Example #1
def OLDgetPartitionNumber( n ):
    if n < 0:
        return 0

    if n < 2:
        return 1

    result = mpmathify( 0 )

    for k in arange( 1, n + 1 ):
        #n1 = n - k * ( 3 * k - 1 ) / 2
        n1 = fsub( n, fdiv( fmul( k, fsub( fmul( 3, k ), 1 ) ), 2 ) )
        #n2 = n - k * ( 3 * k + 1 ) / 2
        n2 = fsub( n, fdiv( fmul( k, fadd( fmul( 3, k ), 1 ) ), 2 ) )

        result = fadd( result, fmul( power( -1, fadd( k, 1 ) ), fadd( getPartitionNumber( n1 ), getPartitionNumber( n2 ) ) ) )

        if n1 <= 0:

    #old = NOT_QUITE_AS_OLDgetPartitionNumber( n )
    #if ( old != result ):
    #    raise ValueError( "It's broke." )

    return result
Example #2
File: p66.py Project: domspad/euler
def cont_frac_expansion_sqrt(n):
	n is NOT square
	e.g. 2 --> (1,2) (2 repeats)
	if is_square(n):
		return 0
	seq = []
	r = mp.sqrt(n,prec=1000) # DOESNT MATTER?
	a = floor(r)
	fls = [r]
	r = mp.fdiv(1.,mp.fsub(r,a,prec=1000),prec=1000)
	a = floor(r)
	r = mp.fdiv(1.,mp.fsub(r,a,prec=1000),prec=1000) #THESE TWO MATTER!!!
	a = floor(r)
	while not close(r, fls[1]):
		r = mp.fdiv(1.,mp.fsub(r,a,prec=1000),prec=1000) #THESE TWO MATTER!!!
		a = floor(r)
	# print seq
	return seq
Example #3
def getNthNonagonalOctagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt6 = sqrt( 6 )
    sqrt7 = sqrt( 7 )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( fmul( 11, sqrt7 ), fmul( 9, sqrt6 ) ),
                                    power( fadd( sqrt6, sqrt7 ), fsub( fmul( 8, real_int( n ) ), 5 ) ) ),
                              672 ) ) )
Example #4
def getRobbinsConstant( ):
    robbins = fsub( fsub( fadd( 4, fmul( 17, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), fmul( 6, sqrt( 3 ) ) ), fmul( 7, pi ) )
    robbins = fdiv( robbins, 105 )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( log( fadd( 1, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), 5 ) )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( fmul( 2, log( fadd( 2, sqrt( 3 ) ) ) ), 5 ) )

    return robbins
Example #5
def oldGetPartitionNumber(n):
    if n < 2:
        return 1

    result = mpmathify(0)

    for k in arange(1, n + 1):
        #n1 = n - k * ( 3 * k - 1 ) / 2
        sub1 = fsub(n, fdiv(fmul(k, fsub(fmul(3, k), 1)), 2))
        #n2 = n - k * ( 3 * k + 1 ) / 2
        sub2 = fsub(n, fdiv(fmul(k, fadd(fmul(3, k), 1)), 2))

        result = fadd(
            fmul(power(-1, fadd(k, 1)),
                 fadd(getPartitionNumber(sub1), getPartitionNumber(sub2))))

        if sub1 <= 0:

    #old = NOT_QUITE_AS_OLDgetPartitionNumber( n )
    #if ( old != result ):
    #    raise ValueError( "It's broke." )

    return result
 def _findLeaving(self, enteringPos):
   increase = mp.fsub(mp.inf,'1')
   idx = mp.inf
   pos = -1
   # find the variable with the smaller upper bound to the increase in the entering variable
   # if there are multiple choices, set the one with the smaller index on the list of basic indexes
   for i in range(self.m):
     upperBound = self._getUpperBound(self.b[i], self.A[i, enteringPos])
     # if this variable impose more constraint on the increase of the entering variable
     # than the current leaving variable, then this is the new leaving variable
     if upperBound <= mp.fsub(increase, self.tolerance):
       idx = self.basicIdx[i]
       pos = i
       increase = upperBound
     # if this variable impose the same constraint on the increase of the entering variable
     # than the current leaving variable  (considering the tolerance) but has a lower index, 
     # then this is the new leaving variable
     elif mp.almosteq(upperBound, increase, self.tolerance) and self.basicIdx[i] < idx:
       idx = self.basicIdx[i]
       pos = i
   if pos >= 0:
     return idx, pos
     return Dictionary.UNBOUNDEDCODE, Dictionary.UNBOUNDED
Example #7
    def _findLeaving(self, enteringPos):
        increase = mp.fsub(mp.inf, '1')
        idx = mp.inf
        pos = -1

        # find the variable with the smaller upper bound to the increase in the entering variable
        # if there are multiple choices, set the one with the smaller index on the list of basic indexes
        for i in range(self.m):
            upperBound = self._getUpperBound(self.b[i], self.A[i, enteringPos])

