def _assemble_kernel_mat( self, R_desc, R_d_desc, tril_perms_lin, sig, desc, # TODO: document me use_E_cstr=False, col_idxs=np.s_[:], # TODO: document me callback=None, ): r""" Compute force field kernel matrix. The Hessian of the Matern kernel is used with n = 2 (twice differentiable). Each row and column consists of matrix-valued blocks, which encode the interaction of one training point with all others. The result is stored in shared memory (a global variable). Parameters ---------- R_desc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Array containing the descriptor for each training point. R_d_desc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Array containing the gradient of the descriptor for each training point. tril_perms_lin : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` 1D array containing all recovered permutations expanded as one large permutation to be applied to a tiled copy of the object to be permuted. sig : int Hyper-parameter :math:`\sigma`(kernel length scale). use_E_cstr : bool, optional True: include energy constraints in the kernel, False: default (s)GDML kernel. callback : callable, optional Kernel assembly progress function that takes three arguments: current : int Current progress (number of completed entries). total : int Task size (total number of entries to create). done_str : :obj:`str`, optional Once complete, this string contains the time it took to assemble the kernel (seconds). cols_m_limit : int, optional Only generate the columns up to index 'cols_m_limit'. This creates a M*3N x cols_m_limit*3N kernel matrix, instead of M*3N x M*3N. cols_3n_keep_idxs : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Only generate columns with the given indices in the 3N x 3N kernel function. The resulting kernel matrix will have dimension M*3N x M*len(cols_3n_keep_idxs). Returns ------- :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Force field kernel matrix. """ global glob # Note: This function does not support unsorted (ascending) index arrays. # if not isinstance(col_idxs, slice): # assert np.array_equal(col_idxs, np.sort(col_idxs)) n_train, dim_d = R_d_desc.shape[:2] dim_i = 3 * int((1 + np.sqrt(8 * dim_d + 1)) / 2) # Determine size of kernel matrix. K_n_rows = n_train * dim_i if isinstance(col_idxs, slice): # indexed by slice K_n_cols = len(range(*col_idxs.indices(K_n_rows))) else: # indexed by list # TODO: throw exeption with description assert len(col_idxs) == len( set(col_idxs)) # assume no dublicate indices # TODO: throw exeption with description # Note: This function does not support unsorted (ascending) index arrays. assert np.array_equal(col_idxs, np.sort(col_idxs)) K_n_cols = len(col_idxs) # Account for additional rows and columns due to energy constraints in the kernel matrix. if use_E_cstr: K_n_rows += n_train K_n_cols += n_train # Make sure no indices are outside of the valid range. if K_n_cols > K_n_rows: raise ValueError('Columns indexed beyond range.') exploit_sym = False cols_m_limit = None # Check if range is a subset of training points (as opposed to a subset of partials of multiple points). is_M_subset = (isinstance(col_idxs, slice) and (col_idxs.start is None or col_idxs.start % dim_i == 0) and (col_idxs.stop is None or col_idxs.stop % dim_i == 0) and col_idxs.step is None) if is_M_subset: M_slice_start = (None if col_idxs.start is None else int( col_idxs.start / dim_i)) M_slice_stop = None if col_idxs.stop is None else int( col_idxs.stop / dim_i) M_slice = slice(M_slice_start, M_slice_stop) J = range(*M_slice.indices(n_train)) if M_slice_start is None: exploit_sym = True cols_m_limit = M_slice_stop else: if isinstance(col_idxs, slice): random = list(range(*col_idxs.indices(n_train * dim_i))) else: random = col_idxs # M - number training # N - number atoms n_idxs = np.mod(random, dim_i) m_idxs = (np.array(random) / dim_i).astype(int) m_idxs_uniq = np.unique(m_idxs) # which points to include? m_n_idxs = [ list(n_idxs[np.where(m_idxs == m_idx)]) for m_idx in m_idxs_uniq ] m_n_idxs_lens = [len(m_n_idx) for m_n_idx in m_n_idxs] m_n_idxs_lens.insert(0, 0) blk_start_idxs = list( np.cumsum(m_n_idxs_lens[:-1] )) # index within K at which each block starts # tupels: (block index in final K, block index global, indices of partials within block) J = list(zip(blk_start_idxs, m_idxs_uniq, m_n_idxs)) callback(0, 100) # 0% K = mp.RawArray('d', K_n_rows * K_n_cols) glob['K'], glob['K_shape'] = K, (K_n_rows, K_n_cols) glob['R_desc'], glob['R_desc_shape'] = _share_array(R_desc, 'd') glob['R_d_desc'], glob['R_d_desc_shape'] = _share_array(R_d_desc, 'd') glob['desc_func'] = desc start = timeit.default_timer() pool = Pool(self._max_processes) todo, done = K_n_cols, 0 for done_wkr in pool.imap_unordered( partial( _assemble_kernel_mat_wkr, tril_perms_lin=tril_perms_lin, sig=sig, use_E_cstr=use_E_cstr, exploit_sym=exploit_sym, cols_m_limit=cols_m_limit, ), J, ): done += done_wkr if callback is not None: callback(done, todo, newline_when_done=False) pool.close() pool.join( ) # Wait for the worker processes to terminate (to measure total runtime correctly). stop = timeit.default_timer() if callback is not None: dur_s = (stop - start) / 2 sec_disp_str = 'took {:.1f} s'.format( dur_s) if dur_s >= 0.1 else '' callback(DONE, sec_disp_str=sec_disp_str) # Release some memory. glob.pop('K', None) glob.pop('R_desc', None) glob.pop('R_d_desc', None) return np.frombuffer(K).reshape(glob['K_shape'])
bbi = shp.bounding_box left = np.nonzero((bounds > bbi.left))[0][0] right = np.nonzero((bounds > bbi.right))[0][0] bids = range(left, right + 1) for bid in bids: bins[bid].append(shp) ids[bid].append(i) sf.close() # vectorized parallel GRID_DIM = 80 t1 = time.time() dims = grid(bb, GRID_DIM) #bboxes is an n x 4 array of type double c_bboxes = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, len(shps) * 4) bboxes = np.frombuffer(c_bboxes) bboxes.shape = (len(shps), 4) for i, shp in enumerate(shps): bboxes[i][:] = shp.bounding_box[:] origin = np.array([bb[0], bb[1], bb[0], bb[1]]) grid_cells = ((bboxes - origin) / dims).astype(int) # [r0,c0, r1,c1] grid_cells[:, [2, 3]] += 1 max_g = grid_cells.max(axis=1) n = len(shps) #global rows_2_polys #global cols_2_polys #allocate ctype arrays that we can manually pass memory pointers #this should be what ipyhton does natiely with view['variable'] = variable #1. create the memory space, 2. get a numpy view, 3. populate, 4. set the shape
def allocate_data_buffer(self, shared=False): """ allocate fully_populated_shape data buffer for cached data if shared, return a multiprocessing.Array that can be shared across subprocesses if not shared, return a numpy ndarrray Parameters ---------- shared: boolean Returns ------- multiprocessing.Array or numpy ndarray sized to hole fully_populated utility array """ assert not self.is_open assert shared == self.network_los.multiprocess() dtype_name = DTYPE_NAME dtype = np.dtype(DTYPE_NAME) # multiprocessing.Array argument buffer_size must be int, not np.int64 shape = self.uid_calculator.fully_populated_shape buffer_size = util.iprod(self.uid_calculator.fully_populated_shape) csz = buffer_size * dtype.itemsize f"TVPBCache.allocate_data_buffer allocating data buffer " f"shape {shape} buffer_size {buffer_size} total size: {csz} ({tracing.si_units(csz)})" ) if shared: if dtype_name == 'float64': typecode = 'd' elif dtype_name == 'float32': typecode = 'f' else: raise RuntimeError( "allocate_data_buffer unrecognized dtype %s" % dtype_name) if RAWARRAY: with memo("TVPBCache.allocate_data_buffer allocate RawArray"): buffer = multiprocessing.RawArray(typecode, buffer_size) f"TVPBCache.allocate_data_buffer allocated shared multiprocessing.RawArray as buffer" ) else: with memo("TVPBCache.allocate_data_buffer allocate Array"): buffer = multiprocessing.Array(typecode, buffer_size) f"TVPBCache.allocate_data_buffer allocated shared multiprocessing.Array as buffer" ) else: buffer = np.empty(buffer_size, dtype=dtype) np.copyto(buffer, np.nan) # fill with np.nan f"TVPBCache.allocate_data_buffer allocating non-shared numpy array as buffer" ) return buffer
