def test_multiprocessing_pipe(self): parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,)) p.start() for _ in range(5): while parent_conn.poll(): print("Got from client", parent_conn.recv_bytes()) # prints "[42, None, 'hello']" time.sleep(1) parent_conn.send_bytes(b"stop") p.join()
def test_multiprocessing_pipe(self): parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn, )) p.start() for _ in range(5): while parent_conn.poll(): print("Got from client", parent_conn.recv_bytes()) # prints "[42, None, 'hello']" time.sleep(1) parent_conn.send_bytes(b"stop") p.join()
def main(which="PipedService"): print "main(): pid = {pid}, ppid = {ppid}".format(pid=os.getpid(), ppid=os.getppid()) if which == "PipedService": print "main(): Starting PipedService process..." pipeToProc, pipeToMain = Pipe() proc = PipedService(pipeToMain) proc.start() sleep(1) # [debug] wait a bit to flush out all messages from child processes proc.test() # [debug] test self and parent PIDs while proc.is_alive(): command = raw_input("main(): Command : ") if proc.is_alive(): pipeToProc.send_bytes(command) print "main(): Response: {0}".format(pipeToProc.recv_bytes()) else: print "main(): Oops! Process already died." print "main(): Done; joining on process(es)..." proc.join() elif which == "QueuedService": print "main(): Starting QueuedService child process..." service = QueuedService() service.start() print "main(): Starting cannedLoop() child process..." cannedCommands = ["Hi", "How", "is", "it going?", "quit"] pCannedLoop = Process(target=cannedLoop, args=(service, cannedCommands, 5)) pCannedLoop.start() print "main(): Starting interactiveLoop() (NOTE: Not a child process)..." interactiveLoop(service) print "main(): Joining on process(es)..." pCannedLoop.join() service.join() print "main(): Done." elif which == "MultiPipedService": print "main(): Starting MultiPipedService child process..." service = MultiPipedService() serviceHelper1 = service.addClient() serviceHelper2 = service.addClient() service.start() # NOTE must addClient()s before calling start() sleep(1) # let other process start-up messages to pass through print "main(): Starting cannedLoop() child process..." cannedCommands = ["Hi", "How", "is", "it going?", "quit"] pCannedLoop = Process(target=cannedLoop, args=(serviceHelper1, cannedCommands, 2)) pCannedLoop.start() sleep(1) # let other process start-up messages to pass through print "main(): Starting interactive loop..." while True: command = raw_input("Command > ") if not service.is_alive(): print "main(): Oops! Service already dead; aborting..." break response = serviceHelper2.runCommandSync(command) print "Response: {0}".format(response) if command == "quit": break print "main(): Interactive loop terminated." print "main(): Joining on process(es)..." pCannedLoop.join() service.join() # MultiPipedService automatically closes client connections on quit print "main(): Done." elif which == "SynchronizedService": print "main(): Starting SynchronizedService child process..." service = SynchronizedService() service.start() sleep(1) # let other process start-up messages to pass through print "main(): Starting cannedLoop() child process..." cannedCommands = ["Hi", "How", "is", "it going?", "quit"] pCannedLoop = Process(target=cannedLoop, args=(service, cannedCommands, 2)) pCannedLoop.start() sleep(1) # let other process start-up messages to pass through print "main(): Starting interactive loop..." while True: command = raw_input("Command > ") if not service.is_alive(): print "main(): Oops! Service already dead; aborting..." break response = service.runCommandSync(command) print "Response: {0}".format(response) if command == "quit": break print "main(): Interactive loop terminated." print "main(): Joining on process(es)..." pCannedLoop.join() service.join() # MultiPipedService automatically closes client connections on quit print "main(): Done." else: print "main(): Unknown service type \"{0}\"".format(which)