            # if this variable impose more constraint on the increase of the entering variable
            # than the current leaving variable, then this is the new leaving variable
            if upperBound <= mp.fsub(increase, self.tolerance):
                idx = self.basicIdx[i]
                pos = i
                increase = upperBound
            # if this variable impose the same constraint on the increase of the entering variable
            # than the current leaving variable  (considering the tolerance) but has a lower index,
            # then this is the new leaving variable
            elif mp.almosteq(upperBound, increase,
                             self.tolerance) and self.basicIdx[i] < idx:
                idx = self.basicIdx[i]
                pos = i

        if pos >= 0:
            return idx, pos
            return Dictionary.UNBOUNDEDCODE, Dictionary.UNBOUNDED
Example #8
def getSigma( target ):
    Returns the sum of the divisors of n, including 1 and n.

    n = floor( target )

    if real( n ) == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return 1

    factors = getECMFactors( n ) if g.ecm else getFactors( n )

    result = 1

    for factor in factors:
        numerator = fsub( power( factor[ 0 ], fadd( factor[ 1 ], 1 ) ), 1 )
        denominator = fsub( factor[ 0 ], 1 )
        #debugPrint( 'sigma', numerator, denominator )
        result = fmul( result, fdiv( numerator, denominator ) )

        if result != floor( result ):
            raise ValueError( 'insufficient precision for \'sigma\', increase precision (-p))' )

    return result
Example #9
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumber( n ):
    sign = power( -1, real( n ) )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( 7, fprod( [ 2, sqrt( 6 ), sign ] ) ),
                                    power( fadd( sqrt( 3 ), sqrt( 2 ) ),
                                           fsub( fmul( 4, real_int( n ) ), 2 ) ) ),
                              96 ) ) )
Example #10
def getRobbinsConstant( ):
    robbins = fsub( fsub( fadd( 4, fmul( 17, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), fmul( 6, sqrt( 3 ) ) ), fmul( 7, pi ) )
    robbins = fdiv( robbins, 105 )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( log( fadd( 1, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), 5 ) )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( fmul( 2, log( fadd( 2, sqrt( 3 ) ) ) ), 5 ) )

    return robbins
Example #11
def getEulerPhi( n ):
    if real( n ) < 2:
        return n

    if g.ecm:
        return reduce( fmul, ( fmul( fsub( i[ 0 ], 1 ), power( i[ 0 ], fsub( i[ 1 ], 1 ) ) ) for i in getECMFactors( n ) ) )
        return reduce( fmul, ( fmul( fsub( i[ 0 ], 1 ), power( i[ 0 ], fsub( i[ 1 ], 1 ) ) ) for i in getFactors( n ) ) )
Example #12
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n):
    sign = power(-1, n)

    return nint(
                fmul(fsub(7, fprod([2, sqrt(6), sign])),
                     power(fadd(sqrt(3), sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, n), 2))), 96)))
Example #13
    def subtract( self, other ):
        if isinstance( other, RPNMeasurement ):
            if self.units == other.units:
                return RPNMeasurement( fsub( self.value, other.value ), self.units )
                return RPNMeasurement( fsub( self.value, other.convertValue( self ) ), self.units )

            return RPNMeasurement( fsub( self.value, other ), self.units )
Example #14
def getNthDecagonalHeptagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt10 = sqrt( 10 )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fsub( 11,
                                             fmul( fmul( 2, sqrt10 ),
                                                   power( -1, real_int( n ) ) ) ),
                                       fadd( 1, sqrt10 ),
                                       power( fadd( 3, sqrt10 ),
                                              fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 3 ) ) ] ), 320 ) ) )
Example #15
def getNthNonagonalPentagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt21 = sqrt( 21 )
    sign = power( -1, real_int( n ) )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fadd( 25, fmul( 4, sqrt21 ) ),
                                       fsub( 5, fmul( sqrt21, sign ) ),
                                       power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 7 ) ), fmul( 3, sqrt( 3 ) ) ),
                                              fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 4 ) ) ] ),
                              336 ) ) )
Example #16
def getNthNonagonalOctagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt6 = sqrt(6)
    sqrt7 = sqrt(7)

    return nint(
                fmul(fsub(fmul(11, sqrt7), fmul(9, sqrt6)),
                     power(fadd(sqrt6, sqrt7), fsub(fmul(8, n), 5))), 672)))
Example #17
    def subtract(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, RPNMeasurement):
            if self.units == other.units:
                return RPNMeasurement(fsub(self.value, other.value),

            return RPNMeasurement(fsub(self.value, other.convertValue(self)),

        return RPNMeasurement(fsub(self.value, other), self.units)
Example #18
def getNthNonagonalTriangularNumber( n ):
    a = fmul( 3, sqrt( 7 ) )
    b = fadd( 8, a )
    c = fsub( 8, a )

