Example #1
 def __call__(self):
     Look for a counterexample.
     # Sample a rate matrix.
     # Use a trick by Robert Kern to left and right multiply by diagonals.
     # http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-March/
     # 026809.html
     S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(self.nstates)
     v = mrate.sample_distn(self.nstates)
     R = (v**-0.5)[:,np.newaxis] * S * (v**0.5)
     R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
     # Construct a parent-independent process
     # with the same max rate and stationary distribution
     # as the sampled process.
     #max_rate = max(-np.diag(R))
     #expected_rate = np.dot(v, -np.diag(R))
     #logical_entropy = np.dot(v, 1-v)
     #randomization_rate = expected_rate / logical_entropy
     Q = self.simplification(R)
     #Q = np.outer(np.ones(self.nstates), v)
     #Q -= np.diag(np.sum(Q, axis=1))
     #Q *= max(np.diag(R) / np.diag(Q))
     # sample a random time
     t = random.expovariate(1)
     # Check that the mutual information of the
     # parent independent process is smaller.
     mi_R = ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(R, t)
     mi_Q = ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(Q, t)
     if np.allclose(mi_R, mi_Q):
         self.n_too_close += 1
         return False
     if mi_R < mi_Q:
         out = StringIO()
         print >> out, 'found a counterexample'
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled symmetric matrix S:'
         print >> out, S
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled stationary distribution v:'
         print >> out, v
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'implied rate matrix R:'
         print >> out, R
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'parent independent process Q:'
         print >> out, Q
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled time t:', t
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'mutual information of sampled process:', mi_R
         print >> out, 'mutual information of p.i. process:', mi_Q
         print >> out
         self.counterexample = out.getvalue().rstrip()
         return True
Example #2
 def __call__(self):
     Look for a counterexample.
     # Sample a rate matrix.
     # Use a trick by Robert Kern to left and right multiply by diagonals.
     # http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-March/
     # 026809.html
     S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(self.nstates)
     v = mrate.sample_distn(self.nstates)
     R = (v**-0.5)[:, np.newaxis] * S * (v**0.5)
     R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
     # Construct a parent-independent process
     # with the same max rate and stationary distribution
     # as the sampled process.
     #max_rate = max(-np.diag(R))
     #expected_rate = np.dot(v, -np.diag(R))
     #logical_entropy = np.dot(v, 1-v)
     #randomization_rate = expected_rate / logical_entropy
     Q = self.simplification(R)
     #Q = np.outer(np.ones(self.nstates), v)
     #Q -= np.diag(np.sum(Q, axis=1))
     #Q *= max(np.diag(R) / np.diag(Q))
     # sample a random time
     t = random.expovariate(1)
     # Check that the mutual information of the
     # parent independent process is smaller.
     mi_R = ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(R, t)
     mi_Q = ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(Q, t)
     if np.allclose(mi_R, mi_Q):
         self.n_too_close += 1
         return False
     if mi_R < mi_Q:
         out = StringIO()
         print >> out, 'found a counterexample'
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled symmetric matrix S:'
         print >> out, S
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled stationary distribution v:'
         print >> out, v
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'implied rate matrix R:'
         print >> out, R
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'parent independent process Q:'
         print >> out, Q
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled time t:', t
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'mutual information of sampled process:', mi_R
         print >> out, 'mutual information of p.i. process:', mi_Q
         print >> out
         self.counterexample = out.getvalue().rstrip()
         return True
Example #3
 def __call__(self):
     Look for a counterexample.
