Example #1
    def run(self, context):
        if isinstance(self.body, SinOperation):
            return math.asin(self.body.body.run(context))
        if isinstance(self.body, CosOperation):
            return math.acos(self.body.body.run(context))
        if isinstance(self.body, TanOperation):
            return math.atan(self.body.body.run(context))
        if isinstance(self.body, SecOperation):
            return mpmath.asec(self.body.body.run(context))
        if isinstance(self.body, CscOperation):
            return mpmath.acsc(self.body.body.run(context))
        if isinstance(self.body, CotOperation):
            return mpmath.acot(self.body.body.run(context))

        raise Exception("Unsupported inversion operation.")
Example #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created by libsedmlscript v0.0.1

from sed_roadrunner import model, task, plot

from mpmath import asec

Example #3
 def eval(self, z):
     return mpmath.asec(z)
Example #4
 def eval(self, z):
     return mpmath.asec(z) 
Example #5
 'hypot': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.hypot(x, y[0]),
                         None]],  # sqrt(x**2+y**2) 
 'sin': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.sin(x), None]],
 'cos': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.cos(x), None]],
 'tan': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.tan(x), None]],
 'sinpi': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.sinpi(x), None]],  #sin(x * pi) 
 'cospi': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.cospi(x), None]],
 'sec': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.sec(x), None]],
 'csc': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.csc(x), None]],
 'cot': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.cot(x), None]],
 'asin': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.asin(x), None]],
 'acos': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.acos(x), None]],
 'atan': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.atan(x), None]],
 'atan2': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.atan2(y[0], x), None]],
 'asec': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.asec(x), None]],
 'acsc': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.acsc(x), None]],
 'acot': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.acot(x), None]],
 'sinc': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.sinc(x), None]],
 'sincpi': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.sincpi(x), None]],
 'degrees': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.degrees(x),
                           None]],  #radian - >degree 
 'radians': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.radians(x),
                           None]],  #degree - >radian 
 'exp': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.exp(x), None]],
 'expj': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.expj(x), None]],  #exp(x*i) 
 'expjpi': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.expjpi(x), None]],  #exp(x*i*pi)
 'expm1': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.expm1(x), None]],  #exp(x)-1
 'power': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.power(x, y[0]), None]],
 'powm1': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.powm1(x, y[0]),
Example #6
def neighbours(syst0, SC1, SC2, sc1L, sc1R, sc2L, sc2R, Base_a1, Base_a2, a1p,
               a2p, N_ToT, a, b, a1, b1, f1, f2, delta_a, s1x, s1y, s2x, s2y,
               m1, m2):
    xm, ym, zm = SC1 / 2 + SC2 / 2
    n1m, n2m = ((np.array((np.matrix([Base_a1[:2], Base_a2[:2]]).T).I))
                @ np.array([xm, ym])).astype(int)
    n1pm, n2pm = ((np.array(
        (np.matrix([a1p[:2], a2p[:2]]).T).I)) @ np.array([xm, ym])).astype(int)

    ri = a(n1m, n2m).pos
    ria_tag = a(n1m, n2m).tag
    xi, yi, zi = ri
    ria = np.array([xi * f1, yi * f1, zi * f2])

    ri = b(n1m, n2m).pos
    rib_tag = b(n1m, n2m).tag
    xi, yi, zi = ri
    rib = np.array([xi * f1, yi * f1, zi * f2])

    ri = a1(n1pm, n2pm).pos
    ria1_tag = a1(n1pm, n2pm).tag
    xi, yi, zi = ri
    ria1 = np.array([xi * f1, yi * f1, zi * f2])

    ri = b1(n1pm, n2pm).pos
    rib1_tag = b1(n1pm, n2pm).tag
    xi, yi, zi = ri
    rib1 = np.array([xi * f1, yi * f1, zi * f2])

