def run(readSet, paramFile): # read parameter file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() parser.optionxform = str # copy all options to a config object - both general params, and params for this readSet cfg = lambda: 0 cfg.__dict__["readSet"] = readSet for section in ("general", readSet): for (paramName, paramVal) in parser.items(section): if paramName in cfg.__dict__: raise Exception( "Config file contains duplicate specification of parameter: " + paramName) cfg.__dict__[paramName] = paramVal print(paramName, paramVal) if str(cfg.numCores) == '0': # use all cores if numCores = 0 cfg.numCores = str(cpu_count()) # convert some params to boolean cfg.deleteLocalFiles = cfg.deleteLocalFiles.lower() == "true" # return config object return cfg
def gt_sdsdb(self): """ :return: """ cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_path, + '_gt_sdsdb.pkl') """ if os.path.exists(cache_file): with open(cache_file, 'rb') as fid: sdsdb = cPickle.load(fid) print '{} gt sdsdb loaded from {}'.format(, cache_file) return sdsdb """ # for internal useage tic() gt_sdsdb_temp = [ self.load_coco_sds_annotation(index) for index in self.image_set_index ] gt_sdsdb = [x[0] for x in gt_sdsdb_temp] print 'prepare gt_sdsdb using', toc(), 'seconds' #objs = [x[1] for x in gt_sdsdb_temp] tic() generate_cache_seg_inst_kernel(gt_sdsdb_temp[0]) pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()), gt_sdsdb_temp) pool.close() pool.join() print 'generate cache_seg_inst using', toc(), 'seconds' """ with open(cache_file, 'wb') as fid: cPickle.dump(gt_sdsdb, fid, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) """ # for future release usage # need to implement load sbd data return gt_sdsdb
def collate(self): # Set the stacksize to be unlimited res.setrlimit(res.RLIMIT_STACK, (res.RLIM_INFINITY, res.RLIM_INFINITY)) # Locate the FMS collation tool mppnc_path = None for f in os.listdir(self.expt.lab.bin_path): if f.startswith("mppnccombine"): mppnc_path = os.path.join(self.expt.lab.bin_path, f) break assert mppnc_path # Check config for collate command line options collate_flags = self.expt.config.get("collate_flags") if collate_flags is None: collate_flags = "-r -64" # Import list of collated files to ignore collate_ignore = self.expt.config.get("collate_ignore") if collate_ignore is None: collate_ignore = [] elif type(collate_ignore) != list: collate_ignore = [collate_ignore] # Generate collated file list and identify the first tile tile_fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(self.output_path) if f[-4:].isdigit() and f[-8:-4] == ".nc."] mnc_tiles = defaultdict(list) for t_fname in tile_fnames: t_base, t_ext = os.path.splitext(t_fname) t_ext = t_ext.lstrip(".") # Skip any files listed in the ignore list if t_base in collate_ignore: continue mnc_tiles[t_base].append(t_fname) # If this is run interactively NCPUS is set in collate_cmd, otherwise # the cpu_count will return the number of CPUs assigned to the PBS job count = int(os.environ.get("NCPUS", multiprocessing.cpu_count())) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=count) # Collate each tileset into a single file for nc_fname in mnc_tiles: nc_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, nc_fname) # Remove the collated file if it already exists, since it is # probably from a failed collation attempt # TODO: Validate this somehow if os.path.isfile(nc_path): os.remove(nc_path) cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(mppnc_path, collate_flags, nc_fname, " ".join(mnc_tiles[nc_fname])) print(cmd) pool.apply_async(cmdthread, args=(cmd, self.output_path)) pool.close() pool.join()
def run(readSet, paramFile, args): # read parameter file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() parser.optionxform = str print(readSet) print(paramFile) print(args) # copy all options to a config object - both general params, and params for this readSet cfg = lambda: 0 cfg.__dict__["readSet"] = readSet for (paramName, paramVal) in parser.items("general"): if paramName in cfg.__dict__: raise Exception( "Config file contains duplicate specification of parameter: " + paramName) cfg.