     # Sample a rate matrix.
     # Use a trick by Robert Kern to left and right multiply by diagonals.
     # http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-March/
     # 026809.html
     S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(self.nstates)
     v = mrate.sample_distn(self.nstates)
     R = (v**-0.5)[:,np.newaxis] * S * (v**0.5)
     R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
     # sample a random time
     rate = 1.0 / self.etime
     t = random.expovariate(rate)
     # sample one side of the bipartition and get the mutual information
     k = random.randrange(1, self.nstates)
     A = random.sample(range(self.nstates), k)
     mi_non_markov = get_mutual_information(R, A, t)
     # get summary statistics of the non-markov process
     Q = msimpl.get_fast_two_state(R, A)
     mi_markov = ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(Q, t)
     # check if the mutual informations are indistinguishable
     if np.allclose(mi_non_markov, mi_markov):
         self.n_too_close += 1
         return False
     if mi_non_markov < mi_markov:
         out = StringIO()
         print >> out, 'found a counterexample'
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled symmetric matrix S:'
         print >> out, S
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled stationary distribution v:'
         print >> out, v
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'implied rate matrix R:'
         print >> out, R
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'reduced rate matrix Q'
         print >> out, Q
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled time t:', t
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'non-markov mutual information:', mi_non_markov
         print >> out, 'markov mutual information:', mi_markov
         print >> out
         self.counterexample = out.getvalue().rstrip()
         return True
Example #4
 def __call__(self):
     Look for a counterexample.
     # Sample a rate matrix.
     # Use a trick by Robert Kern to left and right multiply by diagonals.
     # http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-March/
     # 026809.html
     S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(self.nstates)
     v = mrate.sample_distn(self.nstates)
     R = (v**-0.5)[:, np.newaxis] * S * (v**0.5)
     R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
     # sample a random time
     rate = 1.0 / self.etime
     t = random.expovariate(rate)
     # sample one side of the bipartition and get the mutual information
     k = random.randrange(1, self.nstates)
     A = random.sample(range(self.nstates), k)
     mi_non_markov = get_mutual_information(R, A, t)
     # get summary statistics of the non-markov process
     Q = msimpl.get_fast_two_state(R, A)
     mi_markov = ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(Q, t)
     # check if the mutual informations are indistinguishable
     if np.allclose(mi_non_markov, mi_markov):
         self.n_too_close += 1
         return False
     if mi_non_markov < mi_markov:
         out = StringIO()
         print >> out, 'found a counterexample'
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled symmetric matrix S:'
         print >> out, S
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled stationary distribution v:'
         print >> out, v
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'implied rate matrix R:'
         print >> out, R
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'reduced rate matrix Q'
         print >> out, Q
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'sampled time t:', t
         print >> out
         print >> out, 'non-markov mutual information:', mi_non_markov
         print >> out, 'markov mutual information:', mi_markov
         print >> out
         self.counterexample = out.getvalue().rstrip()
         return True
Example #5
def process(fs):
    n = fs.nstates
    out = StringIO()
    # Sample a symmetric rate matrix and a stationary distribution,
    # then construct the rate matrix R.
    S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(n)
    v = mrate.sample_distn(n)
    psi = np.sqrt(v)
    R = (S.T / psi).T * psi
    R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
    R_W, R_V = scipy.linalg.eig(R)
    # Add some deletion.
    deletion = 0.1
    Q = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            Q[i, j] = R[i, j]
    for i in range(n):
        Q[i, -1] = deletion
    Q -= np.diag(np.sum(Q, axis=1))
    Q_W, Q_V = scipy.linalg.eig(Q)
    print >> out, 'deletion rate:'
    print >> out, deletion
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'sampled rate matrix R:'
    print >> out, R
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'spectrum of R:'
    print >> out, R_W
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'rate matrix with deletion Q:'
    print >> out, Q
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'spectrum of Q:'
    print >> out, Q_W
    print >> out
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()
Example #6
def process(fs):
    n = fs.nstates
    out = StringIO()
    # Sample a symmetric rate matrix and a stationary distribution,
    # then construct the rate matrix R.
    S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(n)
    v = mrate.sample_distn(n)
    psi = np.sqrt(v)
    R = (S.T / psi).T * psi
    R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
    R_W, R_V = scipy.linalg.eig(R)
    # Add some deletion.
    deletion = 0.1
    Q = np.zeros((n+1, n+1))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            Q[i, j] = R[i, j]
    for i in range(n):
        Q[i, -1] = deletion
    Q -= np.diag(np.sum(Q, axis=1))
    Q_W, Q_V = scipy.linalg.eig(Q)
    print >> out, 'deletion rate:'
    print >> out, deletion
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'sampled rate matrix R:'
    print >> out, R
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'spectrum of R:'
    print >> out, R_W
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'rate matrix with deletion Q:'
    print >> out, Q
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'spectrum of Q:'
    print >> out, Q_W
    print >> out
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()
Example #7
 def __call__(self):
     Look for a counterexample.
