Example #1
def add_reviews(movie_id: int, review_content: str, rank: int, username: str,
                repo: AbstractRepository):
    movie = repo.get_movie_by_id(movie_id)
    # create the review
    review = Review(movie, review_content, rank)
    # add reviews to repository
def add_user(username: str, password: str, repo: AbstractRepository):
    if repo.get_user(username):
        raise DuplicatedUsernameException
    password_hash = generate_password_hash(password)
    new_user = User(username, password_hash)
    if has_app_context():
        _save_users_to_disk(current_app.config['USER_DATA_PATH'], repo)
def add_review(movie_id: int, review_text: str, user: User,
               repo: AbstractRepository):
    # Check that the movie exists.
    movie = repo.get_movie(movie_id)
    rating = 0
    review = Review(movie, review_text, rating, user)

    # Update the repository.
    repo.add_review(review, movie, user)
Example #4
def add_review(repo: AbstractRepository, movie: Movie, review_text: str, rating: int, user: Union[User, None] = None):
    Adds a review to this repository. If a user is specified it is treated as being the review's creator, otherwise the
    review is considered to be posted anonymously.
    review = Review(movie, review_text, rating, user=user)
    repo.add_review(review, user)

    if user:
Example #5
def get_movie_reviews(repo: AbstractRepository,
                      movie: Movie,
                      page_number: int,
                      page_size: int = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) -> SearchResults:
    """ Returns a page of the reviews for the specified movie. Page numbers start from zero. """

    reviews = repo.get_reviews_for_movie(movie, page_number, page_size)
    hits = repo.get_number_of_reviews_for_movie(movie)
    pages = repo.get_number_of_review_pages_for_movie(movie, page_size)

    return SearchResults(reviews, hits, page_number, pages)
Example #6
def get_user_movies(repo: AbstractRepository,
                    user: User,
                    page_number: int,
                    page_size: int = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) -> SearchResults:
    """ Returns a page of a user's watchlist and watched movies. Page numbers start from zero. """

    movies = repo.get_movies_for_user(user, page_number, page_size)
    hits = repo.get_number_of_movies_for_user(user)
    pages = repo.get_number_of_movie_pages_for_user(user, page_size)

    return SearchResults(movies, hits, page_number, pages)
Example #7
def get_random_movies(quantity, repo: AbstractRepository):
    movie_count = repo.get_number_of_movies()

    if quantity >= movie_count:
        # Reduce the quantity of ids to generate if the repository has an insufficient number of articles.
        quantity = movie_count - 1

    # Pick distinct and random articles.
    random_ranks = random.sample(range(1, movie_count), quantity)
    movies = repo.get_movies_by_rank(random_ranks)

    return movies_to_dict(movies)
Example #8
def add_user(repo: AbstractRepository, username: str, password: str) -> None:
    """ Adds the given user to the given repository. """
    # Check that the given username is available.
    if check_if_user_exists(repo, username):
        raise NameNotUniqueException

    # Encrypt password so that the database doesn't store passwords 'in the clear'.
    password_hash = generate_password_hash(password)

    # Create and store the new User, with password encrypted.
    user = User(username, password_hash)
Example #9
def add_user(username: str, password: str, repo: AbstractRepository):
    # Check that the given username is available.
    user = repo.get_user(username)
    if user is not None:
        raise NameNotUniqueException

    # Encrypt password so that the database doesn't store passwords 'in the clear'.
    password_hash = generate_password_hash(password)

    # Create and store the new User, with password encrypted.
    user = User(username, password_hash)
Example #10
def get_random_articles(quantity, repo: AbstractRepository):
    article_count = repo.get_number_of_articles()

    if quantity >= article_count:
        # Reduce the quantity of ids to generate if the repository has an insufficient number of articles.
        quantity = article_count - 1

    # Pick distinct and random articles.
    random_ids = random.sample(range(1, article_count), quantity)
    articles = repo.get_articles_by_id(random_ids)

    return articles_to_dict(articles)
Example #11
def change_username(repo: AbstractRepository, user: User,
                    username: str) -> None:
    Sets the given user's username to the given username.

        NameNotUniqueException: if the given username is already taken.
    # Check that the given username is available.
    if check_if_user_exists(repo, username):
        raise NameNotUniqueException

    repo.change_username(user, username)
Example #12
def user_register(username: str, password: str, repo: AbstractRepository):
    user = repo.get_user(username)
    messages = {'state': False}
    if user is not None:
        messages['error'] = 'The user has been registered'
        return messages
        user = User(username, password)
        messages['state'] = True
        messages['error'] = 'register successfully'
        return messages
def add_review(movie_id: int, review_text: str, user: User, repo: AbstractRepository):
    # Check that the movie exists.
    movie = repo.get_movie(movie_id)
    if movie is None:
        raise NonExistentMovieException

    if user is None:
        raise UnknownUserException

    # Create review.
    review = make_review(review_text, user, movie)

    # Update the repository.
Example #14
def get_movie_by_rank(rank, repo: AbstractRepository):

    movie = repo.get_movie_by_rank(target_rank=rank)
    movies_dto = list()
    prev_rank = next_rank = None

    if movie.rank > 0:
        prev_rank = repo.get_previous_movie_by_rank(movie)
        next_rank = repo.get_next_movie_by_rank(movie)

