def compound_interest_fnc_mpmath_with_hyperbolic(initial_investment, percent1,
                                                 percent2, percent3, percent4,
    #converting the float values to numbers that have 100 decimal places
    initial_investment = mpmath.mpmathify(initial_investment)
    percent1 = mpmath.mpmathify(percent1)
    percent2 = mpmath.mpmathify(percent2)
    percent3 = mpmath.mpmathify(percent3)
    percent4 = mpmath.mpmathify(percent4)
    percent5 = mpmath.mpmathify(percent5)

    #   limit definition:  e^x = lim n->infinity (1+x/n)^n
    principal = initial_investment
    x = percent1 * compounding_frequency
    principal = principal * (mpmath.cosh(x) + mpmath.sinh(x))
    x = percent2 * compounding_frequency
    principal = principal * (mpmath.cosh(x) + mpmath.sinh(x))
    x = percent3 * compounding_frequency
    principal = principal * (mpmath.cosh(x) + mpmath.sinh(x))
    x = percent4 * compounding_frequency
    principal = principal * (mpmath.cosh(x) + mpmath.sinh(x))
    x = percent5 * compounding_frequency
    principal = principal * (mpmath.cosh(x) + mpmath.sinh(x))
    return principal
def FDoubleDisc(x1,x2,t,s,b):
    inside of log() for disconnected HEE.
    We take single interval subsystem A=[x1,x2].
    This has very complicated minimizasion because the configuration of boundary surface Q
    varys by Hawking-Page transition.
    v1 = v(x1,t,s,b)
    v2 = v(x2,t,s,b)
    vb1 = vb(x1,t,s,b)
    vb2 = vb(x2,t,s,b)
    h1 = v1-vb1
    hp1 = h1+j*s/2
    hm1 = h1-j*s/2
    h2 = v2-vb2
    hp2 = h2+j*s/2
    hm2 = h2-j*s/2
    F = (pi**(-4))*Dw(v1,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb1,s,b))*Dw(v2,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb2,s,b))
    if s<1:
        g1 = min([re(sinh(pi*hp1/s)**2),re(sinh(pi*hm1/s)**2)])
        g2 = min([re(sinh(pi*hp2/s)**2),re(sinh(pi*hm2/s)**2)])
        return F * (s**4)*g1*g2
        m1 = (sin(pi*hp1)*sin(pi*hp2))**2
        m2 = ((sin(pi*hp1)*sin(pi*hm2))**2)*exp(2*pi*s)
        m3 = ((sin(pi*hm1)*sin(pi*hp2))**2)*exp(2*pi*s)
        m4 = (sin(pi*hm1)*sin(pi*hm2))**2
        return F * min([re(m1),re(m2),re(m3),re(m4)])
Example #3
def fl(x):
    p1 = a * mpmath.cosh(a * x)
    p2 = b * mpmath.cosh(b * x)
    p3 = mpmath.sinh(a * x)
    p4 = mpmath.sinh(b * x)
    r = ((p2 - p1) / x) - ((p4 - p3) / (x**2))
    return r
Example #4
def test_bounds_for_Q1():
    These bounds are from:

        Jiangping Wang and Dapeng Wu,
        "Tight bounds for the first order Marcum Q-function"
        Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,
        Volume 12, Issue 4, March 2012, Pages 293-301.

    with mpmath.workdps(50):
        sqrt2 = mpmath.sqrt(2)
        sqrthalfpi = mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.pi / 2)
        for b in [,]:
            for a in [b / 16, 0.5 * b, 0.875 * b, b]:
                q1 = marcumq(1, a, b)

                sinhab = mpmath.sinh(a * b)
                i0ab = mpmath.besseli(0, a * b)

                # lower bound when 0 <= a <= b
                lb = (mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.pi / 8) * b * i0ab / sinhab *
                      (mpmath.erfc((b - a) / sqrt2) - mpmath.erfc(
                          (b + a) / sqrt2)))
                assert lb < q1

                # upper bound when 0 <= a <= b
                ub = ((i0ab + 3) / (mpmath.exp(a * b) + 3) * (
                    mpmath.exp(-(b - a)**2 / 2) + a * sqrthalfpi * mpmath.erfc(
                        (b - a) / sqrt2) + 3 * mpmath.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) / 2)))
                assert q1 < ub, ("marcumq(1, a, b) < ub for a = %s,  b = %s" %
                                 (a, b))

        for a in [,]:
            for b in [b / 16, 0.5 * b, 0.875 * b, b]:
                q1 = marcumq(1, a, b)

                sinhab = mpmath.sinh(a * b)
                i0ab = mpmath.besseli(0, a * b)