__dict__[paramName] = paramVal print(paramName, paramVal) cfg.genomeFile = args.genomeFile cfg.numCores = args.numCores cfg.samtoolsMem = args.samtoolsMem cfg.readFile1 = args.readFile1 cfg.readFile2 = args.readFile2 cfg.primerFile = args.primerFile if str(cfg.numCores) == '0': # use all cores if numCores = 0 cfg.numCores = str(cpu_count()) # convert some params to boolean if "outputDetail" in cfg.__dict__: cfg.outputDetail = cfg.outputDetail.lower() == "true" else: cfg.outputDetail = False if "multimodal" in cfg.__dict__: cfg.multimodal = cfg.multimodal.lower() == "true" else: cfg.multimodal = False if "duplex" in cfg.__dict__: cfg.duplex = cfg.duplex.lower() == "true" else: cfg.duplex = False if "deleteLocalFiles" in cfg.__dict__: cfg.deleteLocalFiles = cfg.deleteLocalFiles.lower() == "true" else: cfg.deleteLocalFiles = False if "instrument" not in cfg.__dict__: # IonTorrent, or cfg.instrument = "N/A" # say the user forgot to specify this for Illumina - Use MiSeq as default # return config object return cfg
def lambda_multiMaster(start_time, isThreaded, envs, s3Enabled): global threadEvent objs = [] q = None if isThreaded: threadEvent = 'Event' if s3Enabled else None print 'is THREADED mode' totalItems = len(envs) pools = auditMeth.poolThreadNumber(totalItems, mp.cpu_count()) p = mp.Pool(1 if pools == 0 else pools) testing = False if not testing: xx = ({aID: e} for aID, e in envs.items()) print xx results =, ({ aID: e } for aID, e in envs.items())) # results = None return results else: print 'is multi PROCESSOR mode' p = mp.Pool() m = mp.Manager() q = m.Queue() for aID, e in envs.items(): # client = aconnect.__get_client__('lambda') pload = None pload = {aID: e} print pload results = p.apply_async(executeLambda, (pload, q)) p.close() p.join() pyObj = {} if isThreaded: ### WORKS IN AWS LAMBDA ### for que in results: newobjs, newPyObj = que objs = objs + newobjs pyObj.update(newPyObj) else: while not q.empty(): newobjs, newPyObj = q.get() objs = objs + newobjs pyObj.update(newPyObj) # lambda_writeResult(upload2S3, pyObj, Main_bucket,sumoName) print("--- %s seconds B---" % (time.time() - start_time)) return results
def _write_coco_results(self, detections, res_file, ann_type): """ example results [{"image_id": 42, "category_id": 18, "bbox": [258.15,41.29,348.26,243.78], "score": 0.236}, ...] """ all_im_info = [{ 'index': index, 'height': self.annos[index]['image_height'], 'width': self.annos[index]['image_width'] } for index in self.image_set_index] if ann_type == 'bbox': data_pack = [{ 'cat_id': self._class_to_vispr_ind[cls], 'cls_ind': cls_ind, 'cls': cls, 'attr_id': cls, 'ann_type': ann_type, 'binary_thresh': self.binary_thresh, 'all_im_info': all_im_info, 'boxes': detections[0][cls_ind] } for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes) if not cls == '__background__'] elif ann_type == 'segm': data_pack = [{ 'cat_id': self._class_to_vispr_ind[cls], 'cls_ind': cls_ind, 'cls': cls, 'attr_id': cls, 'ann_type': ann_type, 'binary_thresh': self.binary_thresh, 'all_im_info': all_im_info, 'boxes': detections[0][cls_ind], 'masks': detections[1][cls_ind] } for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes) if not cls == '__background__'] else: print 'unimplemented ann_type: ' + ann_type # results = coco_results_one_category_kernel(data_pack[1]) # print results[0] pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) results =, data_pack) pool.close() pool.join() results = sum(results, []) print 'Writing results json to %s' % res_file with open(res_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(results, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def _parallelize(self, work, processes=2): if not processes: # use 2x number of available CPUs processes = 2 * mp.cpu_count() # compute chunk size connection_pool_size = self._adapter.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw[ 'maxsize'] chunksize = max(1, 2 * len(work) // int(connection_pool_size)) # create process pool and run `func` in parallel logger.debug('using %d parallel processes', processes) pool = mp.Pool(processes) return, work, chunksize)
def _setup_pool(self): number_of_procs = globals.s3_multipart_max_procs if not number_of_procs: number_of_procs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if getattr(self, '_pool', False): log.Debug("A process pool already exists. Destroying previous pool.") self._pool.terminate() self._pool.join() self._pool = None log.Debug("Setting multipart boto backend process pool to %d processes" % number_of_procs) self._pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=number_of_procs)