    return nint( fsum( [ fdiv( 5, 14 ),
                         fmul( fdiv( 9, 28 ), fadd( power( b, real_int( n ) ), power( c, n ) ) ),
                         fprod( [ fdiv( 3, 28 ),
                                  sqrt( 7 ),
                                  fsub( power( b, n ), power( c, n ) ) ] ) ] ) )
Example #19
def getNthMenageNumber( n ):
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError( '\'menage\' requires a non-negative argument' )
    elif n in [ 1, 2 ]:
        return 0
    elif n in [ 0, 3 ]:
        return 1
        return nsum( lambda k: fdiv( fprod( [ power( -1, k ), fmul( 2, n ), binomial( fsub( fmul( 2, n ), k ), k ),
                                            fac( fsub( n, k ) ) ] ), fsub( fmul( 2, n ), k ) ), [ 0, n ] )
Example #20
def getNthSquareTriangularNumber( n ):
    neededPrecision = int( real_int( n ) * 3.5 )  # determined by experimentation

    if mp.dps < neededPrecision:
        setAccuracy( neededPrecision )

    sqrt2 = sqrt( 2 )

    return nint( power( fdiv( fsub( power( fadd( 1, sqrt2 ), fmul( 2, n ) ),
                                           power( fsub( 1, sqrt2 ), fmul( 2, n ) ) ),
                                    fmul( 4, sqrt2 ) ), 2 ) )
Example #21
def getNthDecagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt10 = sqrt(10)

    return nint(
                    fsub(11, fmul(fmul(2, sqrt10), power(-1, n))),
                    fadd(1, sqrt10),
                    power(fadd(3, sqrt10), fsub(fmul(4, n), 3))
                ]), 320)))
Example #22
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Design Serial Diode')
    parser.add_argument('Vs', type=float, help='Voltage supply')
                        help='Desired current over the diode in Amps')
        help='Diode Saturation current in Amps (default = 1e-12)')
                        help='Emission Coefficient (default = 1)')
                        help='Thermal Voltage in Volts (default = 0.026)')
                        help='Draw a graph')
                        help='Print debug')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    Vs = args.Vs
    Id = args.Id
    Is = args.Is
    N = args.N
    Vt = args.Vt
    nVt = N * Vt

    if args.verbose:
    logging.info(f'Vs: {Vs}, Id: {Id}, Is: {Is}, N: {N}, Vt: {Vt}')

    Vd = fmul(log(fadd(fdiv(Id, Is), mpf(1))), nVt)
    VR = fsub(Vs, Vd)
    IR = Id
    R = fdiv(VR, IR)
    print("VR: {}, IR: {}, R: {}".format(VR, IR, R))
    print("Vd: {}, Id: {}, Rd: {}".format(Vd, Id, fdiv(Vd, Id)))
    if args.graph:
            lambda x: fsub(Vs, fmul(x, R)),
            lambda x: fmul(nVt, log(fadd(fdiv(x, Is), 1)))
        ], [0, fdiv(Vs, R)], [0, Vs])
Example #23
def convertToSignedInt(n, k):
    newPrecision = (int(k) * 3 / 10) + 3

    if mp.dps < newPrecision:

    value = fadd(n, (power(2, fsub(k, 1))))
    value = fmod(value, power(2, k))
    value = fsub(value, (power(2, fsub(k, 1))))

    return value
Example #24
def getNthDecagonalCenteredSquareNumber( n ):
    sqrt10 = sqrt( 10 )

    dps = 7 * int( real_int( n ) )

    if mp.dps < dps:
        mp.dps = dps

    return nint( floor( fsum( [ fdiv( 1, 8 ),
                              fmul( fdiv( 7, 16 ), power( fsub( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ),
                              fmul( fmul( fdiv( 1, 8 ), power( fsub( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ), sqrt10 ),
                              fmul( fmul( fdiv( 1, 8 ), power( fadd( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ), sqrt10 ),
                              fmul( fdiv( 7, 16 ), power( fadd( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ) ] ) ) )
Example #25
def getStandardDeviation( args ):
    if isinstance( args, RPNGenerator ):
        return getStandardDeviation( list( args ) )
    elif isinstance( args[ 0 ], ( list, RPNGenerator ) ):
        return [ getStandardDeviation( arg ) for arg in args ]

    if len( args ) < 2:
        return 0

    mean = fsum( args ) / len( args )

    dev = [ power( fsub( i, mean ), 2 ) for i in args ]
    return sqrt( fdiv( fsum( dev ), fsub( len( dev ), 1 ) ) )
Example #26
    def subtract( self, other ):
        if isinstance( other, RPNMeasurement ):
            if self.getUnits( ) == other.getUnits( ):
                return RPNMeasurement( fsub( self.value, other.value ), self.getUnits( ),
                                       self.getUnitName( ), self.getPluralUnitName( ) )
                newOther = other.convertValue( self )
                return RPNMeasurement( fsub( self.value, newOther ), self.getUnits( ),
                                       self.getUnitName( ), self.getPluralUnitName( ) )

