def plot_cpd(self, condition: SingleCategoryPTMixin, max_pct: float = 1.0, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs): """ Plot distributions of answers to the question, conditioned on the values of discrete distribution `condition`. """ axf = AxesFormatter(axes=ax) a_ix = self._data.index if max_pct < 1: a_ix = self._data.loc[ self._data <= self._data.quantile(max_pct)].index a = self._data.loc[a_ix] condition_data =[a_ix] kdeplot(x=a, hue=condition_data, ax=ax, **kwargs) # for condition_value in condition.category_names: # condition_data =[a_ix] # condition_ix = (condition_data == condition_value).index # kdeplot(x=a.loc[condition_ix], # hue=condition_data[condition_ix], # ax=ax, label=condition_value, **kwargs) # distplot(a=a.loc[condition_ix], # label=condition_value, # rug=False, kde=True, hist=False, # ax=axf.axes, **kwargs) axf.set_text(, y_label=f'P({}|{})') return axf.axes
def draw(self, t: float, axes: AxesFormatter): kwargs = {} for float_kwarg in ('x_center', 'y_center', 'radius', 'theta_start', 'theta_end', 'width', 'alpha', 'line_width'): self._add_float_kwarg(float_kwarg, kwargs, t) for color_kwarg in ('color', 'edge_color', 'face_color'): self._add_color_kwarg(color_kwarg, kwargs, t) for kwarg in ('cap_style', 'fill', 'join_style', 'label', 'line_style'): self._add_non_animated_kwarg(kwarg, kwargs) axes.add_wedge(**kwargs)
def draw(self, t: float, axes: AxesFormatter): kwargs = {} for float_kwarg in ('x_center', 'y_center', 'radius', 'angle', 'alpha', 'line_width'): self._add_float_kwarg(float_kwarg, kwargs, t) for color_kwarg in ('color', 'edge_color', 'face_color'): self._add_color_kwarg(color_kwarg, kwargs, t) for kwarg in ('num_vertices', 'fill', 'label', 'line_style', 'cap_style', 'join_style'): self._add_non_animated_kwarg(kwarg, kwargs) axes.add_regular_polygon(**kwargs)
def draw_tree(decision_tree: DecisionTree): axf = AxesFormatter(width=12, height=16) decision_tree.draw(node_labels='name', ax=axf.axes) axf = AxesFormatter(width=12, height=16) decision_tree.draw(node_labels='amount', ax=axf.axes)
def draw(self, t: float, axes: AxesFormatter): kwargs = {} for float_kwarg in ( 'x_tail', 'y_tail', 'dx', 'dy', 'width', 'alpha', 'line_width', ): self._add_float_kwarg(float_kwarg, kwargs, t) for color_kwarg in ('color', 'edge_color', 'face_color'): self._add_color_kwarg(color_kwarg, kwargs, t) for kwarg in ('cap_style', 'fill', 'join_style', 'label', 'line_style'): self._add_non_animated_kwarg(kwarg, kwargs) axes.add_arrow(**kwargs)
def draw(self, t: float, axes: AxesFormatter): kwargs = {} if self.length is not None: kwargs['theta_end'] = (self.theta_start + * (self.theta_end - self.theta_start)) else: kwargs['theta_end'] = self.theta_end for float_kwarg in ('x_center', 'y_center', 'width', 'height', 'angle', 'theta_start', 'alpha', 'line_width'): self._add_float_kwarg(float_kwarg, kwargs, t) for color_kwarg in ('color', 'edge_color'): self._add_color_kwarg(color_kwarg, kwargs, t) for kwarg in ('cap_style', 'join_style', 'label', 'line_style'): self._add_non_animated_kwarg(kwarg, kwargs) axes.add_arc(**kwargs)
def draw(self, t: float, axes: AxesFormatter): kwargs = {} if self.length is not None: kwargs['x'] = self.x[: int(round( * len(self.x)))] kwargs['y'] = self.y[: int(round( * len(self.y)))] else: kwargs['x'] = self.x kwargs['y'] = self.y for float_kwarg in ('alpha', 'line_width', 'marker_edge_width', 'marker_size'): self._add_float_kwarg(float_kwarg, kwargs, t) for color_kwarg in ('color', 'marker_edge_color', 'marker_face_color', 'marker_face_color_alt'): self._add_color_kwarg(color_kwarg, kwargs, t) for kwarg in ('draw_style', 'label', 'line_style', 'marker'): self._add_non_animated_kwarg(kwarg, kwargs) axes.add_line(**kwargs)
def plot_hist( self, color: Color = 'k', axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None ) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot a histogram of the distribution. :param color: Color of the bars. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() histplot( data=self._data, color=color, ax=axf.axes ) return axf
def plot_bars(self, color: Color = 'k', pct_font_size: int = FONT_SIZE.medium, max_pct: Optional[float] = None, max_value: Optional[int] = None, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot a bar plot of the counts of each category. :param color: Color of the bars. :param pct_font_size: Font size for percentage labels. :param max_pct: Highest percentile value of the data to plot a count of. Useful for long-tail distributions. :param max_value: Highest value of the data to plot a count of. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() counts = self.counts() pmf = self.pmf() if max_pct is not None: max_count = self._data.quantile(max_pct) counts = counts.loc[counts.index <= max_count] pmf = pmf.loc[counts.index] if max_value is not None: counts = counts.loc[counts.index <= max_value] pmf = pmf.loc[counts.index], color=color) percents = 100 * pmf axf.add_text(x=range(len(counts)), y=counts, p: f'{p: .1f}%'), h_align='center', v_align='bottom', font_size=pct_font_size) axf.y_axis.set_format_integer() return axf