def create_consumers(self, customer_count=0): """ Summary: 创建消费者 :return: """ consumer_count = customer_count or multithreading.cpu_count() consumer_list = list() for _ in range(consumer_count): curr_consumer = multithreading.Process( target=self.worker, args=()) curr_consumer.daemon = True # 设置为守护进程,主进程结束则子进程结束 consumer_list.append(curr_consumer) curr_consumer.start() return consumer_list
def __init__(self, list, output, threads, output_type, nothread): if threads == None: threads = cpu_count() if output_type == None: output_type = "txt" self.list = list self.output = output self.threads = threads self.output_type = output_type self.nothread = nothread self.accounts_array = [] self.results_array = []
def append_protein_names_to_workbook(workbook): # Workers pool. pool = Pool(cpu_count() * 2) # Process each worksheet. sheet_names = workbook.get_sheet_names() # Used to search for accession column. accession_re = re.compile(r'.*accession$') print('Processing {0} sheets'.format(len(sheet_names))) for name in sheet_names: sheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name(name) # Get column with accessions. accession_col = 2 for col_i in range(2, sheet.max_column + 1): cell = sheet.cell(row=2, column=col_i) if cell and cell.value and accession_re.match(cell.value): accession_col = col_i break # Get protein data. accessions = [] for row_i in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1): cell = sheet.cell(row=row_i, column=accession_col) # Skip empty rows. if not(cell and cell.value): continue accessions.append(cell.value) # Fetch proteins. proteins =, accessions) # Write protein data. for row_i, protein in enumerate(proteins, 2): cell = sheet.cell(row=row_i, column=1) if not cell.value or (protein and cell.value != protein): cell.value = protein print_progress() # Wait for pool threads to finish. pool.close() pool.join() print_progress_end() return
def _independent_tranform_thunk(obs): results = {} if multithread: pool = mp.pool(min(mp.cpu_count(), len(sensor_shapes))) else: for name, transform in transforms.items(): try: results[name] = transform(obs[name]) except Exception as e: print( f'Problem applying preproces transform to {name}.', e) raise e for name, val in obs.items(): if name not in results and keep_unnamed: results[name] = val return SensorPack(results)
def main(args: argparse.Namespace): # noqa if args.num_workers == 0: import multiprocessing.dummy as multiprocessing args.num_workers = 1 else: import multiprocessing if args.num_workers < 0: # Use all cores args.num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def create_chunk_input_stream(): chunk = [] for f in args.inputs: for line in f: chunk.append(line) if len(chunk) >= 256: yield chunk chunk = [] if len(chunk) > 0: yield chunk pbar = None if args.show_pbar: pbar = tqdm() with multiprocessing.Pool( args.num_workers, initializer=worker_init_fn, initargs=[args.lang] ) as pool: for chunk in pool.imap(worker_fn, create_chunk_input_stream()): if pbar is not None: pbar.update(len(chunk)) for sents in chunk: for sent in sents: args.output.write(sent + '\n') if args.verbose and len(sents) > 1: sys.stderr.write('\rSplitting done: {}\n'.format(sents)) sys.stderr.flush() args.output.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.close()
def main(args: argparse.Namespace): # noqa if args.num_workers == 0: import multiprocessing.dummy as multiprocessing args.num_workers = 1 else: import multiprocessing if args.num_workers < 0: # Use all cores args.num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def create_chunk_input_stream(): chunk = [] for f in args.inputs: for line in f: chunk.append(line) if len(chunk) >= 256: yield chunk chunk = [] if len(chunk) > 0: yield chunk pbar = None if args.show_pbar: pbar = tqdm() with multiprocessing.Pool( args.num_workers, initializer=worker_init_fn, initargs=[args.lang, args.annotate_hyphens, args.protect_urls]) as pool: for chunk in pool.imap(worker_fn, create_chunk_input_stream()): if pbar is not None: pbar.update(len(chunk)) for line in chunk: args.output.write(line + '\n') args.output.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.close()