            return RPNMeasurement( fsub( self.value, other ), self.getUnits( ),
                                   self.getUnitName( ), self.getPluralUnitName( ) )
Example #27
def getNthNonagonalPentagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt21 = sqrt(21)
    sign = power(-1, n)

    return nint(
                    fadd(25, fmul(4, sqrt21)),
                    fsub(5, fmul(sqrt21, sign)),
                    power(fadd(fmul(2, sqrt(7)), fmul(3, sqrt(3))),
                          fsub(fmul(4, n), 4))
                ]), 336)))
Example #28
def getNthSquareTriangularNumberOperator(n):
    neededPrecision = int(n * 3.5)  # determined by experimentation

    if mp.dps < neededPrecision:
        mp.dps = neededPrecision

    sqrt2 = sqrt(2)

    return nint(
                fsub(power(fadd(1, sqrt2), fmul(2, n)),
                     power(fsub(1, sqrt2), fmul(2, n))), fmul(4, sqrt2)), 2))
Example #29
    def cross_product(a, b):
        a2b3 = mpmath.fmul(a.y, b.z)
        a3b2 = mpmath.fmul(a.z, b.y)
        a3b1 = mpmath.fmul(a.z, b.x)
        a1b3 = mpmath.fmul(a.x, b.z)
        a1b2 = mpmath.fmul(a.x, b.y)
        a2b1 = mpmath.fmul(a.y, b.x)

        c1 = mpmath.fsub(a2b3, a3b2)
        c2 = mpmath.fsub(a3b1, a1b3)
        c3 = mpmath.fsub(a1b2, a2b1)

        return Vector([c1, c2, c3])
Example #30
def getNthNonagonalSquareNumberOperator(n):
    p = fsum([fmul(8, sqrt(7)), fmul(9, sqrt(14)), fmul(-7, sqrt(2)), -28])
    q = fsum([fmul(7, sqrt(2)), fmul(9, sqrt(14)), fmul(-8, sqrt(7)), -28])
    sign = power(-1, n)

    index = fdiv(
            fmul(fadd(p, fmul(q, sign)),
                 power(fadd(fmul(2, sqrt(2)), sqrt(7)), n)),
            fmul(fsub(p, fmul(q, sign)),
                 power(fsub(fmul(2, sqrt(2)), sqrt(7)), fsub(n, 1)))), 112)

    return nint(power(nint(index), 2))
Example #31
def solveQuadraticPolynomial( a, b, c ):
    if a == 0:
        if b == 0:
            raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )
            # linear equation, one root
            return [ fdiv( fneg( c ), b ) ]
        d = sqrt( fsub( power( b, 2 ), fmul( 4, fmul( a, c ) ) ) )

        x1 = fdiv( fadd( fneg( b ), d ), fmul( 2, a ) )
        x2 = fdiv( fsub( fneg( b ), d ), fmul( 2, a ) )

        return [ x1, x2 ]
Example #32
def getStandardDeviation( args ):
    if isinstance( args, RPNGenerator ):
        return getStandardDeviation( list( args ) )

    if isinstance( args[ 0 ], ( list, RPNGenerator ) ):
        return [ getStandardDeviation( arg ) for arg in args ]

    if len( args ) < 2:
        return 0

    mean = fsum( args ) / len( args )

    dev = [ power( fsub( i, mean ), 2 ) for i in args ]
    return sqrt( fdiv( fsum( dev ), fsub( len( dev ), 1 ) ) )
Example #33
def getNthNonagonalSquareNumber( n ):
    if real( n ) < 0:
        ValueError( '' )

    p = fsum( [ fmul( 8, sqrt( 7 ) ), fmul( 9, sqrt( 14 ) ), fmul( -7, sqrt( 2 ) ), -28 ] )
    q = fsum( [ fmul( 7, sqrt( 2 ) ), fmul( 9, sqrt( 14 ) ), fmul( -8, sqrt( 7 ) ), -28 ] )
    sign = power( -1, real_int( n ) )

    index = fdiv( fsub( fmul( fadd( p, fmul( q, sign ) ),
                              power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 2 ) ), sqrt( 7 ) ), n ) ),
                        fmul( fsub( p, fmul( q, sign ) ),
                              power( fsub( fmul( 2, sqrt( 2 ) ), sqrt( 7 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ) ), 112 )

    return nint( power( nint( index ), 2 ) )
Example #34
def interval_bisection(equation, lower, upper) -> str:
    """ Calculate the root of the equation using
    `Interval Bisection` method.

