Example #1
def stack2mrc(stack, mrc, imfilter=lambda im: im):
    Converts an image stack to an MRC file. Returns the new MRC file object.

    stack    -- the images to read, an iterable of file names
    mrc      -- the MRC filename to save to
    Optional Arguments:
    imfilter  -- a function/callable that takes and returns an image
    from mrc import MRC
    from images import imread

    stack = iter(stack)
        img = imfilter(imread(stack.next()))
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError("Must provide at least one image")
    mrc = MRC(mrc, nx=img.shape[1], ny=img.shape[0], dtype=img.dtype)
                   for img in stack)  # will skip the first one
    return mrc
Example #2
def mrc2stack(mrc,
              imfilter=lambda im: im):
    Converts an MRC file to an image stack

    mrc      -- the MRC file (as MRC object) or filepath (as a string)
    out_dir  -- the directory to save the stack to
    Optional Arguments:
    indxs     -- the indices of slices to save, default is to use all slices
    basename  -- the template name to use for images, needs to have a %d to be replaced by slice number, default is "%04d.png"
    imfilter  -- a function/callable that takes and returns an image
    from os.path import join
    from mrc import MRC
    from images import imsave
    from utils import make_dir

    if isinstance(mrc, basestring): mrc = MRC(mrc)
    if not make_dir(out_dir):
        raise IOError("Unable to create output directory")
    if indxs == None:
        for i, sec in enumerate(mrc):
            imsave(join(out_dir, basename % i), imfilter(sec))
        for i in indxs:
            imsave(join(out_dir, basename % i), imfilter(mrc[i]))
Example #3
 def start(self):
     self.mrc = MRC()
     regularUsers = self.findAndStoreRegularUsers()
     print len(regularUsers)
     if len(regularUsers) == 0:
         return False
     print '---- ' + self.subreddit
     return True
Example #4
def stack2mrc(stack, mrc, imfilter = lambda im: im):
    Converts an image stack to an MRC file. Returns the new MRC file object.

    stack    -- the images to read, an iterable of file names
    mrc      -- the MRC filename to save to
    Optional Arguments:
    imfilter  -- a function/callable that takes and returns an image
    from mrc import MRC
    from images import imread

    stack = iter(stack)
    try: img = imfilter(imread(stack.next()))
    except StopIteration: raise ValueError("Must provide at least one image")
    mrc = MRC(mrc, nx=img.shape[1], ny=img.shape[0], dtype=img.dtype)
    mrc.append_all(imfilter(imread(img)) for img in stack) # will skip the first one
    return mrc
Example #5
class Model:
    #Directory Paths
    RAW_DATA_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR,"RawData") #Folder to keep raw jsonlist files
    PROC_DATA_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR,"ProcessedData")
    REGUSERLIST = os.path.join(PROC_DATA_PATH,"reg_user_list.txt")
    LM_PATH = os.path.join(PROC_DATA_PATH,"lm.txt")
    STATS_FILE = 'stats.txt'

    word_punct_tokenizer = WordPunctTokenizer()
    stop = stopwords.words('english')
    lang_model = None
    subreddit = None

    mem_buffer = {}

    def __init__(self, subreddit):
        self.subreddit = subreddit
        self.PROC_DATA_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR,"ProcessedData"+subreddit)
        self.REGUSERLIST = os.path.join(self.PROC_DATA_PATH,"reg_user_list.txt")
        self.LM_PATH = os.path.join(self.PROC_DATA_PATH,"lm.txt")
    def bufferAdd(self, path, comment):
        if path not in self.mem_buffer:
            self.mem_buffer[path] = []
        self.mem_buffer[path] += [comment]

    def bufferFlush(self):
        for path in self.mem_buffer:
            with open(path, 'a+') as outfile:
                for comment in self.mem_buffer[path]:
                    json.dump(comment, outfile)
        self.mem_buffer = {}

