Example #1
def vid_from_media(vid_path, media, song_path, titles, img_duration=8):
    clips = []
    print "sequencing media..."
    for m in media:
        print m.path
        if good_file(m.path):
                if is_img(m.path):
                    new_clip = ImageClip(m.path)
                    new_clip.fps = 1.0 / img_duration
                    new_clip.duration = img_duration
                    new_clip = VideoFileClip(m.path)
                text = m.title if titles else None
                new_clip = format_clip(new_clip, text)
            except Exception as err:
                "COULDN'T CREAT CLIP BECAUSE: " + str(err)
            print 'CORRUPT FILE FOUND: ' + m.path + ', skipping.'
    vid = concatenate_videoclips(clips)
    print song_path
    audio = AudioFileClip(song_path)
    audio_loops = int(vid.duration / audio.duration) + 1  #times to loop audio
    audio = concatenate_audioclips([audio] * audio_loops)
    print audio.duration
    print vid.duration
    audio = audio.set_duration(vid.duration)
    vid = vid.set_audio(audio)
    print "writing video..."
    vid.write_videofile(vid_path, progress_bar=False, preset='ultrafast')
    return abspath(vid_path)
Example #2
def video_creation():

    # command line arguments [main.py, image, audio, min_length, movie_name]
    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
        arg_error('{0} args supplied but {1} args required.'.format(
            len(sys.argv) - 1, 4))

    location = ''  # default is no location, i.e., save video in working directory
    if len(sys.argv) > 5:
        if len(sys.argv[5]) > 0:  # allow empty path for future compatibility
            location = sys.argv[5]
            # append slash if required
            if location[-1] != '/' and location[-1] != '\\':
                location += '/'
                # create directory if needed (works recursively)
                pathlib.Path(location).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            except Exception as e:
                    'problem with location \'{0}\'. Either it could not be found or it could not be created.'
                    .format(location), e)

    image_src = sys.argv[1]
    audio_src = sys.argv[2]

        min_length = int(
            str(sys.argv[3]).split(  # format: Minutes.Seconds
                '.')[0]) * 60 + int(str(
                    sys.argv[3]).split('.')[1])  # converted to seconds
    except Exception as e:
            '[min_length] not parsable. \'{0}\' was supplied when the correct format is \'numbers.numbers\', e.g., \'123.59\'.'
            .format(sys.argv[3]), e)

    if min_length < 1:
        min_length = 1  # keep min_length no smaller than one second

    movie_name = sys.argv[4] + '.mp4'

    # beginning of moviepy functions
    image_clip = ImageClip(image_src)  # get image
    audio = AudioFileClip(audio_src)  # get audio

    # how many complete audio loops are needed to meet the min_length?
    loops_needed = int(min_length / audio.duration + 1)

    # loop our audio to meet the min_length
    audio = audio_loop.audio_loop(audio, nloops=loops_needed)

    # set up our clip
    image_clip = image_clip.set_audio(audio)
    image_clip.fps = 24
    image_clip.duration = audio.duration

    # render!
    image_clip.write_videofile(location + movie_name,