def create_core_catalog_mevolved(virialFlag, writeOutputFlag=True, useLocalHost=False): """ Appends mevolved to core catalog and saves output in HDF5. Works by computing mevolved for step+1 at each step and saving that in memory. """ if writeOutputFlag: print 'Reading data from {} and writing output to {}'.format( cc_data_dir, cc_output_dir) global cc, coresMaskedArray, distance_upper_bound, pool_mergedCoreTag, coresKDTree, KDTree_idx cc = {} cc_prev = {} for step in tqdm(steps): # Read in cc for step cc = {v: gio.gio_read(fname_cc(step, 'input'), v)[0] for v in vars_cc} if virialFlag: # Convert all mass to virial cc['infall_mass'] = SHMLM.m_vir(cc['infall_mass'], step) satellites_mask = cc['central'] == 0 centrals_mask = cc['central'] == 1 # assert np.sum(satellites_mask) + np.sum(centrals_mask) == len(cc['infall_mass']), 'central flag not 0 or 1.' numSatellites = np.sum(satellites_mask) # Verify there are no satellites at first step if step == steps[0]: assert numSatellites == 0, 'Satellites found at first step.' # Add column for m_evolved and initialize to 0 for A in A_arr: for zeta in zeta_arr: cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)] = np.zeros_like(cc['infall_mass']) cc['mergedCoreTag'] = np.zeros_like(cc['core_tag']) cc['mergedCoreStep'] = np.zeros_like(cc['infall_step']) # wasInFragment: persistent flag that is False by default and becomes True when core is inside a fragment halo cc['wasInFragment'] = cc['fof_halo_tag'] < 0 if step != steps[0]: _, i1, i2 = np.intersect1d(cc['core_tag'], cc_prev['core_tag'], return_indices=True) cc['wasInFragment'][i1] = np.logical_or( cc['wasInFragment'][i1], cc_prev['wasInFragment'][i2]) cc['mergedCoreTag'][i1] = cc_prev['mergedCoreTag'][i2] cc['mergedCoreStep'][i1] = cc_prev['mergedCoreStep'][i2] # If there are satellites (not applicable for first step) if numSatellites != 0: # Match satellites to prev step cores using core tag. vals, idx1, idx2 = np.intersect1d(cc['core_tag'][satellites_mask], cc_prev['core_tag'], return_indices=True) # assert len(vals) == len(cc['core_tag'][satellites_mask]), 'All cores from prev step did not carry over.' # assert len(cc['core_tag'][satellites_mask]) == len(np.unique(cc['core_tag'][satellites_mask])), 'Satellite core tags not unique for this time step.' for A in A_arr: for zeta in zeta_arr: # Set m_evolved of all satellites that have core tag match on prev step to next_m_evolved of prev step. # DOUBLE MASK ASSIGNMENT: cc['m_evolved'][satellites_mask][idx1] = cc_prev['next_m_evolved'][idx2] cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)][np.flatnonzero(satellites_mask) [idx1]] = cc_prev[m_evolved_col( A, zeta, next=True)][idx2] # Initialize m array (corresponds with cc[satellites_mask]) to be either infall_mass (step after infall) or m_evolved (subsequent steps). m = (cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)][satellites_mask] == 0) * cc['infall_mass'][satellites_mask] + ( cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)][satellites_mask] != 0) * cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)][satellites_mask] # Set m_evolved of satellites with m_evolved=0 to infall mass. cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)][satellites_mask] = m # Initialize M array (corresponds with cc[satellites_mask]) to be host tree node mass of each satellite idx_m21 = many_to_one(cc['tree_node_index'][satellites_mask], cc['tree_node_index'][centrals_mask]) M, X, Y, Z = (cc[k][centrals_mask][idx_m21] for k in ['infall_mass', 'x', 'y', 'z']) KDTreemask = cc['mergedCoreTag'][satellites_mask] == 0 x = SHMLM.periodic_bcs(cc['x'][satellites_mask][KDTreemask], X[KDTreemask], SHMLM.BOXSIZE) y = SHMLM.periodic_bcs(cc['y'][satellites_mask][KDTreemask], Y[KDTreemask], SHMLM.BOXSIZE) z = SHMLM.periodic_bcs(cc['z'][satellites_mask][KDTreemask], Z[KDTreemask], SHMLM.BOXSIZE) # coresMaskedArray = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T coresMaskedArray_Tree = np.vstack( (np.r_[x, cc['x'][centrals_mask]], np.r_[y, cc['y'][centrals_mask]], np.r_[z, cc['z'][centrals_mask]])).T coresMaskedArray = coresMaskedArray_Tree KDTree_idx = np.r_[np.flatnonzero(satellites_mask)[KDTreemask], np.flatnonzero(centrals_mask)] coresKDTree = spatial.cKDTree(coresMaskedArray_Tree) # Set mergedCoreTag as central core of KDTreemask cores with no mergedCoreTag that are `merged` ''' disruptMask = cc['merged'][satellites_mask][KDTreemask]|(cc['radius'][satellites_mask][KDTreemask] >= SHMLM.CORERADIUSCUT) cc['mergedCoreTag'][ np.flatnonzero(satellites_mask)[KDTreemask] ] += disruptMask*cc['core_tag'][centrals_mask][idx_m21][KDTreemask] cc['mergedCoreStep'][ np.flatnonzero(satellites_mask)[KDTreemask] ] += disruptMask*step ''' ### core merging detection # rvir_KDTreemask = SHMLM.getRvir(cc[m_evolved_col(1.1, 0.068)][satellites_mask][KDTreemask], SHMLM.step2z[step]) #infall should be exact m_evolved in production # rvir_KDTreemask = SHMLM.getRvir(cc['infall_mass'][satellites_mask][KDTreemask], SHMLM.step2z[step]) #infall should be exact m_evolved in production # distance_upper_bound = SHMLM.COREVIRIALRADIUSFACTOR * rvir_KDTreemask distance_upper_bound = SHMLM.COREVIRIALRADIUSFACTOR * SHMLM.getRvir( cc['infall_mass'][KDTree_idx], SHMLM.step2z[step]) import ctypes # pool_mergedCoreTag = { i:np.full(len(KDTree_idx), 0, dtype=np.int64) for i in range(1,pool_size+1) } pool_mergedCoreTag = { i: multiprocessing.RawArray( ctypes.c_int64, np.zeros(len(KDTree_idx), dtype=np.int64)) for i in range(1, pool_size + 1) } # Search radius of 2*rvir around each core from datetime import datetime tstart = work = np.arange(len(distance_upper_bound)) t1 = - tstart print "work=", t1 tstart = p = Pool(pool_size) t2 = - tstart print "Pool=", t2 tstart =, np.array_split(work, pool_size)) t3 = - tstart print "mapp=", t3 tstart = p.close() t4 = - tstart print "close=", t4 tstart = p.join() t5 = - tstart print "join=", t5 tstart = # mergedCoreTag = np.full_like(pool_mergedCoreTag[1], 0) mergedCoreTag = np.zeros(len(KDTree_idx), dtype=np.int64) # pool_mergedCoreTag = {k:np.array(pool_mergedCoreTag[k]) for k in pool_mergedCoreTag.keys()} for i in range(1, pool_size + 1): mCT = np.array(pool_mergedCoreTag[i]) newMergedMask = mCT != 0 # print np.sum(newMergedMask) mergedCoreTag[newMergedMask] = mCT[newMergedMask] t6 = - tstart newMergedMask = mergedCoreTag != 0 cc['mergedCoreTag'][ KDTree_idx[newMergedMask]] = mergedCoreTag[newMergedMask] cc['mergedCoreStep'][KDTree_idx[newMergedMask]] = step print np.sum(cc['mergedCoreTag'] != 0) t7 = - tstart print t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 ### print 'Merged centrals: ', np.sum( cc['mergedCoreTag'][centrals_mask] != 0) cc['mergedCoreTag'][centrals_mask] = 0 cc['mergedCoreStep'][centrals_mask] = 0 if writeOutputFlag: # Write output to disk h5_write_dict(fname_cc(step, 'output'), cc, 'coredata') # Compute m_evolved of satellites according to SHMLModel for NEXT time step and save as cc_prev['next_m_evolved'] in memory. # Mass loss assumed to begin at step AFTER infall detected. if step != steps[-1]: # cc_prev = { 'core_tag':cc['core_tag'].copy(), 'wasInFragment':cc['wasInFragment'].copy() } cc_prev = { k: cc[k].copy() for k in [ 'core_tag', 'wasInFragment', 'mergedCoreTag', 'mergedCoreStep' ] } if numSatellites != 0: localhost_m21 = many_to_one(cc['host_core'][satellites_mask], cc['core_tag']) for A in A_arr: for zeta in zeta_arr: cc_prev[m_evolved_col(A, zeta, next=True)] = np.zeros_like( cc['infall_mass']) if numSatellites != 0: # If there are satellites (not applicable for first step) m = cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)][satellites_mask] if useLocalHost: Mlocal = cc[m_evolved_col(A, zeta)][localhost_m21] M_A_zeta = (Mlocal == 0) * M + (Mlocal != 0) * Mlocal cc_prev[m_evolved_col( A, zeta, next=True)][satellites_mask] = SHMLM.m_evolved( m0=m, M0=M_A_zeta, step=steps[steps.index(step) + 1], step_prev=step, A=A, zeta=zeta) else: cc_prev[m_evolved_col( A, zeta, next=True)][satellites_mask] = SHMLM.m_evolved( m0=m, M0=M, step=steps[steps.index(step) + 1], step_prev=step, A=A, zeta=zeta) return cc
def np_mp_array(shape, dtype): """Allocate a numpy array on OS shared memory.""" size = int( nbytes = size * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize mp_array = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_char, nbytes) return np.frombuffer(mp_array, dtype=dtype, count=size).reshape(shape)
def __init__(self, data, ncomp=256, gamma0=10, m0=None, nu0=None, Phi0=None, e0=5, f0=0.1, g0=0.1, h0=0.1, mu0=None, Sigma0=None, weights0=None, alpha0=1, gpu=None, parallel=False, verbose=False): if not issubclass(type(data), HDPNormalMixture): # check for functioning gpu if _has_gpu: self.dev_list = np.asarray((0), self.dev_list.shape = 1 if gpu is not None: if type(gpu) is bool: self.gpu = gpu else: self.gpu = True self.dev_list = np.asarray(np.abs(gpu), if self.dev_list.shape == (): self.dev_list.shape = 1 self.dev_list = np.unique(self.dev_list) else: self.gpu = True else: self.gpu = False self.parallel = parallel # get the data .. should add checks here later = [np.asarray(d) for d in data] self.ngroups = len( self.ndim =[0].shape[1] self.nobs = tuple([d.shape[0] for d in]) # need for ident code self.cumobs = np.zeros(self.ngroups + 1) self.cumobs[1:] = np.asarray(self.nobs).cumsum() self.ncomp = ncomp if m0 is not None: if len(m0) == self.ndim: self.mu_prior_mean = m0.copy() elif len(m0) == 1: self.mu_prior_mean = m0 * np.ones(self.ndim) else: self.mu_prior_mean = np.zeros(self.ndim) self.gamma = gamma0 * np.ones(ncomp) self._set_initial_values(alpha0, nu0, Phi0, mu0, Sigma0, weights0, e0, f0) # initialize hdp specific vars if weights0 is None: self._weights0 = np.zeros((self.ngroups, self.ncomp), dtype=np.float) self._weights0.fill(1 / self.ncomp) else: self._weights0 = weights0.copy() self._stick_beta0 = stats.beta.rvs(1, self._alpha0, size=self.ncomp - 1) self._beta0 = break_sticks(self._stick_beta0) self._alpha00 = 1.0 self.e0, self.f0 = g0, h0 self.prop_scale = 0.05 * np.ones(self.ncomp) self.prop_scale[-1] = 1. else: # get