Example #1
    def public(self):
        Check the project visibility

        :returns: True if project is considered public (wide permissions), otherwise False
        groupstore = CQDEUserGroupStore(self.trac_environment_key)
        return groupstore.is_public_project()
Example #2
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, args=None):
        Returns the outcome from macro.
        Supported arguments:

        - project: Name of the project to show status / provide follow buttons. Defaults to current project

        req = formatter.req

        # Load project from db
        project = Project.get(self.env)

        # Get project metadata (categories)
        (combined_categories, separated_categories_per_context, context_by_id,
         context_order, languages) = self._get_project_categories(project)

        # Get project visibility: public or private
        ug = CQDEUserGroupStore(project.trac_environment_key)
        visibility = _('Public') if ug.is_public_project() else _('Private')

        # Return rendered HTML with JS attached to it
        data = {
            '_project_': project,
            'combined_categories': combined_categories,
            'separated_categories_per_context': separated_categories_per_context,
            'context_order': context_order,
            'languages': languages,
            'context_by_id': context_by_id,
            'visibility_label': visibility, # Private / Public
            'to_web_time': to_web_time # TODO: Is this really required?

        chrome = Chrome(self.env)
        stream = chrome.render_template(req, 'multiproject_summary.html', data, fragment=True)
        if req.form_token:
            stream |= chrome._add_form_token(req.form_token)
        return stream