collection_result.insert(item) except Exception, e: print e try: data_detail_js['_id'] = routine['_id'] collection_result1.insert(data_detail_js) except Exception, e: print e try: data_mdskip_js['_id'] = routine['_id'] collection_result2.insert(data_mdskip_js) except Exception, e: print e with open('ids.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('%s\n' % routine['_id']) print 'Finish %s' % routine['_id'] except Exception, e: print e try: collection_failure.insert(routine) except Exception, e: print e if __name__ == '__main__': pool = Pool(cpu_count()), collection_html.find()) pool.close() pool.join()
import urlparse import zlib import boto3 import gflags import requests logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS # The base Common Crawl CDX URL to use. DEFAULT_CDX_SERVER_URL = '' gflags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_threads', mp.cpu_count(), 'The number of worker threads to use.') gflags.DEFINE_string( 'cdx_server_url', '', 'The Common Crawl CDX server to use.') gflags.DEFINE_string( 'warc_s3_bucket', 'aws-publicdatasets', 'The S3 bucket from which WARC files are retrieved.') class Error(Exception): pass
from . import encoder from . import util __version__ = '0.3.2' __author__ = 'Patrick C. McGinty' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' DEFAULT_ENCODER = 'aac' # define a mapping of enocoder-types to implementation class name. ENCODERS = { 'aac': encoder.AacEncoder, 'ogg': encoder.OggEncoder, 'mp3': encoder.Mp3Encoder, } CORES = mp.cpu_count() ############################################################################# class WorkUnit(object): """ Processing unit for transcoding a single file. Multiple instances of this class are asynchronously executed in a multiprocessing worker pool queue. """ def __init__(self, opts, max_work): """ :param opts: Parsed command-line options. :type opts: :mod:`optparse`.Values
def main(): optparser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="%prog [options] [path/to/catchsegv.exe] [path/to/test/apps] ..") optparser.add_option( '-R', '--regex', metavar='REGEX', type="string", dest="regex", default = '.*') optparser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False) global options (options, args) = optparser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) >= 1: catchsegvExe = args[0] else: catchsegvExe = os.path.join('bin', 'catchsegv.exe') if not os.path.isfile(catchsegvExe): optparser.error('error: %s does not exist\n' % catchsegvExe) sys.exit(1) if len(args) >= 2: testsExeDirs = args[1:] else: testsExeDirs = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(catchsegvExe), '..', 'tests', 'apps'))] testsSrcDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) testNameRe = re.compile(options.regex) if sys.platform == 'win32': import ctypes SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS = 0x0001 SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT = 0x0004 SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = 0x0002 SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX = 0x8000 uMode = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(0) uMode |= SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS \ | SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT \ | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX \ | SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(uMode) failedTests = [] numJobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(numJobs) testSrcFiles = os.listdir(testsSrcDir) testSrcFiles.sort() testArgs = [] for testSrcFile in testSrcFiles: testName, ext = os.path.splitext(testSrcFile) if ext not in ('.c', '.cpp'): continue if not continue if sys.platform != 'win32' and testName in ('ctrl_break', 'ctrl_c'): continue testSrc = os.path.join(testsSrcDir, testSrcFile) for testsExeDir in testsExeDirs: testExe = os.path.join(testsExeDir, testName + '.exe') if not os.path.isfile(testExe): sys.stderr.write('fatal: %s does not exist\n' % testExe) sys.exit(1) testArgs.append((catchsegvExe, testExe, testSrc)) if numJobs <= 1 or len(testArgs) <= 1: imap = map else: imap = pool.imap_unordered for testName, testResult in imap(test, testArgs): if not testResult: failedTests.append(testName) #sys.stdout.write('1..%u\n' % numTests) if failedTests: sys.stdout.write('# %u tests failed\n' % len(failedTests)) for failedTest in failedTests: sys.stdout.write('# - %s\n' % failedTest) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