def plot_bars(self, color: Color = 'k', pct_font_size: int = FONT_SIZE.medium, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot a bar plot of the counts of each category. :param color: Color of the bars. :param pct_font_size: Font size for percentage labels. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() counts = self.counts() pmf = self.pmf(), color=color) percents = 100 * pmf axf.add_text(x=range(len(counts)), y=counts, p: f'{p: .1f}%'), h_align='center', v_align='bottom', font_size=pct_font_size) axf.y_axis.set_format_integer() return axf
def plot_bars(self, conditional: bool = False, max_pct: Optional[float] = None, width: float = 0.8, height: float = 0.8, color: Color = 'k', color_min: Optional[Color] = None, alpha_min: float = 0.0, edge_color: Optional[Color] = 'grey', axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None): """ Plot a set of bars for each Series, shaded by the count at each discrete value. :param conditional: Whether the shading for each Series should be independent of all the others. :param max_pct: Highest percentile of each Series to show a bar for. :param width: Width of each set of bars. :param height: Height of each bar, centered about the count value. :param color: Color of each bar. :param color_min: Optional different color for the sparsest bars. :param alpha_min: Alpha value for the sparsest bars. :param edge_color: Optional edge color of each bar. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() dist: Count # find highest count of all Series max_count = max(counts.max() for counts in self.counts()) # find highest value for y-axis scaling if max_pct is None: # find highest value of all Series max_val = self.max().max() else: max_val = 0 # plot each Series for x, (ix, dist) in enumerate(self._data.items()): dist_items = dist.counts() if max_pct: max_dist_val = dist_items = dist_items.loc[dist_items.index <= max_dist_val] max_val = max(max_val, max_dist_val) if conditional: max_count = dist_items.max() for dist_value, dist_count in dist_items.items(): coords = dict(width=width, height=height, x_center=(1 + x), y_center=dist_value) if color_min is not None: from_color = set_alpha(color_min, alpha_min) else: from_color = set_alpha(color, alpha_min) axf.add_rectangle(**coords, color=cross_fade(from_color=from_color, to_color=color, amount=dist_count / max_count)) if edge_color is not None: axf.add_rectangle(**coords, fill=False, color=None, edge_color=edge_color) axf.set_x_lim(0.5, len(self._data) + 0.5) axf.set_y_lim(self.min().min() - 1, max_val + 1) axf.x_ticks.set_locations(range(1, len(self._data) + 1)) axf.x_ticks.set_labels(self._data.index.to_list()) axf.y_axis.set_format_integer() return axf
def __init__(self, formatter: Union[AxesFormatter, FigureFormatter], duration: float): self.formatter: AxesFormatter = formatter or AxesFormatter() self.duration: float = duration self.shapes: List[ShapeAnimation] = []
def plot_density_bars( self, bin_spacing: float, conditional: bool = True, width: float = 0.8, min_pct: float = 0.0, max_pct: float = 1.0, min_alpha: float = 0.0, color: Color = 'k', edge_color: Optional[Color] = 'grey', axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot a density bar for each Ratio distribution. :param bin_spacing: Spacing between each bin used to calculate histogram of each Ratio distribution. :param conditional: Whether to set opacity relative to the highest bin count of each Series (True) or all Series (False). :param width: Width of each bar, :param min_pct: Minimum quantile to plot from 0.0 to 1.0. :param max_pct: Maximum quantile to plot from 0.0 to 1.0. :param min_alpha: Alpha value for the opacity of bins with 0 count. :param color: Color for each density bar. :param edge_color: Color for edge of each bar. Set to None to omit edges. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() dist: Ratio # calculate histograms, counts and bin limits hists = [ dist.histogram(bins=float(bin_spacing), min_pct=min_pct, max_pct=max_pct) for _, dist in self._data.items() ] lowest_bin = min( [hist.index.get_level_values('min')[0] for hist in hists]) highest_bin = max( [hist.index.get_level_values('max')[-1] for hist in hists]) max_counts = [hist.max() for hist in hists] max_max_count = max(max_counts) for x, hist, max_count in zip(range(len(self._data)), hists, max_counts): max_count = hist.max() for (min_val, max_val), count in hist.items(): # add segment interior if conditional is True: alpha = clip( min_alpha + (1 - min_alpha) * count / max_count, min_alpha, 1.0) else: alpha = clip( min_alpha + (1 - min_alpha) * count / max_max_count, min_alpha, 1.0) axf.add_rectangle(width=width, height=max_val - min_val, x_center=x, y_center=(min_val + max_val) / 2, color=color, line_width=0, alpha=alpha) # add density edges if edge_color is not None: low_bin = hist.index.get_level_values('min')[0] high_bin = hist.index.get_level_values('max')[-1] axf.add_rectangle(width=width, height=high_bin - low_bin, x_center=x, y_center=(low_bin + high_bin) / 2, fill=False, color=None, edge_color=edge_color) # format axes axf.set_x_lim(-1, len(self._data)) axf.set_y_lim(lowest_bin - bin_spacing, highest_bin + bin_spacing) axf.x_ticks.set_locations(range(len(self._data))) axf.x_ticks.set_labels(self._data.index.to_list()) axf.y_axis.set_format_integer() return axf
def plot_probs(probs: DataFrame, weight): axf = AxesFormatter() data = probs.stack( level=['likelihood', 'prior']).rename('posterior').reset_index() boxplot(data=data, x='likelihood', y='posterior', hue='prior') axf.rotate_x_tick_labels(90) axf.set_y_lim(0, 1.05) axf.set_axis_below().grid() axf.set_text(title=str(weight))
def plot_density_bars( self, color: Union[Color, List[Color]] = 'k', color_min: Optional[Union[Color, List[Color]]] = None, width: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.8, hdi: float = 0.95, z_max: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, resolution: int = 100, edges: bool = False, orient: str = 'v', axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot each distribution as a density bar. :param color: Color of each bar, all bars or list to cycle through. :param color_min: Min color of each bar, all bars or list to cycle through. :param width: Width of each bar. :param hdi: Highest Density Interval width for each distribution. :param z_max: Optional normalizing constant to divide each bar's height by. :param resolution: Number of density elements per unit y. :param edges: Whether to plot the edges of each bar. :param orient: Orientation. One of {'v', 'h'}. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() dist: Union[PPFContinuous1dMixin, PDF1dMixin] num_dists = len(self._data) color = loop_variable(color, num_dists) color_min = loop_variable(color_min, num_dists) width = loop_variable(width, num_dists) z_max = loop_variable(z_max, num_dists) for i, (ix, dist) in enumerate(self._data.items()): lower, upper = dist.hdi(hdi) y_to_z = dist.pdf().at(linspace(lower, upper, resolution + 1)) if orient == 'h': axf.add_h_density(y=i + 1, x_to_z=y_to_z, color=color[i], color_min=color_min[i], height=width[i], z_max=z_max[i], v_align='center') if edges: axf.add_rectangle( width=y_to_z.index[-1] - y_to_z.index[0], height=width[i], x_left=y_to_z.index[0], y_bottom=i + 1 - width[i] / 2, edge_color=(color if color_min is None else cross_fade( color_min[i], color[i], 0.5)), fill=False) else: axf.add_v_density(x=i + 1, y_to_z=y_to_z, color=color[i], color_min=color_min[i], width=width[i], z_max=z_max[i], h_align='center') if edges: axf.add_rectangle( width=width[i], height=y_to_z.index[-1] - y_to_z.index[0], x_left=i + 1 - width[i] / 2, y_bottom=y_to_z.index[0], edge_color=(color if color_min is None else cross_fade( color_min[i], color[i], 0.5)), fill=False) if orient == 'v': axf.set_x_lim(0, num_dists + 1) axf.x_ticks.set_locations(range(1, num_dists + 1)) axf.x_ticks.set_labels(self._data.index) axf.y_ticks.set_locations(arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)) axf.set_y_lim(-0.05, 1.05) else: axf.set_y_lim(0, num_dists + 1) axf.y_ticks.set_locations(range(1, num_dists + 1)) axf.y_ticks.set_labels(self._data.index) axf.x_ticks.set_locations(arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)) axf.set_x_lim(-0.05, 1.05) return axf
