have create and initialize a pyplot if (retrain_rbms): #for plot : title = "RBMs training phase : \n epoch=" + str( rbm_training_epoch) + "; Number of hidden= " + str( rbm_n_hidden) + "; Learning rate=" + str(rbm_learning_rate) plt.title(title) plt.ylabel("Cost") plt.xlabel("Epoch") #number of epoch is the plot abscisse x = range(rbm_training_epoch) #Now, if user have choosen to retrain RBMs, we train new RBMs from the datasets previously generated. Else, we just reload RBMs from pkl files rbms = [] for index_rbm in range(5): rbm_filename = "trained_model/Pretrain_RBM_" + str(index_rbm) + ".pkl" if (retrain_rbms): rbm, cost_rbms = create_train_rbm( dataset=data_rbms[index_rbm], seqlen=seqlen, training_epochs=rbm_training_epoch, learning_rate=rbm_learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden=rbm_n_hidden) rbms.append(rbm) plt.plot(x, cost_rbms, label="RBM" + str(index_rbm)) with open(rbm_filename, 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(rbm, f) else: rbm = cPickle.load(open(rbm_filename)) rbms.append(rbm) #save plot (name depend of time) if (retrain_rbms): plt.legend(loc=4) #plot_name = 'plot/rbm_'+str(timeit.default_timer())+'.png' plot_name = plot_filename + "plot_cost_RBMs.png" plt.savefig(plot_name) print("RBMs plot is saved!") plt.clf() #without this line, all is plot in the same figure plt.close() #The next step is to generate a new dataset in order to train the CRBM. To do that, we realize a propagation-up of previous dataset in RBMs dataname = [ 'trained_model/dataset_train.pkl', 'trained_model/dataset_valid.pkl', 'trained_model/dataset_test.pkl' ] labelname = [ 'trained_model/labelset_train.pkl', 'trained_model/labelset_valid.pkl', 'trained_model/labelset_test.pkl' ] if (regenerate_crbm_dataset): #propagation up function using shared variable for gpu optimization shared_input_tab = [] #shared inputs for our 5 rbms for index_rbm in range(5): input_type = np.zeros(rbms[index_rbm].n_visible).astype( theano.config.floatX) shared_input_tab.append( theano.shared(input_type.astype(theano.config.floatX))) output_rbm_sample = [] for index_rbm in range(5): output_sigmoid_value = T.nnet.sigmoid([index_rbm], rbms[index_rbm].W) + rbms[index_rbm].hbias) output_rbm_sample.append(rbms[index_rbm].theano_rng.binomial( size=output_sigmoid_value.shape, n=1, p=output_sigmoid_value, dtype=theano.config.floatX)) concatenate_hidden_rbms = T.concatenate(output_rbm_sample, axis=0) prop_up_func = theano.function([], concatenate_hidden_rbms) #In fact, we have to generate three dataset : one for training phase, one for validation and one for test for i in range(3): if (i == 0): #training phase files = training_files labels = training_labels elif (i == 1): #validation files = validation_files labels = validation_labels else: #and test files = test_files labels = test_labels #generate dataset from file for each of these phases data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset( files, labels) data_rbms = [ data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4 ] #propup dataset from visible to hidden layers of RBMs in order to generate data set for crbm dataset_crbm = [] number_of_samples = data_rbms[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[ 0] #all datas have same size, so data_trunk have been choosen but it could be replace by another for index_frame in range(number_of_samples): for index_rbm in range(5): shared_input_tab[index_rbm].set_value( data_rbms[index_rbm].get_value( borrow=True)[index_frame]) concatenate_hidden_rbms = prop_up_func() #add this to dataset_crbm dataset_crbm.append(concatenate_hidden_rbms) if (index_frame % (number_of_samples // 100) == 0): print('CRBM dataset generation %d : %d %%' % (i, ((100 * index_frame / number_of_samples) + 1))) with open(dataname[i], 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(dataset_crbm, f) with open(labelname[i], 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(labelset, f) #So, CRBM dataset is generated. Now we have to train Logistic_CRBM in order to create a TDBN start_time = timeit.default_timer( ) #Get time, this used to compute training time #get length of dataset. A dataset is generally generated from several files, the following variables inform of this