def ec2Item(self, current, aconnect, itemlist): printColor(['_____LISTING EC2 [] .%s' % (aconnect._region)]) threaded = aconnect.getMultiThread() objs = [] lfound = [] rows = [] #processes = mp.cpu_count()*2 #p = mp.Pool(processes) #m = mp.Manager(processes=processes*2) #q = m.Queue(processes*2) #print itemlist pools = 2 #171.35 seconds #168 seconds totalItems = len(itemlist) if threaded: pools = auditMeth.poolThreadNumber(totalItems, mp.cpu_count()) if pools > 0: p = mp.Pool(pools) elif pools == 0: threaded = False else: p = mp.Pool() m = mp.Manager() q = m.Queue() nEnv = aconnect._env if totalItems > 0: objs.append([ 'Name[%s]' % (current.svc), 'Audit', 'Owner', 'type', 'Platform', 'SecurityGroups', 'Instance', 'Zone', 'VPC', 'State', 'cpu_week', 'cost', 'spot' ]) if not threaded: for unit in itemlist: name = unit['Name'] account = unit['OwnerId'] if str(nEnv) in name or aconnect._useAccounts: #p = Process(target=self.ec2Define,args=(current,aconnect,unit,name)) if pools == 0: newobjs, row = ec2Define(unit, name) else: getit = p.apply_async(ec2Define, (unit, name, q)) #getit.get() lfound.append(name) #newobjs,row = ec2Define(current,aconnect,unit,name) #objs = objs+newobjs #rows.append(row) else: #print itemlist lfound = [unit['Name'] for unit in itemlist] results =, (unit for unit in itemlist)) if pools > 0: p.close() p.join() print results if threaded: for que in results: newobjs, row = que #print ' compute --got[C] result', row objs = objs + newobjs rows.append(row) else: while not q.empty(): newobjs, row = q.get() objs = objs + newobjs #print row #print newobjs rows.append(row) return (lfound, objs, rows)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import sys from tqdm import tqdm import multiprocessing.dummy as multiprocessing from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool from functools import partial IMG_BIT_DEPTH = 2**8 num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # num_workers = 1 print("CPU number: " + str(num_workers)) # num_workers *= 2 def list_split(items, n): return [items[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(items), n)] def func(zip_args): img, pic_path, pic = zip_args # 把图片转换为灰度图 gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # gray_img = img # 获取灰度图矩阵的行数和列数 r, c = gray_img.shape[:2] dark_sum = 0 # 偏暗的像素 初始化为0个
help= "The combo list is a list with users and passwords in a 'username:password' format." ) parser.add_argument( "output_file_name", help= "Only the name of the file. The extension will be determined by the type of output selected." ) parser.add_argument( "--output_type", help="The output type can be: txt, json, xml and html (Default: txt).", action="store", type=str) parser.add_argument( "--threads", help= "Number of workers that SpotCheck uses (A very high number can cause an error in the program due to the limitations of your computer) (Default: {})." .format(cpu_count()), type=int, action="store") parser.add_argument( "--nothreads", help= "If this argument is specified, SpotCheck will not create any thread, otherwise the main SpotCheck process will perform the checks.", action="store_true", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() Main(args.combo_list, args.output_file_name, args.threads, args.output_type, args.nothreads).start_check()
def rdsItem(self, current, aconnect, itemlist): added = False printColor(['_____LISTING RDS [] .%s' % (aconnect._region)]) threaded = aconnect.getMultiThread() nEnv = aconnect._env lfound = [] objs = [] rows = [] pools = 2 # 171.35 seconds #168 seconds totalItems = len(itemlist) q = None if threaded: pools = auditMeth.poolThreadNumber(totalItems, mp.cpu_count()) p = mp.Pool(1 if pools == 0 else pools) else: p = mp.Pool() m = mp.Manager() q = m.Queue() if totalItems > 0: objs.append([ 'Name[%s]' % (current.svc), 'Audit', 'Owner', 'Engine', 'Size (GB)', 'Instance', 'MutliAZ', 'VPC', 'last_Modified', 'connections', 'cost' ]) if not threaded: for unit in itemlist: name = unit['DBInstanceIdentifier'] #sg=unit['VpcSecurityGroups'][0]['VpcSecurityGroupId'] #ec2 = aconnect.