all important vars from input class = self.ngroups, self.nobs, self.ndim, self.ncomp = data.ngroups, data.nobs, data.ndim, data.ncomp self.cumobs = data.cumobs.copy() self._weights0 = data.weights[-1].copy() self._stick_beta0 = data.stick_beta.copy() self._beta0 = break_sticks(self._stick_beta0) self.e0, self.f0 = data.e0, data.f0 self.e, self.f = data.e, data.f self._nu0 = data._nu0 self._Phi0 = data._Phi0 self.mu_prior_mean = data.mu_prior_mean.copy() self.gamma = data.gamma.copy() self._alpha0 = data.alpha[-1].copy() self._alpha00 = data.alpha0[-1].copy() self._weights0 = data.weights[-1].copy() self._mu0 =[-1].copy() self._Sigma0 = data.Sigma[-1].copy() self.prop_scale = data.prop_scale.copy() self.gpu = data.gpu if self.gpu: self.dev_list = np.unique(data.dev_list) self.parallel = data.parallel self.AR = np.zeros(self.ncomp) # verbosity self.verbose = verbose # data working var self.data_shared_mem = multiprocessing.RawArray( 'd', sum(self.nobs) * self.ndim) self.alldata = np.frombuffer(self.data_shared_mem).reshape( sum(self.nobs), self.ndim) for i in xrange(self.ngroups): self.alldata[ self.cumobs[i]:self.cumobs[i + 1], :] =[i].copy() if self.parallel: self.num_cores = min(min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), self.ncomp), 16) compsperdev = self.ncomp / self.num_cores self.work_queue = [ multiprocessing.Queue() for i in xrange(self.num_cores) ] self.result_queue = [ multiprocessing.Queue() for i in xrange(self.num_cores) ] self.workers = [ CPUWorker(np.zeros( (1, 1)), self.gamma, self.mu_prior_mean, self._Phi0, self._nu0, self.work_queue[i], self.result_queue[i]) for i in xrange(self.num_cores) ] self.compsdevmap = {} cumcomps = 0 for i in xrange(self.num_cores): self.compsdevmap[i] = [ int(cumcomps), int(min(cumcomps + compsperdev, self.ncomp)) ] cumcomps += compsperdev self.compsdevmap[self.num_cores - 1][1] = self.ncomp for thd in self.workers: thd.set_data(self.data_shared_mem, sum(self.nobs), self.ndim)
def mapper(i): offset = i * block_size block = bytes(shared_data[offset:offset + block_size]) for j in range(1000): decrypted = des.decrypt(block) block = decrypted if i == 0: intermediate = xor64d(block, iv_global) else: offset_prev = (i - 1) * block_size intermediate = xor64d(block, shit[offset_prev:offset_prev + block_size]) output_data[offset:offset + block_size] = intermediate shit = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_ubyte, encryptedCBC) shared_data = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_ubyte, encryptedCBC) output_data = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_ubyte, encryptedCBC) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(8) print(no_blocks) start = time.time(), range(no_blocks)) end = time.time() print(end - start) print(bytes(output_data))
def calculate_spectrum( x, line_function, *line_args, ncpus=1, # multiprocess_divide='lines', # 'lines' or 'x','xshared' multiprocess_divide='lines_shared', # 'lines' or 'x','xshared' # multiprocess_divide='x', # 'lines' or 'x','xshared' # multiprocess_divide='xshared', # 'lines' or 'x','xshared' yin=None, **line_kwargs, ): """Compute a spectrum of lines using line_function which is applied to positional arguments line_args and with common kwargs. line_function must add to y in place with a yin argument.""" ncpus = min(ncpus, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) ## run as a single process if ncpus == 1: if yin is None: yin = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=float) for args in zip(*line_args): line_function(x, *args, **line_kwargs, yin=yin) return yin ## multiprocessing version -- divide lines between processes elif multiprocess_divide == 'lines': ## get indices to divide lines with multiprocessing.Pool(ncpus, ) as p: y = [] n = len(line_args[0]) jstep = int(n / ncpus) + 1 jbeg = 0 while jbeg < n: ## start async processes jend = min(jbeg + jstep, n) y.append( p.apply_async( calculate_spectrum, args=(x, line_function, *[t[jbeg:jend] for t in line_args]), kwds=line_kwargs, )) jbeg = jend ## run proceses, tidy keyboard interrupt, sum to give full spectrum try: p.close() p.join() except KeyboardInterrupt as err: p.terminate() p.join() raise err y = np.sum([t.get() for t in y], axis=0) return y ## multiprocessing version -- divide x-range between processes elif multiprocess_divide == 'x': ## get indices to divide lines with multiprocessing.Pool(ncpus) as p: y = [] n = len(x) jstep = int(n / ncpus) + 1 jbeg = 0 while jbeg < n: ## start async processes jend = min(jbeg + jstep, n) y.append( p.apply_async( calculate_spectrum, args=(x[jbeg:jend], line_function, *line_args), kwds=line_kwargs, )) jbeg = jend ## run proceses, tidy keyboard interrupt, sum to give full spectrum try: p.close() p.join() except KeyboardInterrupt as err: p.terminate() p.join() raise err y = np.concatenate([t.get() for t in y]) return y elif multiprocess_divide == 'xshared': ## get indices to divide lines n = len(x) jstep = int(n / ncpus) + 1 jbeg = 0 ## a writable shared memory array -- no lock yraw = multiprocessing.RawArray('d', n) y = np.frombuffer(yraw, dtype=np.float64).reshape((n, )) y[:] = 0.0 with multiprocessing.Pool( ncpus, initializer=_calculate_spectrum_init_worker, initargs=(x, y, line_function, line_args, line_kwargs), ) as p: while jbeg < n: ## start async processes jend = min(jbeg + jstep, n) p.apply_async(_calculate_spectrum_worker, args=(jbeg, jend)) jbeg = jend ## run proceses, tidy keyboard interrupt, sum to give full spectrum try: p.close() p.join() except KeyboardInterrupt as err: p.terminate() p.join() raise err return y elif multiprocess_divide == 'lines_shared': ## get indices to divide lines n = len(line_args[0]) jstep = int(n / ncpus) + 1 jbeg = 0 ## a writable shared memory array -- no lock yraw = multiprocessing.Array('d', len(x)) y = np.frombuffer(yraw.get_obj(), dtype=np.float64).reshape((len(x), )) y[:] = 0.0 with multiprocessing.Pool( ncpus, initializer=_calculate_spectrum_init_worker, initargs=(x, y, line_function, line_args, line_kwargs), ) as p: while jbeg < n: ## start async processes jend = min(jbeg + jstep, n) p.apply_async(_calculate_spectrum_worker_lines, args=(jbeg, jend)) jbeg = jend ## run proceses, tidy keyboard interrupt, sum to give full spectrum try: p.close() p.join() except KeyboardInterrupt as err: p.terminate() p.join() raise err return y else: raise Exception('Unknown {multiprocess_divide=}')
def mp_empty_int(shape): shared_array_base = mp.RawArray(ct.c_int, int( shared_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base).reshape(*shape) return shared_array
def np_mp_array(shape, dtype): size = int( nbytes = size * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize mp_array = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_char, nbytes) return np.frombuffer(mp_array, dtype=dtype, count=size).reshape(shape)
def main(): logger = mp.log_to_stderr() logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) #logger.setLevel(logging.FATAL) # create shared array mgr = mp.Manager() d = mgr.dict() d = {} N, M = int(1e7), 11 base_ptr = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, N) arr = tonumpyarray(base_ptr) arr[:] = np.array(np.random.uniform(size=N) * 1000, arr_orig = arr.copy() d["array"] = np.array(np.random.uniform(size=N) * 1000, base_ptr2 = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, N) arr2 = tonumpyarray(base_ptr2) arr2[:] = np.array(np.random.uniform(size=N), arr_orig2 = arr2.copy() base_ptr3 = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, N) arr3 = tonumpyarray(base_ptr3) arr3[:] = np.random.uniform(size=N) arr_orig3 = arr3.copy() lst_event = [] for i in range(5): lst_event.append(mp.Event()) lst_event[0].set() flag_ptr = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_bool, 5) flag = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] flag[0] = True flag[1] = False flag[2] = False flag[3] = False flag[4] = False #d["flag"] = lst_event flag_ptr2 = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_bool, 5) flag2 = flag_ptr2 flag2[0] = True flag2[1] = False flag2[2] = False flag2[3] = False flag2[4] = False flag_ptr3 = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_bool, 5) flag3 = flag_ptr3 flag3[0] = True flag3[1] = False flag3[2] = False flag3[3] = False flag3[4] = False value_ptr = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_int, 2) value_ptr[0] = 0 value_ptr[1] = 0 d["value"] = [0, 0] ptr_lst = [] ptr_lst.append(base_ptr) ptr_lst.append(lst_event) ptr_lst.append(value_ptr) ptr_lst2 = [] ptr_lst2.append(base_ptr2) ptr_lst2.append(flag_ptr2) ptr_lst2.append(value_ptr) ptr_lst3 = [] ptr_lst3.append(base_ptr3) ptr_lst3.append(flag_ptr3) ptr_lst3.append(value_ptr) #p1 = mp.Process(target=exec1, args=(d, lst_event,)) #p2 = mp.Process(target=exec2, args=(d, lst_event,)) #p3 = mp.Process(target=exec1, args=(ptr_lst2,)) #p4 = mp.Process(target=exec2, args=(ptr_lst2,)) #p5 = mp.Process(target=exec1, args=(ptr_lst3,)) #p6 = mp.Process(target=exec2, args=(ptr_lst3,)) t = time.time() exec1(d, lst_event) exec2(d, lst_event) #p3.start() #p4.start() #p5.start() #p6.start() #p1.join() #p2.join() #info(arr) arr = d["array"] crit(arr[0]) crit(arr[arr.size // 2 - 1]) crit(arr[arr.size // 2]) crit(arr[arr.size - 1]) # write to arr from different processes # with closing(mp.Pool(initializer=init, initargs=(shared_arr,))) as p: # # many processes access the same slice # stop_f = N // 10 # p.map_async(f, [slice(stop_f)]*M) # # many processes access different slices of the same array # assert M % 2 # odd # step = N // 10 # p.map_async(g, [slice(i, i + step) for i in range(stop_f, N, step)]) # p.join() # assert np.allclose(((-1)**M)*tonumpyarray(shared_arr), arr_orig) return t