point (For futher information Cf motion class) trainingLen = generate_dataset(training_files, training_labels)[6] validationLen = generate_dataset(validation_files, validation_labels)[6] testLen = generate_dataset(test_files, test_labels)[6] #load and generate shared_data and shared_label, theano optimization that we use to generate optimized dataset (memory optimization) shared_dataset_crbm = [] shared_labelset_crbm = [] for i in range(3): shared_dataset_crbm.append( theano.shared( np.asarray(cPickle.load(open(dataname[i])), dtype=theano.config.floatX))) shared_labelset_crbm.append( theano.shared(np.asarray(cPickle.load(open(labelname[i]))))) #CRBMs title = "Pre-training : epoch="+str(crbm_training_epoch)+"; delay="+str(crbm_n_delay)+\ "; n_hidden= "+str(crbm_n_hidden)+"; learning rate="+str(crbm_learning_rate) #At this step, we have enough elements to create a logistic regressive CRBM log_crbm, cost_crbm, PER_x_valid, PER_y_valid, PER_x_test, PER_y_test = create_train_LogisticCrbm( dataset_train=shared_dataset_crbm[0], labelset_train=shared_labelset_crbm[0], seqlen_train=trainingLen, dataset_validation=shared_dataset_crbm[1], labelset_validation=shared_labelset_crbm[1], seqlen_validation=validationLen, dataset_test=shared_dataset_crbm[2], labelset_test=shared_labelset_crbm[2], seqlen_test=testLen, batch_size=batch_size, pretraining_epochs=crbm_training_epoch, pretrain_lr=crbm_learning_rate, number_hidden_crbm=crbm_n_hidden, n_delay=crbm_n_delay, freq=crbm_freq, training_epochs=finetune_epoch, finetune_lr=finetune_learning_rate, n_label=log_n_label, retrain_crbm=retrain_crbm) #Plot CRBM influence PER evolution font = {'size': '11'} title += "\nFine-tuning : epoch=" + str( finetune_epoch) + "; Learning rate=" + str(finetune_learning_rate) plt.subplot(211) plt.title(title, **font) plt.ylabel("PER_validation") plt.plot(PER_x_valid, PER_y_valid) plt.subplot(212) plt.ylabel("PER_test") plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.plot(PER_x_test, PER_y_test) #plot_name = 'plot/PER_crbm_'+str(timeit.default_timer())+'.png' plot_name = plot_filename + "plot_PER_CRBM.png" plt.savefig(plot_name) print("CRBM PER plot is saved!") plt.clf() #without this line, all is plot in the same figure plt.close() #Get training time to inform user end_time = timeit.default_timer() pretraining_time = (end_time - start_time) print('Temporal DBN : Training took %f minutes' % (pretraining_time / 60.)) #Last step, create and return Temporal Deep Belief Net tdbn = TDBN(rbms, log_crbm) #store plot with open(plot_filename + "_rbm_cost.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(cost_rbms, f) with open(plot_filename + "_PER_valid_x.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_x_valid, f) with open(plot_filename + "_PER_valid_y.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_y_valid, f) with open(plot_filename + "_PER_test_x.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_x_test, f) with open(plot_filename + "_PER_test_y.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_y_test, f) return tdbn, pretraining_time
dataset_te = np.concatenate([sample1[len_tr:len_tr + len_te], sample2[len_tr:len_tr + len_te]], axis=0) # assign labels for training and testing data label_tr = list( np.array([np.zeros(len_tr, dtype=np.int64), np.ones(len_tr, dtype=np.int64)]).ravel()) label_test = list( np.array([np.zeros(num_test, dtype=np.int64), np.ones(num_test, dtype=np.int64)]).ravel()) dataset_test = theano.shared(value=dataset_te, name='dataset_test') dataset_train = theano.shared(value=dataset_tr, name='dataset_train') else: # if set is 0, use Motion Captured data. ## mocap data for CRBM files = ['data/geste3a.bvh', 'data/geste3b.bvh', 'data/geste3c.bvh', 'data/geste3d.bvh' , 'data/geste7a.bvh', 'data/geste7b.bvh', 'data/geste7c.bvh', 'data/geste7d.bvh'] labels = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2] trunk, larm, rarm, lleg, rleg, label_tr, seqlen_tr = motion.generate_dataset(files, labels) trunk = trunk.get_value() larm = larm.get_value() rarm = rarm.get_value() lleg = lleg.get_value() rleg = rleg.get_value() dataset_tr = np.concatenate([trunk, larm, rarm, lleg, rleg], axis=1) dataset_train = theano.shared(value=dataset_tr, name='dataset') # CRBM if set == 0 or set == 1: # if pre-training, retrain_crbm = True, log_crbm = None. # if using pre-trained model, retrain_crbm = False, log_crbm = log_crbm(returned from last call) # delay is the number of units in past input history. # freq is the frequency for extracting past inputs. # For example, if freq = 1, indexes for past inputs might be [13,12,11,10]
