Example #1
def nonzero(array):
    """Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.
    Returns a tuple of arrays, one for each dimension of a, containing the indices of the non-zero elements
    in that dimension. The corresponding non-zero values can be obtained with:
    a : array_like
    Input array.
    tuple_of_arrays : tuple
    Indices of elements that are non-zero.

    >>> x = np.eye(3)

    >>> x
    array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.,  1.]])

    >>> np.nonzero(x)
    (array([0, 1, 2]), array([0, 1, 2]))

    >>> x[np.nonzero(x)]
    array([ 1.,  1.,  1.])

    >>> np.transpose(np.nonzero(x))
    array([[0, 0],
       [1, 1],
       [2, 2]])"""

    rowList = IntArrayList()
    columnList = IntArrayList()
    coordinateList = DoubleArrayList()
    array._M.getNonZeros(rowList, columnList, coordinateList)
    #TODO update array function to deal with Int....
    return (array(rowList), array(columnList))
Example #2
def nonzero(array):
    """Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.
    Returns a tuple of arrays, one for each dimension of a, containing the indices of the non-zero elements
    in that dimension. The corresponding non-zero values can be obtained with:
    a : array_like
    Input array.
    tuple_of_arrays : tuple
    Indices of elements that are non-zero.

    >>> x = np.eye(3)

    >>> x
    array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.,  1.]])

    >>> np.nonzero(x)
    (array([0, 1, 2]), array([0, 1, 2]))

    >>> x[np.nonzero(x)]
    array([ 1.,  1.,  1.])

    >>> np.transpose(np.nonzero(x))
    array([[0, 0],
       [1, 1],
       [2, 2]])"""
    rowList = IntArrayList()
    columnList = IntArrayList()
    coordinateList = DoubleArrayList()
    array._M.getNonZeros(rowList, columnList, coordinateList)
#TODO update array function to deal with Int....
    return(array(rowList), array(columnList))
Example #3
def vdot(a, b):
    """Returns the dot product of 2 vectors (or anything that can be made into
       a vector). NB: this is not the same as `dot`, as it takes the conjugate
       of its first argument if complex and always returns a scalar."""
	return _dotblas.vdot(Numeric.ravel(a), Numeric.ravel(b))
    # in case we get an integer Value
    except TypeError:
        return multiarray.matrixproduct(multiarray.array(a).flat,
Example #4
def innerproduct(a, b):
    """returns inner product between a and b.
    The product-sum is over the last dimension of a and b.

    NB: No conjugation of complex arguments is performed.
    This version uses the BLAS optimized routines where possible.
        return _dotblas.innerproduct(a, b) 
    except TypeError:
            return multiarray.innerproduct(a, b)
        except TypeError,detail:
            if multiarray.array(a).shape == () or multiarray.array(b).shape == ():
                return a*b
                raise TypeError, detail or "invalid types for innerproduct"
Example #5
def _index_fields(ary, fields):
    from multiarray import empty, dtype, array
    dt = ary.dtype
    names = [name for name in fields if name in dt.names]
    formats = [dt.fields[name][0] for name in fields if name in dt.names]
    offsets = [dt.fields[name][1] for name in fields if name in dt.names]
    view_dtype = {'names':names, 'formats':formats, 'offsets':offsets, 'itemsize':dt.itemsize}
    view = ary.view(dtype=view_dtype)
    # Return a copy for now until behavior is fully deprecated
    # in favor of returning view
    copy_dtype = {'names':view_dtype['names'], 'formats':view_dtype['formats']}
    return array(view, dtype=copy_dtype, copy=True)
Example #6
def sign(x):
    """ sign(x[, out])
    Returns an element-wise indication of the sign of a number.
    The `sign` function returns ``-1 if x < 0, 0 if x==0, 1 if x > 0``.
    x : array_like
      Input values.
    y : ndarray
      The sign of `x`.
    >>> numjy.sign([-5., 4.5])
    array([-1.,  1.])
    >>> numjy.sign(0)
    def sign_int(a_number):
        if a_number < 0:
        elif a_number == 0:

    if hasattr(x, '__iter__' ) or isinstance(x, ndarray):
        return_value = array([map(sign_int, list(array(x)._M.toArray()))])
        #In the case the input is just a number return the sign of the number.
        return_value = sign_int(x)
Example #7
def sign(x):
    """ sign(x[, out])
    Returns an element-wise indication of the sign of a number.
    The `sign` function returns ``-1 if x < 0, 0 if x==0, 1 if x > 0``.
    x : array_like
      Input values.
    y : ndarray
      The sign of `x`.
    >>> numjy.sign([-5., 4.5])
    array([-1.,  1.])
    >>> numjy.sign(0)
    def sign_int(a_number):
        if a_number < 0:
            return (-1)
        elif a_number == 0:
            return (0)
            return (1)

    if hasattr(x, '__iter__') or isinstance(x, ndarray):
        return_value = array([map(sign_int, list(array(x)._M.toArray()))])
        #In the case the input is just a number return the sign of the number.
        return_value = sign_int(x)
    return (return_value)
Example #8
def _index_fields(ary, fields):
    from multiarray import empty, dtype, array
    dt = ary.dtype

    names = [name for name in fields if name in dt.names]
    formats = [dt.fields[name][0] for name in fields if name in dt.names]
    offsets = [dt.fields[name][1] for name in fields if name in dt.names]

    view_dtype = {'names':names, 'formats':formats, 'offsets':offsets, 'itemsize':dt.itemsize}
    view = ary.view(dtype=view_dtype)

    # Return a copy for now until behavior is fully deprecated
    # in favor of returning view
    copy_dtype = {'names':view_dtype['names'], 'formats':view_dtype['formats']}
    return array(view, dtype=copy_dtype, copy=True)
 def __init__(self, data):
     if data.dtype.kind == 'm':
         nat_value = array(['NaT'], dtype=data.dtype)[0]
         int_dtype = dtype(data.dtype.byteorder + 'i8')
         int_view = data.view(int_dtype)
         v = int_view[not_equal(int_view, nat_value.view(int_dtype))]
         if len(v) > 0:
             # Max str length of non-NaT elements
             max_str_len = max(len(str(maximum.reduce(v))),
             max_str_len = 0
         if len(v) < len(data):
             # data contains a NaT
             max_str_len = max(max_str_len, 5)
         self.format = '%' + str(max_str_len) + 'd'
         self._nat = "'NaT'".rjust(max_str_len)
Example #10
def _copy_fields(ary):
    """Return copy of structured array with padding between fields removed.

    ary : ndarray
       Structured array from which to remove padding bytes

    ary_copy : ndarray
       Copy of ary with padding bytes removed
    dt = ary.dtype
    copy_dtype = {
        'names': dt.names,
        'formats': [dt.fields[name][0] for name in dt.names]
    return array(ary, dtype=copy_dtype, copy=True)
def array2string(a, max_line_width=None, precision=None,
                 suppress_small=None, separator=' ', prefix="",
                 style=repr, formatter=None):
    Return a string representation of an array.

    a : ndarray
        Input array.
    max_line_width : int, optional
        The maximum number of columns the string should span. Newline
        characters splits the string appropriately after array elements.
    precision : int, optional
        Floating point precision. Default is the current printing
        precision (usually 8), which can be altered using `set_printoptions`.
    suppress_small : bool, optional
        Represent very small numbers as zero. A number is "very small" if it
        is smaller than the current printing precision.
    separator : str, optional
        Inserted between elements.
    prefix : str, optional
        An array is typically printed as::

          'prefix(' + array2string(a) + ')'

        The length of the prefix string is used to align the
        output correctly.
    style : function, optional
        A function that accepts an ndarray and returns a string.  Used only
        when the shape of `a` is equal to ``()``, i.e. for 0-D arrays.
    formatter : dict of callables, optional
        If not None, the keys should indicate the type(s) that the respective
        formatting function applies to.  Callables should return a string.
        Types that are not specified (by their corresponding keys) are handled
        by the default formatters.  Individual types for which a formatter
        can be set are::

            - 'bool'
            - 'int'
            - 'timedelta' : a `numpy.timedelta64`
            - 'datetime' : a `numpy.datetime64`
            - 'float'
            - 'longfloat' : 128-bit floats
            - 'complexfloat'
            - 'longcomplexfloat' : composed of two 128-bit floats
            - 'numpystr' : types `numpy.string_` and `numpy.unicode_`
            - 'str' : all other strings

        Other keys that can be used to set a group of types at once are::

            - 'all' : sets all types
            - 'int_kind' : sets 'int'
            - 'float_kind' : sets 'float' and 'longfloat'
            - 'complex_kind' : sets 'complexfloat' and 'longcomplexfloat'
            - 'str_kind' : sets 'str' and 'numpystr'

    array_str : str
        String representation of the array.

        if a callable in `formatter` does not return a string.