def parallel_hungarian(G, p): start_time = time.time() # Randomly generate some data data = np.array(G) X_shape = (len(G), len(G)) X = mp.RawArray('d', X_shape[0] * X_shape[1]) X_np = np.frombuffer(X).reshape(X_shape) # Copy data to our shared array. np.copyto(X_np, data) performance = {} #G1 = len(G)*[] manager = mp.Manager() zeros_of_columns = manager.list() zeros_of_rows = manager.list() que = queue.Queue() for i in range(len(G)): zeros_of_rows.append(manager.dict()) zeros_of_columns.append(manager.dict()) #G1.append(G[i].copy()) #print(G1) threads_of_rows = [] threads_of_columns = [] if (p > len(G)): p = len(G) d = int(len(G) / p) if len(G) % 2 != 0: #print("new thread was added because the dimention of the adjacency matrix is an odd number") p = p + 1 #print(d) performance["init"] = (time.time() - start_time) start_time = time.time() for i in range(p): # O(p) start = i * d #Gk = G1[start : start + d] n = d if i + 1 == p: n = len(G) - (i * d) #Gk = G1[start : ] #print(type(G)) t = mp.Process(target=subtract_min_from_rows, args=(X, X_shape, start, n, zeros_of_rows, zeros_of_columns)) threads_of_rows.append(t) for i in range(len(threads_of_rows)): # O(p) #print("start threads_of_rows ",i) threads_of_rows[i].start() #threads_of_rows[0].start() #threads_of_rows[0].join() for i in range(len(threads_of_rows)): # print("join") threads_of_rows[i].join() performance["subtract_min_from_rows"] = (time.time() - start_time) start_time = time.time() for i in range(p): n = d s = i * d if i + 1 == p: n = len(G) - s t = mp.Process(target=subtract_min_from_columns, args=(X, X_shape, s, n, zeros_of_rows, zeros_of_columns)) threads_of_columns.append(t) for i in range(len(threads_of_columns)): #print("start threads_of_columns ",i) threads_of_columns[i].start() #for i in range(len(threads_of_columns)): #print("join") threads_of_columns[i].join() performance["subtract_min_from_columns"] = (time.time() - start_time) #print("result ") #for start in range(len(G)): # print(zeros_of_rows[start],type(zeros_of_rows[start])) r = [] c = [] #print(G1,zeros_of_rows,zeros_of_columns) ri = 0 for i in zeros_of_rows: #print(type(i)) r.append({}) for (j, k) in i.items(): #print("g",j) r[ri][j] = k ri = ri + 1 ci = 0 for i in zeros_of_columns: c.append({}) for (j, k) in i.items(): c[ci][j] = k ci = ci + 1 #print(r,c) #print(zeros_of_rows,zeros_of_columns) number_of_lines, horizental_lines, vertical_lines = cover_zeros(r, c) #print("number of lines",number_of_lines, horizental_lines ,vertical_lines ) #print("let's loop") while (number_of_lines != len(G)): min, row_index, column_index = min_in_graph(G, horizental_lines, vertical_lines) #print("G[ ",row_index," ][ ",column_index," ] = ",min) match, zeros_of_rows, zeros_of_columns = subtract_min_from_graph( G, min, horizental_lines, vertical_lines, zeros_of_rows, zeros_of_columns) #print(match, zeros_of_rows,zeros_of_columns) r = [] c = [] ri = 0 for i in zeros_of_rows: #print(type(i)) r.append({}) for (j, k) in i.items(): #print("g",j) r[ri][j] = k ri = ri + 1 ci = 0 for i in zeros_of_columns: c.append({}) for (j, k) in i.items(): c[ci][j] = k ci = ci + 1 #print(G1) number_of_lines, horizental_lines, vertical_lines = cover_zeros(r, c) #print(G1) #print("number of lines",number_of_lines, horizental_lines ,vertical_lines ) if (number_of_lines == len(G)): assignments = assign_tasks_to_workers(zeros_of_rows, zeros_of_columns) #print("assignemt",assignments) performance["rest"] = (time.time() - start_time) return assignments, performance
thread of execution. """ X_shape = (10, 10) G = [[5, 8, 47, 49, 33, 34, 45, 34, 54, 59], [88, 79, 46, 23, 4, 54, 321, 54, 85, 43], [75, 17, 1, 34, 55, 234, 2, 58, 654, 59], [98, 74, 90, 41, 68, 12, 1, 13, 466, 52], [12, 67, 43, 32, 51, 890, 59, 85, 76, 37], [890, 90, 89, 89, 808, 9, 34, 674, 56, 52], [89, 8, 3, 890, 34, 8, 378, 65, 85, 36], [323, 123, 49, 959, 49, 3, 8, 95, 36, 74], [3, 2, 23, 54, 59, 76, 65, 54, 559, 5 ], [6, 54, 45, 95, 59, 87, 90, 237, 23, 232]] # Randomly generate some data data = np.array(G) X = multiprocessing.RawArray('d', X_shape[0] * X_shape[1]) X_np = np.frombuffer(X).reshape(X_shape) # Copy data to our shared array. np.copyto(X_np, data) print(type(X),type(X_np)) p = [] n = 2 for i in range(n): p.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=parallel_function, args=(i,i,X_shape, X))) for i in range(n): p[i].start() for i in range(n): p[i].join()
def __init__(self, fun, dim): self.func = fun self.statMutex = mp.Lock() self.best_x = mp.RawArray(ct.c_double, dim) self.best_y = mp.RawValue(ct.c_double, sys.float_info.max) self.count = mp.RawValue(ct.c_int, 0)
def run_l2d(p, die_on_error=False): config = p.config mod_tools.initialize_parameters(p) resols = p.resol_spatial_l2d # km resolt = p.resol_temporal_l2d # days grd = build_grid(p) lon0, lon1, lat0, lat1 = grd['modelbox'] # Filtering as a function of latitude (10d at Equator, 14 d at 60º) resolt = (-4 * numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(grd['lat'])) + 9) * resolt # ##################################### # READ L2B OBS # ##################################### tcycle = p.satcycle # Time domain time0, time1, dt = p.time_domain # TODO change resoltmax = numpy.max(resolt) c0 = int((max(time0 - resoltmax, 0)) / tcycle) + 1 c1 = int((time1 + resoltmax) / tcycle) + 1 obs = {} # c0 = 1 ; c1 = 2 p2 = mod_tools.todict(p) jobs = [] print( for cycle in range(c0, c1 + 1, 1): _pat = '{}_c{:02d}_p*'.format(p.config, cycle) pat = os.path.join(p.outdatadir, _pat) listfile = glob.glob(pat) # Create specific funtion to retrieve time_unit if not listfile: continue filev = os.path.join(p.outdatadir, listfile[0]) _, _, time_unit = read_l2b(filev) for pattern in listfile: jobs.append([p2, pattern, lon0, lon1, lat0, lat1, time0, time1, resoltmax, grd['dlonlr'], grd['dlatlr']]) ok = False task = 0 results = [] try: ok, results = build_obs(p.proc_count, jobs, die_on_error, p.progress_bar) except skimulator.mod_parallel.MultiprocessingError: logger.error('An error occurred with the multiprocessing framework') traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info()) sys.exit(1) except skimulator.mod_parallel.DyingOnError: logger.error('An error occurred and all errors are fatal') sys.exit(1) print() print('Aggregating results...', for i in range(len(results)): obs_rjobs = results[i] #key, ind_key, obs_r = results[i] for j in range(len(obs_rjobs)): try: obs_r = obs_rjobs[j] except: obs_r = obs_rjobs obs_r_keys = list(obs_r.keys()) for key in obs_r_keys: if key not in obs.keys(): obs[key] = {} for ind_key in obs_r[key].keys(): if ind_key not in obs[key].keys(): obs[key][ind_key] = [] obs[key][ind_key] = numpy.concatenate((obs[key][ind_key], obs_r[key][ind_key])) del(obs_r[key]) del(results) print('Building shared obs vector...', # Populate the shared observations vector global obs_vector obs_vector = {} for key in obs: obs_vector[key] = {} obs_ind_keys = list(obs[key].keys()) for ind_key in obs_ind_keys: _buffer = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_float, numpy.size(obs[key][ind_key])) narray = numpy.frombuffer(_buffer, dtype='float32') numpy.copyto(narray, obs[key][ind_key]) obs_vector[key][ind_key] = _buffer # Release memory from original array to keep the total amount of # RAM as low as possible if 'time' != key: del(obs[key][ind_key]) # release memory as soon as possible print( print('Memory housekeeping...', keys = list(obs.keys()) for key in keys: if 'time' != key: del(obs[key]) print( #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() # ##################################### # Independant time loop for each analysis # ##################################### enstime = numpy.arange(time0, time1 + dt, dt) time_model = numpy.arange(time0, time1, p.timestep) # Center at noon window = dt / 2. enstime = enstime + window indice_mask = make_mask(p, 'ucur', grd) list_key = {'ucur':'ux_true', 'vcur':'uy_true'} #, 'uwnd':'uwnd', #'vwnd': 'vwnd'} list_input = {} for key in list_key: list_input[key] = p.list_input_var_l2d[key] for it, timeref in enumerate(enstime): print(it, timeref) iobs = {} for ind_key in obs['time'].keys(): iobs[ind_key] = numpy.where((obs['time'][ind_key] > (timeref - numpy.max(resoltmax))) & (obs['time'][ind_key] < (timeref + numpy.max(resoltmax))))[0] make_oi(p, p2, grd, iobs, resols, timeref, resolt, indice_mask, die_on_error=die_on_error) # Interpolate model data to have a true reference #indice_model = it #print('read model') #model_data, out_var, list_file = read_model(p, it, p.dim_time, # list_input) #print('interpolate model') #if global_domain is False: # interpolate_model(p, model_data, out_var, grd, list_key) pattern = os.path.join(p.outdatadir, '{}_{}_l2d_'.format(config, p.config_l2d)) save_l2d(pattern, timeref, window, time_unit, grd) print(