def plot_kde( self, color: Color = 'k', inflated_value: float = 0.0, inflated_threshold: float = 0.5, mean_line: Union[bool, dict] = False, median_line: Union[bool, dict] = False, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None ) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot a kde plot of the distribution. :param color: Color of the bars. :param inflated_value: Value which may occur disproportionately often in the data due to a mixed distribution (e.g. ZIPF), or collection method (e.g. code all > 100% as 101%). :param inflated_threshold: Proportion of values which must equal the inflated_value to add an additional line to plot the non-inflated curve. :param mean_line: Boolean flag to indicate whether to annotate the mean. Or dict of kws to pass to AxesFormatter.add_v_line. :param median_line: Boolean flag to indicate whether to annotate the mean. Or dict of kws to pass to AxesFormatter.add_v_line. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() # main kde kdeplot( data=self._data, color=color, ax=axf.axes, ) # non-inflated kde non_zero = self._data.loc[self._data != inflated_value] if len(non_zero) / len(self._data) > inflated_threshold: kdeplot( data=non_zero, color=color, ls='--', ax=axf.axes, label=f'{} != {inflated_value}' ) # draw mean mean_line_kws = None if isinstance(mean_line, bool): if mean_line is True: mean_line_kws = { 'color': 'green', 'line_style': ':' } else: mean_line_kws = mean_line if mean_line_kws is not None: mean = self._data.mean() axf.add_v_line(x=mean, **mean_line_kws) y_min, y_max = axf.get_y_min(), axf.get_y_max() axf.add_text(x=mean, y=y_min + 0.8 * (y_max - y_min), text=f'mean = {mean: 0.1f}') # draw median median_line_kws = None if isinstance(median_line, bool): if median_line is True: median_line_kws = { 'color': 'blue', 'line_style': ':' } else: median_line_kws = median_line if median_line_kws is not None: median = self._data.median() axf.add_v_line(x=median, **median_line_kws) y_min, y_max = axf.get_y_min(), axf.get_y_max() axf.add_text(x=median, y=y_min + 0.7 * (y_max - y_min), text=f'median = {median: 0.1f}') return axf
def plot_comparison_bars( self, other: 'DataDiscreteNumericMixin', absolute: bool = False, color: Tuple[Color, Color] = ('C0', 'C1'), width: float = 0.5, label_pcts: bool = True, label_counts: bool = False, label_size: Optional[FontSize] = FONT_SIZE.medium, max_pct: Optional[float] = None, max_value: Optional[int] = None, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot a comparison of the 2 ordinals, with outlines around bars that are significantly higher or lower than others. :param other: Another Ordinal with the same categories. :param absolute: Whether to plot bar heights as absolute values or percentages. :param color: Color for each set of bars. :param width: Total width of each pair of bars. :param label_pcts: Whether to add percentage labels. :param label_counts: Whether to add count labels. :param label_size: Font size for bar labels. :param max_pct: Highest percentile value of the data to plot a count of. Useful for long-tail distributions. :param max_value: Highest value of the data to plot a count of. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ # validation if == raise ValueError( 'Distributions must have different names in order to compare.') self_cats, other_cats = set(self._categories), set(other._categories) categories = sorted(self_cats.union(other_cats)) # get data self_counts = self._data.value_counts().reindex(categories) other_counts = other._data.value_counts().reindex(categories) count_data = concat([self_counts, other_counts], axis=1) pct_data = count_data / count_data.sum() if max_pct is not None: max_count = max(self._data.quantile(max_pct), other._data.quantile(max_pct)) self_counts = self_counts.loc[self_counts.index <= max_count] other_counts = other_counts.loc[other_counts.index <= max_count] if max_value is not None: self_counts = self_counts.loc[self_counts.index <= max_value] other_counts = other_counts.loc[other_counts.index <= max_value] count_data = concat([self_counts, other_counts], axis=1) pct_data = pct_data.loc[count_data.index] # plot bars axf = axf or AxesFormatter() if absolute: plot_data = count_data else: plot_data = pct_data, color=color, width=width) # add labels for o, ordinal in enumerate(plot_data.columns): for i, ix in enumerate(plot_data[ordinal].index): if not label_pcts and not label_counts: continue label_x = i - width / 4 + o * width / 2 label_y = plot_data.loc[ix, ordinal] texts = [] if label_pcts: texts.append(format_as_percent(pct_data.loc[ix, ordinal])) if label_counts: texts.append(format_as_integer(count_data.loc[ix, ordinal])) text = ' | '.join(texts) axf.add_text(label_x, label_y, text, font_size=label_size, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') # format y-axis if not absolute: axf.y_axis.set_format_percent() else: axf.y_axis.set_format_integer() return axf