     # Sample a rate matrix.
     # Use a trick by Robert Kern to left and right multiply by diagonals.
     # http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-March/
     # 026809.html
     S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(self.nstates)
     v = mrate.sample_distn(self.nstates)
     R = (v**-0.5)[:, np.newaxis] * S * (v**0.5)
     R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
     # Sample a short time and a longer time.
     # For each row of the transition matrix,
     # look at the K-L divergence to the stationary distribution,
     # and check that it is smaller at the larger time.
     ta, tb = sorted((random.expovariate(1), random.expovariate(1)))
     Pa = scipy.linalg.expm(R * ta)
     Pb = scipy.linalg.expm(R * tb)
     for rowa, rowb in zip(Pa, Pb):
         self.nrows_total += 1
         if np.allclose(rowa, rowb):
             self.nrows_allclose += 1
         kla = sum(x * math.log(x / y) for x, y in zip(rowa, v))
         klb = sum(x * math.log(x / y) for x, y in zip(rowb, v))
         if kla < klb:
             out = StringIO()
             print >> out, 'found a counterexample'
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'sampled symmetric matrix S:'
             print >> out, S
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'sampled stationary distribution v:'
             print >> out, v
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'implied rate matrix R:'
             print >> out, R
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'sampled time ta:', ta
             print >> out, 'sampled time tb:', tb
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'transition matrix Pa:'
             print >> out, Pa
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'transition matrix Pb:'
             print >> out, Pb
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'relevant row of Pa:'
             print >> out, rowa
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'relevant row of Pb:'
             print >> out, rowb
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'K-L divergence of row of Pa from v:'
             print >> out, kla
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'K-L divergence of row of Pb from v:'
             print >> out, klb
             print >> out
             self.counterexample = out.getvalue().rstrip()
             return True
Example #8
def process(fs):
    n = fs.nstates
    out = StringIO()
    # Sample a symmetric rate matrix and a stationary distribution,
    # then construct the rate matrix R.
    S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(n)
    v = mrate.sample_distn(n)
    psi = np.sqrt(v)
    R = (S.T / psi).T * psi
    R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
    R_W, R_V = scipy.linalg.eig(R)
    # construct the symmetric matrix that is similar to R
    R_sim = (R.T * psi).T / psi
    if not np.allclose(R_sim, R_sim.T):
        raise ValueError('the similar symmetric matrix is not symmetric...')
    R_sim_W, R_sim_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(R_sim)
    R_gap = -R_sim_W[-2]