    #  f1=sqrt(3)*delta_a;
    #  f2=d_0;

    nns_a_tag = []
    nns_b_tag = []
    nns_a1_tag = []
    nns_b1_tag = []

    for nj in range(N_ToT):
        rj0 = syst0.sites[nj].pos
        xj, yj, zj = rj0
        rj_abs = np.array([xj * f1, yj * f1, zj * f2])

        rj_tag = syst0.sites[nj].tag
        rjtag_1, rjtag_2 = rj_tag

        if sum(abs(a(rjtag_1, rjtag_2).pos - rj0)) < 10**-8:
            which_sublattice = 0
        if sum(abs(b(rjtag_1, rjtag_2).pos - rj0)) < 10**-8:
            which_sublattice = 1
        if sum(abs(a1(rjtag_1, rjtag_2).pos - rj0)) < 10**-8:
            which_sublattice = 2
        if sum(abs(b1(rjtag_1, rjtag_2).pos - rj0)) < 10**-8:
            which_sublattice = 3

        #for st in {'a','b','a1','b1'}:
        ss = ria - rj_abs
        dis = sqrt(np.dot(ss, ss))
        if (dis < 5 * delta_a):
            ss1 = rj_tag - ria_tag
            ss1 = list(ss1)

        ss = rib - rj_abs
        dis = sqrt(np.dot(ss, ss))
        if (dis < 5 * delta_a):
            ss1 = rj_tag - rib_tag
            ss1 = list(ss1)

        ss = ria1 - rj_abs
        dis = sqrt(np.dot(ss, ss))
        if (dis < 5 * delta_a):
            ss1 = rj_tag - ria1_tag
            ss1 = list(ss1)

        ss = rib1 - rj_abs
        dis = sqrt(np.dot(ss, ss))
        if (dis < 5 * delta_a):
            ss1 = rj_tag - rib1_tag
            ss1 = list(ss1)

    n1i, n2i = syst0.sites[0].tag
    n1f, n2f = syst0.sites[N_ToT - 1].tag

    for i in range(N_ToT):
        n1, n2 = syst0.sites[i].tag
        if n1 < n1i:
            n1i = n1
        if n1 > n1f:
            n1f = n1

        if n2 < n2i:
            n2i = n2
        if n2 > n2f:
            n2f = n2
    nn1 = n1f - n1i + 1
    nn2 = n2f - n2i + 1
    tag2id = np.ones((nn1, nn2, 4), dtype=int) * (-100)
    #tags of B sublattice
    id2tag = [[] for i in range(N_ToT)]

    def xyz_for_sublattice_i(n1, n2, which_i):
        if which_i == 0:
            return a(n1, n2).pos
        elif which_i == 1:
            return b(n1, n2).pos
        elif which_i == 2:
            return a1(n1, n2).pos
        else:  #which_j==3:
            return b1(n1, n2).pos

    i = 0
    for which_i in range(4):
        for n1 in range(n1i, n1f + 1):
            for n2 in range(n2i, n2f + 1):
                xR, yR, zR = xyz_for_sublattice_i(n1, n2, which_i)
                ss1 = s1x * xR + s1y * yR
                ss2 = s2x * xR + s2y * yR
                if (sc1L <= ss1 < sc1R) & (sc2L <= ss2 < sc2R):
                    tag2id[n1 - n1i, n2 - n2i,
                           which_i] = i  #array indices should be >=0
                    id2tag[i] = (n1, n2, which_i)
                    i += 1

