Example #1
def K_(a):
	Compute the K function
# 	res = B_(a[0]+a[1], a[2]+a[3]) - (B_(a[0], a[2]) + B_(a[1],a[3]))
	return mpmath.beta(a[0]+a[1], a[2]+a[3])/(mpmath.beta(a[0], a[2]) * mpmath.beta(a[1],a[3]))
Example #2
def beta_binomial(k,n,a,b,multi_precission=False):
	Beta binomial function, returning the probability of k successes in n trials (given a p distribution beta of barameters a and b), and supporting multiprecission output.
	k : int, ndarray
	n : int, ndarray
	a, b : int,ndarray
		Parameters of the beta distribution.
	multi_precission : bool, optional
		Whether or not to use multiprecision floating-point output (default: False).
	p : int,ndarray
		Probability of k successes in n trials.
	>>> n = 80000
	>>> k = 40000
	>>> mp_comb(n, k)
	if multi_precission:
		import mpmath as mp
		p = mp_comb(n,k) * mp.beta(k+a, n-k+b) / mp.beta(a,b)
		from scipy.special import beta
		from scipy.misc import comb
		p = comb(n,k) * beta(k+a, n-k+b) / beta(a,b)
	return p
def pdf_bb_ratio(a1, a2, b1, b2, w):
    lnA = mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a1, b1)) + mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a2, b2))

    def pdf_calc(wi):
        if wi < 0:
            print('Ratio below Zero! Not reasonable!')
        elif wi == 0:
            resulti = 0
        elif wi < 1:
            resulti = mpmath.exp(
                mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a1 + a2, b2)) +
                (a1 - 1.0) * mpmath.log(wi) +
                log_hyper_2F1(a1 + a2, 1 - b1, a1 + a2 + b2, wi) - lnA)
            resulti = mpmath.exp(
                mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a1 + a2, b1)) -
                (1.0 + a2) * mpmath.log(wi) +
                log_hyper_2F1(a1 + a2, 1 - b2, a1 + a2 + b1, (1 / wi)) - lnA)
        return resulti

    if isinstance(w, int) or isinstance(w, float) or isinstance(w, mpmath.mpf):
        result = pdf_calc(w)
        result = np.zeros(len(w))
        for i in range(len(w)):
            wi = w[i]
            result[i] = pdf_calc(wi)
    return result
Example #4
def test_beta():

    b = np.r_[np.logspace(-200, 200, 4),
              np.logspace(-10, 10, 4),
              np.logspace(-1, 1, 4), -1, -2.3, -3, -100.3, -10003.4]
    a = b

    ab = np.array(np.broadcast_arrays(a[:, None], b[None, :])).reshape(2, -1).T

    old_dps, old_prec = mpmath.mp.dps, mpmath.mp.prec
        mpmath.mp.dps = 400

                          lambda a, b: float(mpmath.beta(a, b)),

            lambda a, b: float(mpmath.log(abs(mpmath.beta(a, b)))),
        mpmath.mp.dps, mpmath.mp.prec = old_dps, old_prec
Example #5
def beta_binomial(k, n, a, b, multi_precission=False):
	Beta binomial function, returning the probability of k successes in n trials (given a p distribution beta of parameters a and b), and supporting multiprecission output.

	k : int, ndarray
	n : int, ndarray
	a, b : int,ndarray
		Parameters of the beta distribution.
	multi_precission : bool, optional
		Whether or not to use multiprecision floating-point output (default: False).

	p : int,ndarray
		Probability of k successes in n trials.