    v2 = R_sim_V.T[-2]**2
    # reconstruct the eigenvectors of R
    R_V_rebuilt = (R_sim_V.T / psi).T
    # Try to make the commute time matrix.
    # R_sim is a lot like a Laplacian matrix, so lets pseudoinvert it.
    R_sim_pinv = scipy.linalg.pinv(R_sim)
    myouter = np.outer(np.ones(n), np.diag(R_sim_pinv))
    D = -(myouter + myouter.T - 2 * R_sim_pinv)
    D_commute = mrate.get_commute_distance_matrix(R, v)
    if not np.allclose(D, D_commute):
        raise ValueError('error computing commute distances')
    HDH = MatrixUtil.double_centered(D)
    HDH_W, HDH_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(HDH)
    # compute squared pairwise distances brutely
    X = R_sim_V.T[:-1].T / np.sqrt(-R_sim_W[:-1])
    D_brute = np.array([[np.dot(b - a, b - a) for a in X] for b in X])
    print >> out, 'reconstructed EDM:'
    print >> out, D
    print >> out
    D = (D.T / psi).T / psi
    print >> out, 'divide by square roots of stationary probabilities:'
    print >> out, D
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigh of centered EDM:'
    print >> out, 'eigenvalues:'
    print >> out, HDH_W
    print >> out, 'reciprocal nonzero eigenvalues:'
    print >> out, 1 / HDH_W
    print >> out, 'eigenvectors:'
    print >> out, HDH_V
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'squared distances computed brutely:'
    print >> out, D_brute
    print >> out
    print >> out, '1 / (h * max(D)):', 1 / (np.dot(v, 1 - v) * np.max(D))
    print >> out, '1 / max(D):', 1 / np.max(D)
    print >> out
    # report some more standard stuff
    print >> out, 'sampled rate matrix R:'
    print >> out, R
    print >> out, 'stationary distn:', v
    print >> out, '1/R01 + 1/R10:', 1 / R[0, 1] + 1 / R[1, 0]
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'scipy.linagl.eig(R):'
    print >> out, R_W
    print >> out, R_V
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'symmetric matrix similar to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigh of the symmetric similar matrix to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_sim_V
    print >> out, 'spectral gap:', R_gap
    print >> out, 'entrywise squares of eigenvectors:'
    print >> out, R_sim_V**2
    print >> out, 'a bilinear form involving a fiedler-like eigenvector:'
    print >> out, ndot(R_sim_V.T[-2], R_sim, R_sim_V.T[-2])
    print >> out, 'expected rate:', -np.dot(v, np.diag(R))
    print >> out, 'second order expected rate:', -np.dot(v2, np.diag(R))
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvectors of R from eigenvectors of the similar matrix:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_V_rebuilt
    print >> out
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()
Example #9
def process(fs):
    n = fs.nstates
    out = StringIO()
    # Sample a symmetric rate matrix and a stationary distribution,
    # then construct the rate matrix R.
    S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(n)
    v = mrate.sample_distn(n)
    psi = np.sqrt(v)
    R = (S.T / psi).T * psi
    R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
    R_W, R_V = scipy.linalg.eig(R)
    # construct the symmetric matrix that is similar to R
    R_sim = (R.T * psi).T / psi
    if not np.allclose(R_sim, R_sim.T):
        raise ValueError('the similar symmetric matrix is not symmetric...')
    R_sim_W, R_sim_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(R_sim)
    R_gap = -R_sim_W[-2]
    v2 = R_sim_V.T[-2]**2
    # reconstruct the eigenvectors of R
    R_V_rebuilt = (R_sim_V.T / psi).T
    # Try to make the commute time matrix.
    # R_sim is a lot like a Laplacian matrix, so lets pseudoinvert it.
    R_sim_pinv = scipy.linalg.pinv(R_sim)
    myouter = np.outer(np.ones(n), np.diag(R_sim_pinv))
    D = -(myouter + myouter.T - 2*R_sim_pinv)
    D_commute = mrate.get_commute_distance_matrix(R, v)
    if not np.allclose(D, D_commute):
        raise ValueError('error computing commute distances')
    HDH = MatrixUtil.double_centered(D)
    HDH_W, HDH_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(HDH)
    # compute squared pairwise distances brutely
    X = R_sim_V.T[:-1].T / np.sqrt(-R_sim_W[:-1])
    D_brute = np.array([[np.dot(b - a, b - a) for a in X] for b in X])
    print >> out, 'reconstructed EDM:'
    print >> out, D
    print >> out
    D = (D.T / psi).T / psi
    print >> out, 'divide by square roots of stationary probabilities:'
    print >> out, D
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigh of centered EDM:'
    print >> out, 'eigenvalues:'
    print >> out, HDH_W
    print >> out, 'reciprocal nonzero eigenvalues:'