        # Convert Movies to dictionary form.
        movies_dto = movie_to_dict(movie)

    return movies_dto, prev_rank, next_rank
Example #15
def get_articles_by_date(date, repo: AbstractRepository):
    # Returns articles for the target date (empty if no matches), the date of the previous article (might be null), the date of the next article (might be null)

    articles = repo.get_articles_by_date(target_date=date)

    articles_dto = list()
    prev_date = next_date = None

    if len(articles) > 0:
        prev_date = repo.get_date_of_previous_article(articles[0])
        next_date = repo.get_date_of_next_article(articles[0])

        # Convert Articles to dictionary form.
        articles_dto = articles_to_dict(articles)

    return articles_dto, prev_date, next_date
Example #16
def authenticate_user(username: str, password: str, repo: AbstractRepository) -> None:
    authenticated = False
    user = repo.get_user(username)
    if user:
        authenticated = check_password_hash(user.password, password)
    if not authenticated:
        raise AuthenticationException
Example #17
def get_movie(movie_rank: int, repo: AbstractRepository):
    movie = repo.get_movie(movie_rank)

    if movie is None:
        raise NonExistentArticleException

    return movie_to_dict(movie)
Example #18
def get_comments_for_article(article_id, repo: AbstractRepository):
    article = repo.get_article(article_id)

    if article is None:
        raise NonExistentArticleException

    return comments_to_dict(article.comments)
Example #19
def get_movies_by_rank(rank_list, repo: AbstractRepository):
    movies = repo.get_movies_by_rank(rank_list)

    # Convert Articles to dictionary form.
    movies_as_dict = movies_to_dict(movies)

    return movies_as_dict
Example #20
def add_review(movie_rank: int, review_text: str, username: str,
               repo: AbstractRepository, review_int: int):
    # Check that the article exists.
    movie = repo.get_movie(movie_rank)
    if movie is None:
        raise NonExistentArticleException

    user = repo.get_user(username)
    if user is None:
        raise UnknownUserException

    # Create comment.
    review = make_review(review_text, user, movie, review_int)

    # Update the repository.
Example #21
def add_comment(article_id: int, comment_text: str, username: str,
                repo: AbstractRepository):
    # Check that the article exists.
    article = repo.get_article(article_id)
    if article is None:
        raise NonExistentArticleException

    user = repo.get_user(username)
    if user is None:
        raise UnknownUserException

    # Create comment.
    comment = make_comment(comment_text, user, article)

    # Update the repository.
Example #22
def check_if_user_exists(repo: AbstractRepository, username: str) -> bool:
    """ Returns True if a user with the given name exists in the given repository otherwise False. """
        _ = repo.get_user(username)
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return True
Example #23
def get_articles_by_id(id_list, repo: AbstractRepository):
    articles = repo.get_articles_by_id(id_list)

    # Convert Articles to dictionary form.
    articles_as_dict = articles_to_dict(articles)

    return articles_as_dict
def get_movie(movie_id: int, repo: AbstractRepository):
    movie = repo.get_movie(movie_id)

    if movie is None:
        raise NonExistentMovieException

    return movie_to_dict(movie)
Example #25
def get_article(article_id: int, repo: AbstractRepository):
    article = repo.get_article(article_id)

    if article is None:
        raise NonExistentArticleException

    return article_to_dict(article)
def get_reviews_for_movie(movie_id, repo: AbstractRepository):
    movie = repo.get_movie(movie_id)

    if movie is None:
        raise NonExistentMovieException

    return reviews_to_dict(movie.reviews)
def get_movies_by_id(id_list, repo: AbstractRepository):
    movies = repo.get_movies_by_id(id_list)

    # Convert Movies to dictionary form.
    movies_as_dict = movies_to_dict(movies)

    return movies_as_dict
Example #28
def add_comment(movie_id: int, comment_text: str, username: str,
                repo: AbstractRepository):
    # Check that the movie exists.
    movie = repo.get_movie(movie_id)
    if movie is None:
        raise NonExistentMovieException

    user = repo.get_user(username)
    if user is None:
        raise UnknownUserException

    # Create comment.
    comment = make_review(comment_text, user, movie)

    # Update the repository.
Example #29
def get_movies_per_actor(repo: AbstractRepository,
                         actors: List[Actor]) -> Dict[Actor, int]:
    """ Returns a dict mapping Actors to the number of movies in the given repository with that actor. """
    movies: Dict[Actor, int] = {}

    for actor in actors:
        movies[actor] = repo.get_number_of_movies(actors=[actor])

    return movies
Example #30
def add_review(movie_id: str, username: str, comment: str, rating: int,
               repo: AbstractRepository) -> None:
    movie = repo.get_movie_by_id(movie_id)
    if movie:
        review = Review(movie, username, comment, rating)
        if has_app_context():