    See Also
    array_str, array_repr, set_printoptions, get_printoptions

    If a formatter is specified for a certain type, the `precision` keyword is
    ignored for that type.

    This is a very flexible function; `array_repr` and `array_str` are using
    `array2string` internally so keywords with the same name should work
    identically in all three functions.

    >>> x = np.array([1e-16,1,2,3])
    >>> print(np.array2string(x, precision=2, separator=',',
    ...                       suppress_small=True))
    [ 0., 1., 2., 3.]

    >>> x  = np.arange(3.)
    >>> np.array2string(x, formatter={'float_kind':lambda x: "%.2f" % x})
    '[0.00 1.00 2.00]'

    >>> x  = np.arange(3)
    >>> np.array2string(x, formatter={'int':lambda x: hex(x)})
    '[0x0L 0x1L 0x2L]'


    if max_line_width is None:
        max_line_width = _line_width

    if precision is None:
        precision = _float_output_precision

    if suppress_small is None:
        suppress_small = _float_output_suppress_small

    if formatter is None:
        formatter = _formatter

    if a.shape == ():
        x = a.item()
        if a.dtype.fields is not None:
            arr = array([x], dtype=a.dtype)
            format_function = _get_format_function(
                    arr, precision, suppress_small, formatter)
            lst = format_function(arr[0])
            lst = style(x)
    elif functools.reduce(product, a.shape) == 0:
        # treat as a null array if any of shape elements == 0
        lst = "[]"
        lst = _array2string(a, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small,
                            separator, prefix, formatter=formatter)
    return lst
Example #12
"""Numeric module defining a multi-dimensional array and useful procedures for
Example #13
def sarray(a, typecode=None, copy=0):
    """sarray(a, typecode=None, copy=0) calls array with savespace=1."""
    return multiarray.array(a, typecode, copy, savespace=1)
Example #14
def asarray(a, typecode=None, savespace=0):
    """asarray(a,typecode=None) returns a as a NumPy array.  Unlike array(),
    no copy is performed if a is already an array.
    return multiarray.array(a, typecode, copy=0, savespace=savespace)
Example #15
"""Numeric module defining a multi-dimensional array and useful procedures for
Example #16
def asarray(a, typecode=None, savespace=0):
    """asarray(a,typecode=None) returns a as a NumPy array.  Unlike array(),
    no copy is performed if a is already an array.
    return multiarray.array(a, typecode, copy=0, savespace=savespace)
Example #17
def asanyarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
    """ Convert the input to an ndarray, but pass ndarray subclasses through """
    return ma.array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)
cast = _typedict()
    ScalarType = [
        _types.IntType, _types.FloatType, _types.ComplexType, _types.LongType,
        _types.BooleanType, _types.StringType, _types.UnicodeType,
except AttributeError:
    # Py3K
    ScalarType = [int, float, complex, int, bool, bytes, str, memoryview]

ScalarType = tuple(ScalarType)
for key in _sctype2char_dict.keys():
    cast[key] = lambda x, k=key: array(x, copy=False).astype(k)

# Create the typestring lookup dictionary
_typestr = _typedict()
for key in _sctype2char_dict.keys():
    if issubclass(key, allTypes['flexible']):
        _typestr[key] = _sctype2char_dict[key]
        _typestr[key] = empty((1, ), key).dtype.str[1:]

# Make sure all typestrings are in sctypeDict
for key, val in _typestr.items():
    if val not in sctypeDict:
        sctypeDict[val] = key

# Add additional strings to the sctypeDict
Example #19
def asanyarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
    """ Convert the input to an ndarray, but pass ndarray subclasses through """
    return ma.array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)
Example #20
def sarray(a, typecode=None, copy=0):
    """sarray(a, typecode=None, copy=0) calls array with savespace=1."""
    return multiarray.array(a, typecode, copy, savespace=1)
Example #21
a -= 3
print a

a *= a
print a
a *= 3
print a

a /= a
print a
a /= 3
print a

print a.__nonzero__()
print where(a)
b = array(a)
print b

c = random.rand(3)
print c
d = array([1.,2.,0.])
print c.dtype
print d.dtype

print a[a]
print c[a]
e = (c > 0.5)
print e.dtype
print c[(c > 0.5)]
print c[d]
#print d[a]