    print >> out, 1 / HDH_W
    print >> out, 'eigenvectors:'
    print >> out, HDH_V
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'squared distances computed brutely:'
    print >> out, D_brute
    print >> out
    print >> out, '1 / (h * max(D)):', 1 / (np.dot(v, 1-v) * np.max(D))
    print >> out, '1 / max(D):', 1 / np.max(D)
    print >> out
    # report some more standard stuff
    print >> out, 'sampled rate matrix R:'
    print >> out, R
    print >> out, 'stationary distn:', v
    print >> out, '1/R01 + 1/R10:', 1/R[0,1] + 1/R[1,0]
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'scipy.linagl.eig(R):'
    print >> out, R_W
    print >> out, R_V
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'symmetric matrix similar to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigh of the symmetric similar matrix to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_sim_V
    print >> out, 'spectral gap:', R_gap
    print >> out, 'entrywise squares of eigenvectors:'
    print >> out, R_sim_V ** 2
    print >> out, 'a bilinear form involving a fiedler-like eigenvector:'
    print >> out, ndot(R_sim_V.T[-2], R_sim, R_sim_V.T[-2])
    print >> out, 'expected rate:', -np.dot(v, np.diag(R))
    print >> out, 'second order expected rate:', -np.dot(v2, np.diag(R))
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvectors of R from eigenvectors of the similar matrix:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_V_rebuilt
    print >> out
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()
Example #10
 def __call__(self):
     Look for a counterexample.
     # Sample a rate matrix.
     # Use a trick by Robert Kern to left and right multiply by diagonals.
     # http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-March/
     # 026809.html
     S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(self.nstates)
     v = mrate.sample_distn(self.nstates)
     R = (v**-0.5)[:,np.newaxis] * S * (v**0.5)
     R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
     # Sample a short time and a longer time.
     # For each row of the transition matrix,
     # look at the K-L divergence to the stationary distribution,
     # and check that it is smaller at the larger time.
     ta, tb = sorted((random.expovariate(1), random.expovariate(1)))
     Pa = scipy.linalg.expm(R * ta)
     Pb = scipy.linalg.expm(R * tb)
     for rowa, rowb in zip(Pa, Pb):
         self.nrows_total += 1
         if np.allclose(rowa, rowb):
             self.nrows_allclose += 1
         kla = sum(x*math.log(x/y) for x, y in zip(rowa, v))
         klb = sum(x*math.log(x/y) for x, y in zip(rowb, v))
         if kla < klb:
             out = StringIO()
             print >> out, 'found a counterexample'
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'sampled symmetric matrix S:'
             print >> out, S
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'sampled stationary distribution v:'
             print >> out, v
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'implied rate matrix R:'
             print >> out, R
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'sampled time ta:', ta
             print >> out, 'sampled time tb:', tb
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'transition matrix Pa:'
             print >> out, Pa
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'transition matrix Pb:'
             print >> out, Pb
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'relevant row of Pa:'
             print >> out, rowa
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'relevant row of Pb:'
             print >> out, rowb
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'K-L divergence of row of Pa from v:'
             print >> out, kla
             print >> out
             print >> out, 'K-L divergence of row of Pb from v:'
             print >> out, klb
             print >> out
             self.counterexample = out.getvalue().rstrip()
             return True
Example #11
def process(fs):
    n = fs.nstates
    out = StringIO()
    # Sample a symmetric rate matrix and a stationary distribution,
    # then construct the rate matrix R.
    S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(n)
    v = mrate.sample_distn(n)
    psi = np.sqrt(v)
    R = (S.T / psi).T * psi
    R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
    R_W, R_V = scipy.linalg.eig(R)
    # construct the symmetric matrix that is similar to R
    R_sim = (R.T * psi).T / psi
    if not np.allclose(R_sim, R_sim.T):
        raise ValueError('the similar symmetric matrix is not symmetric...')