__get_client__('ec2') #sgUnit = ec2.describe_security_groups(GroupIds=[sg])['SecurityGroups'][0] #account = sgUnit['OwnerId'] if nEnv in name or aconnect._useAccounts: if pools == 0: objs, row = rdsDefine(unit, name, q) else: getit = p.apply_async(rdsDefine, (unit, name, q)) #getit.get() lfound.append(name) #objs,row = self.rdsDefine(current,aconnect,objs,unit,name) #rows.append(row) else: #print itemlist lfound = [unit['DBInstanceIdentifier'] for unit in itemlist] results =, (unit for unit in itemlist)) if pools > 0: p.close() p.join() if threaded: for que in results: newobjs, row = que #print ' DYNAMO --got[C] result', row objs = objs + newobjs rows.append(row) else: while not q.empty(): newobjs, row = q.get() objs = objs + newobjs # print newobjs rows.append(row) print objs return (lfound, objs, rows)
from collections import namedtuple, Counter from Statistics import centre_of_mass import csv import pandas as pd import numpy as np # make this really fast: import multiprocessing.dummy as multiprocessing CPU_COUNT = multiprocessing.cpu_count() D_PM = 1 << 30 # convert to driver R_PM = 1 << 31 # convert to resistant L_PM = (1 << 30) - 1 # return from driver L_PM2 = (1 << 31) - 1 # return from resistant Cell_ = namedtuple('Cell', 'x y z genotype') Cell_.__new__.__defaults__ = (0, 0, 0, -1) class Cell(Cell_): """ Generic holder for cell details. @params: id = cell ID x,y,z = coordinates of the cell in the tumor genotype = the genotype ID of this cell """ @staticmethod def load_cells(file_name): """ Returns a list of Cells @params:
def run(self): """Start process all shots with a processbar.""" shots = self.get_shot_list() shots_info = dict.fromkeys(self._all_shots, '本次未处理') is_multi_threading = self.flags & MULTI_THREADING thread_count = cpu_count() if is_multi_threading else 1 pool = Pool(thread_count) proc_queue = Queue() cancel_event = Event() def _run(shot): if cancel_event.is_set(): return '取消: {}'.format(shot) output = os.path.join( CONFIG['output_dir'], '{}_v0.nk'.format(shot)) input_dir = shot if os.path.isdir( shot) else os.path.join(CONFIG['input_dir'], shot) cmd = u'"{nuke}" -t -priority low "{script}" "{input_dir}" "{output}"'.format( nuke=nuke.EXE_PATH, script=__path__, input_dir=input_dir, output=output ) try:'%s:开始', shot) proc = Popen(cmd, # shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) proc_queue.put(proc) stderr = u(proc.communicate()[1]) if START_MESSAGE in stderr: stderr = stderr.partition( START_MESSAGE)[2].strip() if stderr: shots_info[shot] = stderr elif proc.returncode: if cancel_event.is_set(): shots_info[shot] = '用户取消' else: shots_info[shot] = 'Nuke非正常退出: {}'.format( proc.returncode) else: shots_info[shot] = '正常完成''%s:结束', shot) except: shots_info[shot] = traceback.format_exc() LOGGER.error('Unexpected exception during comp', exc_info=True) raise RuntimeError return '完成: {}'.format(shot) if is_multi_threading: _run = run_with_memory_require(8)(_run) def _oncancel(): cancel_event.set() while not proc_queue.empty(): proc = proc_queue.get() if proc.poll() is None: try: proc.terminate() except OSError: pass try: for _ in progress(pool.imap_unordered(_run, shots), name='批量合成', total=len(shots), start_message=( '正在使用 {} 线程进行……'.format(thread_count)), oncancel=_oncancel): pass except (CancelledError, RuntimeError): pass['output_dir'])
from . import decoder from . import encoder from . import util __version__ = '0.3.2' __author__ = 'Patrick C. McGinty' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' DEFAULT_ENCODER = 'aac' # define a mapping of enocoder-types to implementation class name. ENCODERS = {'aac':encoder.AacEncoder, 'ogg':encoder.OggEncoder, 'mp3':encoder.Mp3Encoder, } CORES = mp.cpu_count() ############################################################################# class WorkUnit( object ): """ Processing unit for transcoding a single file. Multiple instances of this class are asynchronously executed in a multiprocessing worker pool queue. """ def __init__( self, opts, max_work ): """ :param opts: Parsed command-line options. :type opts: :mod:`optparse`.Values
