def validate_move(self, target, position='first-child'):
        Validate whether the move to a new location is permitted.

        :param target: The node to move to
        :type target: PolymorphicMPTTModel
        :param position: The relative position to the target. This can be ``'first-child'``,
                         ``'last-child'``, ``'left'`` or ``'right'``.
        new_parent = _get_new_parent(self, target, position)

        if new_parent is None:
            if not self.can_be_root:
                raise InvalidMove(_("This node type should have a parent."))
            if not new_parent.can_have_children:
                raise InvalidMove(
                    _(u'Cannot place \u2018{0}\u2019 below \u2018{1}\u2019; a {2} does not allow children!'
                      ).format(self, new_parent,

            if not new_parent.is_child_allowed(self):
                raise InvalidMove(
                    _(u'Cannot place \u2018{0}\u2019 below \u2018{1}\u2019; a {2} does not allow {3} as a child!'
                      ).format(self, target, target._meta.verbose_name,

        # Allow custom validation
Example #2
 def move_to(self, target, position='first-child'):
     RUS: Перемещает термин, являющийся потомком, по дереву, если нет ограничений на перемещение.
     if position in ('left', 'right'):
         if target.parent_id != self.parent_id:
             if self.system_flags.change_parent_restriction:
                 raise InvalidMove(
             if target.parent_id is not None:
                 if target.parent.system_flags.has_child_restriction:
                     raise InvalidMove(
                 if and not
                     raise InvalidMove(self.messages['parent_not_active'])
     elif position in ('first-child', 'last-child'):
         if != self.parent_id:
             if self.system_flags.change_parent_restriction:
                 raise InvalidMove(
             if target.system_flags.has_child_restriction:
                 raise InvalidMove(self.messages['has_child_restriction'])
             if not and
                 raise InvalidMove(self.messages['parent_not_active'])
     super(BaseTerm, self).move_to(target, position)
Example #3
 def move_to(self, target, position='first-child'):
     RUS: Перемещает объект по дереву витрины данных с возможностью изменения родителя или добавления потомка, 
     если непроставлен системный флаг на ограничение.
     if position in ('left', 'right'):
         if target.parent_id != self.parent_id:
             if self.system_flags.change_parent_restriction:
                 raise InvalidMove(self.messages['change_parent_restriction'])
             if target.parent_id is not None:
                 if target.parent.system_flags.has_child_restriction:
                     raise InvalidMove(self.messages['has_child_restriction'])
                 if and not
                     raise InvalidMove(self.messages['parent_not_active'])
     elif position in ('first-child', 'last-child'):
         if != self.parent_id:
             if self.system_flags.change_parent_restriction:
                 raise InvalidMove(self.messages['change_parent_restriction'])
             if target.system_flags.has_child_restriction:
                 raise InvalidMove(self.messages['has_child_restriction'])
             if not and
                 raise InvalidMove(self.messages['parent_not_active'])
     super(BaseDataMart, self).move_to(target, position)
Example #4
 def move_node(self, node, target, position='last-child'):
     if node.field_id != target.field_id:
         raise InvalidMove(f"Can not move '{node.value}' relative to '{target.value}', "
                           f"because they do not share a field")
     super().move_node(node, target, position=position)
Example #5
    def _make_sibling_of_root_node(self, node, target, position):
        Moves ``node``, making it a sibling of the given ``target`` root
        node as specified by ``position``.

        ``node`` will be modified to reflect its new tree state in the

        Since we use tree ids to reduce the number of rows affected by
        tree mangement during insertion and deletion, root nodes are not
        true siblings; thus, making an item a sibling of a root node is
        a special case which involves shuffling tree ids around.
        if node == target:
            raise InvalidMove(_('A node may not be made a sibling of itself.'))