    R_sim_W, R_sim_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(R_sim)
    R_gap = -R_sim_W[-2]
    v2 = R_sim_V.T[-2]**2
    # reconstruct the eigenvectors of R
    R_V_rebuilt = (R_sim_V.T / psi).T
    # Sample some numbers then subtract mean then normalize.
    dv = np.random.exponential(1, n)
    dv -= np.mean(dv)
    dv *= fs.eps / np.dot(dv, dv)
    qv = v + dv
    if any(qv < 0) or any(1 < qv):
        raise ValueError(
            'the stationary distribution change was too large '
            'for the randomly sampled process')
    qpsi = np.sqrt(qv)
    # define the rate matrix
    if fs.knudsen:
        Q = (S.T / qpsi).T * qpsi
    elif fs.sella:
        Q = R.copy()
        for a in range(n):
            for b in range(n):
                if a != b:
                    tau = (qv[b] / v[b]) / (qv[a] / v[a])
                    Q[a, b] *= math.log(tau) / (1 - 1/tau)
    Q -= np.diag(np.sum(Q, axis=1))
    # construct the symmetric matrix that is similar to Q
    Q_sim = (Q.T * qpsi).T / qpsi
    Q_sim_W, Q_sim_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(Q_sim)
    Q_gap = -Q_sim_W[-2]
    # report some stuff
    print >> out, 'sampled rate matrix R:'
    print >> out, R
    print >> out, 'stationary distn:', v
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'scipy.linagl.eig(R):'
    print >> out, R_W
    print >> out, R_V
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'symmetric matrix similar to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigh of the symmetric similar matrix to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_sim_V
    print >> out, 'spectral gap:', R_gap
    print >> out, 'entrywise squares of eigenvectors:'
    print >> out, R_sim_V ** 2
    print >> out, 'a bilinear form involving a fiedler-like eigenvector:'
    print >> out, ndot(R_sim_V.T[-2], R_sim, R_sim_V.T[-2])
    print >> out, 'expected rate:', -np.dot(v, np.diag(R))
    print >> out, 'second order expected rate:', -np.dot(v2, np.diag(R))
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvectors of R from eigenvectors of the similar matrix:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_V_rebuilt
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'mutation-selection balance matrix Q:'
    print >> out, Q
    print >> out, 'stationary distn:', qv
    print >> out, 'spectral gap:', Q_gap
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'symmetric matrix similar to Q:'
    print >> out, Q_sim
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'pi(Q) - pi(R):', dv
    print >> out, 'gap(Q) - gap(R):', Q_gap - R_gap
    print >> out, 'diag(Q) - diag(R):', np.diag(Q) - np.diag(R)
    print >> out, 'trace(Q) - trace(R):', np.trace(Q) - np.trace(R)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'rate away estimate of spectral gap change:'
    print >> out, np.dot(np.diag(Q) - np.diag(R), R_sim_V.T[-2]**2)
    print >> out
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()
Example #12
def process(fs):
    n = fs.nstates
    out = StringIO()
    # Sample a symmetric rate matrix and a stationary distribution,
    # then construct the rate matrix R.
    S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(n)
    v = mrate.sample_distn(n)
    psi = np.sqrt(v)
    R = (S.T / psi).T * psi
    R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
    R_W, R_V = scipy.linalg.eig(R)
    # construct the symmetric matrix that is similar to R
    R_sim = (R.T * psi).T / psi
    if not np.allclose(R_sim, R_sim.T):
        raise ValueError('the similar symmetric matrix is not symmetric...')
    R_sim_W, R_sim_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(R_sim)
    R_gap = -R_sim_W[-2]