	>>> n = 80000
	>>> k = 40000
	>>> mp_comb(n, k)
    if multi_precission:
        import mpmath as mp
        p = mp_comb(n, k) * mp.beta(k + a, n - k + b) / mp.beta(a, b)
        from scipy.special import beta
        from scipy.misc import comb
        p = comb(n, k) * beta(k + a, n - k + b) / beta(a, b)
    return p
Example #6
def test_beta():

    b = np.r_[np.logspace(-200, 200, 4),
              np.logspace(-10, 10, 4),
              np.logspace(-1, 1, 4),
              -1, -2.3, -3, -100.3, -10003.4]
    a = b

    ab = np.array(np.broadcast_arrays(a[:,None], b[None,:])).reshape(2, -1).T

    old_dps, old_prec = mpmath.mp.dps, mpmath.mp.prec
        mpmath.mp.dps = 400

                          lambda a, b: float(mpmath.beta(a, b)),

            lambda a, b: float(mpmath.log(abs(mpmath.beta(a, b)))),
        mpmath.mp.dps, mpmath.mp.prec = old_dps, old_prec
Example #7
def func_ppf(x, a0, b0, a1, b1, p):
    """Function CDF ratio of beta function for root-finding."""
    mp.mp.dps = 100
    one = mp.mp.one

    c = mp.beta(a0 + a1, b0) / (mp.beta(a0, b0) * mp.beta(a1, b1))
    c *= mp.mpf(x) ** -a1 / a1
    f = mp.hyp3f2(a1, a0 + a1, one - b1, a1 + one, a0 + a1 + b0, one / x)
    return float(one - c * f) - p
Example #8
def pmf(k, ntotal, ngood, nsample):
    Probability mass function of the hypergeometric distribution.
    _validate(ntotal, ngood, nsample)
    nbad = ntotal - ngood
    numer = (ntotal + 1) * mpmath.beta(ntotal - nsample + 1, nsample + 1)
    denom = ((ngood + 1) * (nbad + 1) * mpmath.beta(k + 1, ngood - k + 1) *
             mpmath.beta(nsample - k + 1, nbad - nsample + k + 1))
    pmf = numer / denom
    return pmf
Example #9
def e_ratio(a,b,e,x):
  # Get S
  bt2 = mp.beta(a,b-1.0)             # Beta function
  bix = mp.betainc(a,b+1.0,0.0,e)    # Incomplete Beta function
  hf = mp.hyp2f1(1.0,a,a+b-1.0,-1.0) # 2F1, Gauss' hypergeometric function
  hfre = mp.re(hf)
  Sval = bix - x*bt2*hfre
  # Get U
  c1 = mp.mpc(1.0 + a)
  c2 = mp.mpc(-b)
  c3 = mp.mpc(1.0)
  c4 = mp.mpc(2.0 + a)
  Uval = mp.appellf1(c1,c2,c3,c4,e,-e)
  Ure = mp.re(Uval)
  # Get P & Q
  Pval = mp.hyp2f1(a+1.0,1.0-b,a+2.0,e) # 2F1, Gauss' hypergeometric function
  Pre = mp.re(Pval)
  Qval = mp.hyp2f1(a+1.0,2.0-b,a+2.0,e) # 2F1, Gauss' hypergeometric function
  Qre = mp.re(Qval)
  # Get T
  Tval = ( (e**(1.0+a)) / (1.0+a) )*( 3.0*Pre + 2.0*Qre - Ure )
  Tval = Tval + 4.0*Sval
  # Get Rval (ratio)
  Rval = 0.25*(1.0-e*e)*( (1.0-e)**(1.0-b) )*( e**(1.0-a) )*Tval
  return Rval
Example #10
 def beta(a, b):
     if a < -1e12 or b < -1e12:
         # Function is defined here only at integers, but due
         # to loss of precision this is numerically
         # ill-defined. Don't compare values here.
         return np.nan
     return mpmath.beta(a, b)
Example #11
def e_ratio(a, b, e, x):
    # Get S
    bt2 = mp.beta(a, b - 1.0)  # Beta function
    bix = mp.betainc(a, b + 1.0, 0.0, e)  # Incomplete Beta function
    hf = mp.hyp2f1(1.0, a, a + b - 1.0,
                   -1.0)  # 2F1, Gauss' hypergeometric function
    hfre = mp.re(hf)
    Sval = bix - x * bt2 * hfre
    # Get U
    c1 = mp.mpc(1.0 + a)
    c2 = mp.mpc(-b)
    c3 = mp.mpc(1.0)
    c4 = mp.mpc(2.0 + a)
    Uval = mp.appellf1(c1, c2, c3, c4, e, -e)
    Ure = mp.re(Uval)
    # Get P & Q
    Pval = mp.hyp2f1(a + 1.0, 1.0 - b, a + 2.0,
                     e)  # 2F1, Gauss' hypergeometric function
    Pre = mp.re(Pval)
    Qval = mp.hyp2f1(a + 1.0, 2.0 - b, a + 2.0,
                     e)  # 2F1, Gauss' hypergeometric function
    Qre = mp.re(Qval)
    # Get T
    Tval = ((e**(1.0 + a)) / (1.0 + a)) * (3.0 * Pre + 2.0 * Qre - Ure)
    Tval = Tval + 4.0 * Sval
    # Get Rval (ratio)
    Rval = 0.25 * (1.0 - e * e) * (
        (1.0 - e)**(1.0 - b)) * (e**(1.0 - a)) * Tval
    return Rval
Example #12
def t_sf(t, df):
    lhs = 1 / (mp.sqrt(df) * mp.beta(0.5, df / 2))
    rhs = (1 + ((mp.mpf(t)**2) / df))**(-(df + 1) / 2)
    # a = df / 2
    # b = 1 / 2
    # x = df / ((t ** 2) + df)
    # I = mp.betainc(a, b, 0, x)
    return lhs * rhs
Example #13
def multi_winner_ode(c, y, n, k):
    w = y[0] #input comes in as an array