    def storeDataForUser(self, comment):
        Store per user data in file
        if comment.get("selftext") !=  None :
            commentText = comment["selftext"]
        elif comment.get("body") != None:
            commentText = comment["body"]
            commentText = None
        comment['selftext'] = commentText
        comment.pop('body', None)

        self.bufferAdd(os.path.join(self.PROC_DATA_PATH,str(comment["author"])), comment)

    def storeComment(self, regularUsers, comment):
        if len(comment['children']) > 0:
            for child in comment['children']:
                self.storeComment(regularUsers, child)
        if (comment["author"] in regularUsers):
            if (comment.get("selftext") != "None" and \
                    comment.get("selftext")!= '') or \
                    (comment.get("body") != "None" and comment.get("body")!= ''):

    def calcCommentsPerAuthor(self, comment, numCommentsPerAuthor):
        Calculate number of comments per author
        if len(comment['children']) > 0:
            for child in comment['children']:
                self.calcCommentsPerAuthor(child, numCommentsPerAuthor)
        if (comment["author"] != "[deleted]" and \
                comment["author"] != None and \
                comment["author"] != '') and \
                ((comment.get("selftext") != "None" and comment.get("selftext")!= '') \
                  or (comment.get("body") != "None" and comment.get("body")!= '')) :
            author = comment['author']
            n = numCommentsPerAuthor.get(author, 0)
            numCommentsPerAuthor[author] = n+1

    def findAndStoreRegularUsers(self):
        regularUsers = []
        self.lang_model = LM()
        if os.path.isfile(self.REGUSERLIST) and os.path.isfile(self.LM_PATH):
            print 'Reading REGUSERLIST'
            with open(self.REGUSERLIST, 'r') as f:
                regularUsers = [name.rstrip('\n') for name in f.readlines()]
            print 'Reading LM_PATH'
            with open(self.LM_PATH, 'r') as f:
                self.lang_model = pickle.load(f)
            return regularUsers

        shutil.rmtree(self.PROC_DATA_PATH, ignore_errors=True)
        for fileName in os.listdir(self.RAW_DATA_PATH):
            if not fileName.startswith(self.subreddit+'.'):
            print 'Reading :', fileName
            if fileName.endswith(".txt") or fileName.endswith(".jsonlist"):
                # load the json List from every fileName
                jsonList = json.load(
                        open(os.path.join(self.RAW_DATA_PATH, fileName)),
                print "file loaded."
                numCommentsPerAuthor = dict()
                for comment in jsonList:
                    self.calcCommentsPerAuthor(comment, numCommentsPerAuthor)

                numCommentsByRegUsers = 0
                totalNumComments = 0
                for author in numCommentsPerAuthor.keys():
                    numComments = numCommentsPerAuthor[author]
                    totalNumComments += numComments
                    if numComments > 25:
                        numCommentsByRegUsers += numComments

                print "Total number of users:", len(numCommentsPerAuthor)
                print "Total number of comments by all users:", totalNumComments
                print "Number of users who had comments > 25:", len(regularUsers)
                print "Total number of comments by such users:", numCommentsByRegUsers
                print "------------------"

        print "Storing comments for regular users"
        for fileName in os.listdir(self.RAW_DATA_PATH):
            if not fileName.startswith(self.subreddit+'.'):
            if fileName.endswith(".txt") or fileName.endswith(".jsonlist"):
                jsonList = json.load(
                       open(os.path.join(self.RAW_DATA_PATH, fileName)),
                for comment in jsonList:
                    self.storeComment(regularUsers, comment)
        print "storing done"
        with open(self.REGUSERLIST, 'w') as f:
        with open(self.LM_PATH, 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.lang_model, f)
        return regularUsers

    def isActiveAfterSOFFor(self, commentDates, sofTime, n):
        sofPlusxMonths = sofTime + relativedelta(months=n)

        isActive = False
        count = 0
        for timestamp in commentDates:
            time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
            if time > sofTime and time < sofPlusxMonths:
                count += 1
                if count >= 2:
                    isActive = True
        return isActive