    v2 = R_sim_V.T[-2]**2
    # reconstruct the eigenvectors of R
    R_V_rebuilt = (R_sim_V.T / psi).T
    # Sample some numbers then subtract mean then normalize.
    dv = np.random.exponential(1, n)
    dv -= np.mean(dv)
    dv *= fs.eps / np.dot(dv, dv)
    qv = v + dv
    if any(qv < 0) or any(1 < qv):
        raise ValueError('the stationary distribution change was too large '
                         'for the randomly sampled process')
    qpsi = np.sqrt(qv)
    # define the rate matrix
    if fs.knudsen:
        Q = (S.T / qpsi).T * qpsi
    elif fs.sella:
        Q = R.copy()
        for a in range(n):
            for b in range(n):
                if a != b:
                    tau = (qv[b] / v[b]) / (qv[a] / v[a])
                    Q[a, b] *= math.log(tau) / (1 - 1 / tau)
    Q -= np.diag(np.sum(Q, axis=1))
    # construct the symmetric matrix that is similar to Q
    Q_sim = (Q.T * qpsi).T / qpsi
    Q_sim_W, Q_sim_V = scipy.linalg.eigh(Q_sim)
    Q_gap = -Q_sim_W[-2]
    # report some stuff
    print >> out, 'sampled rate matrix R:'
    print >> out, R
    print >> out, 'stationary distn:', v
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'scipy.linagl.eig(R):'
    print >> out, R_W
    print >> out, R_V
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'symmetric matrix similar to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigh of the symmetric similar matrix to R:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_sim_V
    print >> out, 'spectral gap:', R_gap
    print >> out, 'entrywise squares of eigenvectors:'
    print >> out, R_sim_V**2
    print >> out, 'a bilinear form involving a fiedler-like eigenvector:'
    print >> out, ndot(R_sim_V.T[-2], R_sim, R_sim_V.T[-2])
    print >> out, 'expected rate:', -np.dot(v, np.diag(R))
    print >> out, 'second order expected rate:', -np.dot(v2, np.diag(R))
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvectors of R from eigenvectors of the similar matrix:'
    print >> out, R_sim_W
    print >> out, R_V_rebuilt
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'mutation-selection balance matrix Q:'
    print >> out, Q
    print >> out, 'stationary distn:', qv
    print >> out, 'spectral gap:', Q_gap
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'symmetric matrix similar to Q:'
    print >> out, Q_sim
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'pi(Q) - pi(R):', dv
    print >> out, 'gap(Q) - gap(R):', Q_gap - R_gap
    print >> out, 'diag(Q) - diag(R):', np.diag(Q) - np.diag(R)
    print >> out, 'trace(Q) - trace(R):', np.trace(Q) - np.trace(R)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'rate away estimate of spectral gap change:'
    print >> out, np.dot(np.diag(Q) - np.diag(R), R_sim_V.T[-2]**2)
    print >> out
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()
Example #13
def process(fs):
    nstates = fs.nstates
    t = fs.t
    ### sample a random time
    ##time_mu = 0.01
    ##t = random.expovariate(1 / time_mu)
    # Sample a rate matrix.
    # Use a trick by Robert Kern to left and right multiply by diagonals.
    # http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-March/
    # 026809.html
    S = MatrixUtil.sample_pos_sym_matrix(nstates)
    v = mrate.sample_distn(nstates)
    R = (v**-0.5)[:,np.newaxis] * S * (v**0.5)
    R -= np.diag(np.sum(R, axis=1))
    # Construct a parent-independent process
    # with the same max rate and stationary distribution
    # as the sampled process.
    if fs.parent_indep:
        Q = np.outer(np.ones(nstates), v)
        Q -= np.diag(np.sum(Q, axis=1))
        pi_rescaling_factor = max(np.diag(R) / np.diag(Q))
        Q *= pi_rescaling_factor
        Z = msimpl.get_fast_meta_f81_autobarrier(Q)
    # Construct a child-independent process
    # with the same expected rate
    # as the sampled process
    if fs.child_indep:
        C = np.outer(1/v, np.ones(nstates))
        C -= np.diag(np.sum(C, axis=1))
        ci_rescaling_factor = np.max(R / C)
        #expected_rate = -ndot(np.diag(R), v)
        #ci_rescaling_factor = expected_rate / (nstates*(nstates-1))
        #ci_rescaling_factor = expected_rate / (nstates*nstates)
        C *= ci_rescaling_factor
        Q = C
    if fs.bipartitioned:
        Q = msimpl.get_fast_meta_f81_autobarrier(R)