    c = mp.mpf(c)
    w = mp.mpf(w)
    num = -2**(-n) * (2-c)**(n-k-1) * c**(k-1) * (2*c - w - 2) * (w-2)
    denom = (c-w) * mp.beta(k, n-k) * mp.betainc(k, n-k, 0, c/2, regularized=True)
    return num/denom
 def pdf_calc(wi):
     if wi < 0:
         print('Ratio below Zero! Not reasonable!')
     elif wi == 0:
         resulti = 0
     elif wi < 1:
         resulti = mpmath.exp(
             mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a1 + a2, b2)) +
             (a1 - 1.0) * mpmath.log(wi) +
             log_hyper_2F1(a1 + a2, 1 - b1, a1 + a2 + b2, wi) - lnA)
         resulti = mpmath.exp(
             mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a1 + a2, b1)) -
             (1.0 + a2) * mpmath.log(wi) +
             log_hyper_2F1(a1 + a2, 1 - b2, a1 + a2 + b1, (1 / wi)) - lnA)
     return resulti
Example #15
def mean(c, d, scale):
    Mean of the Burr type XII distribution.
    _validate_params(c, d, scale)
    with mpmath.extradps(5):
        c = mpmath.mpf(c)
        d = mpmath.mpf(d)
        scale = mpmath.mpf(scale)
        return d*mpmath.beta(d - 1/c, 1 + 1/c)*scale
 def cum_pdf_calc(wi):
     if wi < 0:
         print('Ratio below Zero! Not reasonable!')
     elif wi == 0:
         resulti = 0
     elif wi < 1:
         resulti = mpmath.exp(
             mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a1 + a2, b2)) + a1 * mpmath.log(wi) -
             mpmath.log(a1) +
             log_hyper_3F2(a1, a1 + a2, 1 - b1, a1 + 1, a1 + a2 + b2, wi) -
         resulti = 1 - mpmath.exp(
             mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(a1 + a2, b1)) - a2 * mpmath.log(wi) -
             mpmath.log(a2) +
             log_hyper_3F2(a2, a1 + a2, 1 - b2, a2 + 1, a1 + a2 + b1,
                           (1 / wi)) - lnA)
     return resulti
Example #17
def beta_pdf(m, s, t):
    n = m * (1 - m) / (s**2)
    a = (m * n)
    b = ((1 - m) * n)