import sys, os, re, traceback from os.path import isfile from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool, cpu_count from counter import Counter from ops.rotate import Rotate from ops.fliph import FlipH from ops.flipv import FlipV from ops.zoom import Zoom from ops.blur import Blur from ops.noise import Noise from ops.translate import Translate from import imread, imsave EXTENSIONS = ['png', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'bmp'] WORKER_COUNT = max(cpu_count() - 1, 1) OPERATIONS = [Rotate, FlipH, FlipV, Translate, Noise, Zoom, Blur] ''' Augmented files will have names matching the regex below, eg original__rot90__crop1__flipv.jpg ''' AUGMENTED_FILE_REGEX = re.compile('^.*(__.+)+\\.[^\\.]+$') EXTENSION_REGEX = re.compile('|'.join( map(lambda n: '.*\\.' + n + '$', EXTENSIONS))) thread_pool = None counter = None def build_augmented_file_name(original_name, ops):
def main(): optparser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="%prog [options] [path/to/catchsegv.exe] [path/to/test/apps] ..") optparser.add_option('-R', '--regex', metavar='REGEX', type="string", dest="regex", default='.*') optparser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False) global options (options, args) = optparser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) >= 1: catchsegvExe = args[0] else: catchsegvExe = os.path.join('bin', 'catchsegv.exe') if not os.path.isfile(catchsegvExe): optparser.error('error: %s does not exist\n' % catchsegvExe) sys.exit(1) if len(args) >= 2: testsExeDirs = args[1:] else: testsExeDirs = [ os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(catchsegvExe), '..', 'tests', 'apps')) ] testsSrcDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) testNameRe = re.compile(options.regex) if sys.platform == 'win32': import ctypes SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS = 0x0001 SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT = 0x0004 SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = 0x0002 SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX = 0x8000 uMode = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(0) uMode |= SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS \ | SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT \ | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX \ | SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(uMode) failedTests = [] numJobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(numJobs) testSrcFiles = os.listdir(testsSrcDir) testSrcFiles.sort() testArgs = [] for testSrcFile in testSrcFiles: testName, ext = os.path.splitext(testSrcFile) if ext not in ('.c', '.cpp'): continue if not continue if sys.platform != 'win32' and testName in ('ctrl_break', 'ctrl_c'): continue testSrc = os.path.join(testsSrcDir, testSrcFile) for testsExeDir in testsExeDirs: testExe = os.path.join(testsExeDir, testName + '.exe') if not os.path.isfile(testExe): sys.stderr.write('fatal: %s does not exist\n' % testExe) sys.exit(1) testArgs.append((catchsegvExe, testExe, testSrc)) if numJobs <= 1 or len(testArgs) <= 1: imap = map else: imap = pool.imap_unordered for testName, testResult in imap(test, testArgs): if not testResult: failedTests.append(testName) #sys.stdout.write('1..%u\n' % numTests) if failedTests: sys.stdout.write('# %u tests failed\n' % len(failedTests)) for failedTest in failedTests: sys.stdout.write('# - %s\n' % failedTest) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time #多线程,适合高IO 爬虫类 import multiprocessing.dummy as Threads class hello: def name(self, person_name): print Threads.current_process().name for i in range(10): time.sleep(1) print 'hello %s %d' %(person_name,i) pool_size = Threads.cpu_count()*2 pool = Threads.Pool(pool_size) print pool names = [ u'lily'.encode('utf-8'), u'fish' ] hello = hello() results =, names) pool.close() pool.join()
# The following function & copy_reg.pickle() call make it possible for pickle to serialize class functions # This is critical to allow multiprocessing.Pool.map_async() to work as desired # See: def _reduce_method(m): if m.__self__ is None: return getattr, (m.__class__, m.__func__.__name__) else: return getattr, (m.__self__, m.__func__.__name__) copy_reg.pickle(types.MethodType, _reduce_method) # Set default number of worker threads if multiprocessing.cpu_count() <= 2: numThreadsDefault = 4 else: numThreadsDefault = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 def jprint(jsoninput): """Pretty-print jsoninput.""" return json.dumps(jsoninput, sort_keys=True, indent=2) + "\n" def extract_cves_from_input(obj, descriptiveNoun=None): """Use case-insensitive regex to extract CVE ids from input object. *obj* can be a list, a file, or a string.