                # lower bound when 0 <= b <= a
                lb = (1 - sqrthalfpi * b * i0ab / sinhab *
                      (mpmath.erf(a / sqrt2) - mpmath.erf(
                          (a - b) / sqrt2) / 2 - mpmath.erf(
                              (a + b) / sqrt2) / 2))
                assert lb < q1

                # upper bound when 0 <= b <= a
                ub = (
                    1 - i0ab / (mpmath.exp(a * b) + 3) *
                    (4 * mpmath.exp(-a**2 / 2) - mpmath.exp(-(b - a)**2 / 2) -
                     3 * mpmath.exp(-(a**2 + b**2) / 2) + a * sqrthalfpi *
                     (mpmath.erfc(-a / sqrt2) - mpmath.erfc((b - a) / sqrt2))))
                assert q1 < ub, ("marcumq(1, a, b) < ub for a = %s,  b = %s" %
                                 (a, b))
Example #5
def S_double_hol_conn(x1, x2, t, s, b):
    v1, v2, vb1, vb2 = v(x1, t, s, b), v(x2, t, s, b), vb(x1, t, s,
                                                          b), vb(x2, t, s, b)

    deriv = (pi**(-4)) * Dw(v1, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb1, s, b)) * Dw(
        v2, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb2, s, b))
    if s < 1:
        conn = (s**2) * sinh(pi * (v1 - v2) / s) * sinh(pi * (vb1 - vb2) / s)
        conn = sin(pi * (v1 - v2)) * sin(pi * (vb1 - vb2))

    return re(log(deriv * conn**2)) / 12 - log((x2 - x1)**2) / 6
def FDoubleConn(x1,x2,t,s,b):
    inside of log() for connected HEE. We take single interval subsystem A=[x1,x2].
    v1 = v(x1,t,s,b)
    v2 = v(x2,t,s,b)
    vb1 = vb(x1,t,s,b)
    vb2 = vb(x2,t,s,b)
    F = (pi**(-4))*Dw(v1,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb1,s,b))*Dw(v2,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb2,s,b))
    if s<1:
        return F * (s**4)*((sinh(pi*(v1-v2)/s)*sinh(pi*(vb1-vb2)/s))**2)
        return F * (sin(pi*(v1-v2))*sin(pi*(vb1-vb2)))**2
Example #7
def S_double_hol_disconn(x1, x2, t, s, b):
    v1, v2, vb1, vb2 = v(x1, t, s, b), v(x2, t, s, b), vb(x1, t, s,
                                                          b), vb(x2, t, s, b)
    #difference from mirror twist op
    p1, n1, p2, n2 = v1 - vb1 + j * s / 2, v1 - vb1 - j * s / 2, v2 - vb2 + j * s / 2, v2 - vb2 - j * s / 2

    deriv = (pi**(-4)) * Dw(v1, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb1, s, b)) * Dw(
        v2, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb2, s, b))
    if s < 1:
        g1 = min([re(sinh(pi * p1 / s)**2), re(sinh(pi * n1 / s)**2)])
        g2 = min([re(sinh(pi * p2 / s)**2), re(sinh(pi * n2 / s)**2)])
        disconnSquare = (s**4) * g1 * g2
        m1 = sin(pi * p1) * sin(pi * p2)
        m2 = sin(pi * p1) * sin(pi * n2) * exp(pi * s)
        m3 = sin(pi * n1) * sin(pi * p2) * exp(pi * s)
        m4 = sin(pi * n1) * sin(pi * n2)
        disconnSquare = min([re(m1**2), re(m2**2), re(m3**2), re(m4**2)])

    return re(log(deriv * disconnSquare)) / 12 - log((x2 - x1)**2) / 6
Example #8
def S_double_hol(x1, x2, t, s, b):
    v1, v2, vb1, vb2 = v(x1, t, s, b), v(x2, t, s, b), vb(x1, t, s,
                                                          b), vb(x2, t, s, b)
    p1, n1, p2, n2 = v1 - vb1 + j * s / 2, v1 - vb1 - j * s / 2, v2 - vb2 + j * s / 2, v2 - vb2 - j * s / 2

