def classification_distance(ref, test, test_data=None, ndraw=100000):
    if test_data is None:
        test_data = test.draw(ndraw)

    t_x = test.classify(test_data)
    r_x = ref.classify(test_data)

    cost = test_data.shape[0] * np.ones((len(test.clusters), len(ref.clusters)), dtype=np.double)

    _get_cost(t_x, r_x, cost)

    return (cost / test_data.shape[0]).T.copy()
Example #2
def classification_distance(ref, test, test_data=None, ndraw=100000):
    if test_data is None:
        test_data = test.draw(ndraw)

    t_x = test.classify(test_data)
    r_x = ref.classify(test_data)

    cost = test_data.shape[0] * np.ones(
        (len(test.clusters), len(ref.clusters)), dtype=np.double)

    _get_cost(t_x, r_x, cost)

    return (cost / test_data.shape[0]).T.copy()
Example #3
    def sample(self,
        Performs MCMC sampling of the posterior. \beta must be sampled
        using Metropolis Hastings and its proposal distribution will
        be tuned every tune_interval iterations during the burnin
        period. It is suggested that an ample burnin is used and the
        AR parameters stores the acceptance rate for the stick weights
        of \beta and \alpha_0.
        if self.verbose:
            if self.gpu:
                print "starting GPU enabled MCMC"
                print "starting MCMC"
        # multiGPU init
        if self.gpu:
            self.gpu_workers = init_GPUWorkers(, self.dev_list)

        if self.parallel:
            for w in self.workers:

        self._ident = ident
        self._setup_storage(niter, thin)
        self._tune_interval = tune_interval

        alpha = self._alpha0
        alpha0 = self._alpha00
        weights = self._weights0
        beta = self._beta0
        stick_beta = self._stick_beta0
        mu = self._mu0
        Sigma = self._Sigma0

        for i in range(-nburn, niter):
            if isinstance(self.verbose, int) and self.verbose and \
                    not isinstance(self.verbose, bool):
                if i % self.verbose == 0:
                    print i
            ## update labels
            labels, zhat = self._update_labels(mu, Sigma, weights)
            ## Get initial reference if needed
            if i == 0 and ident:
                zref = []
                for ii in xrange(self.ngroups):
                c0 = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ncomp), dtype=np.double)
                for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                    for ii in xrange(self.ngroups):
                        c0[j, :] += np.sum(zref[ii] == j)

            ## update mu and sigma
            mu, Sigma, counts = self._update_mu_Sigma(Sigma, labels,

            ## update weights, masks
            stick_weights, weights = self._update_stick_weights(
                counts, beta, alpha0)
            stick_beta, beta = self._update_beta(stick_beta, beta,
                                                 stick_weights, alpha0, alpha)
            ## hyper parameters
            alpha = self._update_alpha(stick_beta)
            alpha0 = self._update_alpha0(stick_weights, beta, alpha0)

            ## Relabel
            if i > 0 and ident:
                cost = c0.copy()
                for Z, Zr in zip(zhat, zref):
                    _get_cost(Zr, Z, cost)
                _, iii = np.where(munkres(cost))
                beta = beta[iii]
                weights = weights[:, iii]
                mu = mu[iii]
                Sigma = Sigma[iii]
            ## save
            if i >= 0:
                self.beta[i] = beta
                self.weights[i] = weights
                self.alpha[i] = alpha
                self.alpha0[i] = alpha0
      [i] = mu
                self.Sigma[i] = Sigma
            elif (nburn + i + 1) % self._tune_interval == 0:
        self.stick_beta = stick_beta.copy()
        if self.gpu:
        if self.parallel:
            for ii in range(len(self.workers)):
Example #4
    def sample(self, niter=1000, nburn=0, thin=1, ident=False):
        samples niter + nburn iterations only storing the last niter
        draws thinned as indicated.

        if ident is True the munkres identification algorithm will be
        used matching to the INITIAL VALUES. These should be selected
        with great care. We recommend using the EM algorithm. Also
        .. burning doesn't make much sense in this case.


        # start threads
#         if self.parallel:
#             for w in self.workers:
#                 w.start()

        if self.gpu:
            self.gpu_workers = init_GPUWorkers(, self.dev_list)

        alpha = self._alpha0
        weights = self._weights0
        mu = self._mu0
        Sigma = self._Sigma0

        if self.verbose:
            if self.gpu:
                print "starting GPU enabled MCMC"
                print "starting MCMC"

        for i in range(-nburn, niter):

            if i==0 and ident:
                labels, zref = self._update_labels(mu, Sigma, weights, True)
                c0 = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ncomp), dtype=np.double)
                for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                    c0[j,:] = np.sum(zref==j)
                zhat = zref.copy()

            if isinstance(self.verbose, int) and self.verbose and \
                    not isinstance(self.verbose, bool):
                if i % self.verbose == 0:
                    print i

            labels, zhat = self._update_labels(mu, Sigma, weights, ident)
            counts = self._update_mu_Sigma(mu, Sigma, labels)

            stick_weights, weights = self._update_stick_weights(counts, alpha)

            alpha = self._update_alpha(stick_weights)

            ## relabel if needed:
            if i>0 and ident:
                cost = c0.copy()
                    _get_cost(zref, zhat, cost) #cython!!
                except IndexError:
                    print 'Something stranged happened ... do zref and zhat look correct?'
                    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