def mp_filled_bool(input_array): shape = input_array.shape shared_array_base = mp.RawArray(ct.c_bool, input_array.flatten()) shared_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base).reshape(*shape) return shared_array
def share_array(arr_np, typecode): arr = mp.RawArray(typecode, arr_np.ravel()) return arr, arr_np.shape
def get_all_DRs_parallel(time_start, time_end, probe, pad, cmp, kmin=0.0, kmax=1.0, Nk=1000, knorm=True, nsec=None, HM_filter_mhz=50, complex_out=True): if nsec is None: DR_path = save_dir + 'DISP_{}_cc_{:03}_{:03}_{:03}.npz'.format( save_string, int(cmp[0]), int(cmp[1]), int(cmp[2])) else: DR_path = save_dir + 'DISP_{}_cc_{:03}_{:03}_{:03}_{}sec.npz'.format( save_string, int(cmp[0]), int(cmp[1]), int(cmp[2]), nsec) if os.path.exists(DR_path) == False: # Load data times, B0, name, mass, charge, density, tper, ani, cold_dens = \ extract_species_arrays(time_start, time_end, probe, pad, cmp=np.asarray(cmp), return_raw_ne=True, nsec=nsec, HM_filter_mhz=HM_filter_mhz) Nt = times.shape[0] N_procs = 7 procs = [] # Create raw shared memory arrays with shapes. Store in dict to send with each worker k_shape = (Nt, Nk) k_shm = multiprocessing.RawArray('d', Nt * Nk) k_dict = {'arr': k_shm, 'shape': k_shape} CPDR_shape = (Nt, Nk, 3, 2) CPDR_shm = multiprocessing.RawArray('d', Nt * Nk * 3 * 2) CPDR_dict = {'arr': CPDR_shm, 'shape': CPDR_shape} WPDR_shape = (Nt, Nk, 3, 2) WPDR_shm = multiprocessing.RawArray('d', Nt * Nk * 3 * 2) WPDR_dict = {'arr': WPDR_shm, 'shape': WPDR_shape} HPDR_shape = (Nt, Nk, 3, 2) HPDR_shm = multiprocessing.RawArray('d', Nt * Nk * 3 * 2) HPDR_dict = {'arr': HPDR_shm, 'shape': HPDR_shape} k_np = np.frombuffer(k_shm).reshape(k_shape) CPDR_np = np.frombuffer(CPDR_shm).reshape(CPDR_shape) WPDR_np = np.frombuffer(WPDR_shm).reshape(WPDR_shape) HPDR_np = np.frombuffer(HPDR_shm).reshape(HPDR_shape) # Split input data into a list of chunks time_chunks = np.array_split(times, N_procs) field_chunks = np.array_split(B0, N_procs) density_chunks = np.array_split(density, N_procs, axis=1) tper_chunks = np.array_split(tper, N_procs, axis=1) ani_chunks = np.array_split(ani, N_procs, axis=1) # Instatiate each process with a different chunk acc = 0 start = time.time() for xx in range(N_procs): print('Starting process', xx) proc = multiprocessing.Process( target=get_DRs_chunked, args=(Nk, kmin, kmax, knorm, time_chunks[xx], field_chunks[xx], name, mass, charge, density_chunks[xx], tper_chunks[xx], ani_chunks[xx], k_dict, CPDR_dict, WPDR_dict, HPDR_dict), kwargs={ 'st': acc, 'worker': xx }) procs.append(proc) proc.start() acc += time_chunks[xx].shape[0] # Complete processes for proc in procs: proc.join() print('All processes complete') end = time.time() print('Total parallel time = {}s'.format(str(end - start))) # Make output complex or keep as real in [X, 2] array if complex_out == True: CPDR_out = np.zeros((Nt, Nk, 3), dtype=np.complex128) WPDR_out = np.zeros((Nt, Nk, 3), dtype=np.complex128) HPDR_out = np.zeros((Nt, Nk, 3), dtype=np.complex128) for ii in range(Nt): for jj in range(Nk): for kk in range(3): CPDR_out[ii, jj, kk] = CPDR_np[ii, jj, kk, 0] + 1j * CPDR_np[ii, jj, kk, 1] WPDR_out[ii, jj, kk] = WPDR_np[ii, jj, kk, 0] + 1j * WPDR_np[ii, jj, kk, 1] HPDR_out[ii, jj, kk] = HPDR_np[ii, jj, kk, 0] + 1j * HPDR_np[ii, jj, kk, 1] else: CPDR_out = CPDR_np WPDR_out = WPDR_np HPDR_out = HPDR_np # Saves data used for DR calculation as well, for future reference (and plotting) if os.path.exists(save_dir) == False: os.makedirs(save_dir) print('Saving dispersion history...') np.savez(DR_path, all_CPDR=CPDR_out, all_WPDR=WPDR_out, all_HPDR=HPDR_out, all_k=k_np, comp=np.asarray(cmp), times=times, B0=B0, name=name, mass=mass, charge=charge, density=density, tper=tper, ani=ani, cold_dens=cold_dens, HM_filter_mhz=np.array([HM_filter_mhz])) else: print('Dispersion results already exist, loading from file...') DR_file = np.load(DR_path) k_np = DR_file['all_k'] CPDR_out = DR_file['all_CPDR'] WPDR_out = DR_file['all_WPDR'] HPDR_out = DR_file['all_HPDR'] times = DR_file['times'] B0 = DR_file['B0'] name = DR_file['name'] mass = DR_file['mass'] charge = DR_file['charge'] density = DR_file['density'] tper = DR_file['tper'] ani = DR_file['ani'] cold_dens = DR_file['cold_dens'] return k_np, CPDR_out, WPDR_out, HPDR_out, \ times, B0, name, mass, charge, density, tper, ani, cold_dens
# Yikang Liao <*****@*****.**> # Multi-processing Video Files Reader import logging import multiprocessing as mp import ctypes import numpy as np import cv2 import random logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PROCESSES = 64 MAX_FLOAT_NUM = 1024 * 3 * 32 * 224 * 224 ret_base = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_float, MAX_FLOAT_NUM) counter = mp.RawValue(ctypes.c_int, 0) def sample_clip_func((filename, p, batch_size, n_frame, crop_size, scale_w, scale_h, is_train, temporal_center)): ret = np.frombuffer(ret_base, dtype=np.float32, count=batch_size * 3 * n_frame * crop_size * crop_size).reshape( (batch_size, 3, n_frame, crop_size, crop_size)) tmp = None while tmp is None: v = cv2.VideoCapture(filename) width, height, length = v.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), v.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT), \ v.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
def mcrun(): ''' Monte Carlo simulation for electrons with ADP and intervalley scattering. Set parameters between line 155 and 190. Returns ------- None. ''' # create bins bins_z = sv.bins_z bins_xy = sv.bins_xy bins_t = sv.bins_t #number of temporal bins to record current data in # NEEDS FIXING, NOW I HAVE TO SPECIFY BINS AT 3 DIFFERENT PLACES #make a place to store the electric field vector V2.0 e_field = np.zeros(bins_t * bins_z * bins_xy**2 * 3) raw_array = mp.RawArray('d', int(bins_t * bins_z * bins_xy**2 * 3)) raw_array_np = np.frombuffer(raw_array, dtype=np.float64) #.reshape(X_shape) np.copyto(raw_array_np, e_field) #define one parallel process for each cpu workers = mp.cpu_count() poolen = mp.Pool(workers, initializer=initProcess, initargs=(raw_array, )) # V2.0 # calculates gmax for each vally diffrent_cycles = 6 valleys = [1 + (x % 6) for x in range(diffrent_cycles)] # repeating 0,1,2,3,4,5 list gmax_list =, list(zip(*[valleys]))) ################################################### start_time = tm.time() #start counting cpu time print('TL= ', sv.T_L, ' B= ', sv.B, ' U= ', sv.U, ' Xid= ', sv.Xid / sv.q, ' Xiu= ', sv.Xiu / sv.q) #to be able to follow the progress in the command window jz2 = np.zeros(bins_t) # zero the current vector etc. xtotinval = np.zeros(6) ttotinval = np.zeros(6) Ettot = np.zeros(6) xinttot = np.zeros(6) xvtot = np.zeros(6) ############################################################################################################ E_field = np.zeros([100, 100, 29, 29, 3]) number_e_matrix = np.zeros([100, 100, 29, 29]) for run in range(2): #V2.0 print(run) run_start_time = tm.time() # Parallel call via, first all the indata is merged into an array for all electrons (Nr=incycles) valleys = [1 + (x % 6) for x in range(sv.incycles)] # repeating 0,1,2,3,4,5 list Gammamax = [gmax_list[int(x % 6)] for x in range(sv.incycles)] mapper =, list(zip(*[valleys, Gammamax]))) resultlist = list(mapper) #this is the outdata from inloop6 (fortran) summed = [sum(x) for x in zip(*resultlist) ] #outdata summed over the electrons xtotinval = summed[ 0] #xtotinval(n)= total distance travelled in valley n (n=1..6) ttotinval = summed[ 1] #ttotinval(n)= total time spent in valley n (n=1..6) Ettot = summed[ 2] #Ettot(n)= energy integrated over time in valley n (n=1..6) ??? xinttot = summed[ 3] #xinttot(n)= distance integrated over time in valley n (n=1..6) xvtot = summed[ 4] #xvtot(n)= distance times velocity integrated over time in valley n (n=1..6) ??? jz2 = summed[5] #jz2(n)= current in valley n (n=1..6) ??? run_end_time = tm.time() print('Elapsed time scatt: ', run_end_time - run_start_time) #V2.0 sorterar ut alla positionenr för elektronerna pos_i = np.zeros( bins_t * 4 ) # zero the position vector etc. make sure that the format of the vectors is correct and all zero values are gone for i in range(sv.incycles): # allt under är V2.0 pos_i = np.array(resultlist[i][6]).reshape((bins_t, 4), order='F') resultlist[i][6] = pos_i[np.nonzero(pos_i[:, 3]), :] pos_raw = np.array( np.hstack((np.reshape(resultlist, sv.incycles * 7)[6::7]))) pos_bins = [] pos, number_e = np.unique( np.floor( np.divide(pos_raw, [ sv.length / bins_z, sv.length / bins_xy, sv.length / bins_xy, 22e-9 / bins_t ])), return_index=False, return_inverse=False, return_counts=True, axis=1) # kan gå snabbare om jag gör den för varje tidsteg pos = np.reshape(pos, (number_e.size, 4)) pos_raw = np.reshape(pos_raw, (-1, 4)) ind_greater_zero = (number_e > 0) # ta bort alla små väden pos = pos[ind_greater_zero, :] number_e = number_e[ind_greater_zero] pos_end = pos[(pos[:, 0] > bins_z - 1), :] number_e_end = number_e[(pos[:, 0] > bins_z - 1)] ##simulats that the electrons get stuck in Nv centers part_e_Nv = 0.1 # part of electrons that hits Nv center count = 0 k = 0 for i in range(pos_end[:, 0].size): for j in range(int(pos_end[i, 3]), int(bins_t)): count += 1 ## lägger till electroner till slutet the end pos_e_Nv = np.zeros([count, 4]) number_e_Nv = np.zeros(count) for i in range(pos_end[:, 0].size): for j in range(int(pos_end[i, 3]), int(bins_t)): pos_e_Nv[k, :] = [bins_z - 1, pos_end[i, 1], pos_end[i, 2], j] number_e_Nv[k] = part_e_Nv * number_e_end[i] k += 1 pos = np.vstack((pos, pos_e_Nv)) number_e = np.append(number_e, number_e_Nv) ############################################################### ind_inside = ((pos[:, 0] < bins_z) & (0 < pos[:, 0]) & (pos[:, 1] <= int( (bins_xy - 1) / 2)) & (pos[:, 1] >= -int( (bins_xy - 1) / 2)) & (pos[:, 2] <= int( (bins_xy - 1) / 2)) & (pos[:, 2] >= -int( (bins_xy - 1) / 2))) pos = pos[ind_inside, :] number_e = number_e[ind_inside] ind_sort = np.lexsort((pos[:, 0], pos[:, 3]), axis=0) pos = pos[ind_sort, :] number_e = number_e[ind_sort] b_tid = tm.time() ratio_add = 0.02 number_e_matrix = ( (1 - ratio_add) * number_e_matrix + ratio_add * electron_smoothing(pos[:, 0].size, pos, number_e)) run_start_time = tm.time() print('Elapsed time number_e_matrix: ', run_start_time - b_tid) #################################################################### e_pos_matrix_i = [number_e_matrix[x, :, :, :] for x in range(bins_t)] mapper =, list(zip(*[e_pos_matrix_i]))) result_efield_pool = list( mapper) #this is the outdata from inloop6 (fortran) E_field = np.stack(result_efield_pool, axis=0) #print(np.mean(E_field)) b_tid = tm.time() print('Elapsed time E_field: ', b_tid - run_start_time) ######################################################################## raw_array_np = np.frombuffer(raw_array, dtype=np.float64) #.reshape(X_shape) np.copyto(raw_array_np, np.reshape(E_field * 1e8 / sv.incycles, (1, -1), order='F')) np.savetxt('Pos_end' + str(run) + '.txt', pos_raw) ############################################################################ np.savetxt('Pos_end.txt', pos_raw) #np.savetxt('number_e_matrix.txt',np.reshape(number_e_matrix, (-1,1))) #np.savetxt('pos_all.txt',np.reshape(pos, (-1,1))) #np.savetxt('Pos_end'+'.txt',pos_raw) plt.figure(20) plt.imshow(number_e_matrix[40, :, :, :].sum(axis=1)) plt.figure(21) plt.imshow(E_field[40, :, :, :, 2].sum(axis=1)) ######################################################################################################################## end_time = tm.time() print('Elapsed time: ', end_time - start_time) poolen.close() #close the paralell workers poolen.join()
def grid_visibilities_parallel(self, visibilities, min_attenuation=1e-10, N=120): """ Grid a set of visibilities from baselines onto a UV grid. Uses Fourier (Gaussian) beam weighting to perform the gridding. Parameters ---------- visibilities : complex (n_baselines, n_freq)-array The visibilities at each basline and frequency. Returns ------- visgrid : (ngrid, ngrid, n_freq)-array The visibility grid, in Jy. """ #Find out the number of frequencies to process per thread nfreq = len(self.frequencies) numperthread = int(np.ceil(nfreq / self.n_obs)) offset = 0 nfreqstart = np.zeros(self.n_obs, dtype=int) nfreqend = np.zeros(self.n_obs, dtype=int) infreq = np.zeros(self.n_obs, dtype=int) for i in range(self.n_obs): nfreqstart[i] = offset nfreqend[i] = offset + numperthread if (i == self.n_obs - 1): infreq[i] = nfreq - offset else: infreq[i] = numperthread offset += numperthread # Set the last process to the number of frequencies nfreqend[-1] = nfreq processes = [] ugrid = np.linspace(-self.uv_max, self.uv_max, self.n_uv + 1) # +1 because these are bin edges. centres = (ugrid[1:] + ugrid[:-1]) / 2 visgrid = np.zeros((self.n_uv, self.n_uv, len(self.frequencies)), dtype=np.complex128) if (os.path.exists(self.datafile[0][:-4] + ".kernel_weights.npy")): kernel_weights = np.load(self.datafile[0][:-4] + ".kernel_weights.npy") else: kernel_weights = None if kernel_weights is None: weights = np.zeros((self.n_uv, self.n_uv, len(self.frequencies))) visgrid_buff_real = [] visgrid_buff_imag = [] weights_buff = [] #Lets split this array up into chunks for i in range(self.n_obs): visgrid_buff_real.append( multiprocessing.RawArray( np.sctype2char(visgrid.real), visgrid[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]].size)) visgrid_buff_imag.append( multiprocessing.RawArray( np.sctype2char(visgrid.imag), visgrid[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]].size)) visgrid_tmp_real = np.frombuffer(visgrid_buff_real[i]) visgrid_tmp_imag = np.frombuffer(visgrid_buff_imag[i]) visgrid_tmp_real = visgrid[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]].real.flatten( ) visgrid_tmp_imag = visgrid[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]].imag.flatten( ) if (kernel_weights is None): weights_buff.append( multiprocessing.RawArray( np.sctype2char(weights), weights[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]].size)) weights_tmp = np.frombuffer(weights_buff[i]) weights_tmp = weights[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]] else: weights_buff.append(None) processes.append( multiprocessing.Process( target=self._grid_visibilities_buff, args=(self.n_uv, visgrid_buff_real[i], visgrid_buff_imag[i], weights_buff[i], visibilities[:, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]], self.frequencies[nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]], self.baselines, centres, self._instr_core.sigma( self.frequencies[nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]]), min_attenuation, N))) for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() for i in range(self.n_obs): visgrid[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]].real = np.frombuffer( visgrid_buff_real[i]).reshape(self.n_uv, self.n_uv, nfreqend[i] - nfreqstart[i]) visgrid[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]].imag = np.frombuffer( visgrid_buff_imag[i]).reshape(self.n_uv, self.n_uv, nfreqend[i] - nfreqstart[i]) if (kernel_weights is None): weights[:, :, nfreqstart[i]:nfreqend[i]] = np.frombuffer( weights_buff[i]).reshape(self.n_uv, self.n_uv, nfreqend[i] - nfreqstart[i]) if kernel_weights is None: kernel_weights = weights visgrid[kernel_weights != 0] /= kernel_weights[kernel_weights != 0] return visgrid, kernel_weights
if __name__ == '__main__': coeffs = np.array([[random.randint(0, MAXHASH) for j in range(NF)] for i in range(2)]) files = [ os.path.join(root, f) for root, _, fnames in os.walk('.') for f in fnames ] if len(sys.argv) > 1: files = files[:int(sys.argv[1])] filenum = len(files) signatures = np.ctypeslib.as_array( mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_ulong, filenum * NF)).reshape(filenum, NF) aux_data = (signatures, files, coeffs) with mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count(), initializer, (aux_data, )) as p: # shingle files and create signatures for i in tqdm(p.imap(shingle_wrapper, range(filenum), chunksize=100), total=filenum, desc="shingling"): pass # compare signatures results = [] for s in tqdm(p.imap_unordered(hashcount_wrapper, range(1, filenum), chunksize=100),
def _assemble_kernel_mat( self, R_desc, R_d_desc, n_perms, tril_perms_lin, sig, use_E_cstr=False, progr_callback=None, j_end=None, ): r""" Compute force field kernel matrix. The Hessian of the Matern kernel is used with n = 2 (twice differentiable). Each row and column consists of matrix-valued blocks, which encode the interaction of one training point with all others. The result is stored in shared memory (a global variable). Parameters ---------- R_desc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Array containing the descriptor for each training point. R_d_desc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Array containing the gradient of the descriptor for each training point. n_perms : int Number of individual permutations encoded in `tril_perms_lin`. tril_perms_lin : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` 1D array containing all recovered permutations expanded as one large permutation to be applied to a tiled copy of the object to be permuted. sig : int Hyper-parameter :math:`\sigma`(kernel length scale). use_E_cstr : bool, optional True: include energy constraints in the kernel, False: default (s)GDML kernel. progress_callback : callable, optional Kernel assembly progress function that takes three arguments: current : int Current progress (number of completed entries). total : int Task size (total number of entries to create). done_str : :obj:`str`, optional Once complete, this string contains the time it took to assemble the kernel (seconds). j_end : int Only generate the columns up to 'j_end'. This creates a M*3N x j_end*3N kernel matrix, instead of M*3N x M*3N. Returns ------- :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Force field kernel matrix. """ global glob n_train, dim_d, dim_i = R_d_desc.shape if j_end == None: j_end = n_train dim_K = n_train * dim_i dim_K_ny = j_end * dim_i dim_K += n_train if use_E_cstr else 0 dim_K_ny += j_end if use_E_cstr else 0 K = mp.RawArray('d', dim_K_ny * dim_K) glob['K'], glob['K_shape'] = K, (dim_K, dim_K_ny) glob['R_desc'], glob['R_desc_shape'] = _share_array(R_desc, 'd') glob['R_d_desc'], glob['R_d_desc_shape'] = _share_array(R_d_desc, 'd') start = timeit.default_timer() pool = mp.Pool(self._max_processes) todo = (j_end**2 - j_end) // 2 + j_end if j_end is not n_train: todo += (n_train - j_end) * j_end done_total = 0 for done in pool.imap_unordered( partial( _assemble_kernel_mat_wkr, n_perms=n_perms, tril_perms_lin=tril_perms_lin, sig=sig, use_E_cstr=use_E_cstr, j_end=j_end, ), list(range(j_end)), ): done_total += done if progr_callback is not None: if done_total == todo: stop = timeit.default_timer() progr_callback(done_total, todo, sec_disp_str='(%.1f s)' % ((stop - start) / 2)) else: progr_callback(done_total, todo) pool.close() # Release some memory. glob.pop('K', None) glob.pop('R_desc', None) glob.pop('R_d_desc', None) return np.frombuffer(K).reshape(glob['K_shape'])