def plot_conditional_dist_densities( self, categorical: Union[DataDistributionMixin, DataCategoriesMixin], width: float = 0.8, heights: float = 0.9, color: Color = 'k', color_min: Optional[Color] = None, color_mean: Optional[Color] = None, color_median: Optional[Color] = None, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None ) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot conditional probability densities of the data, split by the categories of an Ordinal or Nominal distribution. :param categorical: Nominal or Ordinal distribution. :param width: Width of each density bar. :param heights: Height of each density bar. :param color: Color for the densest part of each distribution. :param color_min: Color for the sparsest part of each distribution, if different to color. :param color_mean: Color for mean data markers. :param color_median: Color for median data markers. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter to plot on. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() cats = categorical.categories n_cats = len(cats) # filter categorical data shared_ix = list( set(self._data.index).intersection( ) cat_data =[shared_ix] ordinal_data = self._data.loc[shared_ix] max_cat_sum = max([ ordinal_data.loc[cat_data == category].value_counts().sum() for category in categorical.categories ]) max_pct = max([ ordinal_data.loc[cat_data == category].value_counts().max() / ordinal_data.loc[cat_data == category].value_counts().sum() for category in categorical.categories ]) for c, category in enumerate(categorical.categories): cat_ratio_data = ordinal_data.loc[cat_data == category] value_counts = cat_ratio_data.value_counts().reindex( self.categories).fillna(0) cat_sum = value_counts.sum() for i, (item, count) in enumerate(value_counts.items()): pct = count / cat_sum if color_min is not None: rect_color = cross_fade(color_min, color, pct / max_pct) else: rect_color = color bar_width = width * cat_sum / max_cat_sum x_center = 1 + c y_center = 1 + i axf.add_rectangle( width=bar_width, height=heights, x_left=x_center - bar_width / 2, y_bottom=y_center - heights / 2, color=rect_color, alpha=pct / max_pct ) axf.add_text(x=x_center, y=y_center, text=format_as_percent(pct, 1), h_align='center', v_align='center', bbox_edge_color='k', bbox_fill=True, bbox_face_color='white') if len(cat_ratio_data) == 0: continue # plot descriptive statistics lines if color_mean is not None: interval = 1 + mean = interval.mean() axf.add_line(x=[c + 0.55, c + 1.45], y=[mean, mean], color=color_mean) if color_median is not None: interval = 1 + median = interval.median() axf.add_line(x=[c + 0.55, c + 1.45], y=[median, median], color='g') # # labels axf.set_text( title=f'Distributions of p({}|{})',, ) # # axes axf.set_x_lim(0.5, n_cats + 0.5) # yy_range = yy_max - yy_min axf.set_y_lim(0, len(self._categories) + 1) axf.x_ticks.set_locations(range(1, n_cats + 1)).set_labels(cats) axf.y_ticks.set_locations( range(1, len(self._categories) + 1)).set_labels(self._categories) return axf
def plot_comparison_bars( self, other: 'DataDiscreteCategoricalMixin', absolute: bool = False, color: Tuple[Color, Color] = ('C0', 'C1'), width: float = 0.5, label_pcts: bool = True, label_counts: bool = False, label_size: Optional[FontSize] = FONT_SIZE.medium, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot a comparison of the 2 ordinals, with outlines around bars that are significantly higher or lower than others. :param other: Another Ordinal with the same categories. :param absolute: Whether to plot bar heights as absolute values or percentages. :param color: Color for each set of bars. :param width: Total width of each pair of bars. :param label_pcts: Whether to add percentage labels. :param label_counts: Whether to add count labels. :param label_size: Font size for bar labels. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ # validation if == raise ValueError( 'Distributions must have different names in order to compare.') self_cats, other_cats = set(self._categories), set(other._categories) if self_cats != other_cats: str_warning = f'WARNING: Distributions contain different categories' unique_1 = self_cats.difference(other_cats) unique_2 = other_cats.difference(self_cats) if unique_1: str_warning += f'\nOnly in {}: {", ".join(unique_1)}' if unique_2: str_warning += f'\nOnly in {}: {", ".join(unique_2)}' print(str_warning) # get data self_counts = self._data.value_counts().reindex(self._categories) other_counts = other._data.value_counts().reindex(self._categories) count_data = concat([self_counts, other_counts], axis=1) pct_data = count_data / count_data.sum() # plot bars axf = axf or AxesFormatter() if absolute: plot_data = count_data else: plot_data = pct_data, color=color, width=width) # add labels for o, ordinal in enumerate(plot_data.columns): for i, ix in enumerate(plot_data[ordinal].index): if not label_pcts and not label_counts: continue label_x = i - width / 4 + o * width / 2 label_y = plot_data.loc[ix, ordinal] texts = [] if label_pcts: texts.append(format_as_percent(pct_data.loc[ix, ordinal])) if label_counts: texts.append(format_as_integer(count_data.loc[ix, ordinal])) text = ' | '.join(texts) axf.add_text(label_x, label_y, text, font_size=label_size, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') # format y-axis if not absolute: axf.y_axis.set_format_percent() else: axf.y_axis.set_format_integer() return axf
