Example #1
            mol.atoms[i].element = atname[0]
            mol.atoms[i].element = atname[0:2]

blist = get_blist(mol, atids)
all_list = get_all_list(mol, blist, atids, 8.0)

natids = {}
for i in range(0, len(atids)):
    natids[atids[i]] = i + 1

#crds after optimization
if options.softversion in ['g03', 'g09']:
    crds = get_crds_from_fchk(options.hessfile, len(atids))
elif options.softversion == 'gms':
    crds = get_crds_from_gms(options.hessfile)

#Whole Hessian Matrix
if options.softversion in ['g03', 'g09']:
    fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_fchk(options.hessfile, 3*len(atids))
elif options.softversion == 'gms':
    fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_gms(options.hessfile, 3*len(atids))

for i in all_list.bondlist:
    at1 = i[0]
    at2 = i[1]
    nat1 = natids[at1]
    nat2 = natids[at2]

    if options.bondavg is True:
        dis, fcfinal, stdv = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, options.scalef, 1)
Example #2
            mol.atoms[i].element = atname[0]
            mol.atoms[i].element = atname[0:2]

blist = get_blist(mol, atids)
all_list = get_all_list(mol, blist, atids, 8.0)

natids = {}
for i in range(0, len(atids)):
    natids[atids[i]] = i + 1

#crds after optimization
if options.softversion in ['g03', 'g09']:
    crds = get_crds_from_fchk(options.hessfile, len(atids))
elif options.softversion == 'gms':
    crds = get_crds_from_gms(options.hessfile)

#Whole Hessian Matrix
if options.softversion in ['g03', 'g09']:
    fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_fchk(options.hessfile, 3 * len(atids))
elif options.softversion == 'gms':
    fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_gms(options.hessfile, 3 * len(atids))

for i in all_list.bondlist:
    at1 = i[0]
    at2 = i[1]
    nat1 = natids[at1]
    nat2 = natids[at2]

    if options.bondavg is True:
        dis, fcfinal, stdv = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2,
def gene_by_QM_fitting_sem(smpdbf, ionids, stfpf, pref, finf, chkfname,
                           logfile, g0x, scalef, bondavg, angavg):

    print("==================Using the Seminario method to solve the problem.")

    mol, atids, resids = get_atominfo_fpdb(smpdbf)
    blist = get_mc_blist(mol, atids, ionids, stfpf)
    alist = get_alist(mol, blist)   

    #crds after optimization
    if g0x in ['g03', 'g09']:
      crds = get_crds_from_fchk(chkfname, len(atids))
    elif g0x == 'gms':
      crds = get_crds_from_gms(logfile)

    #Whole Hessian Matrix
    if g0x in ['g03', 'g09']:
      fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_fchk(chkfname, 3*len(atids))
    elif g0x == 'gms':
      fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_gms(logfile, 3*len(atids))

    natids = {}
    for i in range(0, len(atids)):
      natids[atids[i]] = i + 1

    attypdict = get_attypdict(stfpf, atids)
    missbondtyps, missangtyps = get_misstyps(pref)

    finalparmdict = {}

    #for bond
    print("=======================Generate the bond parameters===============")
    for misbond in missbondtyps:
      bondlen = []      
      bfconst = []
      for bond in blist:
        at1 = bond[0]
        at2 = bond[1]
        bondtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2])
        "The unit in fchk file is a.u. so the distance is in Bohr."
        if bondtyp == misbond or bondtyp[::-1] == misbond:
          nat1 = natids[at1]
          nat2 = natids[at2]

          if bondavg == 1:
            dis, fcfinal, stdv = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, scalef, bondavg)
            print('### Bond force constant between ' + \
              mol.atoms[at1].resname + str(mol.atoms[at1].resid) + '@' + mol.atoms[at1].atname + ' and ' + \
              mol.atoms[at2].resname + str(mol.atoms[at2].resid) + '@' + mol.atoms[at2].atname + ' : ' + \
              str(round(fcfinal, 1)) + ' with StdDev ' + str(round(stdv, 1)))
          elif bondavg == 0:
            dis, fcfinal = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, scalef, bondavg)