def get_rule_score_and_indices(rule_bundle, training_examples, testing_examples, weights_i, rule_weights, tree, y, x1, x2, holdout, rule_train_index, rule_test_index): ### ADD IN if rule_bundle.size == 1: rule_score = util.calc_score(tree, rule_weights, rule_train_index) motif_bundle = [] regulator_bundle = [] return rule_score, rule_train_index, rule_test_index # Get a lock lock_stable = multiprocessing.Lock() # Initialize shared data objects theta_alphas = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, rule_bundle.size) bundle_train_pred = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, y.num_row * y.num_col) bundle_test_pred = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, y.num_row * y.num_col) # Store the value of the next rule that needs to be worked on rule_index_cntr = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) # Pack arguments stable_args = [y, x1, x2, rule_index_cntr, rule_bundle, \ training_examples, testing_examples, rule_weights.w_pos, rule_weights.w_neg, (lock_stable, theta_alphas, bundle_train_pred, bundle_test_pred)] # Fork worker processes, and wait for them to return fork_and_wait(config.NCPU, return_rule_index, stable_args) ### Get results back into the right format () theta_alphas = np.array(theta_alphas) if y.sparse: bundle_train_pred = csr_matrix( np.reshape(np.array(bundle_train_pred), ( bundle_test_pred = csr_matrix( np.reshape(np.array(bundle_test_pred), ( else: bundle_train_pred = np.reshape(np.array(bundle_train_pred), ( bundle_test_pred = np.reshape(np.array(bundle_test_pred), ( # Calculate theta min_val = min([abs(a) for a in theta_alphas]) theta = sum([abs(alph) - min_val for alph in theta_alphas]) / 2 # new index is where absolute value greater than theta new_train_rule_ind = (abs(bundle_train_pred) > theta) new_test_rule_ind = (abs(bundle_test_pred) > theta) # calculate W+ and W- for new rule w_pos = util.element_mult(weights_i, holdout.ind_train_up) w_neg = util.element_mult(weights_i, holdout.ind_train_down) w_bundle_pos = util.element_mult(w_pos, new_train_rule_ind) w_bundle_neg = util.element_mult(w_neg, new_train_rule_ind) # get score of new rule rule_bundle_score = 0.5 * np.log( (w_bundle_pos.sum() + config.TUNING_PARAMS.epsilon) / (w_bundle_neg.sum() + config.TUNING_PARAMS.epsilon)) return rule_bundle_score, new_train_rule_ind, new_test_rule_ind
def extract_params_as_shared_arrays(link): assert isinstance(link, chainer.Link) shared_arrays = {} for param_name, param in link.namedparams(): shared_arrays[param_name] = mp.RawArray('f', param.array.ravel()) return shared_arrays
def create_sim_data(self): # Keypress data keyPressed = 0 self.simData["/control/outputs/keypress/shape"] = [] self.simData["/control/outputs/keypress/dtype"] = self.simData["/control/outputs/keypress"] = [] for i in range(2): base_ptr = mp.Value(ctypes.c_uint8, keyPressed) self.simData["/control/outputs/keypress"].append(base_ptr) for name in self.script_info: self.simData["/" + name[0] + "/inputs/keypress"] = 0 self.connectivity_matrix["/" + name[0] + "/inputs/keypress"] = \ "/control/outputs/keypress" self.simData["/" + name[0] + "/outputs/keypress"] = [] for i in range(2): base_ptr = mp.RawValue(ctypes.c_uint8, 0) self.simData["/" + name[0] + "/outputs/keypress"].append(base_ptr) # Create simulation data iteration = 0 self.simData["/simulation/iteration"] = mp.RawValue( ctypes.c_int, iteration) longestDelay = 0.0 self.simData["/simulation/longestDelay"] = mp.Value( ctypes.c_float, longestDelay) buffer_current = 0 self.simData["/simulation/buffer_current"] = mp.RawValue( ctypes.c_int, buffer_current) iterations_per_second = 0.0 self.simData["/simulation/iterations_per_second"] = mp.Value( ctypes.c_float, iterations_per_second) if "/simulation/time_step" in self.simData: self.simData["/simulation/time_step"] = \ mp.RawValue(ctypes.c_double, self.simData["/simulation/time_step"]) else: time_step = 1.0 self.simData["/simulation/time_step"] = mp.RawValue( ctypes.c_double, time_step) self.simData["/adder/outputs/signal"] = [] for i in range(2): base_ptr = mp.RawValue(ctypes.c_double) self.simData["/adder/outputs/signal"].append(base_ptr) self.simData["/low_pass/outputs/signal"] = [] for i in range(2): base_ptr = mp.RawValue(ctypes.c_double) self.simData["/low_pass/outputs/signal"].append(base_ptr) # Create simulation data for every module for idx, script in enumerate(self.scripts): name = self.script_info[idx][0] if "module_configuration" in script.__dict__: config = script.module_configuration() if len(self.script_info[idx]) == 3: #Load scenario file if specified. scenario_file_name = self.script_info[idx][2] try: with open(scenario_file_name, "r") as fp: scenario = json.load(fp) for key in scenario: config[key] = scenario[key] except IOError: crit("{} defaults loaded. Unable to load scenario " "file, {}".format(name, scenario_file_name)) except KeyError as e: crit("Invalid entry {} in scenario " "file {}".format(e, scenario_file_name)) exit() info("{} loaded with {}.".format(name, scenario_file_name)) else: info("{} defaults loaded.".format(name)) # update all variables from user defined inputs for key in config: while (isinstance(config[key], str)) and \ (len(config[key][0]) > 0) and \ (config[key][0] == "/"): try: config[key] = self.simData[config[key]] except KeyError as e: crit("{}, variable {} does not " "exist.".format(name, e)) exit() # Add all entries into simulation dictionary for key in config: self.simData["/" + name + key] = config[key] # Remove all user defined constants from connectivity matrix and update # modules simData with new value from user defined constants to_be_remove = [] for key in self.connectivity_matrix: if (("/" + name + "/") in key) and ("/user/" in self.connectivity_matrix[key]): to_be_remove.append(key) for user in to_be_remove: key = self.connectivity_matrix[user] try: self.simData[user] = self.simData[key] config[ "/" + "/".join(user.split("/")[2:])] = self.simData[key] key = user except KeyError as e: crit("{}, variable {} does not " "exist.".format("Connectivity Matrix", e)) exit() while (isinstance(self.simData[key], str)) and \ (len(self.simData[key][0]) > 0) and \ (self.simData[key][0] == "/"): try: self.simData[key] = self.simData[self.simData[key]] config["/" + "/".join(key.split("/") [2:])] = self.simData[key] except KeyError as e: crit("{}, variable {} does not " "exist.".format(name, e)) exit() del self.connectivity_matrix[key] # Assign memory to all outputs # Currently not support matrix assigments as defaults for inputs. - TODO outputs_added = [] for key in config: if "outputs" in key: output = key.split('/')[2] # ["", "outputs", "output"] if output not in outputs_added: outputs_added.append(output) test = "/outputs/" + output try: data_type = config[test + "/dtype"] shape = config[test + "/shape"] default = config[test + "/default"] except KeyError as e: crit("{:15}, Incomplete output, '{}' " "does not exist.".format(name, e)) exit() # Convert data types try: dtype, ctype = self.select_data_type(data_type) except ValueError: crit("{} invalid data type '{}'".format( name + test, data_type)) exit() # Check shape data if not isinstance(shape, list): crit("{} invalid shape '{}'".format( name + test, data_type)) exit() else: for d in shape: if not isinstance(d, int): crit( "{} invalid dimension '{}'".format( name + test, d)) exit() # Check default value is acceptable, TODO # Create memory allocation and buffers self.simData["/" + name + test + "/shape"] = tuple(shape) self.simData["/" + name + test + "/dtype"] = dtype self.simData["/" + name + test] = [] elements = int( if elements > 1: if data_type == "str": if not isinstance(defaults, str): defaults = "" empty = np.zeros(elements, dtype) empty[:len(defaults)] = defaults[:] defaults = empty elif isinstance(default, str): try: defaults = np.loadtxt(defaults, dtype=dtype) except: crit("{} default loading, problem " "with {}.".format(name, default)) else: defaults = np.ones(elements, dtype=dtype) * default for i in range(2): base_ptr = mp.RawArray(ctype, elements) arr = np.frombuffer(base_ptr, dtype) arr[:] = defaults self.simData["/" + name + test].append(base_ptr) if data_type == "str": self.simData["/" + name + test + "/dtype"] = "str" else: defaults = default for i in range(2): base_ptr = mp.RawValue(ctype, defaults) self.simData["/" + name + test].append(base_ptr) else: crit("{:20} has no configuration data.".format(name)) # Check connectivity matrix assignments are valid for key in self.connectivity_matrix: val = self.connectivity_matrix[key] if isinstance( val, str) and val[0] == '/' and val.split("/")[1] != "control": test = val.split("/")[1] valid = False for idx, script in enumerate(self.scripts): name = self.script_info[idx][0] if test == name: valid = True break if valid == False: crit( "Connectivity Matrix error: For input {}, {} not a valid input." .format(key, val)) exit()