    # Check that the mutual information of the
    # parent independent process is smaller.
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'sampled symmetric part of the rate matrix S:'
    print >> out, S
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'sampled stationary distribution v:'
    print >> out, v
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'shannon entropy of stationary distribution v:'
    print >> out, -np.dot(np.log(v), v)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'sqrt stationary distribution:'
    print >> out, np.sqrt(v)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'implied rate matrix R:'
    print >> out, R
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvalues of R:', scipy.linalg.eigvals(R)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'relaxation rate of R:',
    print >> out, sorted(np.abs(scipy.linalg.eigvals(R)))[1]
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'expected rate of R:', mrate.Q_to_expected_rate(R)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'cheeger bounds of R:', get_cheeger_bounds(R, v)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'randomization rate of R:', get_randomization_rate(R, v)
    print >> out
    candidates = [get_randomization_candidate(R, v, i) for i in range(nstates)]
    if np.allclose(get_randomization_rate(R, v), candidates):
        print >> out, 'all candidates are equal to this rate'
        print >> out, 'not all candidates are equal to this rate'
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'simplified rate matrix Q:'
    print >> out, Q
    print >> out
    qv = mrate.R_to_distn(Q)
    print >> out, 'stationary distribution of Q:'
    print >> out, qv
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'ratio qv/v:'
    print >> out, qv / v
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'shannon entropy of stationary distribution of Q:'
    print >> out, -np.dot(np.log(qv), qv)
    print >> out
    if fs.parent_indep:
        print >> out, 'parent independent rescaling factor:'
        print >> out, pi_rescaling_factor
        print >> out
    if fs.child_indep:
        print >> out, 'child independent rescaling factor:'
        print >> out, ci_rescaling_factor
        print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigenvalues of Q:', scipy.linalg.eigvals(Q)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'relaxation rate of Q:',
    print >> out, sorted(np.abs(scipy.linalg.eigvals(Q)))[1]
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'expected rate of Q:', mrate.Q_to_expected_rate(Q)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'cheeger bounds of Q:', get_cheeger_bounds(Q, v)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'randomization rate of Q:', get_randomization_rate(Q, v)
    print >> out
    candidates = [get_randomization_candidate(Q, v, i) for i in range(nstates)]
    if np.allclose(get_randomization_rate(Q, v), candidates):
        print >> out, 'all candidates are equal to this rate'
        print >> out, 'warning: not all candidates are equal to this rate'
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'E(rate) of Q divided by logical entropy:',
    print >> out, mrate.Q_to_expected_rate(Q) / ndot(v, 1-v)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'symmetric matrix similar to Q:'
    S = ndot(np.diag(np.sqrt(v)), Q, np.diag(1/np.sqrt(v)))
    print >> out, S
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'eigendecomposition of the similar matrix:'
    W, V = scipy.linalg.eigh(S)
    print >> out, V
    print >> out, np.diag(W)
    print >> out, V.T
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'time:', t
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'stationary distn logical entropy:', ndot(v, 1-v)
    print >> out
    P_by_hand = get_pi_transition_matrix(Q, v, t)
    print >> out, 'simplified-process transition matrix computed by hand:'
    print >> out, P_by_hand
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'simplified-process transition matrix computed by expm:'
    print >> out, scipy.linalg.expm(Q*t)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'simplified-process m.i. by hand:'
    print >> out, get_pi_mi(Q, v, t)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'simplified-process m.i. by expm:'
    print >> out, ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(Q, t)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'original process m.i. by expm:'
    print >> out, ctmcmi.get_expected_ll_ratio(R, t)
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'stationary distn Shannon entropy:'
    print >> out, -ndot(v, np.log(v))
    print >> out
    if fs.parent_indep:
        print >> out, 'approximate simplified process m.i. 2nd order approx:'
        print >> out, get_pi_mi_t2_approx(Q, v, t)
        print >> out
        print >> out, 'approximate simplified process m.i. "better" approx:'
        print >> out, get_pi_mi_t2_diag_approx(Q, v, t)
        print >> out
        print >> out, '"f81-ization plus barrier" of pure f81-ization:'
        print >> out, Z
        print >> out
    return out.getvalue().rstrip()