from multiprocessing import Pipe a, b = Pipe() a.send([1, 'hello', None]) print(b.recv()) b.send_bytes(b'thank you') print(a.recv_bytes()) import array arr1 = array.array('i', range(5)) arr2 = array.array('i', [0] * 10) a.send_bytes(arr1) count = b.recv_bytes_into(arr2) assert count == len(arr1) * arr1.itemsize print(arr2)
from multiprocessing import Pipe snd, rcv = Pipe() snd.send_bytes("1234") print(rcv.recv_bytes())
from multiprocessing import Pipe snd,rcv = Pipe() snd.send_bytes("1234"); print (rcv.recv_bytes())
class mp4frag(threading.Thread): ''' Creates a stream transform for piping a fmp4 (fragmented mp4) from ffmpeg. Can be used to generate a fmp4 m3u8 HLS playlist and compatible file fragments. Can also be used for storing past segments of the mp4 video in a buffer for later access. Must use the following ffmpeg flags <b><i>-movflags +frag_keyframe+empty_moov</i></b> to generate a fmp4 with a compatible file structure : ftyp+moov -> moof+mdat -> moof+mdat -> moof+mdat ... ''' _FTYP = bytes([0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70]) # ftyp _MOOV = bytes([0x6d, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x76]) # moov _MOOF = bytes([0x6d, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x66]) # moof _MFRA = bytes([0x6d, 0x66, 0x72, 0x61]) # mfra _MDAT = bytes([0x6d, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74]) # mdat _MP4A = bytes([0x6d, 0x70, 0x34, 0x61]) # mp4a _AVCC = bytes([0x61, 0x76, 0x63, 0x43]) # avcC def __init__(self, pipe, options=None): '''constructor :param pipe: a pipe to input stream data :param options: Configuration options. :param options['hlsBase']: Base name of files in fmp4 m3u8 playlist. Affects the generated m3u8 playlist by naming file fragments. Must be set to generate m3u8 playlist. :param options['hlsListSize']: Number of segments to keep in fmp4 m3u8 playlist. Must be an integer ranging from 2 to 10. Defaults to 4 if hlsBase is set and hlsListSize is not set. :param options['hlsListInit']: Indicates that m3u8 playlist should be generated after init segment is created and before media segments are created. Defaults to false. :param options['bufferListSize']: Number of segments to keep buffered. Must be an integer ranging from 2 to 10. Not related to HLS settings. ''' threading.Thread.__init__(self) if (options and isinstance(options, dict)): if (('hlsBase' in options) and isinstance(options['hlsBase'], str)): if (('hlsListSize' in options) and isinstance(options['hlsListSize'], int)): if (options['hlsListSize'] < 2): self._hlsListSize = 2 elif (options['hlsListSize'] > 10): self._hlsListSize = 10 else: self._hlsListSize = options['hlsListSize'] else: self._hlsListSize = 4 self._hlsList = [] self._hlsBase = options['hlsBase'] self._sequence = -1 if ('hlsListInit' in options): self._hlsListInit = (options['hlsListInit'] == True) else: self._hlsListInit = False if ('bufferListSize' in options): if (isinstance(options['hlsListSize'], int)): if (options['hlsListSize'] > 10): self._bufferListSize = 10 elif (options['hlsListSize'] < 2): self._bufferListSize = 2 else: self._bufferListSize = options['hlsListSize'] else: self._bufferListSize = 2 self._bufferList = [] self._parseChunk = self._findFtyp self._rpipe = pipe self._pipe, self._wpipe = Pipe(duplex=True) self._run = True def __del__(self): self._pipe.close() self._wpipe.close() self._hlsList = [] self._bufferList = [] def stop(self): self._run = False self.join() def _int(self, data): return