def recognize_files_chunk(self, file=None, real_label = None): #recognize frames using chunk and average value on chunk chunk_size = 1 #number of frames in a chunk chunk_covering = 0 #number of frames for covering #to recognize frame by frame : chunk_size=1 and chunk_covering=0 #confusion matrix : confusion_matrix = np.zeros((self.log_crbm.n_label,self.log_crbm.n_label), theano.config.floatX) #REAL : column, #Predict : line #compute functions used to propup data into our model : Optimized process shared_input_tab = [] #shared inputs for our 5 rbms for index_rbm in range(5): input_type = np.zeros(self.rbms[index_rbm].n_visible).astype(theano.config.floatX) shared_input_tab.append(theano.shared(input_type.astype(theano.config.floatX))) #shared variable for the crbm history history_type = np.zeros(self.log_crbm.delay*self.log_crbm.n_input).astype(theano.config.floatX) shared_history = theano.shared(history_type.astype(theano.config.floatX)) #function to propup: process from RBMs to label #To optimize the execution time, prefer a use a shared varaible rather than theano symbolic variable output_rbm_sample = [] #actualize value of the shared variables for index_rbm in range(5): output_sigmoid_value = T.nnet.sigmoid([index_rbm], self.rbms[index_rbm].W) + self.rbms[index_rbm].hbias) output_rbm_sample.append(self.rbms[index_rbm].theano_rng.binomial(size=output_sigmoid_value.shape,n=1, p=output_sigmoid_value,dtype=theano.config.floatX)) concatenate_hidden_rbms = T.concatenate(output_rbm_sample, axis=0) output_crbm = T.nnet.sigmoid(, self.log_crbm.crbm_layer.W)+, self.log_crbm.crbm_layer.B) + self.log_crbm.crbm_layer.hbias) output_log = T.nnet.softmax(, self.log_crbm.logLayer.W) + self.log_crbm.logLayer.b) prediction = T.argmax(output_log, axis=1)[0] prop_up_func = theano.function([], [concatenate_hidden_rbms,prediction]) #First step : get dataset from file data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset([file], [real_label]) data_rbms = [data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4] #Now, get the number of frames in this dataset (in the file we have to recognize) number_of_frames = data_rbms[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] #Check size : if this file do not have enough frames to Initialize past visibles, ignore this file nb_frames_initialization = self.log_crbm.delay*self.log_crbm.freq #number of frames required for past visibles initialization if (number_of_frames < nb_frames_initialization): return #Initialize past visible layers (memory) at Null concatenate_past_visible = np.zeros(self.log_crbm.n_input*self.log_crbm.delay, theano.config.floatX) #list of chunks : every chunks are present in these list all_chunks_predict = [] all_chunks_real = [] #get time for recognition : recognition start here start_time = timeit.default_timer() #for each frames for index_frame in range(number_of_frames): #create a new chunk each chunk_size-chunk_covering if((index_frame-nb_frames_initialization)%(chunk_size-chunk_covering)==0 and index_frame>=nb_frames_initialization): all_chunks_predict.append([]) all_chunks_real.append([]) #Actualize shared variable values for index_rbm in range(5): shared_input_tab[index_rbm].set_value(data_rbms[index_rbm].get_value(borrow=True)[index_frame]) shared_history.set_value(concatenate_past_visible) #call our theano function (which one uses shared variables) to get label and output rbms we use to actualize past_visible (memory) concatenate_hidden_rbms, predict_label = prop_up_func() #Actualize past visible layers (memory) #split past visibles : in our implementation, past visible is a big vector (size = delay*crbm.n_input) #in order to actualize past visibles layers, a nice way is to split this big vector, Actualize each subvectors and concatenate these subvectors past_visible = np.split(concatenate_past_visible, self.log_crbm.delay) for i in