def plot_conditional_prob_densities( self, categorical: Union[DataDistributionMixin, DataCategoriesMixin], hdi: float = 0.95, width: float = 0.8, num_segments: int = 100, color: Color = 'k', color_min: Optional[Color] = None, color_mean: Optional[Color] = None, edge_color: Optional[Color] = None, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot conditional probability densities of the data, split by the categories of an Ordinal or Nominal distribution. :param categorical: Nominal or Ordinal distribution. :param hdi: Highest Density Interval width for each distribution. :param width: Width of each density bar. :param num_segments: Number of segments to plot per density. :param color: Color for the densest part of each distribution. :param color_min: Color for the sparsest part of each distribution, if different to color. :param color_mean: Color for mean data markers. :param edge_color: Optional color for the edge of each density bar. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter to plot on. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() cats = categorical.categories n_cats = len(cats) yy_min, yy_max = inf, -inf # filter categorical data shared_ix = list( set(self._data.index).intersection( cat_data =[shared_ix] ratio_data = self._data.loc[shared_ix] for c, category in enumerate(categorical.categories): cat_ratio_data = ratio_data.loc[cat_data == category] if len(cat_ratio_data) == 0: continue # fit distribution and find limits for HDI cat_dist = BetaBinomialConjugate.infer_posterior(cat_ratio_data) # cat_dist = y_min, y_max = cat_dist.hdi(hdi) yy_min, yy_max = min(y_min, yy_min), max(y_max, yy_max) # plot density axf.add_v_density(x=c + 1, y_to_z=cat_dist.pdf().at( linspace(y_min, y_max, num_segments + 1)), color=color, color_min=color_min, edge_color=edge_color, width=width) # plot descriptive statistics lines if color_mean is not None: mean = cat_ratio_data.mean() axf.add_line(x=[c + 0.55, c + 1.45], y=[mean, mean], color=color_mean) # labels axf.set_text(title=f'{hdi: .0%} HDIs of $p(' + r'p_{' + + r'}' + f'|{})$',, y_label=r'$p_{' + + r'}$') # axes axf.set_x_lim(0, n_cats + 1) yy_range = yy_max - yy_min axf.set_y_lim(yy_min - yy_range * 0.05, yy_max + yy_range * 0.05) axf.y_ticks.set_locations(linspace(0, 1, 11)) axf.x_ticks.set_locations(range(1, n_cats + 1)).set_labels(cats) return axf
def plot(self, x: Optional[Iterable], kind: str = 'line', color: str = 'C0', mean: bool = False, median: bool = False, mode: bool = False, std: bool = False, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs) -> Axes: """ Plot the function. :param x: Range of values of x to plot p(x) over. :param kind: Kind of plot e.g. 'bar', 'line'. :param color: Optional color for the series. :param mean: Whether to show marker and label for the mean. :param median: Whether to show marker and label for the median. :param mode: Whether to show marker and label for the mode. :param std: Whether to show marker and label for the standard deviation. :param ax: Optional matplotlib axes to plot on. :param kwargs: Additional arguments for the matplotlib plot function. """ if x is None: if (hasattr(self._parent, 'lower_bound') and hasattr(self._parent, 'upper_bound')): x = linspace(self._parent.lower_bound, self._parent.upper_bound, 1001) else: raise ValueError('Must pass x if distribution has no bounds.') data: Series = axf = AxesFormatter(axes=ax) ax = axf.axes if self._method_name in ('pdf', 'cdf', 'logpdf'): if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['label'] = self._parent.label data.plot(kind=kind, color=color, ax=axf.axes, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('plot not implemented for {}'.format(self._name)) # stats y_min = axf.get_y_min() y_max = axf.get_y_max() x_mean = self._distribution.mean() if mean: axf.add_v_lines(x=x_mean, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, line_styles='--', colors=color) axf.add_text(x=x_mean, y=self._distribution.pdf(x_mean), text=f'mean={x_mean: 0.3f}', color=color, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') if median: x_median = self._distribution.median() axf.add_v_lines(x=x_median, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, line_styles='-.', colors=color) axf.add_text(x=x_median, y=self._distribution.pdf(x_median), text=f'median={x_median: 