      #Get average bond parameters
      misbondat12 = misbond[0] + '-' + misbond[1]
      bond_para = avg_bond_para(misbondat12, bondlen, bfconst)
      #get the force constant
      finalparmdict[misbondat12] = bond_para

    #for angle
    print("=======================Generate the angle parameters==============")
    for misang in missangtyps:
      angvals = []
      afconst = []
      for ang in alist:
        at1 = ang[0]
        at2 = ang[1]
        at3 = ang[2]
        angtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2], attypdict[at3])

        if angtyp == misang or angtyp[::-1] == misang:
          nat1 = natids[at1]
          nat2 = natids[at2]
          nat3 = natids[at3]

          if angavg == 1:
            angval, fcfinal, stdv = get_ang_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3, scalef, angavg)
            print('### Angle force constant between ' + \
              mol.atoms[at1].resname + str(mol.atoms[at1].resid) +  '@' + mol.atoms[at1].atname + ', ' + \
              mol.atoms[at2].resname + str(mol.atoms[at2].resid) +  '@' + mol.atoms[at2].atname + ' and ' + \
              mol.atoms[at3].resname + str(mol.atoms[at3].resid) +  '@' + mol.atoms[at3].atname + ' : ' + \
              str(round(fcfinal, 2)) + ' with StdDev ' + str(round(stdv, 2)))
          elif angavg == 0:
             angval, fcfinal = get_ang_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3, scalef, angavg)


      #Get average angle parameters
      misangat123 = misang[0] + '-' + misang[1] + '-' + misang[2]
      ang_para = avg_angle_para(misangat123, angvals, afconst)
      finalparmdict[misangat123] = ang_para

    #Print out the final frcmod file
    print_frcmod_file(pref, finf, finalparmdict, 'Seminario')
Example #4
def gene_by_QM_fitting_sem(smpdbf, ionids, stfpf, pref, finf, chkfname,
                           logfile, g0x, scalef, bondavg, angavg):

    print("==================Using the Seminario method to solve the problem.")

    mol, atids, resids = get_atominfo_fpdb(smpdbf)
    blist = get_mc_blist(mol, atids, ionids, stfpf)
    alist = get_alist(mol, blist)

    #crds after optimization
    if g0x in ['g03', 'g09']:
        crds = get_crds_from_fchk(chkfname, len(atids))
    elif g0x == 'gms':
        crds = get_crds_from_gms(logfile)

    #Whole Hessian Matrix
    if g0x in ['g03', 'g09']:
        fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_fchk(chkfname, 3 * len(atids))
    elif g0x == 'gms':
        fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_gms(logfile, 3 * len(atids))

    natids = {}
    for i in range(0, len(atids)):
        natids[atids[i]] = i + 1

    attypdict = get_attypdict(stfpf, atids)
    missbondtyps, missangtyps = get_misstyps(pref)

    finalparmdict = {}

    #for bond
    print("=======================Generate the bond parameters===============")
    for misbond in missbondtyps:
        bondlen = []
        bfconst = []
        for bond in blist:
            at1 = bond[0]
            at2 = bond[1]
            bondtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2])
            "The unit in fchk file is a.u. so the distance is in Bohr."
            if bondtyp == misbond or bondtyp[::-1] == misbond:
                nat1 = natids[at1]
                nat2 = natids[at2]

                if bondavg == 1:
                    dis, fcfinal, stdv = get_bond_fc_with_sem(
                        crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, scalef, bondavg)
                    print('### Bond force constant between ' + \
                      mol.atoms[at1].resname + str(mol.atoms[at1].resid) + '@' + mol.atoms[at1].atname + ' and ' + \
                      mol.atoms[at2].resname + str(mol.atoms[at2].resid) + '@' + mol.atoms[at2].atname + ' : ' + \
                      str(round(fcfinal, 1)) + ' with StdDev ' + str(round(stdv, 1)))
                elif bondavg == 0:
                    dis, fcfinal = get_bond_fc_with_sem(
                        crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, scalef, bondavg)


