def plot_cno_saline(): data: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv( analysis_folder.joinpath("decoder_cno.csv"), usecols=[1, 2, 3], index_col=[2, 1]).sort_index() # type: ignore group_strs = ('saline', 'cno') paired_data = [data.loc[treat, 'mutual_info'] for treat in group_strs] p_value = wilcoxon(*paired_data).pvalue res = ["median: "] + str(data.groupby("treat").median()).split('\n')[2:] print_stats("saline vs. cno in Gq", res + [f"paired wilcox: p={p_value}"]) with Figure(fig_folder.joinpath("decoder-pair-cno.svg"), figsize=(6, 9)) as axes: boxplots = plots.boxplot(axes[0], paired_data, whis=(10., 90.), zorder=1, showfliers=False, colors=colors[2:4], widths=0.65) plots.dots(axes[0], paired_data, zorder=3, s=24) axes[0].set_xticklabels(["Gq Saline", "Gq CNO"]) plots.annotate_boxplot(axes[0], boxplots, 24, 1.2, [((0, 1), p_value)]) [ axes[0].plot([1, 2], x, color='gray') for x in np.array(paired_data).T ]
def temp(data, ax, name, jitter=0.1): res = ["median: "] res.extend(str(data.groupby("group").median()).split("\n")[1:-1]) annotation = list() for (idx, x), (idy, y) in combinations(enumerate(groups), 2): p = mannwhitneyu(data.loc[x, ], data.loc[y, ]).pvalue if p < 0.05: res.append(f"mann u {x} v. {y}, p={p}") annotation.append(((idx, idy), p)) print_stats(name, res) values = [data.loc[x, ].tolist() for x in groups] boxplots = plots.boxplot(ax, values, zorder=1, whis=(10., 90.), showfliers=False, colors=colors) plots.dots(ax, values, zorder=3, s=24, jitter=jitter) plots.annotate_boxplot(ax, boxplots, 24, 1.2, annotation) ax.set_xticklabels(group_strs) ax.set_ylabel(name)
def temp(data, ax, name): res = ["median: "] + str( data.groupby('group').median()).split('\n')[2:] group_names = ('wt', 'glt1', 'dredd') group_strs = ["WT", "GLT1", "Gq"] annotation = list() for (idx, x), (idy, y) in combinations(enumerate(group_names), 2): p = mannwhitneyu(data.loc[x, ], data.loc[y, ], True, 'two-sided').pvalue res.append(f"mann u, {x} v. {y} p={p}") if p < 0.05: annotation.append(((idx, idy), p)) print_stats(name, res) values = [data.loc[x, "mutual_info"] for x in group_names] boxplots = plots.boxplot(ax, values, whis=(10., 90.), zorder=1, showfliers=False, colors=colors) plots.dots(ax, values, zorder=3, s=24, jitter=0.02) ax.set_xticklabels(group_strs) plots.annotate_boxplot(ax, boxplots, 24, 1.2, annotation)
def draw_diagnal(): data = pd.read_csv(proj_folder.joinpath("data", "analysis", "classifier_power_validated.csv")) means = data.groupby(["id", "session", "group", "type"]).mean() colors = {'wt': '#00272B', 'glt1': '#099963', 'dredd': '#F94040', "gcamp6f": "#619CFF"} xs, ys = zip(*[(means.query(f"type=='corr' and group=='{group}'")['precision'].values, means.query(f"type=='mean' and group=='{group}'")['precision'].values) for group in ('wt', 'gcamp6f', 'glt1', 'dredd')]) # customize Figure generation fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot() pair(xs, ys, [colors[x] for x in ('wt', 'gcamp6f', 'glt1', 'dredd')], ax1, density_params={"bw": 0.5}, scatter_params={"alpha": 0.7}) plt.savefig(fig_folder.joinpath("classifier-scatterplot.svg")) fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 9)) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, sharey=ax1) data_mean = data[data.type == "mean"] data_mean = data_mean.set_index(["group", "id", "session"]) values_mean = [data_mean.loc[group_str, 'precision'].values for group_str in ('wt', 'glt1', 'dredd')] boxplot = plots.boxplot(ax2, values_mean, whis=(10., 90.), showfliers=False, colors=colors.values()) plots.annotate_boxplot(ax2, boxplot, 16, 1.0, p_values=[((0, 1), 0.334), ((0, 2), 0.964)]) ax2.set_xticklabels(["WT", 'gcamp6s', "GLT1", "Gq"]) ax2.set_ylim(*ax1.get_ylim()) plt.savefig(fig_folder.joinpath("classifier-edge.svg"))