    # print(n,a,b)

    num = t**(a - 1) * (1 - t)**(b - 1)
    den = beta(
        a, b)  ## I believe this works well, based on some tests with Desmos

    return float(num / den)
Example #18
def var(c, d, scale):
    Variance of the Burr type XII distribution.
    _validate_params(c, d, scale)
    with mpmath.extradps(5):
        c = mpmath.mpf(c)
        d = mpmath.mpf(d)
        scale = mpmath.mpf(scale)
        mu1 = mean(c, d, 1)
        mu2 = d*mpmath.beta(d - 2/c, 1 + 2/c)
        return scale**2 * (-mu1**2 + mu2)
Example #19
 def N(self,p,z):
     a = (z-p)**2
     b = (z+p)**2
     N = len(self.n)
     res = np.zeros(N)
     for n in range(N):
         beta = mp.beta((n+8)/4,1/2)
         appell = self.appellf1(1/2,1,1/2,(n+10)/4,(a-1)/a,(1-a)/(b-a))
         gauss = self.hyp2f1(1/2,1/2,(n+10)/4,(1-a)/(b-a))
         res[n] = (1-a)**(n/4+3/2)/np.sqrt(b - a)*beta*(
                           (z**2-p**2)/a*appell - gauss) 
     return res
Example #20
def entropy(df):
    Entropy of Student's t distribution.
    if df <= 0:
        raise ValueError('df must be greater than 0')

    with mpmath.extradps(5):
        df = mpmath.mpf(df)
        h = df/2
        h1 = (df + 1)/2
        return (h1*(mpmath.digamma(h1) - mpmath.digamma(h)) +
                mpmath.log(mpmath.sqrt(df)*mpmath.beta(h, 0.5)))
Example #21
 def beta(a, b, nonzero=False):
     if a < -1e12 or b < -1e12:
         # Function is defined here only at integers, but due
         # to loss of precision this is numerically
         # ill-defined. Don't compare values here.
         return np.nan
     if (a < 0 or b < 0) and (abs(float(a + b)) % 1) == 0:
         # close to a zero of the function: mpmath and scipy
         # will not round here the same, so the test needs to be
         # run with an absolute tolerance
         if nonzero:
             bad_points.append((float(a), float(b)))
             return np.nan
     return mpmath.beta(a, b)
Example #22
 def beta(a, b, nonzero=False):
     if a < -1e12 or b < -1e12:
         # Function is defined here only at integers, but due
         # to loss of precision this is numerically
         # ill-defined. Don't compare values here.
         return np.nan
     if (a < 0 or b < 0) and (abs(float(a + b)) % 1) == 0:
         # close to a zero of the function: mpmath and scipy
         # will not round here the same, so the test needs to be
         # run with an absolute tolerance
         if nonzero:
             bad_points.append((float(a), float(b)))
             return np.nan
     return mpmath.beta(a, b)
Example #23
def pdf(x, dfn, dfd):
    Probability density function of the F distribution.

    `dfn` and `dfd` are the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom, resp.
    if x <= 0:
        return mpmath.mp.zero
    with mpmath.mp.extradps(5):
        x = mpmath.mp.mpf(x)