    >>> interval_bisection([1, 0, -3, -4], 2, 3)[0]
    >>> interval_bisection([1, 0, 1, -6], 1, 2)[0]
    >>> interval_bisection([1, 0, 3, -12], 1, 2)[0]

    # Counts the number of iteration
    counter = 0

    equation = mpfiy(equation)
    lower, upper = mpf(lower), mpf(upper)
    index_length = len(equation)
    x = mean(lower, upper)

    previous_alpha = alpha = None
    delta = fsub(upper, lower)

    while delta > power(10, -10) or previous_alpha is None:
        ans = mpf(0)

        # Summing the answer
        for i in range(index_length):
            index_power = index_length - i - 1
            ans = fadd(ans, fmul(equation[i], power(x, index_power)))

        if ans > mpf(0):
            upper = x
            lower = x

        x = mean(lower, upper)
        previous_alpha, alpha = alpha, x

        if previous_alpha is None:
        elif previous_alpha == alpha:

        delta = abs(fsub(alpha, previous_alpha))
        counter += 1

    return str(near(alpha, lower, upper)), counter
Example #35
def interval_bisection(equation, lower, upper) -> str:
    """ Calculate the root of the equation using
    `Interval Bisection` method.

    >>> interval_bisection([1, 0, -3, -4], 2, 3)[0]
    >>> interval_bisection([1, 0, 1, -6], 1, 2)[0]
    >>> interval_bisection([1, 0, 3, -12], 1, 2)[0]

    # Counts the number of iteration
    counter = 0

    equation = mpfiy(equation)
    lower, upper = mpf(lower), mpf(upper)
    index_length = len(equation)
    x = mean(lower, upper)

    previous_alpha = alpha = None
    delta = fsub(upper, lower)

    while delta > power(10, -10) or previous_alpha is None:
        ans = mpf(0)

        # Summing the answer
        for i in range(index_length):
            index_power = index_length - i - 1
            ans = fadd(ans, fmul(equation[i], power(x, index_power)))

        if ans > mpf(0):
            upper = x
            lower = x

        x = mean(lower, upper)
        previous_alpha, alpha = alpha, x

        if previous_alpha is None:
        elif previous_alpha == alpha:

        delta = abs(fsub(alpha, previous_alpha))
        counter += 1

    return str(near(alpha, lower, upper)), counter
Example #36
def getKSphereRadius(n, k):
    if k < 3:
        raise ValueError('the number of dimensions must be at least 3')

    if not isinstance(n, RPNMeasurement):
        return RPNMeasurement(n, 'meter')

    dimensions = n.getDimensions()

    if dimensions == {'length': 1}:
        return n

    if dimensions == {'length': int(k - 1)}:
        area = n.convertValue(RPNMeasurement(1, [{'meter': int(k - 1)}]))

        result = root(
            fdiv(fmul(area, gamma(fdiv(k, 2))), fmul(2, power(pi, fdiv(k,
            fsub(k, 1))

        return RPNMeasurement(result, [{'meter': 1}])

    if dimensions == {'length': int(k)}:
        volume = n.convertValue(RPNMeasurement(1, [{'meter': int(k)}]))

        result = root(
            fmul(fdiv(gamma(fadd(fdiv(k, 2), 1)), power(pi, fdiv(k, 2))),
                 volume), k)

        return RPNMeasurement(result, [{'meter': 1}])

    raise ValueError(
        'incompatible measurement type for computing the radius: ' +
Example #37
def getNthSchroederNumber( n ):
    if real( n ) == 1:
        return 1

    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError( '\'nth_schroeder\' expects a non-negative argument' )

    n = fsub( n, 1 )

    result = 0

    for k in arange( 0, fadd( n, 1 ) ):
        result = fadd( result, fdiv( fprod( [ power( 2, k ), binomial( n, k ),
                                              binomial( n, fsub( k, 1 ) ) ] ), n ) )

    return result
Example #38
File: rpnBase.py Project: flawr/rpn
def convertToFibBase( value ):
    result = ''

    n = value

    if n >= 1:
        a = 1
        b = 1

        c = fadd( a, b )    # next Fibonacci number
        fibs = [ b ]        # list of Fibonacci numbers, starting with F(2), each <= n

        while n >= c:
            fibs.append( c )  # add next Fibonacci number to end of list
            a = b
            b = c
            c = fadd( a, b )

        for fibnum in reversed( fibs ):
            if n >= fibnum:
                n = fsub( n, fibnum )
                result = result + '1'
                result = result + '0'

    return result
Example #39
def getPrimeRange( start, end ):
    result = list( )

    for i in getNthPrimeRange( start, fadd( fsub( end, start ), 1 ) ):
        result.append( i )

    return result
Example #40
def single_segment_expect_pv(expect, raw=True):
    Compute p-value for an expect value of
    a single high scoring segment.