int.from_bytes(data, byteorder='big', signed=False) def pipe(self): ''' get output pipe ''' return self._wpipe def run(self): while self._run: self._transform() time.sleep(0.1) def _transform(self): chunk = if (chunk): self._parseChunk(chunk) def _bsconcate(self, li, leng=0): ''' concate bytes array ''' res = bytes() for i in li: res += i if (leng <= 0) or (leng > len(res)): return res return res[:leng] @property def mime(self): ''' Returns the mime codec information as a String. Returns <b>Null</b> if requested before [initialized event] ''' return self._mime if (hasattr(self, '_mime')) else None @property def initialization(self): ''' Returns the mp4 initialization fragment as a Buffer. Returns <b>Null</b> if requested before [initialized event] ''' return self._initialization if (hasattr(self, '_initialization')) else None @property def segment(self): ''' Returns the latest Mp4 segment as a Buffer. Returns <b>Null</b> if requested before [segment event] ''' return self._setSegment if (hasattr(self, '_setSegment')) else None @property def timestamp(self): ''' Returns the timestamp of the latest Mp4 segment as an Integer(milliseconds). Returns <b>-1</b> if requested before first [segment event] ''' return self._timestamp if (hasattr(self, '_timestamp')) else -1 @property def duration(self): ''' Returns the duration of latest Mp4 segment as a Float(seconds). Returns <b>-1</b> if requested before first [segment event] ''' return self._duration if (hasattr(self, '_duration')) else -1 @property def m3u8(self): ''' Returns the fmp4 HLS m3u8 playlist as a String. Returns <b>Null</b> if requested before [initialized event] ''' return self._m3u8 if (hasattr(self, '_m3u8')) else None @property def sequence(self): ''' Returns the latest sequence of the fmp4 HLS m3u8 playlist as an Integer. Returns <b>-1</b> if requested before first [segment event] ''' return self._sequence if (hasattr(self, '_m3u8') and isinstance(self._sequence, int)) else -1 @property def bufferList(self): ''' Returns the buffered mp4 segments as an Array. Returns <b>Null</b> if requested before first [segment event] ''' return self._bufferList if (hasattr(self, '_bufferList') and (len(self._bufferList) > 0)) else None def bufferListConcat(self): ''' Returns the [mp4frag.bufferList] concatenated as a Buffer Returns <b>Null</b> if requested before first [segment event] ''' if (hasattr(self, '_bufferList') and (len(self._bufferList) > 0)): return self._bsconcate(self._bufferList) return None def bufferConcat(self): ''' Returns the [mp4frag.initialization] and [mp4frag.bufferList] concatenated as a Buffer. Returns <b>Null</b> if requested before first [segment event] ''' if (hasattr(self, '_initialization') and hasattr(self, '_bufferList') and (len(self._bufferList) > 0)): return self._bsconcate([self._initialization] + self._bufferList) return None def getHlsSegment(self, sequence): ''' Returns the Mp4 segment that corresponds to the HLS numbered sequence as a Buffer. Returns <b>Null</b> if there is no .m4s segment that corresponds to sequence number. ''' return self.getHlsNamedSegment('%s%d.m4s' % (self._hlsBase, sequence)) def getHlsNamedSegment(self, name): '''Returns the Mp4 segment that corresponds to the HLS named sequence as a Buffer. Returns <b>Null</b> if there is no .m4s segment that corresponds to sequence name. ''' if (name and hasattr(self, '_hlsList') and (len(self._hlsList) > 0)): for i in range(0, len(self._hlsList)): if (self._hlsList[i].name == name): return self._hlsList[i].segment return None def _findFtyp(self, chunk): ''' Search buffer for ftyp. ''' print('_findFtyp') chunkLength = len(chunk) if (chunkLength < 8 or chunk.find(mp4frag._FTYP) != 4): print("error: %s no fount" % mp4frag._FTYP.decode()) return