        #Get average bond parameters
        misbondat12 = misbond[0] + '-' + misbond[1]
        bond_para = avg_bond_para(misbondat12, bondlen, bfconst)
        #get the force constant
        finalparmdict[misbondat12] = bond_para

    #for angle
    print("=======================Generate the angle parameters==============")
    for misang in missangtyps:
        angvals = []
        afconst = []
        for ang in alist:
            at1 = ang[0]
            at2 = ang[1]
            at3 = ang[2]
            angtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2], attypdict[at3])

            if angtyp == misang or angtyp[::-1] == misang:
                nat1 = natids[at1]
                nat2 = natids[at2]
                nat3 = natids[at3]

                if angavg == 1:
                    angval, fcfinal, stdv = get_ang_fc_with_sem(
                        crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3, scalef, angavg)
                    print('### Angle force constant between ' + \
                      mol.atoms[at1].resname + str(mol.atoms[at1].resid) +  '@' + mol.atoms[at1].atname + ', ' + \
                      mol.atoms[at2].resname + str(mol.atoms[at2].resid) +  '@' + mol.atoms[at2].atname + ' and ' + \
                      mol.atoms[at3].resname + str(mol.atoms[at3].resid) +  '@' + mol.atoms[at3].atname + ' : ' + \
                      str(round(fcfinal, 2)) + ' with StdDev ' + str(round(stdv, 2)))
                elif angavg == 0:
                    angval, fcfinal = get_ang_fc_with_sem(
                        crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3, scalef, angavg)


        #Get average angle parameters
        misangat123 = misang[0] + '-' + misang[1] + '-' + misang[2]
        ang_para = avg_angle_para(misangat123, angvals, afconst)
        finalparmdict[misangat123] = ang_para

    #Print out the final frcmod file
    print_frcmod_file(pref, finf, finalparmdict, 'Seminario')
Example #5
def get_all_fc_with_sem(mol, atids, hessf, prog, scalef, bondavg, avg13,
    """Generate all the force constants with Z-matrix method"""


    # Get the new atom ids
    natids = {}
    for i in xrange(0, len(atids)):
        natids[atids[i]] = i + 1

    # Get the connection list
    blist = get_blist(mol, atids)
    all_list = get_all_list(mol, blist, atids, 8.0)

    # Crds after optimization
    if prog in ['g03', 'g09']:
        crds = get_crds_from_fchk(hessf, len(atids))
    elif prog == 'gms':
        crds = get_crds_from_gms(hessf)

    # Whole Hessian Matrix
    if prog in ['g03', 'g09']:
        fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_fchk(hessf, 3 * len(atids))
    elif prog == 'gms':
        fcmatrix = get_matrix_from_gms(hessf, 3 * len(atids))

    # Print the bond part
    if bondavg is True:

    for i in all_list.bondlist:
        at1 = i[0]
        at2 = i[1]
        nat1 = natids[at1]
        nat2 = natids[at2]
        at1_rep = atom_rep(mol, at1)
        at2_rep = atom_rep(mol, at2)

        if bondavg is True:
            dis, fcfinal, stdv = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1,
                                                      nat2, scalef, 1)
            print_bond_inf_wsd(at1_rep, at2_rep, fcfinal, stdv, dis)
            dis, fcfinal = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2,
                                                scalef, 0)
            print_bond_inf(at1_rep, at2_rep, fcfinal, dis)

