def dicom(path, save_path): print("dicom start!") #mritopng.convert_folder(r'C:\Users\user\PycharmProjects\dicom', path) png_list = [] dcm_list = [] for file in [doc for doc in os.listdir(path) if doc.endswith(".png")]: png_list.append(file) for file2 in [doc for doc in os.listdir(path) if doc.endswith(".dcm")]: dcm_list.append(file2) new_dir = path + '\\' + 'new' if not (os.path.isdir(new_dir)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(new_dir)) for k in range(len(dcm_list)): dicom_path = path + '\\' + dcm_list[k] shutil.move(dicom_path, new_dir) mritopng.convert_folder(new_dir, save_path) for i in range(len(png_list)): png_path = path + '\\' + png_list[i] shutil.move(png_path, save_path) print(png_path + ' success')
def test_folder_convert(self): curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) mri_dir_path = os.path.join(curr_path, 'data', 'samples') png_dir_path = os.path.join(curr_path, 'data', 'png_dir') mritopng.convert_folder(mri_dir_path, png_dir_path) valid_files = {'dicom1.png', '000012.dcm.png', '000017.dcm.png'} converted_files = set(os.listdir(png_dir_path)) # cleanup before assertion. shutil.rmtree(png_dir_path) self.assertEqual(valid_files, converted_files, 'Invalid dicom left a stray png file.')
folder_path = r"D:\FYP\imageConvert\dicom_image\C3N-04611\02-11-2011-K Neck ContrastAdult-21611\4-Neck Native 200 Br40 S3-09851" destinate_path = 'D:/FYP/imageConvert/dicom_image/C3N-04611/02-11-2011-K Neck ContrastAdult-21611/4-Neck Native 200 Br40 S3-09851/PNG/' def convertImg(dicomImage): print("Image: " + dicomImage) outputImg = dicomImage.split('.') mritopng.convert_file(os.path.join(folder_path, dicomImage), os.path.join(folder_path, outputImg[0] + '.jpg'), auto_contrast=True) convertedImg = os.path.join(folder_path, outputImg[0] + '.jpg') return convertedImg mritopng.convert_folder(folder_path, destinate_path) def rename(): i = 0 for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): dst = str(i) + ".png" src = destinate_path + filename + ".png" dst = destinate_path + dst # rename() function will # rename all the files os.rename(src, dst) i += 1
#Convert dicoms to png (without mode equalization) import mritopng # Convert a since file mritopng.convert_folder('/home/anvit/Desktop/Data/RSNA/stage1/', '/home/anvit/Desktop/Data/RSNA/images/') # Convert a whole folder recursively #mritopng.convert_folder('/home/user/DICOM/', '/home/user/PNG/')
def acrelicfunc(ls=alst): fname = ls[0] dcmfile = [] dcmlist = [] fiducoords = [] voxeli = [] mritopng.convert_folder(fname, fname + '/png') os.chdir(fname) for file in os.listdir(): if 'png' not in file.lower(): dcmlist.append(dicom.read_file(file)) else: pass pnglist = [] os.chdir(fname + '\png') for file in os.listdir(): pnglist.append(file) # pnglist.pop() for file in pnglist: img = cv2.imread(file, 0) orig = img.copy() shape = img.shape _, img = cv2.threshold(img, 195, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) objs = list(filter(lambda x: cv2.contourArea(x) > 800, contours)) if img is not None: img.fill(0) else: img = np.zeros(shape, np.uint8) if len(objs) == 1 and cv2.contourArea(objs[0]) > 3000: # side view # print("Block") obj = objs[0] approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(obj, 0.02 * cv2.arcLength(obj, True), True) x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(approx) img = cv2.drawContours(img, [obj], 0, 1, -1) img[y - 2:y + h + 2, x - 2:x + w + 2] = 0 _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) boxes = [cv2.boundingRect(cnt) for cnt in contours] boxes = list( filter(lambda x: x[2] * x[3] < 200 and x[2] * x[3] > 20, boxes)) vert_groups = [] horz_groups = [] for i in range(0, len(boxes) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(boxes)): x1, y1, _, _ = boxes[i] x2, y2, _, _ = boxes[j] dist_x = abs(x1 - x2) dist_y = abs(y1 - y2) if dist_x > 20 and dist_x < 40 and dist_y < 5: horz_groups.append((boxes[i], boxes[j])) elif dist_y > 20 and dist_y < 40 and dist_x < 5: vert_groups.append((boxes[i], boxes[j])) fids = [] for group in horz_groups: x1, y1, w1, _ = group[0] x2, y2, w2, _ = group[1] gap_dist = min(abs(x2 - x1 - w1), abs(x1 - x2 - w2)) if gap_dist >= 15: fids.append(((x1 + x2 + gap_dist) // 2, (y1 + y2) // 2)) for group in vert_groups: x1, y1, _, h1 = group[0] x2, y2, _, h2 = group[1] gap_dist = min(abs(y2 - y1 - h1), abs(y1 - y2 - h2)) if gap_dist >= 15: fids.append(((x1 + x2) // 2, (y1 + y2 + gap_dist) // 2)) else: # either top view or noise # print("Circles") fids = [] for obj in objs: (x, y), r = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(obj) actual_area = cv2.contourArea(obj) ideal_area = 3.14 * r * r perc_filled = actual_area / ideal_area if r > 10 and r < 35 and perc_filled > 0.9: fids.append((int(x), int(y))) print(str(len(fids)) + " fiducials detected.") print(fids) print(file) if len(fids) != 0: print(file) ds = dcmlist[pnglist.index(file)] vector = ds.ImageOrientationPatient pixelsize = ds.PixelSpacing voxel = ds.ImagePositionPatient for k in fids: if abs(vector[0]) == 1: if abs(vector[4]) == 1: x = k[0] y = k[1] plane = 'xy' voxelx = voxel[0] + vector[0] * pixelsize[0] * x voxely = voxel[1] + vector[4] * pixelsize[1] * y voxelz = voxel[2] else: x = k[0] z = k[1] plane = 'xz' voxelx = voxel[0] + vector[0] * pixelsize[0] * x voxely = voxel[1] voxelz = voxel[2] + vector[5] * pixelsize[1] * z else: y = k[0] z = k[1] plane = 'yz' voxelx = voxel[0] voxely = voxel[1] + vector[1] * pixelsize[1] * y voxelz = voxel[2] + vector[5] * pixelsize[0] * z print(plane, (voxelx, voxely, voxelz)) fiducoords.append((voxelx, voxely, voxelz)) voxeli.append(voxelx) print(fiducoords) print(len(fiducoords)) correct = [] for i in fiducoords: check = True for j in fiducoords[fiducoords.index(i):]: dist1 = abs((i[0] - j[0])) dist2 = abs(i[1] - j[1]) dist3 = abs((i[2] - j[2])) if dist1 < 1 and dist2 < 1 and dist3 < 1: check = False if check: correct.append(i) print(len(fiducoords), fiducoords) print(len(correct), correct) for (a, b, c) in correct: print(sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c)) def getKey(item): return fiducoords[0] sorted(fiducoords, key=getKey) print(fiducoords)
def mainFunc(ls=lst): for fname in ls: print(fname) mritopng.convert_folder(fname, fname + '/png') dcmfile = [] dcmlist = [] fiducoords = [] os.chdir(fname) for file in os.listdir(): if 'png' not in file.lower(): dcmlist.append(dicom.read_file(file)) else: pass pnglist = [] os.chdir(fname + '/png') for file in os.listdir(): pnglist.append(file) pnglist.pop() for file in pnglist: img = cv2.imread(file, 0) # The algorithm is good for images of size 256x256. So we have to scale # the input image down, and then scale the result back up. dimensions = img.shape scale = dimensions[0] // 256 img = cv2.resize(img, (256, 256)) # Skull detection copy = img.copy() img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5) img = cv2.inRange(img, 20, 255) _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) skull = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) M = cv2.moments(skull) skull_cent = (M['m10'] // M['m00'], M['m01'] // M['m00']) mask = cv2.drawContours(np.zeros(img.shape), [skull], 0, 1, 20) mask = np.uint8(mask) img = cv2.multiply(copy, mask) # Detect points that are outside the head, # but close to the bones of the skull img_diag = (img.shape[0]**2 + img.shape[1]**2)**0.5 img = cv2.linearPolar(img, skull_cent, img_diag, cv2.