Example #1
    def run(self, params):

        additional_timeout = params.get("timeout", 300)

        stats = {
            "requeued": 0,
            "started": 0

        # There shouldn't be that much "started" jobs so we can quite safely
        # iterate over them.

        fields = {"_id": 1, "datestarted": 1, "queue": 1, "path": 1, "retry_count": 1}
        for job_data in connections.mongodb_jobs.mrq_jobs.find(
                {"status": "started"}, projection=fields):
            job = Job(job_data["_id"])

            stats["started"] += 1

            expire_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow(
            ) - datetime.timedelta(seconds=job.timeout + additional_timeout)

            if job_data["datestarted"] < expire_date:
                log.debug("Requeueing job %s" % job.id)
                stats["requeued"] += 1

        return stats
Example #2
    def do_orchestrate(self, group):
        """ Manage the desired workers of *all* the agents in the given group """

        log.debug("Starting orchestration run for worker group %s" %

        agents = self.fetch_worker_group_agents(group)

        # Evaluate what workers are currently, rightfully there. They won't be touched.
        for agent in agents:
            desired_workers = self.get_desired_workers_for_agent(group, agent)
            agent["new_desired_workers"] = []
            agent["new_desired_workers"] = desired_workers

        for agent in agents:
            if sorted(agent["new_desired_workers"]) != sorted(
                    agent.get("desired_workers", [])):
                    {"_id": agent["_id"]}, {
                        "$set": {
                            "desired_workers": agent["new_desired_workers"]

        # Remember the date of the last successful orchestration (will be reported)
        self.dateorchestrated = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        log.debug("Orchestration finished.")