range(self.log_crbm.delay-1, 0, -1): past_visible[i] = past_visible[i-1] past_visible[0] = concatenate_hidden_rbms concatenate_past_visible = np.concatenate(past_visible, axis=0) #if past_visible layers have been initialized, store the predicted label if(index_frame >= nb_frames_initialization): #print predict for this frame print "Frame %d : Real label %d; label found %d" %(index_frame, labelset[index_frame], predict_label) #add to each chunks for index_chunk in range(len(all_chunks_predict)): all_chunks_predict[index_chunk].append(int(predict_label)) all_chunks_real[index_chunk].append(labelset[index_frame]) else : print "[Frame %d : Real label %d; label found %d] : Ignored (First %d frames used to initialize past visibles)"\ %(index_frame, labelset[index_frame], predict_label,(self.log_crbm.delay*self.log_crbm.freq)) #if a chunk is full, get the average predicted label on this chunk then delete it from lists. if(len(all_chunks_predict)>0 and len(all_chunks_predict[0])%chunk_size==0): predict_chunk = 0 real_chunk = 0 #get the average predict label and real label on this chunk (chunk_size frames) for label in range(1,self.log_crbm.n_label): if(all_chunks_predict[0].count(label)>all_chunks_predict[0].count(predict_chunk)): predict_chunk=label if(all_chunks_real[0].count(label)>all_chunks_real[0].count(real_chunk)): real_chunk=label print "-> Chunk : Real label %d; label found %d \n" %(real_chunk, predict_chunk) #actualize confusion matrix confusion_matrix[predict_chunk,real_chunk]+=1 #delete this chunk from lists del all_chunks_predict[0] del all_chunks_real[0] #recognition is done, get execution time and return the confusion matrix end_time = timeit.default_timer() recognition_time = (end_time - start_time) print ('Time for recognition : %f secondes ; Duration of file : %f secondes.' %(recognition_time,number_of_frames/120.)) return confusion_matrix
def recognize_file_with_minibatch(self, files=None, real_labels = None): #First step : get dataset from file data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset(files, real_labels) data_rbms = [data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4] #Now, get the number of frames in this dataset (in the file we have to recognize) number_of_frames = data_rbms[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] #For each frames, recognize label dataset_crbm = [] #generate a new dataset test for CRBM from RBMs for index_frame in range(number_of_frames): #propup frame on each RBMs hidden_rbms = [] for index_rbm in range(5): frame = data_rbms[index_rbm].get_value(borrow=True)[index_frame] hidden_rbms.append(self.rbms[index_rbm].predict_hidden(frame)) #concatenate hidden RBMs'layer concatenate_hidden_rbms = np.concatenate(hidden_rbms, axis=0) #append to dataset dataset_crbm.append(concatenate_hidden_rbms) #print information about % of generation for user print "CRBM dataset test generation : %d / %d " %(index_frame,number_of_frames) shared_dataset_crbm = theano.shared(np.asarray(dataset_crbm, dtype=theano.config.floatX)) #Send dataset to logCRBM to get recognized label self.log_crbm.recognize_dataset(dataset_test=shared_dataset_crbm, seqlen = seqlen)
def create_train_tdbn(training_files=None, training_labels = None, validation_files=None, validation_labels = None, test_files=None, test_labels = None, rbm_training_epoch = 10000, rbm_learning_rate=1e-3, rbm_n_hidden=30, batch_size = 1000, crbm_training_epoch = 10000, crbm_learning_rate = 1e-3, crbm_n_hidden = 300, crbm_n_delay=6, crbm_freq=10, finetune_epoch = 10000, finetune_learning_rate = 0.1, log_n_label=9, plot_filename=None): #Train or load? User have choice in case where *.pkl (pretrain models saves) exist """Do you want to retrain all rbms? crbm? regenerate crbm dataset? This step must be done in case of a new dataset""" retrain_rbms = True regenerate_crbm_dataset = True retrain_crbm = True #First step : generate dataset from files data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset(training_files, training_labels) data_rbms = [data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4] #In order to have an idea of cost evolution during training phase (convergence, oscilation, etc.) we save their prints in a plot. #So, we have create and initialize a