self._ftypLength = self._int(chunk[:4]) if (self._ftypLength < chunkLength): self._ftyp = chunk[:self._ftypLength] self._parseChunk = self._findMoov self._parseChunk(chunk[self._ftypLength:]) elif (self._ftypLength == chunkLength): self._ftyp = chunk self._parseChunk = self._findMoov else: #hould not be possible to get here because ftyp is approximately 24 bytes #will have to buffer this chunk and wait for rest of it on next pass print("error: ftypLength:%d > chunkLength:%d" % (self._ftypLength, chunkLength)) def _findMoov(self, chunk): ''' Search buffer for moov. ''' print('_findMoov') chunkLength = len(chunk) if (chunkLength < 8 or chunk.find(mp4frag._MOOV) != 4): print("error: %s not found." % mp4frag._MOOV.decode()) return moovLength = self._int(chunk[:4]) if (moovLength < chunkLength): self._parseMoov(self._ftyp + chunk) del self._ftyp del self._ftypLength self._parseChunk = self._findMoof self._parseChunk(chunk[moovLength:]) elif (moovLength == chunkLength): self._parseMoov(self._ftyp + chunk) del self._ftyp del self._ftypLength self._parseChunk = self._findMoof else: #probably should not arrive here here because moov is typically < 800 bytes #will have to store chunk until size is big enough to have entire moov piece #ffmpeg may have crashed before it could output moov and got us here print("error: moovLength:%d > chunkLength:%d" % (moovLength, chunkLength)) def _findMoof(self, chunk): ''' Search buffer for moof. ''' print('_findMoof') if (hasattr(self, '_moofBuffer')): self._moofBuffer.append(chunk) chunkLength = len(chunk) self._moofBufferSize += chunkLength if (self._moofLength == self._moofBufferSize): self._moof = self._bsconcate(self._moofBuffer, self._moofLength) del self._moofBuffer del self._moofBufferSize self._parseChunk = self._findMdat elif (self._moofLength < self._moofBufferSize): self._moof = self._bsconcate(self._moofBuffer, self._moofLength) sliceIndex = chunkLength - (self._moofBufferSize - self._moofLength) del self._moofBuffer del self._moofBufferSize self._parseChunk = self._findMdat self._parseChunk(chunk[sliceIndex:]) else: chunkLength = len(chunk) if (chunkLength < 8 or chunk.find(mp4frag._MOOF) != 4): #ffmpeg occasionally pipes corrupt data, lets try to get back to normal if we can find next MOOF box before attempts run out mfraIndex = chunk.find(mp4frag._MFRA) if mfraIndex != -1: return self._moofHunts = 0 self._moofHuntsLimit = 40 self._parseChunk = self._moofHunt self._parseChunk(chunk) return self._moofLength = self._int(chunk[:4]) if self._moofLength == 0: print( "error, Bad data from input stream reports %s length of 0" % mp4frag._MOOF.decode()) return if self._moofLength < chunkLength: self._moof = chunk[:self._moofLength] self._parseChunk = self._findMdat self._parseChunk(chunk[self._moofLength:]) elif self._moofLength == chunkLength: self._moof = chunk self._parseChunk = self._findMdat else: self._moofBuffer = [chunk] self._moofBufferSize = chunkLength def _findMdat(self, chunk): ''' Search buffer for mdat. ''' print('_findMdat') if (hasattr(self, '_mdatBuffer')): self._mdatBuffer.append(chunk) chunkLength = len(chunk) self._mdatBufferSize += chunkLength if (self._mdatLength == self._mdatBufferSize): self._setSegment( self._bsconcate([self._moof] + self._mdatBuffer, self._moofLength + self._mdatLength)) del self._moof del self._mdatBuffer del self._mdatBufferSize del self._mdatLength del self._moofLength self._parseChunk = self._findMoof elif (self._mdatLength < self._mdatBufferSize): self._setSegment( self._bsconcate([self._moof] + self._mdatBuffer, self._moofLength + self._mdatLength)) sliceIndex = chunkLength - (self._mdatBufferSize - self._mdatLength) del self._moof del self._mdatBuffer del self._mdatBufferSize