def __init__(self, read_interval=5, log_interval=600):
        """Constructs the PeriodicReader object:
        'read_interval': the time interval between calls to the 'reader'
            read() method in seconds.
        'log_interval': the time interval between points when the readings
            are summarized and logged to the logging handlers in seconds.

        self.read_interval = read_interval
        self.log_interval = log_interval

        # create a list of reader objects that read sensors.
        self.readers = []

        # create a list of handlers to be called with summarized readings
        # at each logging event.
        self.logging_handlers = []
        # create a dictionary to hold all the readings collected during a 
        # logging interval.  The keys of the dictionary will be the reading ID,
        # and the values will be a two-tuple, the first value being the 
        # reading_type from the readers.base_reader module, and the second value 
        # will be a list of readings, each reading being a tuple of the form:
        # (timestamp, value)
        self.read_data = {}

        # Create a poster object to post readings to the local MQTT broker.
        # It runs in a separate thread and must be started
        self.poster = mqtt_poster.MQTTposter()

        # track whether a call has been make to log readings before.
        self.first_log_call = True
Example #2
def get_last(meter_id):
    """Returns a (ts, val) tuple for Meter ID 'meter_id'.  If that 
    Meter ID is not present (None, None) is returned.
    return last_reads.get(meter_id, (None, None))

def set_last(meter_id, ts, val):
    """Sets the last meter reading for Meter ID 'meter_id'.
    The attributes stored are the timestamp 'ts' and the
    value 'val'.
    last_reads[meter_id] = (ts, val)

# Start up the object that will post the final readings to the MQTT
# broker.
mqtt = mqtt_poster.MQTTposter()

# start the rtlamr program.
rtlamr = subprocess.Popen(['/home/pi/gocode/bin/rtlamr', 
    '-gainbyindex=24',   # index 24 was found to be the most sensitive
    '-format=csv'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

# Get the Meter multipliers from the Settings file and put
# them into a dictionary.
meter_mult = {
    'Gas': getattr(settings, 'METER_MULT_GAS', 1000.0),
    'Elec': getattr(settings, 'METER_MULT_ELEC', 1.0),
    'Water': getattr(settings, 'METER_MULT_WATER', 1.0),