        opts = self.model._meta
        tree_id = getattr(node, self.tree_id_attr)
        target_tree_id = getattr(target, self.tree_id_attr)

        if node.is_child_node():
            if position == 'left':
                space_target = target_tree_id - 1
                new_tree_id = target_tree_id
            elif position == 'right':
                space_target = target_tree_id
                new_tree_id = target_tree_id + 1
                raise ValueError(_('An invalid position was given: %s.') % position)

            if tree_id > space_target:
                # The node's tree id has been incremented in the
                # database - this change must be reflected in the node
                # object for the method call below to operate on the
                # correct tree.
                setattr(node, self.tree_id_attr, tree_id + 1)
            self._make_child_root_node(node, new_tree_id)
            if position == 'left':
                if target_tree_id > tree_id:
                    left_sibling = target.get_previous_sibling()
                    if node == left_sibling:
                    new_tree_id = getattr(left_sibling, self.tree_id_attr)
                    lower_bound, upper_bound = tree_id, new_tree_id
                    shift = -1
                    new_tree_id = target_tree_id
                    lower_bound, upper_bound = new_tree_id, tree_id
                    shift = 1
            elif position == 'right':
                if target_tree_id > tree_id:
                    new_tree_id = target_tree_id
                    lower_bound, upper_bound = tree_id, target_tree_id
                    shift = -1
                    right_sibling = target.get_next_sibling()
                    if node == right_sibling:
                    new_tree_id = getattr(right_sibling, self.tree_id_attr)
                    lower_bound, upper_bound = new_tree_id, tree_id
                    shift = 1
                raise ValueError(_('An invalid position was given: %s.') % position)

            connection = self._get_connection(instance=node)
            qn = connection.ops.quote_name

            root_sibling_query = """
            UPDATE %(table)s
            SET %(tree_id)s = CASE
                WHEN %(tree_id)s = %%s
                    THEN %%s
                ELSE %(tree_id)s + %%s END
            WHERE %(tree_id)s >= %%s AND %(tree_id)s <= %%s""" % {
                'table': qn(self.tree_model._meta.db_table),
                'tree_id': qn(opts.get_field(self.tree_id_attr).column),

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute(root_sibling_query, [tree_id, new_tree_id, shift,
                                                lower_bound, upper_bound])
            setattr(node, self.tree_id_attr, new_tree_id)
Example #6
    def _move_root_node(self, node, target, position):
        Moves root node``node`` to a different tree, inserting it
        relative to the given ``target`` node as specified by

        ``node`` will be modified to reflect its new tree state in the
        left = getattr(node, self.left_attr)
        right = getattr(node, self.right_attr)
        level = getattr(node, self.level_attr)
        tree_id = getattr(node, self.tree_id_attr)
        new_tree_id = getattr(target, self.tree_id_attr)
        width = right - left + 1

        if node == target:
            raise InvalidMove(_('A node may not be made a child of itself.'))
        elif tree_id == new_tree_id:
            raise InvalidMove(_('A node may not be made a child of any of its descendants.'))

        space_target, level_change, left_right_change, parent, right_shift = \
            self._calculate_inter_tree_move_values(node, target, position)

        # Create space for the tree which will be inserted
        self._create_space(width, space_target, new_tree_id)

        # Move the root node, making it a child node
        connection = self._get_connection(instance=node)
        qn = connection.ops.quote_name

        opts = self.model._meta
        move_tree_query = """
        UPDATE %(table)s
        SET %(level)s = %(level)s - %%s,
            %(left)s = %(left)s - %%s,
            %(right)s = %(right)s - %%s,
            %(tree_id)s = %%s
        WHERE %(left)s >= %%s AND %(left)s <= %%s
          AND %(tree_id)s = %%s""" % {
            'table': qn(self.tree_model._meta.db_table),
            'level': qn(opts.get_field(self.level_attr).column),
            'left': qn(opts.get_field(self.left_attr).column),
            'right': qn(opts.get_field(self.right_attr).column),
            'tree_id': qn(opts.get_field(self.tree_id_attr).column),

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(move_tree_query, [
            level_change, left_right_change, left_right_change,
            left, right, tree_id])

        # Update the former root node to be consistent with the updated
        # tree in the database.
        setattr(node, self.left_attr, left - left_right_change)
        setattr(node, self.right_attr, right - left_right_change)
        setattr(node, self.level_attr, level - level_change)
        setattr(node, self.tree_id_attr, new_tree_id)
        setattr(node, self.parent_attr, parent)
        node._mptt_cached_fields[self.parent_attr] =
Example #7
    def _move_child_within_tree(self, node, target, position):
        Moves child node ``node`` within its current tree relative to
        the given ``target`` node as specified by ``position``.

