Example #1
 def sync_all_cards():
     start_time = time.time()
     count = 0
     cards = api_cards.all()
     for card in cards:
         set = Set.objects.get(abbreviation=card.set)
         body = {
             'name': card.name,
             'mana_cost': card.mana_cost,
             'converted_mana_cost': card.cmc,
             'abilities': card.text,
             'power': card.power,
             'toughness': card.toughness,
             'loyalty': None if card.loyalty == 0 else card.loyalty,
             'rarity': card.rarity,
             'number': card.number,
             'img_url': card.image_url,
             'type': card.type,
             'flavor_text': card.flavor,
             'set': set
         count += 1
     end_time = time.time()
     print('{0} seconds to sync {1} cards.'.format(end_time - start_time,
Example #2
 def update(self, filename='cardnames.txt'):
     """This will take a long time like 20+ mins"""
     cards = Card.all()
     # get a set of all the  card names lower case
     cs = {card.name.lower() for card in cards}
     self.card_names = cs  # save to current instance
     with open(filename, 'w') as fi:
         for a_card_name in cs:
             fi.write("%s\n" % a_card_name)
     pickle.dump(cards, open("cards.p", "wb"))  # dump all the cards
def Index():
  # Get all cards
  cards = Card.all()
  # Filter Cards
  # You can chain 'where' clauses together. The key of the hash
  # should be the URL parameter you are trying to filter on
  cards = Card.where(supertypes='legendary') \
              .where(types='creature') \
              .where(colors='red,white') \
Example #4
import json
from mtgsdk import Card, Set, Subtype

cards = Card.all()


for card in cards:

    print("		{")

    card_Id = card.id
    print("			\"cardID\":" + "\"" + card_Id + "\",")

    card_name = "none"
    if card.name is not None:
        card_name = card.name
    print("			\"name\":" + "\"" + card_name + "\",")

    card_mainType = "none"
    if card.type is not None:
        card_mainType = card.type
    print("			\"mainType\":" + "\"" + card_mainType + "\",")

    slist = ["none"]
    if (card.subtypes is not None):
        slist = list()
        for stype in card.subtypes:
    card_subtype = json.dumps(slist)
Example #5
    def download(self):
        # make data folder if it doesn't exist already
        os.makedirs("data", exist_ok=True)

        # if dictionary index is None, download Magic the Gathering card data
        if self.di is None:
            app_print("downloading cards...")
            self.cards = Card.all()
            self.di = 0
            pickle.dump(self, open(file_path, "wb"), -1)

        # loop through all cards
        app_print("downloading images and generating dictionary...")
        total = len(self.cards)
        while self.di < total:
            c = self.cards[self.di]
            out = "{}/{}: {}/{}".format(self.di, total, c.set, c.name)

            # make a folder for the current card's set if it doesn't exist already
            filename = "data/{}/{}{}.jpg".format(c.set, c.name,
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)):
                directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
                os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)

            # if the card's image has already been downloaded, add it to the dictionary using its art's hash as a key
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
                app_print(out + " : file exists")
                image = cv2.imread(filename)
                self.dictionary[dhash(image[37:172, 20:204])] = self.di
                self.di += 1
                if self.di % 50 is 0:
                    pickle.dump(self, open(file_path, "wb"), -1)
                    app_print("saved card database")

            # if the card's image is not available, skip it
            if c.image_url is None:
                app_print(out + " : image N/A")
                self.di += 1

            # keep trying to download the card's image until successful, adding it to the dictionary using its art's
            # hash as a key when done and saving every 50 cards
            print_message = True
            while True:
                    urllib.request.urlretrieve(c.image_url, filename)
                    image = cv2.imread(filename)
                    self.dictionary[dhash(image[37:172, 20:204])] = self.di
                    self.di += 1
                    if self.di % 50 is 0:
                        pickle.dump(self, open(file_path, "wb"), -1)
                    if print_message:
                        print_message = False
                        app_print(out + " : retrying @ " + c.image_url)

        # set dictionary index to None to denote completion and then save everything
        self.di = None
        pickle.dump(self, open(file_path, "wb"), -1)
        app_print("saved dictionary")