Example #1
    def __init__(self, operand: ModelExpr, width=None):
        # create the output format
        if width is None:
            output_format = SIntFormat.from_values([operand.format_.min_val, operand.format_.max_val])
            output_format = SIntFormat(width=width)
            assert output_format.can_represent(operand.format_.min_val), \
                f'The given signed integer width {width} cannot represent the operand min value {operand.format.min_val}.'
            assert output_format.can_represent(operand.format_.max_val), \
                f'The given signed integer width {width} cannot represent the operand max value {operand.format.max_val}.'

        # call the super constructor
        super().__init__(operand=operand, output_format=output_format)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, operand: ModelExpr, width=None):
        # create the output format
        if width is None:
            # make sure we can handle this case
            assert isinstance(operand.format_.range_, Number), \
                f'The SInt width has to be specified in this case because the operand range is symbolic.  For reference, the operand range expression is {operand.format_.range_}.'

            # create the output format
            min_int_val = int(floor(-operand.format_.range_))
            max_int_val = int(ceil(operand.format_.range_))
            output_format = SIntFormat.from_values([min_int_val, max_int_val])
            output_format = SIntFormat(width=width)

        # call the superconstructor
        super().__init__(operand=operand, output_format=output_format)