    Prob(E >= x) ~ 1 - exp(-E)

    This function is equivalent to
    as long as identical units (log)
    are used to compute scores and expect

    :param expect:
    :param raw: return raw P-value instead of -log10(pv)
    with mpm.workprec(NUM_PREC_KA_PV):
        x = mpm.convert(expect)
        complement = mpm.convert('1')
        res = mpm.fsub(complement, mpm.exp(mpm.fneg(x)))
        if not raw:
            res = mpm.fneg(mpm.log10(res))
            res = float(res)

    return res
Example #41
    def simulate_single(self, energy, rate):
        if energy <= self.axion_mass:
        br = mpmathify(self.branching_ratio(energy, self.axion_coupling))
        axion_p = mp.sqrt(energy**2 - self.axion_mass**2)
        axion_v = mpmathify(axion_p / energy)

        axion_boost = mpmathify(energy / self.axion_mass)
        tau = mpmathify(64 * pi /
                        (self.axion_coupling**2 * self.axion_mass**3) *
        surv_prob = mp.exp(-self.detector_distance / meter_by_mev / axion_v /
        decay_in_detector = fsub(
            1, mp.exp(-self.detector_length / meter_by_mev / axion_v / tau))

        self.axion_flux.append(rate * br /
                               (4 * pi * self.detector_distance**2))
        self.decay_axion_weight.append(rate * br * surv_prob *
                                       decay_in_detector /
                                       (4 * pi * self.detector_distance**2))
        self.scatter_axion_weight.append(surv_prob * rate * br /
                                         (4 * pi * self.detector_distance**2))
Example #42
def getNSphereRadius( n, k ):
    if real_int( k ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of dimensions must be at least 3' )

    if not isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return RPNMeasurement( n, 'meter' )

    dimensions = n.getDimensions( )

    if dimensions == { 'length' : 1 }:
        return n
    elif dimensions == { 'length' : int( k - 1 ) }:
        m2 = n.convertValue( RPNMeasurement( 1, [ { 'meter' : int( k - 1 ) } ] ) )

        result = root( fdiv( fmul( m2, gamma( fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ),
                             fmul( 2, power( pi, fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ) ), fsub( k, 1 ) )

        return RPNMeasurement( result, [ { 'meter' : 1 } ] )
    elif dimensions == { 'length' : int( k ) }:
        m3 = n.convertValue( RPNMeasurement( 1, [ { 'meter' : int( k ) } ] ) )

        result = root( fmul( fdiv( gamma( fadd( fdiv( k, 2 ), 1 ) ),
                                   power( pi, fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ),
                             m3 ), k )

        return RPNMeasurement( result, [ { 'meter' : 1 } ] )
        raise ValueError( 'incompatible measurement type for computing the radius: ' +
                          str( dimensions ) )
Example #43
def getSuperRootsOperator(n, k):
    '''Returns all the super-roots of n, not just the nice, positive, real one.'''
    k = fsub(k, 1)
    factors = [fmul(i, root(k, k)) for i in unitroots(int(k))]
    base = root(fdiv(log(n), lambertw(fmul(k, log(n)))), k)

    return [fmul(i, base) for i in factors]
Example #44
def convertToFibBase( value ):
    Returns a string with Fibonacci encoding for n (n >= 1).

    adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_coding

    result = ''

    n = value

    if n >= 1:
        a = 1
        b = 1

        c = fadd( a, b )    # next Fibonacci number
        fibs = [ b ]        # list of Fibonacci numbers, starting with F(2), each <= n

        while n >= c:
            fibs.append( c )  # add next Fibonacci number to end of list
            a = b
            b = c
            c = fadd( a, b )

        for fibnum in reversed( fibs ):
            if n >= fibnum:
                n = fsub( n, fibnum )
                result = result + '1'
                result = result + '0'

    return result
Example #45
def getNthOctagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(17, fmul(sqrt(30), 2)),
                     power(fadd(sqrt(5), sqrt(6)), fsub(fmul(8, n), 6))),
Example #46
    def convertFromEphemDate( ephem_date ):
        dateValues = list( ephem_date.tuple( ) )

        dateValues.append( int( fmul( fsub( dateValues[ 5 ], floor( dateValues[ 5 ] ) ), 1000000 ) ) )
        dateValues[ 5 ] = int( floor( dateValues[ 5 ] ) )

        return RPNDateTime( *dateValues )
Example #47
def findNthPolygonalNumber( n, k ):
    if real_int( k ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of sides of the polygon cannot be less than 3,' )

    return nint( fdiv( fsum( [ sqrt( fsum( [ power( k, 2 ), fprod( [ 8, k, real( n ) ] ),
                                             fneg( fmul( 8, k ) ), fneg( fmul( 16, n ) ), 16 ] ) ),
                               k, -4 ] ), fmul( 2, fsub( k, 2 ) ) ) )
Example #48
def getCombinationsOperator(n, r):
    if r > n:
        raise ValueError(
            'number of elements {0} cannot exceed the size of the set {1}'.
            format(r, n))

    return fdiv(fac(n), fmul(fac(fsub(n, r)), fac(r)))
Example #49
def single_segment_score_pv(score, raw=True):
    Compute p-value for normalized local score of
    a single high scoring segment.