del self._mdatLength del self._moofLength self._parseChunk = self._findMoof self._parseChunk(chunk[sliceIndex:]) else: chunkLength = len(chunk) if (chunkLength < 8 or chunk.find(mp4frag._MDAT) != 4): print("error: %s no found" % mp4frag._MDAT.decode()) return self._mdatLength = self._int(chunk[:4]) if (self._mdatLength > chunkLength): self._mdatBuffer = [chunk] self._mdatBufferSize = chunkLength elif (self._mdatLength < chunkLength): self._setSegment( self._bsconcate([self._moof, chunk], self._moofLength + chunkLength)) del self._moof del self._moofLength del self._mdatLength self._parseChunk = self._findMoof else: self._setSegment( self._bsconcate([self._moof, chunk], self._moofLength + self._mdatLength)) sliceIndex = self._mdatLength del self._moof del self._moofLength del self._mdatLength self._parseChunk = self._findMoof self._parseChunk(chunk[sliceIndex:]) def _moofHunt(self, chunk): ''' Find moof after miss due to corrupt data in pipe. ''' print('_moofHunt') if (self._moofHunts < self._moofHuntsLimit): self._moofHunts += 1 index = chunk.find(mp4frag._MOOF) if (index > 3 and len(chunk) > index + 3): del self._moofHunts del self._moofHuntsLimit self._parseChunk = self._findMoof self._parseChunk(chunk[index - 4:]) else: print("error: %s hunt failed afer %d attempts." % (mp4frag._MOOF.decode(), self._moofHunts)) def _parseMoov(self, chunk): ''' Parse moov for mime. ''' print('_parseMoov') self._initialization = chunk if (not hasattr(self, '_initialization')): print('not has _initialization') audioString = '' if (self._initialization.find(mp4frag._MP4A) != -1): audioString = ', mp4a.40.2' index = self._initialization.find(mp4frag._AVCC) if index == -1: print("error: %s codec info not found" % mp4frag._AVCC.decode()) return index += 5 self._mime = "video/mp4; codecs='avc1.%s%s'"%( \ self._initialization[index:index + 3].hex().upper(), \ audioString \ ) print(self._mime) self._timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) if (hasattr(self, '_hlsList') and hasattr(self, '_hlsListInit')): m3u8 = '#EXTM3U\n' m3u8 += '#EXT-X-VERSION:7\n' #m3u8 += '#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:NO\n' m3u8 += '#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:1\n' m3u8 += '#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0\n' m3u8 += '#EXT-X-MAP:URI="init-%s.mp4"\n' % self._hlsBase self._m3u8 = m3u8 print("initialized.") def _setSegment(self, chunk): ''' Process current segment. ''' self._segment = chunk currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) self._duration = max((currentTime - self._timestamp) / 1000, 1) self._timestamp = currentTime if (hasattr(self, '_hlsList')): self._sequence += 1 self._hlsList.append({ 'sequence': self._sequence, 'name': '%s%d' % (self._hlsBase, self._sequence), 'segment': self._sequence, 'duration': self._duration }) while (len(self._hlsList) > self._hlsListSize): self._hlsList.pop(0) m3u8 = '#EXTM3U\n' m3u8 += '#EXT-X-VERSION:7\n' #m3u8 += '#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:NO\n' m3u8 += '#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%d\n' % round(self._duration) m3u8 += '#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:%d\n' % self._hlsList[0]['sequence'] m3u8 += '#EXT-X-MAP:URI="init-%s.mp4"\n' % self._hlsBase for i in range(0, len(self._hlsList)): m3u8 += '#EXTINF:%d' % self._hlsList[i]['duration'] m3u8 += '%s' % self._hlsList[i]['name'] self._m3u8 = m3u8 if (hasattr(self, '_bufferList')): self._bufferList.append(self._segment) while (len(self._bufferList) > self._bufferListSize): self._bufferList.pop(0) #Fires when the latest Mp4 segment is parsed from the piped data. print("send segment.") self._pipe.send_bytes(self._segment)
