def add_vehicle_txn(session, longitude, latitude, battery, vehicle_info): """ Insert a row into the vehicles table, and one into location_history. Arguments: session {.Session} -- The active session for the database connection. longitude {Float} -- Longitude of the vehicle. Latitude {Float} -- Latitude of the vehicle. battery {Int} -- Battery percantage remaining. vehicle_info {dict} -- Information on the vehicle's info. Returns: {dict} -- The vehicle's new UUID and the location_history row's new UUID as {'vehicle_id': <UUID>, 'location_history_id': <UUID>} """ vehicle_id = uuid4() current_time = location_history_id = uuid4() new_vehicle_row = Vehicle(id=str(vehicle_id), in_use=False, vehicle_info=vehicle_info, battery=battery) new_location_history_row = LocationHistory(id=str(location_history_id), vehicle_id=str(vehicle_id), longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, ts=current_time) session.add(new_vehicle_row) session.flush() # can't let the next row get inserted first. session.add(new_location_history_row) return {"vehicle_id": str(vehicle_id), "location_history_id": str(location_history_id)}
def add_vehicle_txn(session, vehicle_type, longitude, latitude, battery): """ Insert a row into the vehicles table, and one into location_history. Does the equivalent of: # BEGIN; # # INSERT INTO vehicles (id, battery, in_use, vehicle_type) # VALUES (<vehicle_id>, 12, false, 'scooter') # ); # # INSERT INTO location_history (id, vehicle_id, ts, longitude, latitude) # VALUES (<uuid>, <vehicle_id>, now(), <longitude>, <latitude>); # # COMMIT; Arguments: session {.Session} -- The active session for the database connection. vehicle_type {String} -- The vehicle's type. longitude {Float} -- Longitude of the vehicle. Latitude {Float} -- Latitude of the vehicle. battery {Int} -- Battery percantage remaining. Returns: {dict} -- The vehicle's new UUID and the location_history row's new UUID as {'vehicle_id': <UUID>, 'location_history_id': <UUID>} """ vehicle_id = uuid4() current_time = location_history_id = uuid4() new_vehicle_row = Vehicle(id=str(vehicle_id), in_use=False, vehicle_type=vehicle_type, battery=battery) new_location_history_row = LocationHistory(id=str(location_history_id), vehicle_id=str(vehicle_id), longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, ts=current_time) session.add(new_vehicle_row) session.flush() # can't let the next row get inserted first. session.add(new_location_history_row) return { "vehicle_id": str(vehicle_id), "location_history_id": str(location_history_id) }
def start_ride_txn(session, vehicle_id, user_email): """ Start a vehicle ride (or continue if the vehicle is already in use). Arguments: session {.Session} -- The active session for the database connection. vehicle_id {String} -- The vehicle's `id` column. """ # find the row where we want to start the ride. # SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE id = <vehicle_id> AND in_use = false # LIMIT 1; vehicle = session.query(Vehicle).filter( == vehicle_id). \ filter(Vehicle.in_use == False).first() if vehicle is None: return None # SELECT * FROM location_history WHERE vehicle_id = <vehicle_id> # ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1; last_chx = session.query(LocationHistory). \ filter(LocationHistory.vehicle_id == vehicle_id). \ order_by(LocationHistory.ts.desc()). \ first() new_location_history_id = str(uuid4()) new_timestamp = new_location_history_row = LocationHistory(id=new_location_history_id, vehicle_id=vehicle_id, longitude=last_chx.longitude, latitude=last_chx.latitude, ts=new_timestamp) new_ride_id = str(uuid4()) new_ride_row = Ride(id=new_ride_id, vehicle_id=vehicle_id, user_email=user_email, start_ts=new_timestamp, end_ts=None) # UPDATE vehicles SET in_use = true WHERE = <vehicle_id> vehicle.in_use = True vehicle.last_checkin = session.add(new_location_history_row) session.flush() session.add(new_ride_row) return True # Just making it explicit that this worked.
def end_ride_txn(session, ride_id, new_longitude, new_latitude, new_battery): """ Update a row of the rides table, and update a row of the vehicles table. Arguments: session {.Session} -- The active session for the database connection. vehicle_id {String} -- The vehicle's `id` column new_longitude {Float} -- The longitude where the ride ended new_latitude {Float} -- The latitude where the ride ended new_battery {Integer} -- The vehicle's battery % when the ride ended Returns: {Boolean} -- True if the ride ended. """ ride = session.query(Ride).filter( == ride_id).first() if ride is None: return False # find the vehicle vehicle = session.query(Vehicle).filter( == ride.vehicle_id). \ filter(Vehicle.in_use == True).first() if vehicle is None: return False # Prepare the new row for vehicle_history ride_end_time = str( new_history_entry = LocationHistory(id=str(uuid4()), vehicle_id=ride.vehicle_id, longitude=new_longitude, latitude=new_latitude, ts=ride_end_time) # Perform writes to end the ride ride.end_ts = ride_end_time vehicle.in_use = False vehicle.battery = new_battery session.add(new_history_entry) return True # Make it explicit that this worked.
def add_vehicle_txn(session, longitude, latitude, battery, vehicle_info): """ Insert a row into the vehicles table, and one into location_history. Arguments: session {.Session} -- The active session for the database connection. longitude {Float} -- Longitude of the vehicle. Latitude {Float} -- Latitude of the vehicle. battery {Int} -- Battery percantage remaining. vehicle_info {dict} -- Information on the vehicle's info. Returns: {dict} -- The vehicle's new UUID and the location_history row's new UUID as {'vehicle_id': <UUID>, 'location_history_id': <UUID>} """ vehicle_id = uuid4() current_time = location_history_id = uuid4() # LAB: MODIFY THE FOLLOWING TO INCLUDE YOUR NEW JSON COLUMN # ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS INCLUDE VEHICLE_INFO IN `new_vehicle_row`. new_vehicle_row = Vehicle(id=str(vehicle_id), in_use=False, battery=battery) new_location_history_row = LocationHistory(id=str(location_history_id), # vehicle_id=str(vehicle_id), vehicle_json=new_vehicle_row.vehicle_info, longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, ts=current_time) session.add(new_vehicle_row) # session.flush() # can't let the next row get inserted first. session.add(new_location_history_row) return {"vehicle_id": str(vehicle_id), "location_history_id": str(location_history_id)}