    Computes formula [1] in Karlin & Altschul, PNAS 1993

    Prob(S' >= x) ~ 1 - exp(-exp(-x))

    :param score:
    :param raw: return raw P-value instead of -log10(pv)
    with mpm.workprec(NUM_PREC_KA_PV):
        x = mpm.convert(score)
        complement = mpm.convert('1')
        exponent = mpm.fneg(mpm.exp(mpm.fneg(x)))
        res = mpm.fsub(complement, mpm.exp(exponent))
        if not raw:
            res = mpm.fneg(mpm.log10(res))
            res = float(res)

    # Equivalent implementation using Python standard library:
    # x = score
    # res = 1 - math.exp(-math.exp(-x))
    # if not raw:
    #     res = -1 * math.log10(res)
    return res
Example #50
def convertToFibBase(value):
    Returns a string with Fibonacci encoding for n (n >= 1).

    adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_coding

    result = ''

    n = value

    if n >= 1:
        a = 1
        b = 1

        c = fadd(a, b)  # next Fibonacci number
        fibs = [b]  # list of Fibonacci numbers, starting with F(2), each <= n

        while n >= c:
            fibs.append(c)  # add next Fibonacci number to end of list
            a = b
            b = c
            c = fadd(a, b)

        for fibnum in reversed(fibs):
            if n >= fibnum:
                n = fsub(n, fibnum)
                result = result + '1'
                result = result + '0'

    return result
Example #51
def getNthPadovanNumber( arg ):
    n = fadd( real( arg ), 4 )

    a = root( fsub( fdiv( 27, 2 ), fdiv( fmul( 3, sqrt( 69 ) ), 2 ) ), 3 )
    b = root( fdiv( fadd( 9, sqrt( 69 ) ), 2 ), 3 )
    c = fadd( 1, fmul( mpc( 0, 1 ), sqrt( 3 ) ) )
    d = fsub( 1, fmul( mpc( 0, 1 ), sqrt( 3 ) ) )
    e = power( 3, fdiv( 2, 3 ) )

    r = fadd( fdiv( a, 3 ), fdiv( b, e ) )
    s = fsub( fmul( fdiv( d, -6 ), a ), fdiv( fmul( c, b ), fmul( 2, e ) ) )
    t = fsub( fmul( fdiv( c, -6 ), a ), fdiv( fmul( d, b ), fmul( 2, e ) ) )

    return nint( re( fsum( [ fdiv( power( r, n ), fadd( fmul( 2, r ), 3 ) ),
                             fdiv( power( s, n ), fadd( fmul( 2, s ), 3 ) ),
                             fdiv( power( t, n ), fadd( fmul( 2, t ), 3 ) ) ] ) ) )
Example #52
def my_forward_subst(L, i):
	This function performs the forward substitution for solution of the system
				Lx = e_i
		L   - is a lower triangular matrix with 1s on the main diagonal
		e_i - i-th identity vector

	All the computations are done exactly with MPMATH

	L - n x n lower-triangular matrix with ones on the diagonal
	i - index for the canonical vector

	x - n x 1 vector of the solution

	n = L.rows
	x = mpmath.zeros(n, 1)

	e = mpmath.zeros(n, 1)
	e[i, 0] = mpmath.mp.one

	x[0,0] = e[0,0]

	for i in range(1, n):
		x[i,0] = e[i]
		for j in range(0, i):
			tmp = mpmath.fmul(L[i,j], x[j,0], exact=True)
			x[i,0] = mpmath.fsub(x[i,0], tmp, exact=True)

	return x
  def calc_model_evidence(self):
    vval = 0
    mp.mp.dps = 50
    for action in range(self.hparams.num_actions):
      #  val=1
      #  aa = self.a[action]
      #  for i in xrange(int(self.a[action]-self.a0)):
      #      aa-=1
      #      val*=aa
      #      val/=(2.0*math.pi)
      #      val/=self.b[action]
      #  val*=gamma(aa)
      #  val/=(self.b[action]**aa)
      #  val *= np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self.lambda_prior * np.eye(self.hparams.context_dim + 1)) / np.linalg.det(self.precision[action]))
      #  val *= (self.b0 ** self.a0)
      #  val/= gamma(self.a0)
      #  vval += val
      #val= 1/float((2.0 * math.pi) ** (self.a[action]-self.a0))
      #val*= (float(gamma(self.a[action]))/float(gamma(self.a0)))
      #val*= np.sqrt(float(np.linalg.det(self.lambda_prior * np.eye(self.hparams.context_dim + 1)))/float(np.linalg.det(self.precision[action])))
      #val*= (float(self.b0**self.a0)/float(self.b[action]**self.a[action]))
      val= mp.mpf(mp.fmul(mp.fneg(mp.log(mp.fmul(2.0 , mp.pi))) , mp.fsub(self.a[action],self.a0)))
      val+= mp.loggamma(self.a[action])
      val-= mp.loggamma(self.a0)
      val+= 0.5*mp.log(np.linalg.det(self.lambda_prior * np.eye(self.hparams.context_dim + 1)))
      val -= 0.5*mp.log(np.linalg.det(self.precision[action]))
      val+= mp.fmul(self.a0,mp.log(self.b0))
      val-= mp.fmul(self.a[action],mp.log(self.b[action]))


    return vval
Example #54
def compute_formula_second_term(u_divided_by_nseat, node_capacity, n_seats, u):
    u_to_c_over_c_fact = math.fdiv(math.power(u, n_seats),
    second_fraction = 0

    if u_divided_by_nseat == 1:
        second_fraction = node_capacity - n_seats + 1
        u_div_C_to_K_minus_C_plus1 = math.power(u_divided_by_nseat,
                                                (node_capacity - n_seats + 1))
        one_minus_u_div_C = math.fsub(1, u_divided_by_nseat)
        second_fraction_numerator = math.fsub(1, u_div_C_to_K_minus_C_plus1)
        second_fraction = math.fdiv(second_fraction_numerator,

    return math.fmul(u_to_c_over_c_fact, second_fraction)
Example #55
File: dTFmp.py Project: fixif/fixif
	def to_dSSmp(self):