        ``node`` will be modified to reflect its new tree state in the
        left = getattr(node, self.left_attr)
        right = getattr(node, self.right_attr)
        level = getattr(node, self.level_attr)
        width = right - left + 1
        tree_id = getattr(node, self.tree_id_attr)
        target_left = getattr(target, self.left_attr)
        target_right = getattr(target, self.right_attr)
        target_level = getattr(target, self.level_attr)

        if position == 'last-child' or position == 'first-child':
            if node == target:
                raise InvalidMove(_('A node may not be made a child of itself.'))
            elif left < target_left < right:
                raise InvalidMove(_('A node may not be made a child of any of its descendants.'))
            if position == 'last-child':
                if target_right > right:
                    new_left = target_right - width
                    new_right = target_right - 1
                    new_left = target_right
                    new_right = target_right + width - 1
                if target_left > left:
                    new_left = target_left - width + 1
                    new_right = target_left
                    new_left = target_left + 1
                    new_right = target_left + width
            level_change = level - target_level - 1
            parent = target
        elif position == 'left' or position == 'right':
            if node == target:
                raise InvalidMove(_('A node may not be made a sibling of itself.'))
            elif left < target_left < right:
                raise InvalidMove(_('A node may not be made a sibling of any of its descendants.'))
            if position == 'left':
                if target_left > left:
                    new_left = target_left - width
                    new_right = target_left - 1
                    new_left = target_left
                    new_right = target_left + width - 1
                if target_right > right:
                    new_left = target_right - width + 1
                    new_right = target_right
                    new_left = target_right + 1
                    new_right = target_right + width
            level_change = level - target_level
            parent = getattr(target, self.parent_attr)
            raise ValueError(_('An invalid position was given: %s.') % position)

        left_boundary = min(left, new_left)
        right_boundary = max(right, new_right)
        left_right_change = new_left - left
        gap_size = width
        if left_right_change > 0:
            gap_size = -gap_size

        connection = self._get_connection(instance=node)
        qn = connection.ops.quote_name

        opts = self.model._meta
        # The level update must come before the left update to keep
        # MySQL happy - left seems to refer to the updated value
        # immediately after its update has been specified in the query
        # with MySQL, but not with SQLite or Postgres.
        move_subtree_query = """
        UPDATE %(table)s
        SET %(level)s = CASE
                WHEN %(left)s >= %%s AND %(left)s <= %%s
                  THEN %(level)s - %%s
                ELSE %(level)s END,
            %(left)s = CASE
                WHEN %(left)s >= %%s AND %(left)s <= %%s
                  THEN %(left)s + %%s
                WHEN %(left)s >= %%s AND %(left)s <= %%s
                  THEN %(left)s + %%s
                ELSE %(left)s END,
            %(right)s = CASE
                WHEN %(right)s >= %%s AND %(right)s <= %%s
                  THEN %(right)s + %%s
                WHEN %(right)s >= %%s AND %(right)s <= %%s
                  THEN %(right)s + %%s
                ELSE %(right)s END
        WHERE %(tree_id)s = %%s""" % {
            'table': qn(self.tree_model._meta.db_table),
            'level': qn(opts.get_field(self.level_attr).column),
            'left': qn(opts.get_field(self.left_attr).column),
            'right': qn(opts.get_field(self.right_attr).column),
            'tree_id': qn(opts.get_field(self.tree_id_attr).column),

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(move_subtree_query, [
            left, right, level_change,
            left, right, left_right_change,
            left_boundary, right_boundary, gap_size,
            left, right, left_right_change,
            left_boundary, right_boundary, gap_size,

        # Update the node to be consistent with the updated
        # tree in the database.
        setattr(node, self.left_attr, new_left)
        setattr(node, self.right_attr, new_right)
        setattr(node, self.level_attr, level - level_change)
        setattr(node, self.parent_attr, parent)
        node._mptt_cached_fields[self.parent_attr] =
Example #8
 def validate_move_to(self, target):
     """Raise ``InvalidMove``"""
     raise InvalidMove('Invalid move')