    # Print the 1-3 part
    if avg13 is True:

    for i in all_list.anglist:
        at1 = i[0]
        at3 = i[2]
        nat1 = natids[at1]
        nat3 = natids[at3]
        at1_rep = atom_rep(mol, at1)
        at3_rep = atom_rep(mol, at3)

        if avg13 is True:
            dis, fcfinal, stdv = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1,
                                                      nat3, scalef, 1)
            print_13_inf_wsd(at1_rep, at3_rep, fcfinal, stdv, dis)
            dis, fcfinal = get_bond_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat3,
                                                scalef, 0)
            print_13_inf(at1_rep, at3_rep, fcfinal, dis)

    # Print the Angle part
    if angavg is True:

    for i in all_list.anglist:
        at1 = i[0]
        at2 = i[1]
        at3 = i[2]
        nat1 = natids[at1]
        nat2 = natids[at2]
        nat3 = natids[at3]
        at1_rep = atom_rep(mol, at1)
        at2_rep = atom_rep(mol, at2)
        at3_rep = atom_rep(mol, at3)

        if angavg is True:
            angval, fcfinal, stdv = get_ang_fc_with_sem(
                crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3, scalef, 1)
            print_angle_inf_wsd(at1_rep, at2_rep, at3_rep, fcfinal, stdv,
            angval, fcfinal = get_ang_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2,
                                                  nat3, scalef, 0)
            print_angle_inf(at1_rep, at2_rep, at3_rep, fcfinal, angval)

    # Print the Dihedral part
    for i in all_list.dihlist:
        at1 = i[0]
        at2 = i[1]
        at3 = i[2]
        at4 = i[3]
        nat1 = natids[at1]
        nat2 = natids[at2]
        nat3 = natids[at3]
        nat4 = natids[at4]
        at1_rep = atom_rep(mol, at1)
        at2_rep = atom_rep(mol, at2)
        at3_rep = atom_rep(mol, at3)
        at4_rep = atom_rep(mol, at4)
        dihval, fcfinal = get_dih_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3,
                                              nat4, scalef)
        print_dih_inf(at1_rep, at2_rep, at3_rep, at4_rep, fcfinal, dihval)

    # Print the Improper part
    for i in all_list.implist:
        at1 = i[0]
        at2 = i[1]
        at3 = i[2]  #Central atom
        at4 = i[3]
        nat1 = natids[at1]
        nat2 = natids[at2]
        nat3 = natids[at3]
        nat4 = natids[at4]
        at1_rep = atom_rep(mol, at1)
        at2_rep = atom_rep(mol, at2)
        at3_rep = atom_rep(mol, at3)
        at4_rep = atom_rep(mol, at4)

        if mol.atoms[at1].element == mol.atoms[at2].element:
            fcfinal, dis = get_imp_fc_with_sem(
                crds, fcmatrix, nat3, nat1, nat2, nat4,
                scalef)  #Treat the central atom first
            print_imp_inf(at1_rep, at2_rep, at3_rep, at4_rep, fcfinal, dis)
        elif mol.atoms[at1].element == mol.atoms[at4].element:
            fcfinal, dis = get_imp_fc_with_sem(
                crds, fcmatrix, nat3, nat1, nat4, nat2,
                scalef)  #Treat the central atom first
            print_imp_inf(at1_rep, at4_rep, at3_rep, at2_rep, fcfinal, dis)
        elif mol.atoms[at2].element == mol.atoms[at4].element:
            fcfinal, dis = get_imp_fc_with_sem(
                crds, fcmatrix, nat3, nat2, nat4, nat1,
                scalef)  #Treat the central atom first
            print_imp_inf(at4_rep, at2_rep, at3_rep, at1_rep, fcfinal, dis)
            fcfinal, dis = get_imp_fc_with_sem(
                crds, fcmatrix, nat3, nat1, nat2, nat4,
                scalef)  #Treat the central atom first
            print_imp_inf(at1_rep, at2_rep, at3_rep, at4_rep, fcfinal, dis)