        dfn = mpmath.mp.mpf(dfn)
        dfd = mpmath.mp.mpf(dfd)
        r = dfn / dfd
        hdfn = dfn / 2
        hdfd = dfd / 2
        p = (r**hdfn
             * x**(hdfn - 1)
             * (1 + r*x)**(-(hdfn + hdfd))
             / mpmath.beta(hdfn, hdfd))
        return p
Example #24
 def case_nonld(self,p,z):
     ld_coef = self.ld_coef 
     n = self.n 
     omega = self.omega
     if p>0 and 1/2+abs(p-1/2)<z<1+p:
         return 1 - np.sum( self.N(p,z)*ld_coef/(n+4))/2/np.pi/omega
     elif 0<p<1/2 and (p<z<1-p or z==1-p):
         L = p**2*(1-p**2/2-z**2)
         return 1 - (ld_coef[0]*p**2 + ld_coef[4]*L +
     elif 0<p<1/2 and z==p:
         hyp = np.zeros(len(n))
         for i in range(len(n)):
             hyp[i] = self.hyp2f1(1/2,-n[i]/4-1,1,4*p**2)
         return 1/2 + np.sum( ld_coef/(n+4)*hyp )/2/omega
     elif p==1/2 and z==1/2:
         coef = np.zeros(len(n))
         for i in range(len(n)):
             coef[i] = self.gamma(1.5+n[i]/4)/self.gamma(2+n[i]/4)
         return 1/2 + np.sum( ld_coef/(n+4)*coef )/2/np.sqrt(np.pi)/omega
     elif p>1/2 and z==p:
         coef = np.zeros(len(n))
         for i in range(len(n)):
             coef[i] = (mp.beta(0.5,n[i]/4+2) *
         return 1/2 + np.sum( ld_coef/(n+4)*coef )/4/p/np.pi/omega
     elif p>1/2 and abs(1-p)<=z<p: 
         return  - np.sum( self.N(p,z)*ld_coef/(n+4))/2/np.pi/omega
     elif 0<p<1 and 0<z<1/2-abs(p-1/2):  
         L = p**2*(1-p**2/2-z**2)
         return (ld_coef[0]*(1-p**2)+ld_coef[4]*(0.5-L) -
     elif 0<p<1 and z==0:
         return np.sum(ld_coef*(1-p**2)**(n/4+1)/(n+4))/omega
     elif p>1 and 0<=z<p-1:
         return 0.
Example #25
mp.dps = 1000
mp.pretty = True

n = 4

j = n-1
# n here is other number of players aka N-1
# k is # number of winners
k = 2

H = lambda c, w: (-(1-c)**(j-k) * c**(k-1) * (w-1) * (1-2*c + w))/(2 * mp.beta(k, j+1-k) * (1 - mp.betainc(k, j+1-k, 0, c, regularized=True)))
G = lambda c, w: (-(1-c)**(j-k) * c**(k-1) * (w-1) * (1-2*c + w))/(2 * beta(k, j+1-k) * (1 - mp.betainc(k, j+1-k, 0, c, regularized=True)))
num = lambda c, w: -(1-c)**(j-k) * c**(k-1) * (w-1) * (1-2*c + w)
denom = lambda c,w: 2 * mp.beta(k, j+1-k) * (1 - mp.betainc(k, j+1-k, 0, c, regularized=True))

func = lambda c, w: (2**(-1 - n) * (2 - c)**(-k + n) * c**(-1 +  k) * (-4 + 4 * c - 2 * c * w + w**2))  \
     / (mp.beta(k, 1 - k + n)* (-1 + mp.betainc( k, 1 - k + n,0, c/2) * (c - w)))

c_end = mp.mpf('0')
c_0 = mp.mpf('1.995')
w_0 = mp.mpf('1.99')

w_c = [w_0]
cs = [c_0]
def betaMergerRate(b, k, alpha=alphaDefault):
    if 1 < k and k <= b:
        return mp.beta(k-1, b-k+1) / mp.beta(2-alpha, alpha)
        print "wrong parameters in betaMergerRate. b, k = %s, %s"%(str(b), str(k))
        return mp.mpf('0')
Example #27
def pearsonr(x, y, alternative='two-sided'):
    Pearson's correlation coefficient.

    Returns the correlation coefficient r and the p-value.

    x and y must be one-dimensional sequences with the same lengths.

    The function assumes all the values in x and y are finite
    (no `inf`, no `nan`).

    >>> from mpsci.stats import pearsonr
    >>> import mpmath
    >>> mpmath.mp.dps = 25
    >>> x = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10]
    >>> y = [0.25, 2, 2, 2.5, 2.4, 5.5]

    Compute the correlation coefficent and p-value.

    >>> r, p = pearsonr(x, y)
    >>> r
    >>> p

    Compute a one-sided p-value.  The correlation coefficient is the
    same; only the p-value is different.