def __init__( self, width, height, pixelFormat=PySpin.PixelFormat_BGR8, #PySpin.PixelFormat_BayerRG8, offsetX=0, offsetY=0, verbose=False, channels=3, # Number of color channels in images (for example, 1 for grayscale, 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA) imageDataType=ctypes. c_uint8, # ctype of data of each pixel's channel value imageBitsPerPixel=8, # Number of bits per pixel outputType='PySpin', # Specify how to return data at receiver endpoint. Options are PySpin, numpy, PIL, rawBuffer outputCopy=True, # If true, the output data type references a copied buffer, rather than the original. Caution - the original buffer is not synchronized, and may be overwritten at any time! fileWriter=None, # fileWriter must be either None or a function that takes the specified output type and writes it to a file. lockForOutput=True, # Should the shared memory buffer be locked during fileWriter call? If outputCopy=False and fileWriter is not None, it is recommended that lockForOutput=True maxBufferSize=1 # Maximum number of images to allocate. Attempting to allocate more than that will raise an index error ): self.verbose = verbose self.maxBufferSize = maxBufferSize if self.maxBufferSize < 1: raise ValueError("maxBufferSize must be greater than 1") self.width = width self.height = height self.channels = channels self.metadataQueue = mp.Queue(maxsize=maxBufferSize) imageDataSize = self.width * self.height * imageBitsPerPixel * self.channels // 8 if imageDataSize > 8000000000: print( "Warning, super big buffer! Do you have enough RAM? Buffer will be {f} frames and {b} GB" .format(f=maxBufferSize, b=round(maxBufferSize * imageDataSize / 8000000000, 2))) self.readLag = mp.Value(ctypes.c_uint32, 0) self.nextID = 0 self.buffersReady = False self.buffers = [] self.bufferLocks = [] self.npBuffers = [] for k in range(self.maxBufferSize): # Create a series of shared memory locations, one for each image buffer slot self.buffers.append(mp.RawArray(imageDataType, imageDataSize)) # Create synchronization locks to ensure that any given buffer element # is not being read from and written to at the same time self.bufferLocks.append(mp.Lock()) self.receiver = SharedImageReceiver(width=self.width, height=self.height, channels=self.channels, pixelFormat=pixelFormat, verbose=self.verbose, offsetX=offsetX, offsetY=offsetY, buffers=self.buffers, bufferLocks=self.bufferLocks, outputType=outputType, outputCopy=outputCopy, fileWriter=fileWriter, imageDataType=imageDataType, lockForOutput=lockForOutput, metadataQueue=self.metadataQueue, readLag=self.readLag)
def _init_par_objs_batchpolopt(self): """ Any init_par_objs() method in a derived class must call this method, and, following that, may append() the SimpleContainer objects as needed. """ n = self.n_parallel self.rank = None shareds = SimpleContainer( sum_discounted_return=mp.RawArray('d', n), num_traj=mp.RawArray('i', n), sum_return=mp.RawArray('d', n), max_return=mp.RawArray('d', n), min_return=mp.RawArray('d', n), sum_raw_return=mp.RawArray('d', n), max_raw_return=mp.RawArray('d', n), min_raw_return=mp.RawArray('d', n), max_bonus=mp.RawArray('d', n), min_bonus=mp.RawArray('d', n), sum_bonus=mp.RawArray('d', n), sum_path_len=mp.RawArray('i', n), max_path_len=mp.RawArray('i', n), min_path_len=mp.RawArray('i', n), num_steps=mp.RawArray('i', n), num_valids=mp.RawArray('d', n), sum_ent=mp.RawArray('d', n), ) ##HT: for explained variance (yeah I know it's clumsy) shareds.append(baseline_stats=SimpleContainer( y_sum_vec=mp.RawArray('d', n), y_square_sum_vec=mp.RawArray('d', n), y_pred_error_sum_vec=mp.RawArray('d', n), y_pred_error_square_sum_vec=mp.RawArray('d', n), )) barriers = SimpleContainer(dgnstc=mp.Barrier(n), ) self._par_objs = (shareds, barriers) self.baseline.init_par_objs(n_parallel=n) if self.exemplar is not None: self.exemplar.init_par_objs(n_parallel=n)
for model in model_list: model_inst = model() model_process[i].append( mp.Process(, args=(model_output_list[i], live_data_list[i], current_idx_list[i]))) model_process[i][-1].start() # Run interface with web if __name__ == '__main__': mp.freeze_support() repo = DAL._Repository() # shared objects manager = mp.Manager() live_data_list = [mp.RawArray('b', N_max) for _ in range(5)] current_idx_list = [mp.RawValue('i', 0) for _ in range(5)] model_output_list = [manager.dict(output_dic_template) for _ in range(5)] is_recording = [False for _ in range(NUM_CHANNELS)] #_Listen to the stream of data data_feed_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) data_feed_socket.bind((data_feed_HOST, data_feed_PORT)) # Run main()
def _makeIndex(self): ''' Reads the methratio file and creates an hdf5 file of the following structure file[chrom_dataset][position] = [context_index, strand_index, c, ct, g, ga] # Attributes self.methFile (str): reads Methylation input file self.methBin (str): writes the structured binary output self.sorted_chroms (dict): reads the chomosomes to initializing h5 file self.chrom_dict (dict): reads chromosome lengths for initializing h5 file ''' if not self.n_cores or self.n_cores > 1: # Open file handles H5 = h5py.File(self.methBin, 'w') #IM = open(self.methFile, 'r') # Create datasets for chrom in self.sorted_chroms: chrom_len = self.chrom_dict[chrom] # [context, strand, c, ct, g, ga] H5.create_dataset(chrom, (chrom_len, 6), compression='lzf', chunks=True, fillvalue=-1, dtype='i') H5.close() NP = min(self.n_cores, mp.cpu_count()) if self.n_cores else mp.cpu_count() logger.debug("Creating index using %i cores"%(NP)) # Create global variables global syncArray, chromArray, currentChrom syncArray = mp.RawArray('B', [0]*NP) chromArray = mp.RawArray('i', max(self.chrom_dict.values())*6) np_chromArray = np.frombuffer(chromArray, dtype='i') np_chromArray[:] = -1 currentChrom = mp.RawArray('c', 30) currentChrom.value = get_first_chrom(self.methFile).encode('ascii') # Launch workers pool = mp.Pool(NP), [(self.methFile, self.methBin, self.chrom_dict, i, NP) for i in range(NP)]) pool.close() pool.join() # Get an error if the shared mem is not deleted del syncArray, chromArray, currentChrom else: logger.debug("Creating index using 1 core") # Open file handles H5 = h5py.File(self.methBin, 'w') IM = open(self.methFile, 'r') # Create datasets for chrom in self.sorted_chroms: chrom_len = self.chrom_dict[chrom] # [context, strand, c, ct, g, ga] H5.create_dataset(chrom, (chrom_len, 6), compression='gzip', compression_opts=6, chunks=True, fillvalue=-1, dtype='i') # Skip the first line firstLine = IM.readline() #chr pos strand context ratio eff_CT_count C_count CT_count rev_G_count rev_GA_count CI_lower CI_upper #test1 14 - CHG 0.000 1.00 0 1 0 0 0.000 0.793 index_buffer = [] value_buffer = [] start_time, end_time = time.time(), time.time() current_chrom = False buffer_size = 1000 for i, line in enumerate(ifilter(lambda x: x[0] != "#", IM)): tmp = line.split('\t') chrom, pos, strandIndex = (tmp[0], int(tmp[1])-1, self.strands.index(tmp[2])) if not current_chrom: current_chrom = chrom cIndex = self.contexts.index(tmp[3]) c, ct, g, ga = map(int, tmp[6:10]) # Write if chrom changes if current_chrom != chrom: H5[current_chrom][index_buffer] = value_buffer end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time #print("Processed %i records per second"%(len(index_buffer)/elapsed_time)) #print("Finished %s"%(current_chrom)) index_buffer, value_buffer = ([], []) current_chrom = chrom index_buffer.append(pos) value_buffer.append((cIndex, strandIndex, c, ct, g, ga)) start_time = time.time() elif (i+1)%buffer_size == 0: index_buffer.append(pos) value_buffer.append((cIndex, strandIndex, c, ct, g, ga)) H5[current_chrom][index_buffer] = np.array(value_buffer) #end_time = time.time() #elapsed_time = end_time - start_time #print("Processed %i records per second"%(len(index_buffer)/elapsed_time)) index_buffer, value_buffer = ([], []) start_time = time.time() else: index_buffer.append(pos) value_buffer.append((cIndex, strandIndex, c, ct, g, ga)) if index_buffer: H5[current_chrom][index_buffer] = value_buffer index_buffer, value_buffer = ([], []) IM.close() H5.close()