0.3f}', color=color, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') if mode: x_mode = self._parent.mode() axf.add_v_lines(x=x_mode, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, line_styles='-.', colors=color) axf.add_text(x=x_mode, y=self._distribution.pdf(x_mode), text=f'mode={x_mode: 0.3f}', color=color, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') if std: x_std = self._distribution.std() axf.add_v_lines(x=[x_mean - x_std, x_mean + x_std], y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, line_styles=':', colors=color) axf.add_text(x=x_mean - x_std / 2, y=self._distribution.pdf(x_mean - x_std / 2), text=f'std={x_std: 0.3f}', color=color, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') ax.set_xlabel(self._parent.x_label) if self._parent.y_label: ax.set_ylabel(self._parent.y_label) else: if self._method_name == 'pdf': ax.set_ylabel('P(X = x)') elif self._method_name == 'cdf': ax.set_ylabel('P(X ≤ x)') elif self._method_name == 'logpdf': ax.set_ylabel('log P(X = x)') else: ax.set_ylabel(self._name) return ax
def plot_density_bars( self, color: Union[Color, List[Color]] = 'k', color_min: Optional[Union[Color, List[Color]]] = None, group_width: float = 0.8, stagger: bool = True, item_width: float = 0.8, hdi: float = 0.95, resolution: int = 100, z_max: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, log_z: bool = False, axf: Optional[AxesFormatter] = None ) -> AxesFormatter: """ Plot each row of distributions as a group of density bars. :param color: Color for each column, or all bars. :param color_min: Min color for each column, or all bars. :param group_width: Width of each column group. :param item_width: Width of each item as a proportion of the group width divided by the number of items per group. :param stagger: Whether to plot items within a row next to each other. :param hdi: Highest Density Interval width for each distribution. :param z_max: Optional normalizing constant to divide each bar's height by. :param resolution: Number of density elements per unit y. :param log_z: Whether to take the log of z before plotting. :param axf: Optional AxesFormatter instance. """ axf = axf or AxesFormatter() n_rows = self._data.shape[0] n_cols = self._data.shape[1] if not stagger: width_per_item = group_width item_centers = [0] * n_cols else: width_per_item = group_width * item_width / n_cols item_centers = linspace( -group_width / 2 + width_per_item / 2, group_width / 2 - width_per_item / 2, n_cols ) color = loop_variable(color, n_cols) color_min = loop_variable(color_min, n_cols) # add distributions dist: Union[PDF1dMixin, PPFContinuous1dMixin] for i_row, (row_name, betas) in enumerate(self._data.iterrows()): for i_col, (col_name, dist) in enumerate(betas.items()): y_min, y_max = dist.hdi(hdi) n_bars = round(resolution * (y_max - y_min)) y_to_z = dist.pdf().at(linspace( y_min, y_max, n_bars + 1 )) if log_z: y_to_z = axf.add_v_density( x=i_row + 1 + item_centers[i_col], y_to_z=y_to_z, color=color[i_col], color_min=color_min[i_col], width=width_per_item, z_max=z_max, h_align='center' ) # axes axf.set_x_lim(0, n_rows + 1) axf.x_ticks.set_locations(range(1, n_rows + 1)) axf.x_ticks.set_labels(self._data.index) axf.y_ticks.set_locations(arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)) axf.set_y_lim(-0.05, 1.05) # legend patches = [] for i_col in range(n_cols): patches.append(Patch( color=color[i_col], label=self._data.columns[i_col] )) axf.axes.legend(handles=patches) return axf
def plot_densities(data: Optional[DataFrame] = None, labels: Union[Series, str] = None, distributions: Union[Series, str] = None, color: Color = 'k', color_min: Optional[Color] = None, width: float = 0.8, num_strips: int = 100, ax: Optional[Axes] = None) -> Axes: """ Plot a density plot (continuous boxplot) of distribution pdfs. :param data: Optional DataFrame containing labels and distributions. :param labels: Series of labels or name of column. :param distributions: Series of distributions or name of column. :param num_strips: Number of strips for each density bar. :param color: The color of the density bar. :param color_min: Optional 2nd color to fade out to. :param width: The bar width. :param ax: Optional matplotlib Axes instance. """ # check arguments ax = ax or new_axes() if data is None: if not (isinstance(labels, Series) and isinstance(distributions, Series)): raise TypeError('If data is not given, ' 'labels and distributions must both be Series') else: if not isinstance(data, DataFrame): raise TypeError('data must be a DataFrame') if not (isinstance(labels, str) and isinstance(distributions, str)): raise