    def median(self, s):
        i = len(s)
        l = sorted(s)
        if not i%2:
            return floor((l[(i/2)-1]+l[i/2])/2.0)
        return l[i/2]

    def lenSubComments(self, comment):
        n = len(comment['children'])
        for c in comment['children']:
            n += self.lenSubComments(c)
        return n

    def worker(self, response):
        selftext = response.get('selftext', None)
        if selftext is not None:
            return vaderSentiment(selftext.encode('utf-8'))['compound']
        return 0

    def getSentimentResponse(self, comment):
        For each comment in comments, return the sentiment of direct responses
        sentimentPerComment = []
        for response in comment['children']:
        return sentimentPerComment

    def lm_init(self):
        if self.lang_model == None:
            self.lang_model = LM()
            if os.path.isfile(self.LM_PATH):
                with open(self.LM_PATH, 'r') as f:
                    self.lang_model = pickle.load(f)

    def findUsersWhoQuit(self, regularUsers):
        Get users who quit
        stats = dict()
        activeUsers = []
        quitters = []
        commentDates = dict()
        lastCommentDates = dict()
        firstCommentDates = dict()
        numAvgResponses = dict()
        responseSentiment = dict()
        commentSentiment = dict()
        numComNoResp = dict()
        fracComNoResp = dict()
        comTxtBeforeSOF = dict()
        allcommentsForUser = dict()
        print 'Reading comments for users'
        for user in regularUsers:
            print '.',
            comments = json.load(
                    open(os.path.join(self.PROC_DATA_PATH, user)),

            commentDatesList = []
            allcommentsForUser[user] = []
            for comment in comments:
            commentDates[user] = commentDatesList
            lastCommentDates[user] = max(commentDatesList)
            firstCommentDates[user] = min(commentDatesList)

        sofTimets = self.median(lastCommentDates.values())
        sofTime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(sofTimets)
        stats['SOF_time_ts'] = sofTimets
        print "\nConsidering only the comments before SOF", sofTime
        print "Ignoring users with first comment after SOF"
        for user in regularUsers:
            if firstCommentDates[user] > sofTimets:
            if self.isActiveAfterSOFFor(commentDates[user], sofTime, 3):
            comTxtBeforeSOF[user] = [comment["selftext"] for comment in allcommentsForUser[user] if float(comment['created_utc']) <= sofTimets]

        quitters = quitters[:len(activeUsers)]
        stats['num_Q'] = len(quitters)
        stats['num_A'] = len(activeUsers)
        regularUsers = quitters + activeUsers
        if len(regularUsers) == 0:
            return None

        for user in regularUsers:
            responseSentiment[user] = []
            commentSentiment[user] = []
            numComNoResp[user] = 0
            nres = 0
            ncom = 0
            for comment in allcommentsForUser[user]:
                if float(comment['created_utc']) > sofTimets:
                numSubComments = self.lenSubComments(comment)
                if numSubComments == 0:
                nres += numSubComments
                ncom += 1
                if self.SENT_ANALYSIS:
            numAvgResponses[user] = nres/ncom
            fracComNoResp[user] = float(numComNoResp[user])/ncom

        stats['Q_frac_comments_with_no_replies_avg'] = numpy.mean([fracComNoResp[user] for user in quitters])
        stats['Q_frac_comments_with_no_replies_stddev'] = numpy.std([fracComNoResp[user] for user in quitters])
        stats['A_frac_comments_with_no_replies_avg'] = numpy.mean([fracComNoResp[user] for user in activeUsers])
        stats['A_frac_comments_with_no_replies_stddev'] = numpy.std([fracComNoResp[user] for user in activeUsers])