    >>> r, p = pearsonr(x, y, alternative='greater')
    >>> r
    >>> p
    if alternative not in ['two-sided', 'less', 'greater']:
        raise ValueError("alternative must be 'two-sided', 'less', or "
    if len(x) != len(y):
        raise ValueError('lengths of x and y must be the same.')

    if all(x[0] == t for t in x[1:]) or all(y[0] == t for t in y[1:]):
        return mpmath.nan, mpmath.nan

    if len(x) == 2:
        return mpmath.sign(x[1] - x[0]) * mpmath.sign(y[1] -
                                                      y[0]), mpmath.mpf(1)

    x = [mpmath.mp.mpf(float(t)) for t in x]
    y = [mpmath.mp.mpf(float(t)) for t in y]

    xmean = sum(x) / len(x)
    ymean = sum(y) / len(y)

    xm = [t - xmean for t in x]
    ym = [t - ymean for t in y]

    num = sum(s * t for s, t in zip(xm, ym))
    den = mpmath.sqrt(sum(t**2 for t in xm) * sum(t**2 for t in ym))
    r = num / den

    n = len(x)
    a = mpmath.mpf(float(n)) / 2 - 1
    if alternative == 'two-sided':
        p = 2 * mpmath.betainc(a, a, x2=0.5 * (1 - abs(r))) / mpmath.beta(a, a)
    elif alternative == 'less':
        p = mpmath.betainc(a, a, x2=0.5 * (1 + r)) / mpmath.beta(a, a)
        # alternative == 'greater'
        p = mpmath.betainc(a, a, x2=0.5 * (1 - r)) / mpmath.beta(a, a)

    return r, p
Example #28
def fmt(f, inputs, out):
    # Here we set up output. We hope that refcounting will collect fds
    # promptly
    if out is None:
        out = sys.stdout
        out = open(out, 'w')
    for xs in inputs:
        param = ["%.18g" % x for x in xs]
        sOut = mpmath.nstr(f(*xs), mpmath.mp.dps)
        print('\t'.join(param + [sOut]), file=out)

## ================================================================

fmt(mpmath.erf, load_inputs('inputs/erf.dat'), 'erf.dat')
fmt(mpmath.erf, load_inputs('inputs/erf.dat'), 'erf.dat')
fmt(mpmath.erfc, load_inputs('inputs/erfc.dat'), 'erfc.dat')
fmt(mpmath.erfc, load_inputs('inputs/erfc-large.dat'), 'erfc-large.dat')
fmt(mpmath.loggamma, load_inputs('inputs/loggamma.dat'), 'loggamma.dat')
fmt(mpmath.digamma, load_inputs('inputs/digamma.dat'), 'digamma.dat')
fmt(mpmath.expm1, load_inputs('inputs/expm1.dat'), 'expm1.dat')
fmt(mpmath.log1p, load_inputs('inputs/log1p.dat'), 'log1p.dat')
fmt(lambda x: mpmath.log(mpmath.factorial(x)),
    map(lambda x: (x, ), range(0, 20000)), 'factorial.dat')
fmt(lambda a, x: mpmath.gammainc(z=a, a=0, b=x, regularized=True),
    load_inputs_cartesian('inputs/igamma.dat'), 'igamma.dat')
fmt(lambda p, q: mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(p, q)),
    load_inputs_cartesian('inputs/logbeta.dat'), 'logbeta.dat')
 def calc(p, s, f):
     return mpmath.exp((s - 1) * mpmath.log(p) +
                       mpmath.mpf(f - 1) * mpmath.log(1 - p) -
                       mpmath.log(mpmath.beta(s, f)))
Example #30
 def _H(alpha, m, lmd, d):
     H2 = mp.beta(m / 2, (lmd + d) / 2) * mp.log(alpha)
     Q = mp.quad(lambda v: _integrand(v, alpha, m, lmd, d), [0, mp.inf])
     H3 = (1 + lmd / m) * Q
     return H2 + H3