    deriv = (pi**(-4)) * Dw(v1, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb1, s, b)) * Dw(
        v2, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb2, s, b))
    if s < 1:
        conn = (s**2) * sinh(pi * (v1 - v2) / s) * sinh(pi * (vb1 - vb2) / s)
        g1 = min([re(sinh(pi * p1 / s)**2), re(sinh(pi * n1 / s)**2)])
        g2 = min([re(sinh(pi * p2 / s)**2), re(sinh(pi * n2 / s)**2)])
        disconnSquare = (s**4) * g1 * g2
        conn = sin(pi * (v1 - v2)) * sin(pi * (vb1 - vb2))
        m1 = sin(pi * p1) * sin(pi * p2)
        m2 = sin(pi * p1) * sin(pi * n2) * exp(pi * s)
        m3 = sin(pi * n1) * sin(pi * p2) * exp(pi * s)
        m4 = sin(pi * n1) * sin(pi * n2)
        disconnSquare = min([re(m1**2), re(m2**2), re(m3**2), re(m4**2)])

    return min([re(log(deriv * re(conn)**2)),
                re(log(deriv * disconnSquare))]) / 12 - log((x2 - x1)**2) / 6
Example #9
def yk(h, k):
    return float(1 / (mpmath.exp(mpmath.pi / 2 * mpmath.sinh(k * h)) *
                      mpmath.cosh(mpmath.pi / 2 * mpmath.sinh(k * h))))
Example #10
def wk(h, k):
    return float(0.5 * mpmath.pi * h * mpmath.cosh(k * h) /
                 (mpmath.cosh(0.5 * mpmath.pi * mpmath.sinh(k * h))**2))
Example #11
 def eval(self, z):
     return mpmath.sinh(z)
def f102(x):
    # lnsinh
    return mpmath.log(mpmath.sinh(x))
Example #13
def f(x):
    r = (-(1 / x) * (mpmath.sinh(a * x) - mpmath.sinh(b * x))) - L
    return r
Example #14
 def eval(self, z):
     return mpmath.sinh(z)
Example #15
 def interfunc(x):
   return scipy.constants.pi/2*dor**4 * x**3 / mp.sinh(x*dor)**2 * mp.j0(x)
Example #16
 def interfunc(x):
     return scipy.constants.pi/2*dor**5 * x**4 / (mp.sinh(x*dor))**3 * mp.cosh(x*dor) \
     * mp.j0(x)
Example #17
def wk(h, k):
    return float(0.5*mpmath.pi*h*mpmath.cosh(k*h)/(mpmath.cosh(0.5*mpmath.pi*mpmath.sinh(k*h))**2))
# The velocity profile is to be calculated as a Fourier series
# Define the m-th element, then sum up to M
# Define the Fourier part of the term first: in Giovanni's notation, v/G.
# G is to be calculated later

u = np.zeros((nPointsZ, nPointsY))

for j in y:
    for k in z:
        u1 = 0
        u2 = 0
        for m in [x+1 for x in range(M)]:
            Km = 2*a**2*(1-(-1)**m)/(m**3*np.pi**3)
            Cm = S*mp.sinh(b*m*np.pi/a) + D*mp.sinh((b-2*Y)*m*np.pi/a)
            A1m = Km/eta1
            B1m = (Km/(eta1*Cm)) * (2*eta1 - S*mp.cosh(b*m*np.pi/a) + 
                  D*(mp.cosh((b-2*Y)*m*np.pi/a) - 2*mp.cosh((b-Y)*m*np.pi/a)) )
            A2m = (Km/(eta2*Cm)) * (2*(eta2 + 
                  D*mp.cosh(Y*m*np.pi/a))*mp.sinh(b*m*np.pi/a) - 
                  D*mp.sinh(2*Y*m*np.pi/a) )
            B2m = (Km/(eta2*Cm)) * (S - 2*mp.cosh(b*m*np.pi/a)*(eta2 + 
                  D*mp.cosh(Y*m*np.pi/a)) + D*mp.cosh(2*Y*m*np.pi/a) )
            u1 = u1 + np.sin(m*np.pi*k/a)* (A1m*mp.cosh(m*np.pi*j/a) + 
            u2 = u2 + np.sin(m*np.pi*k/a)* (A2m*mp.cosh(m*np.pi*j/a) + 
Example #19
def yk(h, k):
    return float(1 / (mpmath.exp(mpmath.pi / 2 * mpmath.sinh(k * h)) * mpmath.cosh(mpmath.pi / 2 * mpmath.sinh(k * h))))
Example #20
    def get_BC_Matrix(self):