		This function constructs a discrete state-space matrices in canonical controllable form[1].
		Returns a dSSmp object.

		All operations are performed *exactly*


		1. Extract a delay-free path D = h(0) = b_0
		This is done by one stage of long division:

		H(z) = b_0 + { (beta_1 * z^-1 + ... + beta_N * z^-N} / {1 + a_1 * z^-1 + ... + a_N * z^-N},

			N = max(Na, Nb)
			a_i = 0                     for i > Na
			b_i = 0                     for i > Nb
			beta_i = b_i - b_0 * a_i    for i=1...N

		2. Controller canonical form is as follows:
			-a_1    -a_2    ... -a_N-1    -a_N          1
			1       0                        0          0
		A = 0       1                        0      B=  0
							....                        ...
			0       0              1         0		    0

		C = [beta_1     beta_2  ... beta_N]         D = b_0

		[1] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/fp/Converting_State_Space_Form_Hand.html

		S  - dSSmp object

		from fixif.LTI import dSSmp

		N = self.order + 1

		A = mpmath.mp.zeros(N - 1, N - 1)
		A[0, :] = -self.den.transpose()[0, 1:N]
		for i in range(1, N - 1):
			A[i, i - 1] = mpmath.mp.one
		B = mpmath.mp.zeros(N - 1, 1)
		B[0, 0] = mpmath.mp.one

		# We compute matrix C exactly
		C = mpmath.mp.zeros(1, N - 1)
		for i in range(0, N - 1):
			tmp = mpmath.fmul(self.num[0, 0], self.den[i + 1, 0], exact=True)
			C[0, i] = mpmath.fsub(self.num[i + 1, 0], tmp, exact=True)

		D = mpmath.matrix([self.num[0, 0]])

		return dSSmp(A, B, C, D)
Example #56
def solveQuadraticPolynomial( a, b, c ):
    '''This function applies the quadratic formula to solve a polynomial
    with coefficients of a, b, and c.'''
    if a == 0:
        if b == 0:
            raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )
            # linear equation, one root
            return [ fdiv( fneg( c ), b ) ]
        d = sqrt( fsub( power( b, 2 ), fmul( 4, fmul( a, c ) ) ) )

        x1 = fdiv( fadd( fneg( b ), d ), fmul( 2, a ) )
        x2 = fdiv( fsub( fneg( b ), d ), fmul( 2, a ) )

        return [ x1, x2 ]
Example #57
    def cross(self, other_vector):
        # source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product
        a = self
        b = other_vector

        a2b3 = mpmath.fmul(a.y, b.z)
        a3b2 = mpmath.fmul(a.z, b.y)
        a3b1 = mpmath.fmul(a.z, b.x)
        a1b3 = mpmath.fmul(a.x, b.z)
        a1b2 = mpmath.fmul(a.x, b.y)
        a2b1 = mpmath.fmul(a.y, b.x)

        c1 = mpmath.fsub(a2b3, a3b2)
        c2 = mpmath.fsub(a3b1, a1b3)
        c3 = mpmath.fsub(a1b2, a2b1)

        return Vector([c1, c2, c3])
Example #58
def makeEulerBrick( _a, _b, _c ):
    a, b, c = sorted( [ real( _a ), real( _b ), real( _c ) ] )

    if fadd( power( a, 2 ), power( b, 2 ) ) != power( c, 2 ):
        raise ValueError( "'euler_brick' requires a pythogorean triple" )

    result = [ ]

    a2 = fmul( a, a )
    b2 = fmul( b, b )
    c2 = fmul( c, c )

    result.append( fabs( fmul( a, fsub( fmul( 4, b2 ), c2 ) ) ) )
    result.append( fabs( fmul( b, fsub( fmul( 4, a2 ), c2 ) ) ) )
    result.append( fprod( [ 4, a, b, c ] ) )

    return sorted( result )
Example #59
def getNthDecagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n):
    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(9, fprod([4, sqrt(2),
                                    power(-1, fadd(n, 1))])),
                     power(fadd(1, sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, fadd(n, 1)), 6))),
Example #60
def getNthNonagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt35 = sqrt(35)

    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(39, fmul(4, sqrt35)),
                     power(fadd(6, sqrt35), fsub(fmul(4, n), 3))), 560)))