Example #1
    def test_postIntercepted(self):
        '''This tests the ability to intercept, and validate intercepted, post requests.'''
        # Register the request path of the post request to be intercepted
        mslclient.setInterceptXHR("localhost", "8001", "/services/postservice")

        # Put text into input box which will be added to post request
        inputBox = chrome.find_element_by_id('output-box')
        inputBox.send_keys('POST Example')
        # Trigger the post request
        postButton = chrome.find_element_by_id('postRequest')

        # Retrieve all request intercepted that have the provided request path
        intercepted = json.loads(mslclient.getInterceptedXHR("localhost", "8001", "/services/postservice"))
        # Validate the method and url of the intercepted request
        req1 = intercepted['xhr_1']
        assert req1['xhr']['method'] == 'POST'
        assert req1['xhr']['url'] == '/services/postservice'
        matched = re.match('timestamp=\\d*&text=POST\+Example', req1['post'])
        assert matched.group(0) is not None
        assert matched.group(0) == req1['post']
Example #2
    def test_getIntercepted(self):
        '''This tests the ability to intercept, and validate intercepted, get requests. '''
        # Register the request path of the get request to be intercepted
        mslclient.setInterceptXHR("localhost", "8001", "/services/getservice")

        # Put text into input box which will be added to get request
        inputBox = chrome.find_element_by_id('getInput')
        inputBox.send_keys('GET Example')
        # Trigger the get request
        postButton = chrome.find_element_by_id('getRequest')

        # Retrieve all request intercepted that have the provided request path
        intercepted = json.loads(mslclient.getInterceptedXHR("localhost", "8001", "/services/getservice"))

        # Validate the method and url of the intercepted request
        req1 = intercepted['xhr_1']
        assert req1['xhr']['method'] == 'GET'
        assert req1['xhr']['url'] == '/services/getservice?term=GET+Example'
        assert req1['post'] is None