        Function that creates the BC Matrix using mpmath and the previous calculated variables.
        The resulting Matrix is stored as self.BCM.

        self.BCM = mp.matrix([[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [0, self.taus[0], 0, self.taus[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               -mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3]),
                               -mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3]),
                               0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [-self.taus[0] * mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               self.taus[0] * mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               self.taus[1] * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               self.taus[1] * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               self.taus[2] * mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -self.taus[2] * mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -self.taus[3] * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3]),
                               -self.taus[3] * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3]),
                               0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[0] ** 2 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[0] ** 2 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               -self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[1] ** 2 * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               -self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[1] ** 2 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 2 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 2 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 2 * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3])
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 2 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3]),
                               0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[0] ** 3 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               -self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[0] ** 3 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[0]),
                               self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[1] ** 3 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               self.E_1 * self.I_1 * self.taus[1] ** 3 * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[1]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 3 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 3 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 3 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 3 * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L1'] * self.taus[3]),
                               0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [0, 0, 0, 0,
                               mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               mp.cosh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               -mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               -mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               -mp.cosh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5]),
                               -mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5])],
                              [0, 0, 0, 0,
                               -self.taus[2] * mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               self.taus[2] * mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               self.taus[3] * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               self.taus[3] * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               self.taus[4] * mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               -self.taus[4] * mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               -self.taus[5] * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5]),
                               -self.taus[5] * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5])],
                              [0, 0, 0, 0,
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 2 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 2 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 2 * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 2 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               -self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[4] ** 2 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               -self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[4] ** 2 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[5] ** 2 * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5]),
                               self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[5] ** 2 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5])],
                              [0, 0, 0, 0,
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 3 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               -self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[2] ** 3 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[2]),
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 3 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               self.E_2 * self.I_2 * self.taus[3] ** 3 * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[3]),
                               -self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[4] ** 3 * mp.sin(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[4] ** 3 * mp.cos(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[4]),
                               -self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[5] ** 3 * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5]),
                               -self.E_3 * self.I_3 * self.taus[5] ** 3 * mp.cosh(
                                   self.parameters['L2'] * self.taus[5])],
                              [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                               mp.cos(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[4]),
                               mp.sin(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[4]),
                               mp.cosh(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[5]),
                               mp.sinh(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[5])],
                              [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                               -self.taus[4] * mp.sin(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[4]),
                               self.taus[4] * mp.cos(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[4]),
                               self.taus[5] * mp.sinh(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[5]),
                               self.taus[5] * mp.cosh(self.parameters['L3'] * self.taus[5])]])
Example #21
import numpy as np
import decimal as dec
import math
from sys import maxsize
import mpmath as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

f1 = lambda x: mp.cos(x) * mp.cosh(x) - 1
f2 = lambda x: 1 / x - mp.tan(x) if x != 0 else maxsize
f3 = lambda x: 2**(-x) + mp.exp(x) + 2 * mp.cos(x) - 6
f1d = lambda x: mp.cos(x) * mp.sinh(x) - mp.sin(x) * mp.cosh(x)
f2d = lambda x: -1 / (x**2) - 1 / (mp.cos(x)**2)
f3d = lambda x: mp.exp(x) - (2**(-x) * mp.log(2) - 2 * mp.sin(x))
funcs = [f1, f2, f3]
funcsD = [f1d, f2d, f3d]
intervals = [(3 / 2 * math.pi, 2 * math.pi), (0, math.pi / 2), (1, 3)]
precisions = [math.pow(10, -7), math.pow(10, -15), math.pow(10, -33)]
DEC = mp.mpf

def bisection(f, a, b, precision, E): = precision

    if mp.sign(f(a)) == mp.sign(f(b)):
        print("no root")
        return (maxsize, maxsize)

    middle = DEC(a) + (DEC(b) - DEC(a)) / 2
    numOfSteps = 0
    while abs(DEC(a) - DEC(b)) > E:
        middle = DEC(a) + (DEC(b) - DEC(a)) / 2