pyplot if (retrain_rbms) : #for plot : title = "RBMs training phase : \n epoch="+str(rbm_training_epoch)+"; Number of hidden= "+str(rbm_n_hidden)+"; Learning rate="+str(rbm_learning_rate) plt.title(title) plt.ylabel("Cost") plt.xlabel("Epoch") #number of epoch is the plot abscisse x= xrange(rbm_training_epoch) #Now, if user have choosen to retrain RBMs, we train new RBMs from the datasets previously generated. Else, we just reload RBMs from pkl files rbms = [] for index_rbm in range(5): rbm_filename = "trained_model/Pretrain_RBM_" + str(index_rbm) + ".pkl" if (retrain_rbms) : rbm, cost_rbms = create_train_rbm(dataset = data_rbms[index_rbm], seqlen = seqlen, training_epochs=rbm_training_epoch, learning_rate = rbm_learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size, n_hidden=rbm_n_hidden) rbms.append(rbm) plt.plot(x,cost_rbms, label="RBM"+str(index_rbm)) with open(rbm_filename, 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(rbm, f) else : rbm = cPickle.load(open(rbm_filename)) rbms.append(rbm) #save plot (name depend of time) if (retrain_rbms) : plt.legend(loc=4) #plot_name = 'plot/rbm_'+str(timeit.default_timer())+'.png' plot_name = plot_filename+"plot_cost_RBMs.png" plt.savefig(plot_name) print "RBMs plot is saved!" plt.clf() #without this line, all is plot in the same figure plt.close() #The next step is to generate a new dataset in order to train the CRBM. To do that, we realize a propagation-up of previous dataset in RBMs dataname = ['trained_model/dataset_train.pkl','trained_model/dataset_valid.pkl','trained_model/dataset_test.pkl'] labelname = ['trained_model/labelset_train.pkl','trained_model/labelset_valid.pkl','trained_model/labelset_test.pkl'] if(regenerate_crbm_dataset): #propagation up function using shared variable for gpu optimization shared_input_tab = [] #shared inputs for our 5 rbms for index_rbm in range(5): input_type = np.zeros(rbms[index_rbm].n_visible).astype(theano.config.floatX) shared_input_tab.append(theano.shared(input_type.astype(theano.config.floatX))) output_rbm_sample = [] for index_rbm in range(5): output_sigmoid_value = T.nnet.sigmoid([index_rbm], rbms[index_rbm].W) + rbms[index_rbm].hbias) output_rbm_sample.append(rbms[index_rbm].theano_rng.binomial(size=output_sigmoid_value.shape,n=1, p=output_sigmoid_value,dtype=theano.config.floatX)) concatenate_hidden_rbms = T.concatenate(output_rbm_sample, axis=0) prop_up_func = theano.function([], concatenate_hidden_rbms) #In fact, we have to generate three dataset : one for training phase, one for validation and one for test for i in range(3): if(i==0): #training phase files = training_files labels = training_labels elif(i==1): #validation files = validation_files labels = validation_labels else : #and test files = test_files labels = test_labels #generate dataset from file for each of these phases data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4, labelset, seqlen = generate_dataset(files, labels) data_rbms = [data_rbms_0, data_rbms_1, data_rbms_2, data_rbms_3, data_rbms_4] #propup dataset from visible to hidden layers of RBMs in order to generate data set for crbm dataset_crbm = [] number_of_samples = data_rbms[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] #all datas have same size, so data_trunk have been choosen but it could be replace by another for index_frame in range(number_of_samples): for index_rbm in range(5): shared_input_tab[index_rbm].set_value(data_rbms[index_rbm].get_value(borrow=True)[index_frame]) concatenate_hidden_rbms = prop_up_func() #add this to dataset_crbm dataset_crbm.append(concatenate_hidden_rbms) if(index_frame%(number_of_samples//100)==0): print ('CRBM dataset generation %d : %d %%' %(i,((100*index_frame/number_of_samples)+1)) ) with open(dataname[i], 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(dataset_crbm, f) with open(labelname[i], 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(labelset, f) #So, CRBM dataset is generated. Now we have to train Logistic_CRBM in order to create a TDBN start_time = timeit.default_timer() #Get time, this used to compute training time #get length of dataset. A dataset is generally generated from several files, the following variables inform of this point (For futher information Cf motion class) trainingLen = generate_dataset(training_files, training_labels)[6] validationLen = generate_dataset(validation_files, validation_labels)[6] testLen = generate_dataset(test_files, test_labels)[6] #load and generate shared_data and shared_label, theano optimization that we use to generate optimized dataset (memory optimization) shared_dataset_crbm = [] shared_labelset_crbm = [] for i in range(3): shared_dataset_crbm.append(theano.shared(np.asarray(cPickle.load(open(dataname[i])), dtype=theano.config.floatX))) shared_labelset_crbm.append(theano.shared(np.asarray(cPickle.load(open(labelname[i]))))) #CRBMs title = "Pre-training : epoch="+str(crbm_training_epoch)+"; delay="+str(crbm_n_delay)+\ "; n_hidden= "+str(crbm_n_hidden)+"; learning rate="+str(crbm_learning_rate) #At this step, we have enough elements to create a logistic regressive CRBM log_crbm, cost_crbm, PER_x_valid,PER_y_valid,PER_x_test,PER_y_test = create_train_LogisticCrbm( dataset_train=shared_dataset_crbm[0], labelset_train=shared_labelset_crbm[0], seqlen_train = trainingLen, dataset_validation=shared_dataset_crbm[1], labelset_validation=shared_labelset_crbm[1], seqlen_validation = validationLen, dataset_test=shared_dataset_crbm[2], labelset_test=shared_labelset_crbm[2], seqlen_test = testLen, batch_size = batch_size, pretraining_epochs=crbm_training_epoch, pretrain_lr = crbm_learning_rate, number_hidden_crbm = crbm_n_hidden, n_delay=crbm_n_delay, freq = crbm_freq, training_epochs = finetune_epoch, finetune_lr = finetune_learning_rate, n_label = log_n_label, retrain_crbm = retrain_crbm) #Plot CRBM influence PER evolution font = {'size':'11'} title += "\nFine-tuning : epoch="+str(finetune_epoch)+"; Learning rate="+str(finetune_learning_rate) plt.subplot(211) plt.title(title, **font) plt.ylabel("PER_validation") plt.plot(PER_x_valid,PER_y_valid) plt.subplot(212) plt.ylabel("PER_test") plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.plot(PER_x_test,PER_y_test) #plot_name = 'plot/PER_crbm_'+str(timeit.default_timer())+'.png' plot_name = plot_filename+"plot_PER_CRBM.png" plt.savefig(plot_name) print "CRBM PER plot is saved!" plt.clf() #without this line, all is plot in the same figure plt.close() #Get training time to inform user end_time = timeit.default_timer() pretraining_time = (end_time - start_time) print ('Temporal DBN : Training took %f minutes' % (pretraining_time / 60.)) #Last step, create and return Temporal Deep Belief Net tdbn = TDBN(rbms, log_crbm) #store plot with open(plot_filename+"_rbm_cost.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(cost_rbms, f) with open(plot_filename+"_PER_valid_x.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_x_valid, f) with open(plot_filename+"_PER_valid_y.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_y_valid, f) with open(plot_filename+"_PER_test_x.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_x_test, f) with open(plot_filename+"_PER_test_y.pkl", 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(PER_y_test, f) return tdbn, pretraining_time
#To create a RBM, we have to train our model from training files #To do that, we have to define BVH files use to create datasets, i.e. a training set training_files = ['data/geste1i.bvh', 'data/geste2i.bvh', 'data/geste3i.bvh', 'data/geste13i.bvh', 'data/geste5i.bvh', 'data/geste14i.bvh', 'data/geste18i.bvh', 'data/geste8i.bvh', 'data/geste10i.bvh'] training_labels = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] #Here, there are two possibilities : #You're prevously chosen to train a RBM, so create it and save it if do_training_phase: trainingSet, ignored, ignored, ignored, ignored, ignored, trainingLen = generate_dataset(training_files, training_labels) rbm = create_train_rbm(dataset=trainingSet, seqlen = trainingLen)[0] #save our network with open('best_model_rbm.pkl', 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(rbm, f) #Else, you have already trained a RBM and you want to test it else : #load our Network rbm = cPickle.load(open('best_model_rbm.pkl')) #file and real label files = ['data/geste8i.bvh'] #Mocap file used to test RBM labels = [7] #Useless but must to be due to generate_dataset function #predict frame after frame : function #input RBM var