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) img = cv2.inRange(img, 120, 255) _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) bones = [cnt for cnt in contours if cv2.contourArea(cnt) > 30] img = np.uint8( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros(copy.shape), bones, -1, 1, -1)) temp = cv2.reduce(img, 0, cv2.REDUCE_MAX) temp = cv2.findNonZero(temp) leftmost = temp[temp[:, :, 0].argmin()][0][0] rightmost = temp[temp[:, :, 0].argmax()][0][0] mask = np.zeros(copy.shape, np.uint8) for row in range(img.shape[0]): for column in range(rightmost, leftmost, -1): if img[row, column] != 0: mask[row, column + 2:column + 15] = 1 break mask = cv2.linearPolar(mask, skull_cent, img_diag, cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) img = cv2.multiply(copy, mask) img = cv2.inRange(img, 160, 255) # Group nearby points and print output _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cents = [] for cnt in contours: M = cv2.moments(cnt) if (M['m00'] != 0): cents.append((M['m10'] // M['m00'], M['m01'] // M['m00'])) else: cents.append(tuple(cnt[0][0])) groups = [] for pnt1 in cents: added = False for group in groups: if not added: for pnt2 in group: approx_dist = abs(pnt1[0] - pnt2[0]) + abs(pnt1[1] - pnt2[1]) if approx_dist < 25: group.append(pnt1) added = True break if not added: groups.append([pnt1]) fiducials = [] for group in groups: sum = (0, 0) for pnt in group: sum = (sum[0] + pnt[0], sum[1] + pnt[1]) sum = (int(sum[0] / len(group)), int(sum[1] / len(group))) fiducials.append(sum) output = copy.copy() for pnt in fiducials:, pnt, 10, 255, 2) # Resize the image back to thr original dimensions before grouping output = cv2.resize(output, dimensions) # Scale up the coordinates of the fiducials temp = np.multiply(fiducials, 2) fiducials = [tuple(x) for x in temp] #print(str(len(fiducials)), " Fiducials detected:") #print(fiducials) if len(fiducials) != 0: print(file) ds = dcmlist[pnglist.index(file)] vector = ds.ImageOrientationPatient pixelsize = ds.PixelSpacing voxel = ds.ImagePositionPatient for k in fiducials: if abs(vector[0]) == 1: if abs(vector[4]) == 1: x = k[0] y = k[1] plane = 'xy' voxelx = voxel[0] + vector[0] * pixelsize[0] * x voxely = voxel[1] + vector[4] * pixelsize[1] * y voxelz = voxel[2] else: x = k[0] z = k[1] plane = 'xz' voxelx = voxel[0] + vector[0] * pixelsize[0] * x voxely = voxel[1] voxelz = voxel[2] + vector[5] * pixelsize[2] * z else: y = k[0] z = k[1] plane = 'yz' voxelx = voxel[0] voxely = voxel[1] + vector[1] * pixelsize[1] * y voxelz = voxel[2] + vector[5] * pixelsize[0] * z #print(plane, (voxelx, voxely, voxelz)) fiducoords.append((voxelx, voxely, voxelz)) # iske pehle ka code for all 3 planes, iske baad ka code bas ek baar chlna h last me # below is the code for elimination of fidu finalfidu = 0 count = 0 captainswing = [] print(fiducoords) fiducoords = sorted(fiducoords, key=lambda x: x[0]) correct = [] a = [fiducoords[0]] for i in fiducoords: check = True for j in fiducoords[fiducoords.index(i) + 1:]: dist1 = abs((i[0] - j[0])) dist2 = abs(i[1] - j[1]) dist3 = abs((i[2] - j[2])) if dist1 < 3 and dist2 < 3 and dist3 < 3: print(fiducoords.index(j)) check = False break if check: correct.append(i) print(len(fiducoords), fiducoords) # print(fiducoords) for (a, b, c) in correct: print(sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c))
def convert_to_png(path1, path2): mritopng.convert_folder(path1, path2)
import mritopng # Convert a since file #mritopng.convert_file('E:/setups/MRI/MR/1.2.840.113619.2.5.1762583153.215519.978957063.79/1.2.840.113619.2.5.1762583153.215519.978957063.80.dcm', 'E:/setups/MRI/MRI_out/output.png') # Convert a whole folder recursively mritopng.convert_folder('E:/setups/MRI/MRI_sample/', 'E:/setups/MRI/MRI_out1/')