#!/usr/bin/env python from multiprocessing import Pipe a, b = Pipe() # a.send([1, 'hello', None]) # b_recv = b.recv() # print 'b_recv:' # print b_recv # # b.send_bytes('thank you') # a_recv = a.recv_bytes() # print 'a_recv:' # print a_recv import array arr1 = array.array('i', range(5)) arr2 = array.array('i', [0] * 10) # print 'arr1:' # print arr1.itemsize # print len(arr1) # print 'arr2:' # print arr2.itemsize # print len(arr2) a.send_bytes(arr1) count = b.recv_bytes_into(arr2) print 'count:' print count assert count == len(arr1) * arr1.itemsize print arr2
class IrcPlugin(WillPlugin): def __init__(self): super(IrcPlugin, self).__init__() self.pipe, child_pipe = Pipe() self.irc_process = Process(target=self.irc_thread, args=(child_pipe,)) self.irc_process.start() @hear(r"^(?P<text>.+)$", multiline=True) def on_message(self, message, text=None): room_name = self.get_room_from_message(message)["name"] if '\n' in text: self.say('Unable to send multiline messages to IRC', message=message, color='red') return self.send_command_irc_process( COMMAND_MESSAGE, room_name, format_message(sender=message.sender.nick, body=text) ) def send_command_irc_process(self, command, room_name, argument=None): self.pipe.send_bytes(self.string_encode_message(command, room_name, argument)) def string_encode_message(self, command, room_name, argument=None): return '{cmd}|{room_name};{arg}'.format( cmd=command, room_name=room_name, arg=(argument or '') ) @respond_to(r"^[cC]onnect to irc channel (?P<url>.+)") def connect_to_channel(self, message, url): room_name = self.get_room_from_message(message)["name"] configuration = self.load(STORAGE_KEY, {}) if room_name in configuration: self.say( "This room is already connected to the channel: {}".format( configuration[room_name] ), message=message ) configuration[room_name] = url, configuration) self.send_command_irc_process( COMMAND_CONNECT, room_name, url ) @respond_to(r"^[dD]isconnect from irc") def disconnect_from_channel(self, message): room_name = self.get_room_from_message(message)["name"] configuration = self.load(STORAGE_KEY, {}) if room_name in configuration: del configuration[room_name], configuration) self.send_command_irc_process( COMMAND_DISCONNECT, room_name ) def irc_thread(self, pipe): configuration = self.load(STORAGE_KEY, {}) bot = IrcBot() bot.register_message_handler(self.send_to_hipchat_from_irc) bot.connect_to_multiple(configuration) for connection in bot.connections.values(): self.send_connection_notification(connection) while True: try: bot.reactor.process_once(timeout=REACTOR_LOOP_TIMEOUT) if pipe.poll(): encoded_message = pipe.recv_bytes() command, room_name, argument = self.decode_string_message(encoded_message) if command == COMMAND_CONNECT: connection = bot.connect_to_url(room_name, argument) self.send_connection_notification(connection) elif command == COMMAND_MESSAGE: bot.send_public_message(room_name, argument) elif command == COMMAND_DISCONNECT: bot.disconnect(room_name) room = self.get_room_from_name_or_id(room_name) self.say("Disconnected from IRC", room=room) except Exception: logging.critical('Error managing IRC connection', exc_info=True) def decode_string_message(self, encoded_message): command, payload = encoded_message.split('|', 1) split_payload = payload.split(';', 1) room_name = split_payload[0] if len(split_payload) > 1: argument = split_payload[1] else: argument = None return command, room_name, argument def send_to_hipchat_from_irc(self, connection, sender, message_text): room = self.get_room_from_name_or_id( self.say(format_message(sender=sender, body=message_text), room=room) def send_connection_notification(self, connection): room = self.get_room_from_name_or_id( self.say("Connected to IRC channel {}".format(, room=room)