        if self.SENT_ANALYSIS:
            nc = 0
            pos_quit  = 0
            neg_quit  = 0
            neu_quit  = 0
            for user in quitters:
                for csent in commentSentiment[user]:
                    pos_quit += csent['pos']
                    neg_quit += csent['neg']
                    neu_quit += csent['neu']
                    nc += 1
            pos_quit = float(pos_quit)/nc
            neg_quit = float(neg_quit)/nc
            neu_quit = float(neu_quit)/nc
            print 'Quitter\'s comment sentiment pos neg neu:', pos_quit, neg_quit, neu_quit
            stats['Q_comment_sent_comp_avg'] = numpy.mean([csent['compound'] for csent in [commentSentiment[user] for user in quitters]])
            stats['Q_comment_sent_comp_stddev'] = numpy.std([csent['compound'] for csent in [commentSentiment[user] for user in quitters]])
            stats['Q_response_sent_comp_avg'] = numpy.mean([self.average(responseSentiment[user]) for user in quitters])
            stats['Q_response_sent_comp_stddev'] = numpy.std([self.average(responseSentiment[user]) for user in quitters])
            stats['Q_sent_corr_avg'] = numpy.mean([self.measure_correlation(commentSentiment[user], responseSentiment[user]) for user in quitters])
            stats['Q_sent_corr_stddev'] = numpy.std([self.measure_correlation(commentSentiment[user], responseSentiment[user]) for user in quitters])

            stats['A_comment_sent_comp_avg'] = numpy.mean([csent['compound'] for csent in [commentSentiment[user] for user in activeUsers]])
            stats['A_comment_sent_comp_stddev'] = numpy.std([csent['compound'] for csent in [commentSentiment[user] for user in activeUsers]])
            stats['A_response_sent_comp_avg'] = numpy.mean([self.average(responseSentiment[user]) for user in activeUsers])
            stats['A_response_sent_comp_stddev'] = numpy.std([self.average(responseSentiment[user]) for user in activeUsers])
            stats['A_sent_corr_avg'] = numpy.mean([self.measure_correlation(commentSentiment[user], responseSentiment[user]) for user in activeUsers])
            stats['A_sent_corr_stddev'] = numpy.std([self.measure_correlation(commentSentiment[user], responseSentiment[user]) for user in activeUsers])

            avg_sentiment = 0
            avg_sentiment_correlation = 0
            for user in quitters:
                avg_sentiment += average(responseSentiment[user])
                avg_sentiment_correlation += measure_correlation(
            print 'Quitters: Avg sentiment of responses:', avg_sentiment/len(quitters)
            print 'Quitters: comment result correlation:', avg_sentiment_correlation/len(quitters)

            avg_sentiment = 0
            avg_sentiment_correlation = 0
            print "Active"

            nc = 0
            pos_act  = 0
            neg_act  = 0
            neu_act  = 0
            for user in activeUsers:
                for csent in commentSentiment[user]:
                    pos_act += csent['pos']
                    neg_act += csent['neg']
                    neu_act += csent['neu']
                    nc += 1
            pos_act = float(pos_act)/nc
            neg_act = float(neg_act)/nc
            neu_act = float(neu_act)/nc

            print 'Active user\'s comment sentiment pos neg neu:', pos_act, neg_act, neu_act

            for user in activeUsers:
                avg_sentiment += average(responseSentiment[user])
                avg_sentiment_correlation += measure_correlation(
            print 'Active users: Avg sentiment of responses:', avg_sentiment/len(activeUsers)
            print 'Active users: comment result correlation:', avg_sentiment_correlation/len(activeUsers)
        stats['Q_num_response_avg'] = numpy.mean([numAvgResponses[user] for user in quitters])
        stats['Q_num_response_stddev'] = numpy.std([numAvgResponses[user] for user in quitters])
        stats['A_num_response_avg'] = numpy.mean([numAvgResponses[user] for user in activeUsers])
        stats['A_num_response_stddev'] = numpy.std([numAvgResponses[user] for user in activeUsers])

        avgNumComQ = 0
        avgNumComA = 0
        avgNumCom = 0
        for user in quitters:
            avgNumCom += len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user])
            avgNumComQ += len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user])
        for user in activeUsers:
            avgNumCom += len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user])
            avgNumComA += len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user])
        print 'Num of comments (R Q A): ', avgNumCom, avgNumComQ, avgNumComA
        print 'Num users (R Q A): ', len(quitters)+len(activeUsers), len(quitters),len(activeUsers)
        avgNumCom = avgNumCom/(len(quitters) + len(activeUsers))
        avgNumComQ = avgNumComQ/len(quitters)
        avgNumComA = avgNumComA/len(activeUsers)
        print 'Avg num of comments: (R Q A) ', avgNumCom, avgNumComQ, avgNumComA
        stats['Q_num_comments_per_user_avg'] = numpy.mean([len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user]) for user in quitters])
        stats['Q_num_comments_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user]) for user in quitters])
        stats['A_num_comments_per_user_avg'] = numpy.mean([len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user]) for user in activeUsers])
        stats['A_num_comments_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([len(comTxtBeforeSOF[user]) for user in activeUsers])
        minAvgNumCom = min(avgNumComQ, avgNumComA)

        print "Language modeling"
        uniqueWords = dict()
        numCommentsConsidered = dict()
        totalWordsConsidered = dict()
        uniqueWordsFraction = dict()
        commentLength = dict()
        jsdiv = dict()
        kldiv = dict()
        nComQ = 0
        nWQ = 0
        nComA = 0
        nWA = 0
        Q = []
        A = []

        comTxtBeforeSOFQ = [comTxtBeforeSOF[user][:minAvgNumCom] for user in quitters]
        comTxtBeforeSOFA = [comTxtBeforeSOF[user][:minAvgNumCom] for user in activeUsers]
        #pool = mp.Pool(initializer = self.lm_init)
        #ugramQ = pool.map(self.ugramModel, comTxtBeforeSOFQ)
        #ugramA = pool.map(self.ugramModel, comTxtBeforeSOFA)
        for idx, user in enumerate(quitters):
            # num_uw, frac_uw, num_tw_considered, num_com_considered, comment_len, js_div, kl_div = ugramQ[idx]
            num_uw, frac_uw, num_tw_considered, num_com_considered, comment_len, js_div, kl_div = self.ugramModel(comTxtBeforeSOFQ[idx])
            uniqueWords[user] = num_uw
            totalWordsConsidered[user] = num_tw_considered
            numCommentsConsidered[user] = num_com_considered
            uniqueWordsFraction[user] = frac_uw
            commentLength[user] = comment_len
            jsdiv[user] = js_div
            kldiv[user] = kl_div
            nComQ += num_com_considered
            nWQ += num_tw_considered

        for idx, user in enumerate(activeUsers):
            #if user not in comTxtBeforeSOF.keys():
            #    continue
            #num_uw, frac_uw, num_tw_considered, num_com_considered, comment_len, js_div, kl_div = ugramA[idx]
            num_uw, frac_uw, num_tw_considered, num_com_considered, comment_len, js_div, kl_div = self.ugramModel(comTxtBeforeSOFA[idx])
            uniqueWords[user] = num_uw
            totalWordsConsidered[user] = num_tw_considered
            numCommentsConsidered[user] = num_com_considered
            uniqueWordsFraction[user] = frac_uw
            commentLength[user] = comment_len
            jsdiv[user] = js_div
            kldiv[user] = kl_div
            nComA += num_com_considered
            nWA += num_tw_considered
            if nComQ < nComA:
        print nComQ, nComA, nWQ, nWA

        stats['total_num_comments_considered_per_type'] = nComQ

        stats['Q_comments_length_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([commentLength[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_comments_length_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([commentLength[user] for user in Q])
        stats['A_comments_length_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([commentLength[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_comments_length_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([commentLength[user] for user in A])

        stats['Q_words_considered_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([totalWordsConsidered[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_words_considered_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([totalWordsConsidered[user] for user in Q])
        stats['A_words_considered_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([totalWordsConsidered[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_words_considered_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([totalWordsConsidered[user] for user in A])

        stats['Q_comments_considered_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([numCommentsConsidered[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_comments_considered_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([numCommentsConsidered[user] for user in Q])
        stats['A_comments_considered_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([numCommentsConsidered[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_comments_considered_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([numCommentsConsidered[user] for user in A])

        stats['Q_num_unique_words_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([uniqueWords[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_num_unique_words_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([uniqueWords[user] for user in Q])
        stats['A_num_unique_words_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([uniqueWords[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_num_unique_words_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([uniqueWords[user] for user in A])

        stats['Q_frac_unique_words_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([uniqueWordsFraction[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_frac_unique_words_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([uniqueWordsFraction[user] for user in Q])
        stats['A_frac_unique_words_per_user_avg'] = numpy.average([uniqueWordsFraction[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_frac_unique_words_per_user_stddev'] = numpy.std([uniqueWordsFraction[user] for user in A])

        stats['Q_JS_divergence_avg'] = numpy.average([jsdiv[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_JS_divergence_stddev'] = numpy.std([jsdiv[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_KL_divergence_avg'] = numpy.average([kldiv[user] for user in Q])
        stats['Q_KL_divergence_stddev'] = numpy.std([kldiv[user] for user in Q])

        stats['A_JS_divergence_avg'] = numpy.average([jsdiv[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_JS_divergence_stddev'] = numpy.std([jsdiv[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_KL_divergence_avg'] = numpy.average([kldiv[user] for user in A])
        stats['A_KL_divergence_stddev'] = numpy.std([kldiv[user] for user in A])

        #print "Q mrc :"
        mrcvQ = [0 for i in range(14)]
        cnt = 0
        for user in quitters:
            cnt += 1
            v = self.mrcPrep(comTxtBeforeSOF[user])
            for i in range(14):
                mrcvQ[i] += v[i]
        for i in range(14):
            #print mrcvQ[i] / float(cnt)
            stats['MRC_Q_'+str(i)] = mrcvQ[i] / float(cnt)

        #print "A mrc :"
        mrcvA = [0 for i in range(14)]
        cnt = 0
        for user in activeUsers:
            cnt += 1
            v = self.mrcPrep(comTxtBeforeSOF[user])
            for i in range(14):
                mrcvA[i] += v[i]
        for i in range(14):
            #print mrcvA[i] / float(cnt)
            stats['MRC_A_'+str(i)] = mrcvA[i] / float(cnt)
    def mrcPrep(self, comments):
        print '.',
        cnt = 0
        val = [0 for i in range(14)]
        for comment in comments:
            text = nltk.Text(self.word_punct_tokenizer.tokenize(comment.lower()))
            for x in text:
                cnt += 1
                v = self.mrc.query(x)
                for i in range(14):
                    val[i] += v[i]
        if cnt > 0:
            for i in range(14):
                val[i] /= float(cnt)
        return val

    def ugramModel(self, comments):
        print '.',
        commentTokens = list()
        js_div = self.lang_model.jsdivergence(' '.join(comments))
        kl_div = self.lang_model.kldivergence(' '.join(comments))
        comment_len = 0.0
        for comment in comments:
            text = nltk.Text(self.word_punct_tokenizer.tokenize(comment.lower()))
            tempList = [i for i in text if i not in self.stop]
            comment_len += len(tempList)
        num_uniq_words = len(set(commentTokens))
        frac_uniq_words = float(len(set(commentTokens)))/(len(commentTokens)+1)
        avg_comment_len = comment_len/len(comments)
        return (num_uniq_words, frac_uniq_words, len(commentTokens), len(comments), avg_comment_len, js_div, kl_div)

    def measure_correlation(self, comment_sent, response_sent_list):
        avg_response_sent = []
        compound_comment_sent = [x['compound'] for x in comment_sent]
        for lst in response_sent_list:
            avg_response_sent.append(numpy.average(lst) if len(lst) > 0 else 0)
        return numpy.cov(compound_comment_sent, avg_response_sent)[0, 1]

    def average(self, ll):
        n = 0
        sum = 0
        for l in ll:
            n += len(l)
            for x in l:
                sum += x
        if n==0:
            return 0
        return sum/n

    def start(self):
        self.mrc = MRC()
        regularUsers = self.findAndStoreRegularUsers()
        print len(regularUsers)
        if len(regularUsers) == 0:
            return False
        print '---- ' + self.subreddit
        return True

    def print_stats(self, stats):
        ss = OrderedDict(sorted(stats.items()))
        if not os.path.isfile(self.STATS_FILE):
            with open(self.STATS_FILE, 'w') as f:
                f.write('Subreddit\t' + '\t'.join(ss.keys()) + '\n')
        with open(self.STATS_FILE, 'a') as f:
            f.write(self.subreddit + '\t' + '\t'.join([str(x) for x in ss.values()]) + '\n')
Example #6
            y = y.split("-")
            if len(y) != 2 or not y[0].isdigit() or not y[1].isdigit():
                help_msg(2, "Invalid y argument supplied")
            y = (int(y[0]), int(y[1]))
            imfilters += [imfilter_util.parse_opt(o, a, help_msg)]

    # Make sure paths are good
    if len(args) != 2:
            "You need to provide an MRC and image output directory as arguments"
    mrc_filename = realpath(args[0])
        mrc = MRC(mrc_filename, readonly=True)
    except BaseException as e:
        help_msg(2, "Failed to open MRC file: " + str(e))
    out_dir = realpath(args[1])
    if not make_dir(out_dir):
            "Output directory already exists as regular file, choose another directory"

    # Check other arguments, getting values for optional args, etc.
    ext = "png" if ext == None else ext.lstrip('.')
    if basename == None: basename = "%04d"
    if x == None: x = (0, mrc.nx - 1)
    elif x[0] < 0 or x[1] < x[0] or x[1] >= mrc.nx:
        help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
Example #7
        elif o == "-x":
            if x != None: help_msg(2, "May be only one x argument")
            x = x.split("-")
            if len(x) != 2 or not x[0].isdigit() or not x[1].isdigit(): help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
            x = (int(x[0]), int(x[1]))
        elif o == "-y":
            if y != None: help_msg(2, "May be only one y argument")
            y = y.split("-")
            if len(y) != 2 or not y[0].isdigit() or not y[1].isdigit(): help_msg(2, "Invalid y argument supplied")
            y = (int(y[0]), int(y[1]))
        else: imfilters += [imfilter_util.parse_opt(o,a,help_msg)]

    # Make sure paths are good
    if len(args) != 2: help_msg(2, "You need to provide an MRC and image output directory as arguments")
    mrc_filename = realpath(args[0])
    try: mrc = MRC(mrc_filename, readonly=True)
    except BaseException as e: help_msg(2, "Failed to open MRC file: " + str(e))
    out_dir = realpath(args[1])
    if not make_dir(out_dir): help_msg(2, "Output directory already exists as regular file, choose another directory")

    # Check other arguments, getting values for optional args, etc.
    ext = "png" if ext == None else ext.lstrip('.')
    if basename == None: basename = "%04d"
    if x == None: x = (0, mrc.nx - 1)
    elif x[0] < 0 or x[1] < x[0] or x[1] >= mrc.nx: help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
    if y == None: y = (0, mrc.ny - 1)
    elif y[0] < 0 or y[1] < y[0] or y[1] >= mrc.ny: help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
    if z:
        min_z, max_z = min(z), max(z)
        if min_z < 0 or max_z >= mrc.nz: help_msg(2, "Invalid z argument supplied")
    imf = imfilter_util.list2imfilter(imfilters)