                _, iii = np.where(munkres(cost))
                weights = weights[iii]
                mu = mu[iii]
                Sigma = Sigma[iii]
            if i>=0:
                self.weights[i] = weights
                self.alpha[i] = alpha
      [i] = mu
                self.Sigma[i] = Sigma

        # clean up threads
#         if self.parallel:
#             for i in xrange(self.num_cores):
#                 self.work_queue[i].put(None)
        if self.gpu:
Example #5
    def sample(self, niter=1000, nburn=100, thin=1, tune_interval=100, ident=False):
        Performs MCMC sampling of the posterior. \beta must be sampled
        using Metropolis Hastings and its proposal distribution will
        be tuned every tune_interval iterations during the burnin
        period. It is suggested that an ample burnin is used and the
        AR parameters stores the acceptance rate for the stick weights
        of \beta and \alpha_0.
        if self.verbose:
            if self.gpu:
                print "starting GPU enabled MCMC"
                print "starting MCMC"
        # multiGPU init
        if self.gpu:
            self.gpu_workers = init_GPUWorkers(, self.dev_list)

        self._ident = ident
        self._setup_storage(niter, thin)
        self._tune_interval = tune_interval

        alpha = self._alpha0
        alpha0 = self._alpha00
        weights = self._weights0
        beta = self._beta0
        stick_beta = self._stick_beta0
        mu = self._mu0
        Sigma = self._Sigma0

        for i in range(-nburn, niter):
            if isinstance(self.verbose, int) and self.verbose and \
                    not isinstance(self.verbose, bool):
                if i % self.verbose == 0:
                    print i
            # update labels
            labels, zhat = self._update_labels(mu, Sigma, weights)

            # Get initial reference if needed
            if i == 0 and ident:
                zref = []
                for ii in xrange(self.ngroups):
                c0 = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ncomp), dtype=np.double)
                for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                    for ii in xrange(self.ngroups):
                        c0[j, :] += np.sum(zref[ii] == j)

            # update mu and sigma
            counts = self._update_mu_Sigma(mu, Sigma, labels, self.alldata)

            # update weights, masks
            stick_weights, weights = self._update_stick_weights(counts, beta, alpha0)
            stick_beta, beta = sampler.sample_beta(
                stick_beta, beta, stick_weights, alpha0,
                alpha, self.AR, self.prop_scale, self.parallel
            # hyper parameters
            alpha = self._update_alpha(stick_beta)
            alpha0 = sampler.sample_alpha0(stick_weights, beta, alpha0,
                                           self.e0, self.f0,
                                           self.prop_scale, self.AR)

            # Relabel
            if i > 0 and ident:
                cost = c0.copy()
                for Z, Zr in zip(zhat, zref):
                    _get_cost(Zr, Z, cost)
                _, iii = np.where(munkres(cost))
                beta = beta[iii]
                weights = weights[:, iii]
                mu = mu[iii]
                Sigma = Sigma[iii]
            # save
            if i >= 0:
                self.beta[i] = beta
                self.weights[i] = weights
                self.alpha[i] = alpha
                self.alpha0[i] = alpha0
      [i] = mu
                self.Sigma[i] = Sigma
            elif (nburn+i+1) % self._tune_interval == 0:
        self.stick_beta = stick_beta.copy()
        if self.gpu:
Example #6
    def sample(self, niter=1000, nburn=0, thin=1, ident=False):
        samples niter + nburn iterations only storing the last niter
        draws thinned as indicated.

        if ident is True the munkres identification algorithm will be
        used matching to the INITIAL VALUES. These should be selected
        with great care. We recommend using the EM algorithm. Also
        .. burning doesn't make much sense in this case.


        # start threads
        if self.parallel:
            for w in self.workers:

        if self.gpu:
            self.gpu_workers = init_GPUWorkers(, self.dev_list)

        alpha = self._alpha0
        weights = self._weights0
        mu = self._mu0
        Sigma = self._Sigma0

        if self.verbose:
            if self.gpu:
                print "starting GPU enabled MCMC"
                print "starting MCMC"

        for i in range(-nburn, niter):

            if i == 0 and ident:
                labels, zref = self._update_labels(mu, Sigma, weights, True)
                c0 = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ncomp), dtype=np.double)
                for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                    c0[j, :] = np.sum(zref == j)
                zhat = zref.copy()

            if isinstance(self.verbose, int) and self.verbose and \
                    not isinstance(self.verbose, bool):
                if i % self.verbose == 0:
                    print i

            labels, zhat = self._update_labels(mu, Sigma, weights, ident)
            mu, Sigma, counts = self._update_mu_Sigma(Sigma, labels)

            stick_weights, weights = self._update_stick_weights(counts, alpha)

            alpha = self._update_alpha(stick_weights)

            ## relabel if needed:
            if i > 0 and ident:
                cost = c0.copy()
                    _get_cost(zref, zhat, cost)  #cython!!
                except IndexError:
                    print 'Something stranged happened ... do zref and zhat look correct?'
                    import pdb
                _, iii = np.where(munkres(cost))
                weights = weights[iii]
                mu = mu[iii]
                Sigma = Sigma[iii]
            if i >= 0:
                self.weights[i] = weights
                self.alpha[i] = alpha
      [i] = mu
                self.Sigma[i] = Sigma

        # clean up threads
        if self.parallel:
            for i in xrange(self.num_cores):
        if self.gpu: