Example #1
File: board.py Project: namdre/ORTC
    def move(self, frompos, topos, promotion=QUEEN):
        assert(frompos != topos)
        piece = self.grid.get(frompos)
        if piece is None:
            # could have been killed in between
            raise InvalidMove("no piece at frompos")
        piece.promotion = promotion
        victim = self.grid.get(topos)
        pstart = frompos.y == mgen.PAWN_START[piece.color]
        if not mgen.allowed_move(piece.piece, 
                topos - frompos, mgen.FORWARDDIR[piece.color], 
                victim is not None,
            raise InvalidMove("illegal direction for %s" % FENCODE[piece.piece]) 

        if self.in_between(frompos, topos, piece):
            raise InvalidMove("position in between occupied")

        if victim is not None:
            if victim.color == piece.color:
                raise InvalidMove("occupied by own color")
            if piece.delay == 0:
                self.relocate(frompos, topos)
Example #2
File: board.py Project: namdre/ORTC
 def attack_on_pos(self, gridpos, attacker_color):
     """returns the first possible attack at gridpos"""
     for kdir in mgen.RELMOVES_KNIGHT:
         frompos = gridpos + kdir
         cand = self.grid.get(frompos)
         if cand is not None and cand.piece == KNIGHT and cand.color == attacker_color:
             return frompos
     for dir in mgen.MAINDIRS:
         frompos = gridpos + dir
         while mgen.on_board(frompos) and not frompos in self.grid:
             frompos += dir
         if mgen.on_board(frompos):
             attacker = self.grid[frompos]
             if attacker.color == attacker_color and mgen.allowed_move(attacker.piece, 
                     gridpos - frompos, 
                     True, False):
                 return frompos
     return None