TypeError('If data is given, ' 'labels and distributions must both be str') labels: Series = data[labels] distributions: Series = data[distributions] # plot densities axf = AxesFormatter(ax) distribution: RVContinuous1dMixin y_to_z: Dict[Any, Series] = {} max_z = 0 min_y = 1e6 max_y = -1e6 for x_label, distribution in zip(labels, distributions): y_dist = linspace(distribution.lower_bound, distribution.upper_bound, num_strips + 1) min_y = min(min_y, y_dist[0]) max_y = max(max_y, y_dist[-1]) y_to_z[x_label] = Series(index=y_dist, data=distribution.pdf().at(y_dist)) max_z = max(max_z, y_to_z[x_label].max()) label_ix = {label: i + 1 for i, label in enumerate(list(labels))} for label, z_values in y_to_z.items(): axf.add_v_density(x=label_ix[label], y_to_z=z_values, color=color, color_min=color_min, width=width, z_max=max_z) num_labels = len(labels) axf.x_axis.axis.set_ticks(range(1, num_labels + 1)) axf.x_axis.axis.set_ticklabels(labels) axf.set_x_lim(0, num_labels + 1) axf.set_y_lim(floor(min_y), ceil(max_y)) axf.set_text(y_label='x') return axf.axes
def plot(self, k: Optional[Iterable[int]], color: str = 'C0', kind: str = 'bar', mean: bool = False, median: bool = False, std: bool = False, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs) -> Axes: """ Plot the function. :param k: Range of values of k to plot p(k) over. :param color: Optional color for the series. :param kind: Kind of plot e.g. 'bar', 'line'. :param mean: Whether to show marker and label for the mean. :param median: Whether to show marker and label for the median. :param std: Whether to show marker and label for the standard deviation. :param ax: Optional matplotlib axes to plot on. :param kwargs: Additional arguments for the matplotlib plot function. """ if k is None: if (hasattr(self._parent, 'lower_bound') and hasattr(self._parent, 'upper_bound')): k = range(self._parent.lower_bound, self._parent.upper_bound + 1) else: raise ValueError('Must pass k if distribution has no bounds.') data: Series = axf = AxesFormatter(axes=ax) ax = axf.axes # special kwargs vlines = None if 'vlines' in kwargs.keys(): vlines = kwargs.pop('vlines') if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['label'] = self._parent.label if self._method_name == 'pmf': data.plot(kind=kind, color=color, ax=axf.axes, **kwargs) elif self._method_name == 'cdf': data.plot(kind='line', color=color, drawstyle='steps-post', ax=axf.axes, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('plot not implemented for {}'.format(self._name)) if vlines: axf.axes.vlines(x=k, ymin=0, ymax=data.values, color=color) y_min = axf.get_y_min() y_max = axf.get_y_max() x_mean = self._distribution.mean() if mean: axf.add_v_lines(x=x_mean, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, line_styles='--', colors=color) axf.add_text(x=x_mean, y=self._distribution.pmf(x_mean), text=f'mean={x_mean: 0.3f}', color=color, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') if median: x_median = self._distribution.median() axf.add_v_lines(x=x_median, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, line_styles='-.', colors=color) axf.add_text(x=x_median, y=self._distribution.pmf(x_median), text=f'median={x_median: 0.3f}', color=color, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') if std: x_std = self._distribution.std() axf.add_v_lines(x=[x_mean - x_std, x_mean + x_std], y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, line_styles=':', colors=color) axf.add_text(x=x_mean - x_std / 2, y=self._distribution.pmf(x_mean - x_std / 2), text=f'std={x_std: 0.3f}', color=color, h_align='center', v_align='bottom') ax.set_xlabel(self._parent.x_label) if self._parent.y_label: ax.set_ylabel(self._parent.y_label) else: if self._method_name == 'pmf': ax.set_ylabel('P(K = k)') elif self._method_name == 'cdf': ax.set_ylabel('P(K ≤ k)') else: ax.set_ylabel(self._name) return ax
wins ∝ P($|R=win) losses ∝ P($|R=loss) """ wins: Series = \ 300 * Poisson(lambda_=8).pmf().at(range(1, 51)).rename('win') wins.index = range(100_000, 5_000_001, 100_000) wins = wins.round(0).astype(int) losses: Series = \ 700 * Poisson(lambda_=10).pmf().at(range(1, 51)).rename('loss') losses.index = range(100_000, 5_000_001, 100_000) losses = losses.round(0).astype(int) data = concat([wins, losses], axis=1)[['loss', 'win']] axf = AxesFormatter() def plot_probs(probs: DataFrame, weight): axf = AxesFormatter() data = probs.stack( level=['likelihood', 'prior']).rename('posterior').reset_index() boxplot(data=data, x='likelihood', y='posterior', hue='prior') axf.rotate_x_tick_labels(90) axf.set_y_lim(0, 1.05) axf.set_axis_below().grid() axf.set_text(title=str(weight))