#    for which_i in range(4):
#       for n1 in range(n1i,n1f+1):
#          for n2 in range(n2i,n2f+1):
#             xR,yR,zR=xyz_for_sublattice_i(n1,n2,which_i)
#             ss1=s1x*xR+s1y*yR;
#             ss2=s2x*xR+s2y*yR;
#             if (sc1L<=ss1<sc1R)&(sc2L<=ss2<sc2R):
#                  print('tag2id=',n1,n2,which_i,tag2id[n1-n1i,n2-n2i,which_i])
#    print('correct numbering0')
#    sys.exit()
#    for n1 in range(n1i,n1f+1):
#          for n2 in range(n2i,n2f+1):
#             xR,yR,zR=a(n1,n2).pos
#             ss1=s1x*xR+s1y*yR;
#             ss2=s2x*xR+s2y*yR;
#             if (sc1L<=ss1<sc1R)&(sc2L<=ss2<sc2R):
#                tag2id[n1-n1i,n2-n2i,0]=i  #array indices should be >=0
#                id2tag[i]=(n1,n2,0)
#                i+=1
#    for n1 in range(n1i,n1f+1):
#          for n2 in range(n2i,n2f+1):
#             xR,yR,zR=b(n1,n2).pos
#             ss1=s1x*xR+s1y*yR;
#             ss2=s2x*xR+s2y*yR;
#             if (sc1L<=ss1<sc1R)&(sc2L<=ss2<sc2R):
#                tag2id[n1-n1i,n2-n2i,1]=i  #array indices should be >=0
#                id2tag[i]=(n1,n2,1)
#                i+=1
#    for n1 in range(n1i,n1f+1):
#          for n2 in range(n2i,n2f+1):
#             xR,yR,zR=a1(n1,n2).pos
#             ss1=s1x*xR+s1y*yR;
#             ss2=s2x*xR+s2y*yR;
#             if (sc1L<=ss1<sc1R)&(sc2L<=ss2<sc2R):
#                tag2id[n1-n1i,n2-n2i,2]=i  #array indices should be >=0
#                id2tag[i]=(n1,n2,2)
#                i+=1
#    for n1 in range(n1i,n1f+1):
#          for n2 in range(n2i,n2f+1):
#             xR,yR,zR=b1(n1,n2).pos
#             ss1=s1x*xR+s1y*yR;
#             ss2=s2x*xR+s2y*yR;
#             if (sc1L<=ss1<sc1R)&(sc2L<=ss2<sc2R):
#                tag2id[n1-n1i,n2-n2i,3]=i  #array indices should be >=0
#                id2tag[i]=(n1,n2,3)
#                i+=1
    if (i != N_ToT):
        print('total number not right')
    print('correct numbering')

    def nn_pos_for_ni(n1, n2, nnjs, nj):
        n1R_j = n1 + nnjs[nj][0]
        n2R_j = n2 + nnjs[nj][1]
        which_j = nnjs[nj][2]

        if which_j == 0:
            return a(n1R_j, n2R_j).pos, n1R_j, n2R_j, which_j
        elif which_j == 1:
            return b(n1R_j, n2R_j).pos, n1R_j, n2R_j, which_j
        elif which_j == 2:
            return a1(n1R_j, n2R_j).pos, n1R_j, n2R_j, which_j
        else:  #which_j==3:
            return b1(n1R_j, n2R_j).pos, n1R_j, n2R_j, which_j

    boundary_sites = []
    bulk_B = [[] for i in range(N_ToT)]

    # nn_length=[[] for i in range(4)];
    #nn_length[0]=len(nns_a_tag); nn_length[1]=len(nns_b_tag);

    nns = [[] for i in range(N_ToT)]

    nnjs = [[] for i in range(4)]
    nnjs[0] = nns_a_tag
    nnjs[1] = nns_b_tag
    nnjs[2] = nns_a1_tag
    nnjs[3] = nns_b1_tag
    nn_length = [len(nnjs[i]) for i in range(4)]
    print('nn_length=', nn_length)
    num_nn = [0 for i in range(N_ToT)]

    a1p_a1 = 1 / 2 * (1 + np.sqrt(
        (m1**2 - m2**2)**2 / (m1**2 + m1 * m2 + m2**2)**2) + (3 * m1 * m2) /
                      (m1**2 + m1 * m2 + m2**2))
    a2p_a1 = -(
        (2 * cos(pi / 6 + asec(2 - (6 * m1 * m2) /
                               (m1**2 + 4 * m1 * m2 + m2**2)))) / sqrt(3))
    a1p_a2 = -a2p_a1
    a2p_a2 = np.sqrt((m1**2 - m2**2)**2 / (m1**2 + m1 * m2 + m2**2)**2)