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time #多线程,适合高IO 爬虫类 import multiprocessing.dummy as Threads class hello: def name(self, person_name): print Threads.current_process().name for i in range(10): time.sleep(1) print 'hello %s %d' % (person_name, i) pool_size = Threads.cpu_count() * 2 pool = Threads.Pool(pool_size) print pool names = [u'lily'.encode('utf-8'), u'fish'] hello = hello() results =, names) pool.close() pool.join()
def dynamoItem(self, current, aconnect, itemlist): added = False printColor( ['_____LISTING DynamoDB [] .%s' % (aconnect._region)]) threaded = aconnect.getMultiThread() nEnv = aconnect._env lfound = [] objs = [] rows = [] pools = 2 # 171.35 seconds #168 seconds totalItems = len(itemlist) if threaded: pools = auditMeth.poolThreadNumber(totalItems, mp.cpu_count()) if pools > 0: p = mp.Pool(pools) elif pools == 0: threaded = False else: p = mp.Pool() m = mp.Manager() q = m.Queue() if totalItems > 0: objs.append([ 'Name[%s]' % (current.svc), 'Audit', 'Owner', 'Status', 'PartitionKey', 'indexes', 'totalRead', 'totalWrite' ]) client = aconnect.__get_client__('dynamodb') if not threaded: for name in itemlist: unit = client.describe_table(TableName=name)['Table'] #account = dunit['TableArn'] if nEnv in name or aconnect._useAccounts: if pools == 0: objs, row = dynamoDefine(unit, name, q) else: getit = p.apply_async(dynamoDefine, (unit, name, q)) #getit.get() lfound.append(name) #objs,row=self.dynamoDefine(current,aconnect,objs,unit,name) #rows.append(row) else: #print itemlist lfound = [name for name in itemlist] #print lfound #print 'client ready?' #dd = client.describe_table(TableName='Tags')['Table'] #print dd results =, (client.describe_table(TableName=name)['Table'] for name in itemlist)) if pools > 0: p.close() p.join() if threaded: for que in results: newobjs, row = que #print ' RDS --got[C] result', row objs = objs + newobjs rows.append(row) else: while not q.empty(): newobjs, row = q.get() objs = objs + newobjs # print newobjs rows.append(row) return (lfound, objs, rows)
def collate(self): # Set the stacksize to be unlimited res.setrlimit(res.RLIMIT_STACK, (res.RLIM_INFINITY, res.RLIM_INFINITY)) # Locate the FMS collation tool mppnc_path = None for f in os.listdir(self.expt.lab.bin_path): if f.startswith('mppnccombine'): mppnc_path = os.path.join(self.expt.lab.bin_path, f) break assert mppnc_path # Check config for collate command line options collate_flags = self.expt.config.get('collate_flags') if collate_flags is None: collate_flags = '-r -64' # Import list of collated files to ignore collate_ignore = self.expt.config.get('collate_ignore') if collate_ignore is None: collate_ignore = [] elif type(collate_ignore) != list: collate_ignore = [collate_ignore] # Generate collated file list and identify the first tile tile_fnames = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.output_path) if f[-4:].isdigit() and f[-8:-4] == '.nc.' ] mnc_tiles = defaultdict(list) for t_fname in tile_fnames: t_base, t_ext = os.path.splitext(t_fname) t_ext = t_ext.lstrip('.') # Skip any files listed in the ignore list if t_base in collate_ignore: continue mnc_tiles[t_base].append(t_fname) # If this is run interactively NCPUS is set in collate_cmd, otherwise # the cpu_count will return the number of CPUs assigned to the PBS job count = int(os.environ.get('NCPUS', multiprocessing.cpu_count())) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=count) # Collate each tileset into a single file for nc_fname in mnc_tiles: nc_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, nc_fname) # Remove the collated file if it already exists, since it is # probably from a failed collation attempt # TODO: Validate this somehow if os.path.isfile(nc_path): os.remove(nc_path) cmd = '{} {} {} {}'.format(mppnc_path, collate_flags, nc_fname, ' '.join(mnc_tiles[nc_fname])) print(cmd) pool.apply_async(cmdthread, args=(cmd, self.output_path)) pool.close() pool.join()