    for n1 in range(n1i, n1f + 1):
        for n2 in range(n2i, n2f + 1):
            for which in range(4):
                xR, yR, zR = xyz_for_sublattice_i(n1, n2, which)
                ss1 = s1x * xR + s1y * yR
                ss2 = s2x * xR + s2y * yR
                if (sc1L <= ss1 < sc1R) & (sc2L <= ss2 < sc2R):
                    nn_count = 0
                    for nj in range(nn_length[which]):
                        (xR_j, yR_j,
                         zR_j), n1R_j, n2R_j, which_j = nn_pos_for_ni(
                             n1, n2, nnjs[which], nj)
                        ss1_j = s1x * xR_j + s1y * yR_j
                        ss2_j = s2x * xR_j + s2y * yR_j
                        for n1s in range(-1, 2):
                            for n2s in range(-1, 2):
                                if (sc1L <= ss1_j - n1s * (sc1R - sc1L) <
                                        sc1R) & (sc2L <= ss2_j - n2s *
                                                 (sc2R - sc2L) < sc2R):
                                    if which_j in [0, 1]:
                                        n1R_js = n1R_j - n1s * (int(
                                            round(sc1R - sc1L))) * m1 - n2s * (
                                                int(round(sc2R -
                                                          sc2L))) * (-m2)
                                        n2R_js = n2R_j - n1s * (int(
                                            round(sc1R - sc1L)
                                        )) * (m2) - n2s * (int(
                                            round(sc2R - sc2L))) * (m1 + m2)
                                            n1 - n1i, n2 - n2i, which]].append(
                                                (tag2id[n1R_js - n1i,
                                                        n2R_js - n2i,
                                                        which_j], n1s, n2s)
                                            )  #array indices should be >=0

                                    elif which_j in [2, 3]:
                                        mm11 = int(
                                            round(m1 * a1p_a1 + m2 * a1p_a2))
                                        mm21 = int(
                                            round(-m2 * a1p_a1 +
                                                  (m1 + m2) * a1p_a2))
                                        mm12 = int(
                                            round(m1 * a2p_a1 + m2 * a2p_a2))
                                        mm22 = int(
                                            round(-m2 * a2p_a1 +
                                                  (m1 + m2) * a2p_a2))
                                        n1R_js = n1R_j - n1s * (int(
                                            round(sc1R - sc1L)
                                        )) * mm11 - n2s * (int(
                                            round(sc2R - sc2L))) * mm21
                                        n2R_js = n2R_j - n1s * (int(
                                            round(sc1R - sc1L)
                                        )) * mm12 - n2s * (int(
                                            round(sc2R - sc2L))) * mm22
                                            n1 - n1i, n2 - n2i, which]].append(
                                                (tag2id[n1R_js - n1i,
                                                        n2R_js - n2i,
                                                        which_j], n1s, n2s)
                                            )  #array indices should be >=0
                                    nn_count += 1

                    num_nn[tag2id[n1 - n1i, n2 - n2i, which]] = nn_count

    boundary_sites = []
    for i in range(N_ToT):
        n1, n2, which = id2tag[i]
        if ((num_nn[i]) != nn_length[which]):
    print('boundary_sites=', len(boundary_sites))

    #    for ni in boundary_sites:
    #        ri0=syst0.sites[ni].pos;      xi,yi,zi=ri0;  ri=np.array([xi*f1,yi*f1,zi*f2]);
    #        for nj in boundary_sites:
    #             rj0=syst0.sites[nj].pos;
    #             for n1 in range(-1,2):
    #                for n2 in range(-1,2):
    #                   if not((n1==0)&(n2==0)):
    #                     rjn=rj0+(n1*SC1+n2*SC2); xj,yj,zj=rjn;
    #                     rj_abs=np.array([xj*f1,yj*f1,zj*f2]);
    #                     ss=ri-rj_abs;
    #                     dis=sqrt(np.dot(ss,ss));
    #                     if (dis<5*delta_a):
    #                           nns[ni].append((nj,n1,n2))

    for ni in range(N_ToT):
        n1, n2, which = id2tag[ni]
        if (len(nns[ni]) != nn_length[which]):
            print(len(nns[ni]), nn_length[which])
            print('number of neighbors not equal to len[nns[ni]]:  wrong!')

    return nns_a_tag, nns_b_tag, nns_a1_tag, nns_b1_tag, tag2id, n1i, n1f, n2i, n2f, nns